News Events Staff Announcements
September 17-September 30
Calendar of Events Birthdays
Sept. 17 Sandra Gonzalez
Sept. 20-21 Sept. 27 Sept. 17 Jimmy Davis
District Managers Meeting 12:00 p.m. Sept. 19 Maria Crone
Arkansas Adult Learning Arkansas Kidney Disease Sept. 19 Doris Turner
Resource Center Commission (AKDC) Sept. 20 Lee Ann Waite
ARS Central Office Sept. 21 Brenda Steward
Sept. 22 Shannon Buckner
Sept. 22 Almeda Redding
Sept. 21 Sept. 27 Sept. 22 Phyllis Smith
10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Sept. 22 Robin Hunt
State Rehabilitation FACS New Teacher Sept. 22 Troy Keeping
Council (SRC) Meeting Professional Development Sept. 23 Daniel Guinn
ARS Central Office Pulaski Tech South Campus Sept. 23 Lisa Kelley
Sept. 24 Loren Cox
Sept. 24 Latisha McClendon
Sept. 25 Nikkita Lambert
Sept. 26 Logan Endicott
Sept. 26 Tiffany Beasley
Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Sept. 27 Mandee Harper
10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Sept. 27 Taylor Adams
Project Search FACS New Teacher Sept. 28 Dennis Auld
Presentation Professional Development Sept. 28 Trisha O’Neal
ARS Central Office Pulaski Tech South Campus Sept. 28 Bertha Alpe
Sept. 30 Ida Creed
ASEA 2017 Outstanding Employee of the Year The
Tauny Chaffin, Administrative
Specialist II for Arkansas
Rehabilitation Services (Little Rock A publication by the
Field Office), was awarded 2017 Arkansas Department of
Outstanding Employee of the Year Career Education
by the Arkansas State Employee Communication Department.
Association (ASEA). Director
Despite being visually and Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
hearing impaired, Chaffin has
increased overall efficiency by 30% Communications Department
and provided exceptional support Dustin Barnes
to managers and co-workers. Susan King
Chaffin has created highly Tauny Chaffin (middle) accepts the award Chip McAfee
effective organization and filing for Arkansas State Employee Association’s Caty Sample
(ASEA) 2017 Outstanding Employee of
systems, including quick and the Year by Danny James (left), ASEA’s Ellice Scales
thorough indexing, that has Executive Director, and Loy Bailey (right),
resulted in easy access to critical ASEA’s Board President. [email protected]
information and streamlined office
“It was an honor to be recognized Chaffin has coordinated events @ARCareerEd
as an outstanding state employee,” and meetings, trained 12 new staff
Chaffin said. “I have to give the members, and provided backup
credit to all supervisors and co- support to other departments,
workers who spent countless hours including helping the district
training me and encouraging me manager.
along the way.”
September 17-September 30 Page 2
ARS employee speaks out against gang violence
From the Desk
of Human Resources…
Company Nurse Injury
Hotline in case of
workplace injury:
Please be mindful of HIPAA
and be empathetic of injury
when providing assistance.
A call to the Company Nurse
Hotline @ 1-855-339-1893
MUST be made to report an ARS Inventory Control Manager Leifel Jackson (second from left) was one of four
injury that requires treatment. panelists for the Victory Over Violence panel discussion on Sept.14 at Philander Smith
College. The other panelists include (from left to right): Sen. Joyce Elliott, Tristan
Simple steps to take: Wilkerson from Philander Smith College, and Police Chief Kenton Buckner. The panel
was moderated by KLRT-TV Anchor Kevin Kelly (far left). This event was part of the
• If it is an EMERGENCY, Huffington Post’s Listen to America Tour. The topic of discussion was “overcoming gangs
in Little Rock.”
Call 911 to seek
treatment first! Call
Company Nurse after RS Inventory Control
treatment to report the Manager Leifel Jackson
injury. A call to Company Awas interviewed by
Nurse MUST be made KARK-TV/ KLRT-TV and the
to report the injury Huffington Post in a series that
that requires medical discusses the violence issues
treatment. taking place in Little Rock. For
several years, Jackson has
• The injured employee used his influence to curb gang
should notify their violence, particularly among
supervisor immediately. Jackson is passionate about steering youth
youth, with the founding of in the right direction by using his influence
• If the workplace injury R.O.C.A.N. (Reaching Our to curb gang violence.
REQUIRES medical Children and Neighborhoods),
treatment, the supervisor an after-school program in whole family pulls the trigger.
and employee should North Little Rock. Jackson is Whenever you shoot and kill,
call the Company Nurse also a member of the “Victory
Injury Hotline @ 1-855- over Violence” campaign, which you shoot and kill their family,”
339-1893 to make the was launched early this year by he said in the interview. To view
report. KARK-TV/ KLRT-TV. the full interview, visit: http://
Jackson is passionate
• If the workplace injury about steering youth in the little-rock-gang-violence_.
DOES NOT REQUIRE To view the full panel
medical treatment, the right direction by constantly discussion, visit: https://
supervisor and employee describing to them how a life of
will only need to violence can ruin lives. ListenToAmerica/.
complete an INCIDENT “Once you pull a trigger, your
REPORT and fax it to
Human Resources at
(501) 296-1672 for the
employee’s file. No call Arkansas Rehabilitation Association elects 2018 leadership
to Company Nurse is arrie Woodall (Benton
required. Field Office) and Ellice
CScales (Communications
Office) have been elected as
President and Vice President,
respectively, for the 2018
Correction Arkansas Rehabilitation
Association. The next ARA Carrie Woodall, Ellice Scales,
The “Fun Day” pictures on President Vice President
page 4 of the last issue of Conference will take place May
The Scene was a celebration 30-June 1, 2018, at Hotel Hot
for the Monticello and Pine Springs. For more information
Bluff Field Offices. on ARA membership, please
contact Ellice.
September 17-September 30 Page 3
Governor Hutchinson’s Biennial Restore Hope Summit
From the Desk
rkansas Rehabilitation of Human Resources…
Services participated in
A this year’s Restore Hope Important dates to remember.
Summit on September 7 and 8.
The Governor’s Biennial Open enrollment dates for
Restore Hope Summit aims at the 2018 plan-year:
engaging business and faith
leaders across Arkansas in ARBenefits Health
caring for kids in the state foster Insurance
care system and individuals October 1-31, 2017
who are re-entering society from
prison. Securian (Minnesota Life) &
The Restore Hope Summit DataPath HSA/FA
offered business owners and October 1-31, 2017
faith leaders the ability to Little Rock Field Counselor Cecilia
Brunson (left) and Little Rock Field Office
expand, refine or partner with Administrative Specialist Loyda Sandoval ARSEBA Voluntary
existing programs in the local (right) represented Arkansas Products
community. Rehabilitation Services at 2017 September 1-October 31,
Restore Hope Summit. 2017
ARS staff attends Annual Training Conference for NAMRC Congratulations!
Caprisha Williams-Delph’s
first granddaughter, Lyric
Joelle-Marie Delaware, was
born August 31 at 5:21 a.m.
She weighed 5 pounds, 14
Front row (left to right): Lakera Davis, President, Nina Webb, Texas Rehabilitation
(Former AAMRC President/Member), Karen Cooney, Yolanda Graves and Robin Hunt. ounces and measured 20
Back row (left to right): Keondra Hampton, Everett Adamson, Juanita Grant, Kimberley inches long.
Holland, Ellice Scales and Valencia Butler. Caprisha Williams-Delph
Not Pictured: Alicia Olson, Jimmy Davis and Anthony Webb. is an Administrative Review
early a dozen staff members Olson (ARPROMISE), Jimmy Davis Analyst for Arkansas
from Arkansas Rehabilitation (ARPROMISE) and Anthony Webb Rehabilitation Services.
NServices attended the 24th (ARPROMISE).
Annual Training Conference for the This year’s theme was
National Association of Multicultural “Contemporary Pioneers: Practicing
Rehabilitation Concerns, which took Excellence in Cultural Inclusion.” The
place in Dallas. Members of the keynote speaker was Meena Dhanjal-
AAMRC chapter who attended the Outlaw, who lives in Texas by way of
conference are the following: Lakera London, England. Dhanjal-Outlaw
Davis, President; Ellice Scales, gave an insightful presentation, which
Immediate Past-President; Yolanda detailed her life story of sustaining a
Graves, Secretary; Robin Hunt, Board back injury that caused her to be shut
Member; Karen Cooney, Valencia out from some in her community due
Butler, Kimberley Holland, Everett to her cultural indifference.
Adamson, Juanita Grant, Alicia
Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene to [email protected].
September 17-September 30 Page 4
Disability Awareness Day 2017
Enjoy a morning of empowerment, advocacy,
and celebration of our different abilities!
Who: Arkansas Disability Coalition
and Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
What: Arkansas Disability Coalition Rally
When: October 3, 2017
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Where: The State Capitol
2 Floor of Rotunda
Signs are welcome! Prizes will be awarded
for Biggest Team and Best Sign.
See the ABLE
Not the LABEL
For booth space, contact Lynne McAllester at
[email protected] or call 501-614-7020.
For more information e-mail [email protected]
or call 501-614-7020.
Arkansas Department of
Career Education
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
Arkansas state employee Benefits Fair
athan Winter, Associate the Benefits Fair, which took
Commissioner place at the State Capitol on
for Access and Sept. 12. Winter and Moreland
NAccommodations, showcased the various tools
and Jim Moreland, Rehab to accommodate people with
Director, provide information to disabilities in their workplace.
Arkansas state employees at