News Events Staff Announcements
May 6 - May 19, 2018
Calendar of Events Birthdays
May 8 May 17 May 7 Clara Taylor
Crawford County Career Texarkana Business May 8 Rodney Chandler
Fair Engagement Summit May 10 David Owens
Crawford County Adult Arkansas Convention Center May 10 Adam White
Education Center 5200 Convention Plaza Drive
605 Alma Boulevard Circle Texarkana, AR 71854 May 11 Wilma White
Van Buren, AR 72956 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. May 13 Larnell Bailey
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. May 13 Keitric Lumpkin
May 14 Denyce Frisco
May 15 May 14 Patricia Shaw
St. Bernards Project May 14 DeCarlia Smith
SEARCH Graduation
505 East Washington Avenue May 17 May 15 Carmenlita Bryant
Jonesboro, AR 72401 Ouachita County Medical May 16 Airie Kazery
4:00 p.m. Center Project Search May 18 Laurie McLendon
Graduation May 18 James Ray
May 16 638 California Avenue SW
CHI St. Vincent Project Camden, AR 71701
SEARCH Graduation 10:00 a.m.
Lake Valley Community
910 Shady Grove Road
Hot Springs, AR 71901
10:00 a.m.
North Little Rock Field Office Visits Agency Partner The
A publication by the
Arkansas Department of
Career Education
Communication Department.
Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
Communications Department
Chip McAfee,
Director of Communications
Dustin Barnes
Susan King
Caty Sample
Ellice Scales
[email protected]
The North Little Rock Field Office had lunch at and toured Flavours in North Little Rock.
Flavours hires individuals with disabilities and provides support services.
Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene
to [email protected].
May 6 - May 19, 2018 Page 2
Welcome: March and April New Hires
Charles Lyford, Airmeika Perry, Jennifer Jones,
General Attorney Quality Assurance Vocational Rehab
Coordinator Evaluator
Stephanie Flohr, Daniel Bingaman, Kelly Hunt Lyon,
ARS/Fayetteville Field Adult Education ARCareerEd
Office Program Advisor Strategic Planning and
Administrative Specialist Development Manager
Shonia Murphy, Barbara Pierce, Ronnie Murray,
Human Resources ARCareerEd ARS/ACTI
Human Resources Senior Auditor Food Preparation
Specialist Specialist
Tina Davis, Darnell Cooper,
ARS/Conway Field ARS/ACTI
Office Security Officer
May 6 - May 19, 2018 Page 3
ACTI Receives Grant for Wellness Program
Goodbye arol S. Farnell, Ph. D.,
Pharmacist, and Priscilla
Larry Ward KWacaster, M.D., General
Patricia Hefley Physician, accepted a $300
Laurie Malott grant last month from the
Valerie Stewart Hot Springs Area Community
Barbara Jordan Foundation, an affiliate of the
Travis Robinson Arkansas Community Foundation,
Brian Harvey to help fund upcoming events
Solona Islam-Lukens for Arkansas Career Training
Institute’s (ACTI) Wellness
Last year, the Medical
Department, led by Farnell and
Naturally Slim Wacaster, launched a wellness
program for students at ACTI.
Pilot Program The goal of the program was
to educate students on healthy
RBenefits is offering life choices and to encourage
covered employees a healthy choices. The medical
Achance to participate staff applied for and received
(at no cost) in a program two grants, managed by the Hot
called Naturally Slim! Springs Rehabilitation Volunteers,
Enrollment is limited to Inc. (HSRVI). A portion of the
employees only. grants was used to purchase
Naturally Slim is an pedometers to encourage goal-
online program that teaches directed walking and graphic
participants how to eat the t-shirts to serve as a reminder to
foods they love and still lose pursue:
weight. Studies show weight A -- active living
loss reduces the chance C – choose color when eating
of developing serious T – take time to live well
conditions, like diabetes and I – interact in a way that supports
heart disease. your purpose.
This inaugural 10-week
On April 17, 2018, The wellness initiative was a success
State and Public School Life with 147 students choosing
and Health Insurance Board to participate in 50 events
approved a pilot program and walking over 1,100 miles.
for Naturally Slim for up to Collaboration with community
1,000 state and 1,000 public resources helped expand the
school employees. scope of the program. The
Enrollment runs Monday, Garland County Cooperative
May 7 - Friday, May 11, Extension Service conducted
and will be on a first healthy cooking classes and led
come first served basis. exercise classes three times a
Employees can find out week. A National Park Service
more information about Volunteer Ranger led weekend
Naturally Slim and enroll in hikes in the beautiful parks
the program by going to surrounding the ACTI campus. ACTI expanded the wellness
ARBenefits. initiative by hosting a flu shot
clinic and health fair and offering
Employees will need another six-week emphasis at the
their ARBenefits member beginning of this year. During this
information on hand when six-week emphasis, 87 students
they enroll. participated in 45 classes and
walked over 1,600 miles.
This grant will help fund
another health fair, a flu
immunization challenge, and an
ACTI Run, Stroll, or Roll 5K event.
May 6 - May 19, 2018 Page 4
Teamwork Yields New Business Relationship
Commissioner President-
by Yvonne Rowland, Elect for CSAVR
Business Engagement
Administrator lan McClain,
Special to The Scene Commissioner for the
AArkansas Rehabilitation
ecently, ARS Planning Services division of
and Development ARCareerEd, was recently
RManager Robert Trevin ͂ o elected to the position of
was having dinner at Bonefish President for the Council
Grill with his wife, Lorie. As Yvonne Rowland, ARS Business of State Administrators of
the couple enjoyed their Engagement Administrator; Joseph Potter, Vocational Rehabilitation
Bonefish Managing Partner (Little Rock);
meal, Trevin ͂ o was greeted and Robin Hunt, ARS District VII Manager. (CSAVR). The Council of State
by ARCareerEd Director Administrators of Vocational
Charisse Childers, Ph.D. “puts people first,” with a Rehabilitation is composed of
Trevin ͂ o introduced Childers diverse and inclusive work the chief administrators of the
to Bonefish Grill Manager environment at its core. public rehabilitation agencies
Joseph Potter. The trio struck “We celebrate the different serving individuals with
physical and mental disabilities
up a conversation, during which qualities, perspectives across the United States.
Potter shared information about and experiences that our “This is a great honor to be
his workforce, including that team members bring to our able to help lead this wonderful
two of his staff members have a organization,” said Potter. organization, whose mission
disability. Bonefish Grill is one of the is to help individuals with
The following day, Childers many Arkansas businesses disabilities to find employment,
sent an email to Rodney actively engaged in the economic self-sufficiency, and
Chandler, ARS Director recruitment and employment independence,” says McClain.
of Business Engagement, of people with disabilities. “I am proud to be able to have
regarding her talk with Across the agency, Business Arkansas at the fore-front
Potter. Chandler, seeing Engagement team members of this important work which
the mutual benefit of a are teaming up with senior ARS empowers Arkansans and
potential employment partner, leadership in adherence with all citizens with disabilities
contacted Potter to uncover WIOA policy and ARS initiatives to be an integral part of the
potential business needs. The to increase collaboration and workforce.”
McClain will serve as
conversation led to a scheduled shared understanding across President-Elect until he takes
meeting between ARS Business the agency. the position of President next
Services and Potter. Chandler Trevin ͂ o and Childers summer.
also contacted ARS Little Rock exemplified that a solid
Field Office District Manager business relationship is not the
Robin Hunt and Business result of one unit or one team
Engagement Administrator member, but the involvement
Yvonne Rowland. The pair of our agency as a whole.
discussed the strategy and Together, ARS can help shift Alan McClain
value of visiting Potter together. the relationship between
When Hunt and Rowland businesses and vocational
met with Potter, they discovered rehabilitation.
a progressive business that
Get Social with Us!
Last Week of April was Administrative Professionals Week
he Little Rock Field
Office showed
Tits administrative
professionals appreciation by @ARCareerEd ARCareerEd
providing them with breakfast
and gift bags filled with their
favorite things.