News Events Staff Announcements
September 3-September 16
Calendar of Events Birthdays
Sept. 1 Brianna Davis
Sept. 4 Sept. 12-13 Sept. 3 Chester Leonard
Labor Day 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sept. 4 Jacques White
State Observed Holiday New Guidance Teacher PD Sept. 4 Rocky Mantooth
101 Bulldog Dr. Sept. 4 Edina Kilgore
Plumerville, AR 72127 Sept. 5 Wightman Harris
Sept. 6 Alan Stricklin
Sept. 7 Cody Waits
Sept. 8 Michael McDearmon
Sept. 7-8 Sept. 12 Sept. 8 Dustin Barnes
9 a.m.-4 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Sept. 8 Earl Clevenger
Debra Griffin
Business and Marketing Career Education and Sept. 10 Janey Hunter
Sept. 12
New Teacher PD Workforce Development Sept. 12 Robert Drake
Innovation Hub, Little Rock Board Meeting Sept. 12 Colin Legare
ARS Central Office Sept. 12 Philip Tillman
Sept. 13 Sandon Williams
Sept. 13 Angela Taylor
Sept. 13 Christina Crawford
Sept. 11-13 Sept. 14-15 Sept. 14 Lisa Bass-Earls
Kandis Jones
Sept. 14
9 a.m.-4 p.m. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sept. 15 Billy Robinson
JAG New Specialist Training STEM Professional Sept. 15 Marolyn Cooper
Metropolitan Career and Development Sept. 15 Rachel Tischer
Technical Center, Little Rock Arkansas Tech University Sept. 15 Alyssa Owens-Bangs
Russellville Sept. 15 Lateshia Smith
Sept. 16 James Moreland
Sept. 16 Jane Campbell
Sept. 16 Chip McAfee
Around the Agency The
Williams Elected to National FBLA-PBL Board A publication by the
Arkansas Department of
andon Williams, the Business
and Marketing Technology Career Education
SProgram Coordinator for the Communication Department.
Arkansas Department of Career Director
Education, has been elected to Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
the National Board of Directors
for Future Business Leaders Communications Department
of America-Phi Beta Lambda Dustin Barnes
(FBLA-PBL). As a board member, Susan King
he will represent the Southern students for business and business-
Region, which includes Alabama, related fields to develop vocational Chip McAfee
Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, and career supportive competencies Caty Sample
Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and to promote civic and personal Ellice Scales
North Carolina, South Carolina, responsibilities.
Tennessee, Virginia, and West “I am excited to represent [email protected]
Virginia. not only Arkansas FBLA but the
Williams’ three year term on the Southern Region as a whole,” said
board began in August. Williams. “I am reminded daily of the @ARCareerEd
In this role, Williams will serve benefits of this amazing organization
as a member of the policy making and I cannot wait to begin my term.
body of the organization as outlined My goal is to be a strong advocate
by the Articles of Incorporation of for the Southern Region and help
FBLA-PBL. FBLA-PBL prepares establish Arkansas as a national
secondary and postsecondary leader within the organization.”
September 3-September 16 Page 2
Welcome: March-July New Hires
Christina Clausen Michelle Woods DeMarcus
ARS/Fort Smith PPD&E Rayford
Field Office Admin. Specialist ARS/Fort Smith
Counselor Counselor
Douglas Hunt
ARS/ACTI Landon Jarman
Skilled Trades ARS/ACTI Joyce Silvester
Supervisor Residential Care ARS/ACTI
Technician Security Officer
Becky Mote
Vocational Rehab Tessa Payne
Placement Specialist ARS/ACTI
Food Preparation Charles Howard
Marsha Hays Technician ARS/ACTI
ARS/Sherwood Equipment
Field Office Technician
Counselor Elizabeth Ricks
Rosetta Lusk Cook
ARS/El Dorado
Field Office Christopher Todd
Admin. Specialist Helen Oliver
ARS/Benton Field ARS/ACTI
Robert Drake Office Skilled Tradesman
ARS/ACTI Admin. Specialist
Security Officer Robert Blake Loyda Sandoval
ARS/ACTI ARS/Little Rock
Deon Harris Institutional
ARS/Benton Services Assistant Field Office
Quality Assurance Admin. Specialist
Coordinator Kevin Griffin Valerie Stewart
Robyn Oxford Equipment ARS/West
ARS/ACTI Operator Memphis
Vocational Rehab Alyssa Counselor
Evaluator Owens-Bangs Grace Rodriguez
ARS/ACTI Human Resources
Bianca Institutional Business Opera-
Rachlin-Brock Services Assistant tions Specialist
Benefits Analyst Susan King Kristen Sutterfield
Communications ARS/Conway Field
Eugene Gray Web Coordinator Office
ARS/ACTI Admin. Specialist
Engineer Alan Stricklin
Toni Metcalf Security Officer Sherilyn Silva
Certified Vocational Medical Services
Teacher Trina Walls
Norman Stewart Field Office Dianne Doyle
ARS/ACTI Counselor Adult Education
Equipment Caty Sample Program
Technician Communications Coordinator
Public Information
Jimmy Davis Specialist Brenda Baxter
ARS/Fayetteville Adult Education
Field Office Program Advisor
Counselor Taylor Adams
ARS/Hot Springs
Julia Wood Field Office Mary Beck
ARS/Fayetteville Counselor CTE
Field Office Program Advisor
Cody Waits
Jana Jenkins Office of Skills Jon Lee
Adult Education
Adult Education Development Program Advisor
Program Advisor Deputy Director
September 3-September 16 Page 3
From the Desk of Human Resources…
David Henderson Health Enhancement services offered
Charles McDonald 24/7 Nurse Line
Grady Roper Health Enhancement services with:
Linda Morgan he 24/7 Nurse Line is
Karen Churchwell available around-the-clock,
Edward Morrow T365 days a year. When you
Helen Cobb call, you will speak directly with
Judy Thompson a nurse, who can answer health
Tracy Miller questions or help you decide if you
Tarren Riley need to see a doctor or go to the
Myranda Rowe emergency room.
Meghann L’herault You can also access the Health
Kirk Gassman Information Library, which has Employee Assistance
Stephanie Ford information on more than 1500 Program (EAP)
Nathan Mills topics.
Julie White To reach the 24/7 Nurse Line, call
Aisha Coleman 1-866-458-0408 opt. 1 twice. For our EAP is designed to
Tyler Simpson more information about the 24/7 provide short-term coun-
Demarkeon Arnett Nurse Line, call Yseling services, work-life
Jake Dickson GuidanceResources 24 hours a support, legal and
Kathy Edgerton day at 1-877-247-4621. financial guidance to help you
Tameika McLaughlin Maternity Program and your family handle concerns
Christopher Weaver constructively before they be-
Chad Farrow f you or your dependent is come major issues.
Grace Mosley pregnant, you can take
Johnathon Knouse Iadvantage of one-to-one support Areas of assistance include:
Allen Thomas from a Registered Nurse who will • Confidential, free counseling
Kevin Anthony help you achieve a healthy • Legal assistance and support
Joseph Newton pregnancy. Even if you aren’t a • Financial Information and
Connie Winters first-time mom, your nurse can Resources
Crystal Carodine help you through the changes that
Nicole McKinney come with each unique pregnancy. • Personalized work-life solutions
Sarah Cabello The program is available to you for childcare, elder-care, moving
Cecilia Lock at no cost and you may register up and more!
Nola Newton to 20 weeks gestation. A $250.00
Howard West check will be mailed to you once Call GuidanceResources 24
Leah Gray completion of the program has hours a day: 1-877-247-4621.
Sara Taylor been verified. For more information about EAP
Adrianne Toney To enroll, call 1-866-458-0408 services.
La’Tisha Green opt. 1 then opt. 3. For more
Randy Morris information about the Maternity
Linda Kyees Program, call GuidanceResources
Timm MacDonald 24 hours a day at 1-877-247-4621.
Two Arkansans were featured speakers at Annual Project SEARCH Conference
ermaine Moore, a 2015 UAMS
Project SEARCH gradu-
Jate, and William Stevens, a
2017 UAMS Project SEARCH
graduate, were invited to serve at
featured speakers at 11th Annual
Project SEARCH Conference in
Pennsylvania on July 28, 2017.
Moore and Stevens identified
concerns relating to accessibility
issues concerning wheelchairs,
motorized wheelchairs, caregivers,
gender neutrality, and families with
babies (baby changing stations)
on the UAMS Main Campus. They
submitted the concerns to UAMS From left to right: Sandy Bennett (UAMS employee), Jermaine Moore (2015
leadership to resolve the issues. Project SEARCH graduate), William Stevens (2017 Project SEARCH gradu-
As of today, this project is 90% ate), Shannon Finley (UAMS employee), and Erin Riehle (Co-Founder of Project
September 3-September 16 Page 4
From the Desk of Human Resources…
Open Enrollment for all to not make any changes and Around
employees and Non-Medicare keep their coverage as-is for
Retirees will be October 1 – 2018. the
31, 2017. Non-Medicare retirees can
change their plan level between Agency
he health insurance open Premium, Classic and Basic
enrollment period for during open enrollment.
TArkansas State OSD finds
Employees (ASE) and Also remember…
Public School Employees (PSE) To receive the wellness dis- new Deputy
has been set for the 2018 plan count for the 2018 plan year,
year. Open Enrollment for both active employees and covered Director
ASE and PSE employees and spouses on the ARBenefits plan
non-Medicare retirees will run must complete the following by
October 1-31, 2017. Oct. 31, 2017: ody Waits has
During this time, changes to been appointed
health insurance policies can be 1. Both employee and CDeputy Director
made without a qualifying event; covered spouse must of the Office of Skills
however, documentation is still complete the on-line Health Development. He assumed
required. Assessment at this role in July.
Open enrollment changes in-
clude: 2. Both employee and
• Enrolling onto the plan covered spouse must have a
• Adding/dropping dependent wellness visit conducted by a
coverage physician in an office setting.
• Changing plan levels
• Dropping coverage Feel free to contact the
completely Human Resources office at
501-683-3340 with your
Employees can also choose questions.
Cody Waits
Pine Bluff ARS Field Office celebrates Independence Day with “Fun Day”
Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene to [email protected].