News Events Staff Announcements
December 2 - December 15, 2018
Calendar of Events Dec. 2 Janie Crafford
Dec. 2 Shannon Davis
Dec. 6 Dec. 14 Dec. 2 Judy Skerbitz
Arkansas Retirement Arkansas Retirement Dec. 3 Tonya Hill
Systems On-Site Visit- Systems On-Site Visit-ACTI Dec. 3 Joetta Phillips
ARCareerEd Room 615C Dec. 4 Susan Gordon
Room 208 105 Reserve St. Dec. 4 Walter Holley
3 Capitol Mall Hot Springs, AR 71901 Dec. 4 Janice Robinson
Little Rock, AR 72201 8:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Dec. 4 William Teague
James Ryan
Dec. 6
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Dec. 8 LaDonna Fusilier
Dec. 8 Danny Lee
Dec. 8 Sharon Scott
Dec. 8 Debra Weatherford
Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 9 Deborah Clevenger
State Rehabilitation Council Christmas @ Work Dec. 9 Cary Crawford
Meeting Celebration Dec. 9 Juanita Grant
Auditorium Auditorium Dec. 10 Stephanie Bennett
Mary Hunt
525 W. Capitol Ave. 525 W. Capitol Ave. Dec. 10 Lorraine Miller
Dec. 10
Little Rock, AR 72201 Little Rock, AR 72201 Dec. 11 Anthony Bryant
9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Dec. 11 Patricia Howard
$14 per person Dec. 12 Christine Bennett
Contact Mary Hunt Dec. 12 Jennifer Ragsdale
Dec. 13 Valencia Butler
Dec. 14 Fred Harris
Dec. 14 Jeff Jackson
Little Rock Field Office Participates in Race for the Cure The
A publication by the
Arkansas Department of
Career Education
Communication Department.
Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
Communications Department
Chip McAfee,
Director of Communications
Susan King
Ellice Scales
Caty Young
[email protected]
Staff from the Little Rock ARS Field Office participated in the Race for the Cure. Stacy
Gravett and Loyda Sandoval handed out ARS Brochures under the Susan G. Komen @ARCareerEd
Pink Tent.
Pictured (l-r): LaQueena Johnson, Counselor; Audrey Veasey, Counselor; Stacy Gravett,
Counselor; and Loyda Sandoval, Administrative Specialist.
Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene
to [email protected].
December 2 - December 15, 2018 Page 2
ARCareerEd Staff Celebrates Thanksgiving
WIOA Business
Engagement Committee
Hosts Business
Services Workshop
he WIOA Business
Engagement Committee
Thosted a Business
Services Workshop to promote
understanding and cross-
training opportunities for state
employees who will interface
with employers.
The event was held at the
main campus of University of
Arkansas-Pulaski Technical
College (UA-PTC) and included
partner state agencies such
as Arkansas Department of
Work Services, Adult Education
and Literacy, and the State
Office of Apprenticeships.
These agencies assembled to
share their area of expertise in
providing employment services
to Arkansans.
Stakeholders presented
on Business Development,
Arkansas Career and Technical
Staff from the ARS Central Office, Little Rock Field Office, and 3 Capitol Mall gathered Institute (ACTI), grants and
to celebrate Thanksgiving with a catered lunch by First Class Catering of Pine Bluff. funds availability, Advanced
Colleagues enjoyed fellowship while they ate baked chicken and brisket. Automation Consulting and
other topics important to
Little Rock Field Office Enjoys increase the knowledge base
of a comprehensive, state-wide
Thanksgiving Meal Together business engagement team. A
common thread throughout the
discussions was the need to
streamline relevant education
to create a talent pipeline of
skilled workers.
The Businesses Services
workshop was one of the first
steps in convening partners
around business engagement
in a unified, intentional way.
Little Rock Field Office staff celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday by sharing a meal
Over 700 Job Seekers Attend Heber Springs Business Expo
taff from the Batesville Field
Office represented Arkansas
SRehabilitation Services
during Heber Springs Community
Center Annual Business Expo.
Over 700 job seekers visited
with the more than 60 businesses
and organizations at the expo.
Robin Tate, Counselor; Denise
Wilson, Business Engagement
Representative; and Judy
McDaniel, Counselor answered
questions from attendees.
December 2 - December 15, 2018 Page 3
ARCareerEd Staff Help Feed Families at Ronald McDonald House
RCareerEd staff spend a
Friday evening cooking
Aand serving a pasta
dinner to the families living at
the Ronald McDonald House.
The Ronald McDonald
House provides a “home
away from home” for children
and their families undergoing
treatment at Arkansas
Children’s Hospital.
ARCareerEd staff started
this volunteer event several
years ago. Throughout the
years, they have witnessed
the Ronald McDonald House
grow from a one-story facility
to a three-story building to Ellice Scales, Commissioner Alan McClain, Lisa Thompson, Dale Turrentine, and
accommodate the needs of Catherine Cato-Smith serve dinner to families at the Ronald McDonald House.
children and their families.
“Thanks to all the volunteers
that helped make our Fall
2018 Ronald McDonald House
Supper a successful event,”
Deputy Commissioner Joe
Baxter said.
Those that contributed
to the event this year were:
Joseph Baxter, Alan McClain,
Dale Turrentine, Ellice Scales,
Catherine Cato-Smith, Lisa
Thompson, Latisha McClendon,
Essie Hardin, Lisa Kelley,
Marianna Pardue, LaTrinda
Woodruff, Karol Farnell, Karlyn
Jay, Lily Kersh, Paula McGill,
LaTrenda Jackson, Maronda Essie Hardin helps with preparing the Deputy Commissioner Joe Baxter
Montgomery-Adams, and meal for the Ronald McDonald House. prepares the toast for dinner for the
Connie Venhaus. families at the Ronald McDonald House.
Ellice Scales, Lisa Thompson, Commissioner Alan McClain, and Catherine Cato-Smith
cook dinner for the Ronald McDonald House.
December 2 - December 15, 2018 Page 4
District I Honors Its Veterans
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ARS Field Services District I (Fayetteville and Harrison) honored the veterans working
in those field offices for Veteran’s Day. They expressed their appreciation with a small
celebration. The veterans honored were Wayland Stumbaugh (Army), Kevin Cook
(Army), Bradley Marsh (Marines), and Paul Shrum (Army).
ARCareerEd in the Community
Fayetteville El Dorado Jonesboro
The ARS Field Services District I
(Fayetteville and Harrison) hosted three
separate Family Nights throughout October
to introduce parents of high school The El Dorado Field Office hosted a Fall
students with disabilities to ARS. Fest on Oct. 25 to invite the community to Kecheta Jacobs-McCoy pictured with
learn more about Arkansas Rehabilitation Scarlet (One of the Red Wolves Mascots),
Services and partnering organizations. attended the opening of the new H.O.W.L
Jonesboro Service Center located at Arkansas State
University. The H.O.W.L Service Center
Hot Springs provides a range of outpatient services to
children, adolescents, and adults in the
Kecheta Jacobs-McCoy and Trina Walls Staff from the Hot Springs Field Office
attended the Community Leader Luncheon donated their time to help distribute food
sponsored by Goodwill. The meeting was through the Community Services Offices
to learn how Goodwill is meeting the needs Commodity Distribution at LakePointe
of Arkansans and area businesses. Church in Hot Springs.