A Publication of the Arkansas Department of Career Education
Joey Travolta's Film Camp
for Students with Disabilities
Our Mission: To prepare a job-ready, career-bound
workforce to meet the needs of Arkansas employers.
On the cover Table of Contents
A group of students at the second
annual Inclusion Film Camp works Around the State
together to create a short film. Check out what the
More information about 4 Arkansas Shines 5 Department of Career
the Inclusion Film Camp on Page 6. at ACTE Regional Education has been up
to around the state.
7 CTSOs Fill Spring THV11 Partner for
Competitions 8
ARCareerEd &
Season with
Student Social
Conferences and
May 2018 Media Contest
A public information publication Top 25 Arkansas AKDC Honors
of the Arkansas Department of 9 GED Earners 10 Donors for
Career Education. Saluted for Initiative, Life-Saving
Director Intellect Deed
Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
Communications Department
Chip McAfee,
Director of Communications Upcoming Events
Dustin Barnes
Susan King
Caty Sample May 17, 2018 May 28, 2018
Ellice Scales Memorial Day
[email protected] Business & Career Fair
Arkansas Convention All state offices will be
Arkansas Department of Center closed.
Career Education 5200 Convention Plaza Dr.
Three Capitol Mall Texarkana, AR 71845
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
501-682-1509 fax May 30, 2018
- June 1, 2018
Arkansas Rehabilitation
Association (ARA)
Hot Springs Convention
Adult Education Center
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services 134 Convention Blvd.
Career & Technical Education Hot Springs, AR 71901
Office of Skills Development
Director’s Update
hank you, fellow teachers and French, Spanish, English/Language
educators, for your dedication Arts, Middle Childhood, and Special
Tto our most valuable resource in Education.
Arkansas – our people. It all began Three months ago, ADE launched Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
in 1953 when Eleanor Roosevelt the Teach Arkansas campaign. The
convinced members of Congress to campaign focuses on recruiting
honor and recognize educators. Then teachers into the teaching profession,
in 1984, the National Parent Teacher supporting existing teachers and
Association designated the entire first encouraging those who have left the
week of May as Teacher Appreciation profession to return. By strengthening Most of these issues are not isolated
Week. partnerships with school districts, and occur in tandem with other issues,
Every story in the JobReady higher education institutions, and requiring a holistic approach by
newsletter features individuals of all education service cooperatives, ADE communities and our state. Teachers
ages that are being led, inspired, and plans to achieve five goals for the are teachers because they want to
supported by a teacher through Adult campaign including increasing the make a difference in the life of an
Education, Career and Technical number of candidates entering the individual but in today’s society that
Education or Rehabilitation Services. teacher preparation programs or re- is not possible without consistent and
It is the teacher that is an advisor, entering the teaching profession to broad support from school boards and
a mentor, a role model, a leader, a decreasing the teacher attrition rate. community leaders through policy and
disciplinarian, a counselor, a manager, To accomplish these inspiring goals, practice.
a protector, a lifelong learner, and in ADE will strengthen relationships with Across the nation, we are placing
most cases, the person who spends stakeholders and provide additional more emphasis on the importance of
the most one-on-one time with a leadership, support, and service to partnerships with our schools and our
learner. educators including regional sessions communities. These partnerships are
As we recognize our teachers for teacher candidates, professional an integral part of Arkansas’s plan
this week and reward them with gifts, growth for teacher leaders, and for ESSA (Every Student Succeeds
celebrations, and special events, let’s reducing the number of professional Act) and WIOA (Workforce Innovation
not forget about the important role of development hours for returning Opportunity Act) that impact the lives
the teacher and what we as Arkansans teachers. of children and adults in Arkansas.
can do in the future to encourage Two weeks ago, four U.S. One partnership, ForwARd Arkansas,
our current and future teachers and Senators introduced a bipartisan bill is taking an active role by convening
support them through policy, practice to address CTE teacher shortage ForwARd Together Conversations
and partnerships. across the country. The bill Creating in Little Rock and in five pilot
According to ADE’s Educator Quality Technical Educators Act will communities (Crossett, Independence
Preparation Provider Report, the create a teacher residency grant County, Lee County, Pea Ridge and
number of students enrolled in program to help address the CTE Springdale) across the state to engage
educator preparation programs has teacher shortage in schools. The grant local educators, business and civic
dramatically decreased from 8,255 program creates partnerships between leaders, policymakers, parents and
in 2008-2009 to 3,659 in 2016-2017. elementary, middle or high schools students in action-oriented, small
Also, the report states that not only and higher education institutions to group discussions about needs in
is there a high teacher attrition rate offer one-year teacher residencies their community, including overarching
among the older teacher population to train prospective educators. The policies needed to support enhanced
(34 percent), the rate is relatively high Creating Quality Technical Educators educational outcomes for all students.
among younger teachers (33 percent). Act takes a proactive approach to I encourage all schools, districts,
The teacher shortage results in a recruit and train high-quality CTE communities, organizations, and
lack of licensed teachers in a variety teachers who will be able to better government agencies to continue your
of subject areas and some geographic prepare students with the skills work beyond this week by building
areas of the state. The 2018-2019 needed to fill in-demand jobs. capacity in your community among
critical academic shortage areas In practice, programs must be families, teachers, administrators, and
are Art, Computer Science, Family provided that support teachers at the other stakeholders through policy,
& Consumer Science, Journalism, local and state levels that address practice, and partnerships.
Library/Media, Mathematics, Music, the societal issues of students and
Physics, Chemistry, Social Studies, teachers, in and out of the classroom.
Around the Agency
JAG Recognizes Graduates at Annual Conference harles Lyford joined the
obs for Arkansas Graduates Arkansas Department
(JAG) hosted its annual Cof Career Education as
JCareer Development Managing Attorney in 2018.
Conference to honor this year’s Previously, Lyford served
graduates. as Assistant Attorney General,
Students attended a banquet working in the Opinions and Civil
Litigation Departments. His legal
where they received their cords career began in private practice
for graduation and listened to a for a Little Rock firm.
number of speakers. Lyford is active in the
The keynote speakers for the JAG graduates receive special cords to community, having served
event were former Razorback wear during graduation at the JAG Career as a member of the Riverfest
and NBA All-Star Sidney Moncrief Development Conference. Committee for several years.
and his wife, Takisha Moncrief. Lyford is a cum laude
Both encouraged students to graduate of the University of
engage in interactive sessions that said. She went on to describe Arkansas School of Law. He
strengthened their soft skills. her experience of being awarded earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree
in English from the University of
JAG graduate Vanessa third place in the JAG National Chicago.
Rogers-Wright also spoke during Leadership Academy Convention
the banquet about the impact and meeting Governor Asa Charles
JAG has had on her. “When you Hutchinson.
are in JAG it may seem like a After the banquet, students Lyford,
class about jobs, but it has a lot attended a job fair and career skills Managing
of opportunities,” Rogers-Wright sessions at the conference. Attorney
Arkansas Shines at ACTE Regional Awards
t the recent Association Sanders, who serves President of
of Career & Technical Arkansas ACTE. “I am very proud of
AEducation (ACTE) Region Arkansas' commitment to career and
IV conference in Albuquerque, technical education. The development
New Mexico, Arkansas Career & of the Legislative Task Force on
Technical Education professionals Workforce Education Excellence
were recognized for their outstanding speaks to Governor Hutchinson's
work. Starlinda Sanders, CTE commitment to career and technical
Director for Bentonville School education. CTE is critical in
District, was awarded the Region IV developing Arkansas' greatest future
Administrator of the Year, Dr. Linda resource--our students!”
Bean of Arkansas Tech University in All three will represent Arkansas
Russellville was awarded the Region and ACTE District IV for the National
IV Postsecondary Educator of the Awards in their respective categories
Year, and Sheri Siler, the Marketing at the ACTE National Conference in
Instructor at Alma High School, was November.
awarded the Region IV Superstar
Award. Dr. Linda Bean (right) of Arkansas Tech
“We could not be more excited University accepts her award for Region IV
and humbled by these awards, said Postsecondary Educator of the Year.
Fort Smith Around the Agency
r. Kelly Hunt Lyon
serves as the
DStrategic Planning and
Development Manager for
the Arkansas Department
of Career Education. She
assumed this role in March
Prior to joining the
agency, Lyon led Webster
University’s two Little Rock
campuses with nine staff and
Batesville The Fort Smith Field Office hosted 35 adjunct faculty members.
The campuses offer seven
a Career Expo at its office on April 5.
Students connected with local businesses classroom-based graduate
and learned about career opportunities. programs. In 2013, she
was one of 15 staff and
faculty selected for Webster
University’s Global Leadership
Little Rock Academy. She completed
the program, including
study abroad at Webster’s
Netherlands campus.
Lyon earned an Ed.D.
in Higher Education
The Batesville Field Office hosted
a Business Expo at the Batesville Administration from the
Community Center and Aquatic Park on University of Arkansas at Little
April 12. The Office connected people in Rock.
the community with local businesses to fill The fifth-generation
the job needs of employers.
Arkansan has served on
numerous boards, including
the Downtown Little Rock
Russellville Partnership, the North Little
Rock Chamber of Commerce,
the Arkansas Institute for
Performance Excellence, and
the EAST Initiative.
ARS leaders and clients participated on
the program at the 6th Annual Day at the
The Russellville and Conway Field Capitol for Individuals with Disabilities.
Offices hosted a luncheon for high school Each year, this event highlights the
seniors. Jennifer Schluterman, Human successes and challenges of Arkansans Kelly Hunt Lyon, Ed.D.,
Resources Representative from Tyson with disabilities. Attendees also learned Strategic Planning and
Chicken (pictured at the podium), spoke to about other organizations that serve as Development Manager
the students about employer expectations. advocates for the disabilities community.
The Sequel: Joey Travolta Returns to Arkansas to Host Inclusion Film Camp
or Sierra Weaver, being in
Bentonville really opened
Fher eyes. The Madison
County native has always
appreciated the arts, but taking
part in a film camp has really
exposed her to a potential career
in that field.
“I’ve always liked filming
and movies. I want to be an
art teacher, so I can go back to
Kingston and spread the arts and
teach students how to draw. I
want to start something big in
Kingston that’s bigger than the A group of students at the second annual Inclusion Film Camp works together to create
town itself,” the Kingston High a short film.
junior said.
Weaver played a lead role a
short film, which she said really in April.
pushed her out of her comfort This camp targets Arkansas
zone. Her camp instructor high school juniors and seniors
encouraged her to go beyond the with disabilities.
norm. “The biggest takeaway
“I wanted to show everyone is feeling like they’re part of
that I’m here for a reason. I something because when you
wanted to show everyone that I make a film together, you become
can do this and how much I really like a family,” Travolta said.
care about this kind of stuff,” she Travolta’s passion for people Joey Travolta (left) gives guidance to a
camper as she captures a scene for her
said. with disabilities started while group's film.
That type of confidence growing up. He said his father
is the reason Joey Travolta always “rooted for the underdog”
crisscrosses the country to put on and encouraged his children script, playing a role, performing
his Inclusion Film Camp, which is to treat everyone with respect. camera work, and other duties.
specifically designed for people Travolta later became a special “It doesn’t matter if you go into
with disabilities to learn about the education teacher. filmmaking or not, these are skills
film industry and to incorporate “I model everything I do that are transferrable,” Travolta
the skills they learned into any after my dad. Everyone was said.
setting. Travolta, a veteran always welcomed at our house. I Cedar Willis, a senior
filmmaker and an older brother developed this whole program on at Arkansas Arts Academy
of Academy Award-winning actor how he treated people,” Travolta in Rogers, said he enjoyed
John Travolta, returned to the said. working on the technical side of
Natural State for the second This year, the fifty camp filmmaking.
consecutive year to put on the participants were divided into “It’s been a fun experience.
camp NorthWest Arkansas three groups, and each group I’ve made some new friends,”
Community College in Bentonville created a short film. The students Willis said.
played a role in developing the
Commissioner President-
CTSOs Fill Spring Season with Conferences and Competitions Elect for CSAVR
undreds of Arkansas students lan McClain,
took a break from classes
Hand attending the various Commissioner for the
CTSO (Career & Technical Student AArkansas Rehabilitation
Organizations) conference, which Services division of
took place in different places across ARCareerEd, was recently
the state. Members and chapter elected to the position of
advisors got the opportunity to hear President for the Council
from knowledgeable speakers, of State Administrators of
network with other members, and
learn from industry leaders. Members A student competes in the Culinary Arts Vocational Rehabilitation
also participated in competitions. Competition, one of the many competitions (CSAVR). The Council of State
Winning on the state level allow them that took place during the SkillsUSA State Administrators of Vocational
to represent their school and the state Conference. Rehabilitation is composed
at the national competitions, which will of the chief administrators
take place in the summer. of the public rehabilitation
agencies serving individuals
with physical and mental
disabilities across the United
“This is a great honor
to be able to help lead this
Students present to the judges during wonderful organization,
the Technology Student Association (TSA) whose mission is to help
Family, Career and Community Leaders State Conference. individuals with disabilities to
of America (FCCLA) Officers wait
backstage before speaking at the FCCLA find employment, economic
State Conference. self-sufficiency, and
independence,” says McClain.
“I am proud to be able to have
Arkansas at the fore-front
of this important work which
empowers Arkansans and
all citizens with disabilities
to be an integral part of the
A student practices a medical procedure workforce.”
during a competition at the HOSA State McClain will serve as
Students work together in a competition Conference.
at the Future Business Leaders of America President-Elect until he takes
(FBLA) State Competition. the position of President next
Alan McClain
Students stand for the National Anthem
Students wait to present at the DECA during the opening ceremony at the FFA
State Conference. State Conference.
ARCareerEd & THV11 Partner for Student Social Media Contest
ocial media is such a
strong presence today
Sfor everything from
entertainment to advertising.
Recently, the Business &
Marketing Office of the Career
& Technical Education division
held a contest for the business
students around the state. The
goal was to create a social media
campaign that would promote
Career & Technical Education
(CTE) during February, which is
CTE Month nation-wide. Teams
then submitted their campaigns,
and the top four teams from
around the state were invited to
Little Rock to present for judges
from THV11 and ARCareerEd.
“The Social Media Campaigns Students in the social media contest pose on the set of the THV11 studio.
created by the Business and
Marketing students truly were the social media challenge
exceptional,” said Sandon presented by CTE this year. I 1st Place – Dardanelle High
Williams, Business & Marketing made it a competition within School: McKenna Adaire,
Program Coordinator for the my two classes, and I was very Breanna Kinder, and Zariya
Arkansas Department of Career impressed with the final results. Teacher: Lauren Taylor
Education. “Not only were the I feel my students covered most
campaigns effective in promoting of the frameworks for my class 2nd Place – Gentry High School:
Career and Technical education and learned not only how to Ashley Guess, Jonathan Brinkley,
around the state, but the students work together but how to run an and Jacob Truman
were also able to apply what they effective social media marketing Teacher: Joni Wilson
learned in their Social Media and campaign,” said Taylor.
Communications and Marketing “This was a great educational 3rd Place – Alma High School:
classes to create comprehensive experience, and it helped me Austin Cluck, Aubrey James,
campaigns.” further my knowledge about Michelle Wells, and Elissa
The First Place Team from social media marketing and Williams
Dardanelle High School consisted career and technical education,” Teacher: Sherry Siler
of three seniors: McKenna said Senior Breanna Kinder.
Adaire, Breanna Kinder, and In addition to presenting to 4th Place – Bergman High
Zariya Williams, along with their the judges, the teams were also School: Lauren Grace, Elias
teacher, Lauren Taylor. given a guided tour of the Capitol Hickman, Shawn Davis, and
“Teaching social media and the THV11 studios. After the Connor Westlake
for the first time has been an tour, THV11 anchor Craig O’Neill Teacher: Tayler Lynch
exciting experience. I was eager presented the teams with their
to get my students started on awards.
Top 25 Arkansas GED Earners Saluted for Initiative, Intellect
ust about every corner of the state
was represented at the Arkansas
JState Capitol at a ceremony
that recognized the Arkansans who
made up the top 25 scorers on the
GED exam in 2017. Arkansas Adult
Education leaders reported that 3,312
Arkansans took the test last year.
Arkansas’s pass rate in 2017
consisted of eighty-seven percent,
making it one of the highest pass rates
in the country. The national pass rate
is seventy-nine percent.
Brenda Baxter, Program Advisor
for Arkansas Adult Education, served
as the keynote speaker. Baxter
earned a GED and went on to college
and obtained multiple degrees.
The honorees received well Timothy Dickard (holding plaque) tied with another test taker for the 25th highest
wishes from Charisse Childers, Ph.D., score. He is pictured with (l-r) Bridget Criner, Associate Director of Arkansas Adult
Education; Trenia Miles, Ed.D., Deputy Director of Arkansas Adult Education; and
Director of the Arkansas Department Charisse Childers, Ph.D., Arkansas Department of Career Education.
of Career Education, and Trenia Miles,
Ed.D., Deputy Director of Arkansas Bentonville. Surom has already begun U.S. Department of State to work at an
Adult Education. Each was presented postsecondary work. At NWACC, embassy in another country.
with a plaque in the shape of the state she is majoring in social sciences. Her advice to those without a
of Arkansas. She plans to transfer to a university GED : “Go for it! The worst thing
The top scorer, Abbey Surom,
took the test at NorthWest Arkansas to major in international relations so you’ll have to do is take it again!”
that she can become employed at the
Community College (NWACC) in
ACTI Featured on National Podcast by Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce Studio
ecently, the Arkansas Career knowing about employer expectations
Training Institute (ACTI) was and the employee responsibilities, as
Rfeatured on a national podcast well as team-building, problem solving,
by Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce and real-world scenarios. In addition
Studio. ACTI Director Jonathan to the important skills that students are
Bibb and student Gwyna Bond were learning, they get real feedback and
featured on Rick Sizemore’s podcast interaction with employers.
to talk about Pre-Apprenticeship “I think one of the most important
Training. Pre-Apprenticeship Training aspects of pre-apprenticeship Gwyna Bond won a Bronze Medal the
gives students the opportunity to take training is having the registered Arkansas HOSA State Competition.
a class to learn valuable employment apprenticeship program sponsors
skills that companies want their providing that training and evaluating with that registered apprenticeship
workers to have. The class at ACTI our students throughout that month- program sponsor that have registered
allows students to go through doing a long process,” said Bibb. “It culminates apprenticeship jobs that are available.
career interest profile, completing and on the final day with our interviews So, our students were interviewing for
submitting employment applications, of different employers that work jobs at the end.”
Arkansas High School
Named in Top 100 List AKDC Honors Donors for Life-Saving Deed
ena High School " f I can help someone as I pass
has been named as along, then my living would not be
Mone of the Top 100 Iin vain," Dr. James Campbell of
Best W!se High Schools Pine Bluff said, quoting a song that
Teaching Personal Finance. he said he uses as his philosophy
This distinction showcases for his practice. Campbell received
excellence in financial the Bob Abbott Award for his
education and motivates contributions to the nephrology
schools to “race to the top” in community.
personal finance instruction. Campbell was recognized
W!SE (Working in Support at the Arkansas Kidney Disease Bob Abbott presents the award named
of Education) is an award- Commission (AKDC) Chain of Life after him to Dr. James Campbell of Pine
winning national educational Award Ceremony. The Bob Abbott Bluff for his contributions to the nephrology
non-profit dedicated to award is named after the founder of community.
improving lives through the event.
programs that develop financial Four kidney donors were also
literacy and readiness for honored at the event for their
college and careers. Mena is life-saving deed: Patricia Prime
the only school in Arkansas to of McCrory, Shannon Warren of
make this prestigious list. Clarksville, Sammy Vankirk of Van
Buren, and Warren Baldwin of
Stacey Southerland, Fayetteville. These donors live their
Career & Technical Education lives with the same philosophy as
Coordinator for the district, is Campbell.
very proud of this achievement. “It is in my makeup to share
"I'm am so excited that what I have been given, what I have
Mena High School has been been blessed with,” said Shannon
named in the top 100 W!se Warren, who donated to her cousin.
schools teaching Financial “You just show love to people. If you Mark Winslow, Chairman of the Arkansas
Literacy,” Southerland said. can help them, then you help them.” Kidney Disease Commission, presents an
“Teresa Torix and her students Sammy Vankirk of Van Buren award to Shannon Warren of Clarksville for
donating a kidney to her cousin.
have the honor of being the donated his kidney to his wife. “I
only school in Arkansas to knew that this was something I
achieve this recognition. We was supposed to do. A kidney is
are very proud of Teresa and an extra part in me; I can live with
Mena High School for their one,” Vankirk said. “It’s not going
leadership in Financial Literacy to change my life in any way but
Education!" can make someone else’s life a life
The Arkansas Kidney Disease
Commission is a program of
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, a
division of the Arkansas Department
of Career Education.
Sammy Vankirk of Van Buren was
awarded by the Arkansas Kidney Disease
Commission (AKDC) for donating a kidney
to his wife, Stephaine Vankirk.
Career Education and Workforce
Development Board
Hugh McDonald, Chairman, Little
Senior Management Team Rock
Gina Radke, Vice Chairman,
Charisse Childers, Ph.D., Director Adam Arroyos, Ph.D., Fayetteville
Don Bellcock, Internal Auditor Jerry Cash, Ed.D., Harrison
Lorna Claudio, Chief Financial Officer D. Alan McClain, Commissioner Scott Copas, Little Rock
Otis Dixon, Chief Information Officer Joseph Baxter, Deputy Commissioner Michael Garner, Hensley
Chip McAfee, Director of Communications Jonathan Bibb, Administrator/Associate Stacy Gunderman, Batesville
Kelly Hunt Lyon, Ed.D., Strategic Planning Commissioner, Arkansas Career Training Troy Keeping, Marion
and Development Manager Institute Steve Percival, Little Rock
DeCarlia Smith, Human Resources Rodney Chandler, Director of Business Jenifer Price, Springdale
Administrator Engagement Jeff Standridge, Ed.D., Conway
Lisa A. Thompson, Personnel Manager Carl Daughtery, Chief of Field Services/ Keith Vire, Ph.D., Fayetteville
Associate Commissioner Burton Weis, Fort Smith
Lynn Franquemont, Director of Ex-Officio Members
Community Service Programs Richard Abernathy, Ed.D.,
Charles Lyford, General Counsel Executive Director, AR Association of
James McCune, Chief Financial Officer Educational Administrators
Judy Smith, Transition Director of Special
Trenia Miles, Ed.D., Deputy Director Projects Daryl Bassett, Director, AR
Bridget Bullard Criner, Associate Director Department of Workforce Services
Robert Treviño, Associate Commissioner Paul Beran, Ph.D., Chancellor, UA
for Program, Planning Development & Fort Smith
Evaluation Johnny Key, Commissioner, AR
Nathan Winter, Associate Commissioner Department of Education
for Access & Accommodations
Maria Markham, Ph.D., Director, AR
Department of Higher Education
Kathi Turner, Deputy Director Mike Preston, Director, AR
Cheryl Wiedmaier, Ph.D., Associate Economic Development Commission
Director Bill Stovall, Executive Director, AR
Sonja Wright-McMurray, Associate Cody Waits, Deputy Director Community Colleges
Director for Special Programs Stephanie Isaacs, Associate Director
ADULT EDUCATION Lonoke Small Business Program
501-683-2341 501-676-4490 501-683-3582
GED ® Monticello Stay At Work/ Return To Work
501-682-1980 870-367-9669 501-683-6052
ARKANSAS REHABILITATION North Little Rock Services for the
SERVICES 501-833-1490 Deaf & Hard of Hearing (SDHH)
Arkansas Career Training Institute Pine Bluff 501-686-2800
501-624-4411 870-534-2404 TAP (Telecommunications Access
Field Services Offices Russellville Program)
Batesville 479-890-5751 800-981-4463
870-793-4153 Searcy Transition Services
Benton 501-268-4542 501-682-5634
Booneville 870-773-2807 501-682-1040
479-675-3835 West Memphis Occupational Programs
Conway 870-735-4725 Agricultural Science and Technology
501-730-9725 Alternative Finance Program 501-682-2561
El Dorado 501-296-1663 Business/Marketing Technology
870-862-5451 Arkansas Governor's Commission on 501-682-1768
Fayetteville People with Disabilities Family & Consumer Sciences Education
479-582-1286 501-682-5317 501-682-1115
Fort Smith Arkansas Kidney Disease Commission Office of School Improvement
479-755-3300 (AKDC) 501-682-1616
Harrison 501-686-2807 Skilled and Technical Sciences
870-741-7153 Assistive Technology at Work (AT@ 501-682-1271
Helena Work) State Approving Agency for Veterans
870-338-2753 501-683-3009 Training and Education
Hot Springs Business Engagement 501-324-9473
501-623-4479 501-296-1659 OFFICE OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT
Jonesboro Increasing Capabilities Access 501-683-1152
870-972-0025 Network (ICAN) Apprenticeship
Little Rock 501-666-8868 501-682-1360
Check out these past issues of JobReady
Last Issue: April 2018 March 2018
February 2018 January 2018
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