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Published by AR Career Ed, 2017-12-18 15:59:34

The Scene: End of the Year 2017


News Events Staff Announcements

December 17 - December 31, 2017

Calendar of Events Birthdays
Dec. 10 Garland Beggs
Dec. 20 Dec. 25-26 Dec. 10 Stephanie Bennett
AKDC Board Meeting In observation of Christmas Dec. 10 Mary Hunt
Lorraine Miller
Central Office Eve and Christmas Day, all Dec. 10 Patricia Howard
Dec. 11
12:00 p.m. state offices will be closed. Dec. 12 Christine Bennett
Dec. 12 Jennifer Ragsdale
Dec. 13 Valencia Butler
Dec. 14 Jeffrey Jackson
Dec. 17 Cynthia Gleghon
Dec. 18 Kristin Jackson
Dec. 18 Misty Shaw
Jan. 1 Dec. 21 Andrew Aleshire
Dec. 25 Dec. 21 Denise Courtney
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Dec. 21 Conique Howard
Dec. 21 Elizabeth Ricks
Dec. 21 Pamela Rochell
Dec. 22 Chris Bacchus
Dec. 22 Philip Dobbs
Dec. 22 Shannan Faulkner
Dec. 22 Kelley Sharp
Dec. 23 Rachel Howell
Dec. 23 Teresa Milner
Dec. 25 James McCune
Dec. 28 William Craver
Dec. 28 Leifel Jackson
Dec. 28 Sunnie Martin
Dec. 28 Jimmy Smoke
Dec. 29 Niketa Nash
Dec. 30 William Hunter
Dec. 31 Pamela Bonham
Dec. 31 Keondra Hampton

End-of-the-Year Message from the Director The

s we approach the end of 2017,
it is a time to reflect on our
Aaccomplishments and progress Charisse Childers, Ph.D. A publication by the
and set goals for 2018. Many of you Arkansas Department of
will make New Year’s resolutions Career Education
knowing that keeping those all year Communication Department.
long is very hard to do. According to a to the success of our agency. The Director
news source, of the 45% of Americans senior managers and I are charged Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
who make New Year’s resolutions, with guiding our agency and engaging
only 8% see them through. Often you in the process. After the senior Communications Department
this is because our resolutions are manager meetings, held every other Dustin Barnes
more like dreams than goals. They Monday, your senior manager has
are not realistically achievable. been asked to brief you on the most Susan King
Instead, we should set realistic goals recent activity from all divisions Chip McAfee
with periodic checkpoints to gauge in our agency. The Employee Caty Sample
our progress, make adjustments Engagement Team is continuously Ellice Scales
and, most importantly, celebrate our working on employee engagement,
success along the way. We can employee service, skills development,
apply this process to our personal or and communication. Also, we are
professional life. celebrating our successes though The
For our agency, we have established Scene and JobReady publications. @ARCareerEd
a strategic plan to reach our goals A sincere thank you for your
and objectives. This is informed by dedication to the agency and the
your continuous engagement and individuals that you serve. You make a
communication throughout the year. difference in so many lives!
Monitoring our plan and providing Have a wonderful holiday season
input throughout the year with your with your family and friends and I wish
supervisor and your peers is vital you blessings for the new year.


December 17 - December 31, 2017 Page 2

Welcome: November New Hires

Karen Deason Jackalyn Harris
ARS/Fort Smith Field Office ARS/Little Rock Field Office Justin Jones
Administrative Specialist Administrative Specialist ARS/ACTI

Ophelia Lindsey Daniel Muilenburg Scotty Simmons
ARS/Texarkana Field Office ARS/ACTI ARS/ACTI
Counselor Teacher Skilled Tradesman



Melinda Davis Rachel Triplett L
Occupational Therapist Administrative Specialist



Andy Hendricks Veronica Williams E
Finance Human Resources
Fiscal Support Manager VR Placement Specialist


December 17 - December 31, 2017 Page 3

ARS SMT Trains in Extended Meeting

Goodbye RS Senior Management

Team spent Dec. 4-5 in
AHot Springs at ACTI
for an extended meeting and
Tommy Henson training session. In addition to

Melonie Evans team building events, there was
Terrence Morrison training on different software and
processes, workshops on fine-
Bethany Blackburn tuning the ARS Strategic Plan and
Richard Coleman guest speakers and facilitators.
Commissioner Alan McClain
said, “This was a chance for our Members of ARS Senior Management
SMT to spend time together in a Team participate in a team-building
more casual setting while getting exercise.
to know each other better and
Merry working on projects together in a

different way.”

ARCareerEd Celebrates the Holidays

he 590 team celebrated
the holidays with a soup
Tpotluck lunch on Dec. 15.
Staff brought their favorite soup,
chili, dumpling, and dessert recipe
for all to enjoy. The team at the
ARS Central Office celebrated
the holidays with a catfish lunch
Happy catered by Riverside Grocery &
Catering on Dec. 15. The staff
New Year! that purchased a meal ticket were
entered into a drawing for door
prizes. The prizes ranged from
receiving a refund on the price Staff at the ARS Central Office enjoy a
catfish feast to celebrate the holidays.
of a meal ticket to $5 gift cards
to nearby restaurants. The grand
prize was worth $20.


will return

in the

new year.

The 2018 ARCareerEd Staff celebrate the holidays with a soup potluck at 3 Capitol Mall.
have been sent to the
printer and will be Benton Field Office has moved!
available in January.
1115 Ferguson Drive, Benton, AR 72015


December 17 - December 31, 2017 Page 4

Wayland Stumbaugh Retires After 45 Years of Service

ayland Stumbaugh,
Quality Assurance
WCoordinator, retires
from ARS on Dec. 31 after 45
years of service. Stumbaugh’s
co-workers hosted a lunch on
Dec. 7 to celebrate his service.

Wayland Stumbaugh holding a cake with
his face on it at his retirement lunch.

Wayland Stumbaugh, Quality Assurance Coordinator, accepts his certificate for
45 years of service from Robert Trevino, Associate Director, and Alan McClain,

Pat Brown, Wayland Stumbaugh and
Pam Brown celebrate Stumbaugh’s years
of service.

Nolan Hollinshed, Wayland Stumbaugh, Tanya Roe, Wayland Stumbaugh, and Jim Moreland, Wayland Stumbaugh, and
Maronda Montgomery-Adams, and Deon Michael Lloyd celebrate Stumbaugh’s Pam Brown at Stumbaugh’s celebration.
Harris at Stumbaugh’s retirement lunch. retirement.

Please e-mail any submissions for The SCENE to

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