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Published by AR Career Ed, 2018-04-23 16:43:54

The Scene: April 22 - May 5, 2018


News Events Staff Announcements

April 22 - May 5, 2018

Calendar of Events Birthdays

April 22 - 28 April 26 April 22 John McCowan
Administrative Professionals Bradley County Job Fair April 24 Jennifer Carr
Week Immanuel Baptist Church April 24 Lakeisha Lewis
Activity Center April 24 Sonja
April 23 - 25 701 W. Pine Street Wright-McMurray
Arkansas FFA State Warren, AR 71671 April 25 Todd Buttrum
Convention 10:00 a.m. April 26 Anita Weeks
Hot Springs Convention April 27 Richard Anderson
April 26 April 27 Jerry Cash
April 23 - 27 JAG Specialist Career April 27 Teresa Huffstetler
Inclusion Film Camp Development Meeting April 28 Stacy Gravett
NorthWest Arkansas Community UA Little Rock-Ledbetter Hall April 28 Patricia Turner
College 2801 S. University April 28 Winfred
Bentonville, AR Little Rock, AR 72204 Vontungeln
9:00 a.m. April 29 Betty Smith
April 25 April 30 Tracie Schneider
Administrative Professionals May 1 William Stevens
Day May 3 May 1 Julia Wood
ARS Lunch and Learn May 2 Alan Phillips
April 25 Benton Event Center May 2 Donna Ralph
AKDC Meeting 17322 I-30 May 3 Leila Holmes
and Chain of Life Award Benton, AR 72019 May 5 James Bishop
Ceremony 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Central Office
12:00 p.m.

Childers Helps Lead Career & Technical Education Nationwide

harisse Childers, Ph.D.,
Director of the Arkansas A publication by the
CDepartment of Career Arkansas Department of
Education, was recently elected Career Education
At-Large State Representative Communication Department.
to the Board of Directors for Director
Advance CTE. Advance CTE Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
is the longest-standing national Communications Department
non-profit that represents State Chip McAfee,
Directors and state leaders Director of Communications
responsible for secondary, Dustin Barnes
postsecondary and adult Career Susan King
and Technical Education (CTE) Caty Sample
across all 50 states and U.S. states to further develop and Ellice Scales
territories. “On the national implement state’s best practices
level, CTE is at a pivotal point and successes. Being an [email protected]
where interest is high, and advocate for CTE as a path to a
career readiness is critical," successful career requires that @ARCareerEd
said Childers. “We are seeing we share our story with multiple
engagement from the private audiences and multiple platforms
and public sector and, in some and a consistent, evidence-
cases, matched by a financial based message.” Childers has
commitment. As the At-Large served on the board for the
Director, I will work with all past two years as a Regional


April 22- May 5, 2018 Page 2

ARS Employees Host Baby Shower for Colleague
Around RS colleagues showered

Administrative Specialist
the Agency ACarmenlita Bryant with gifts

as she is preparing to welcome
r. Kelly Hunt Lyon a son into the world. Landan is
serves as the expected to make his presence in
DStrategic Planning mid-May. Bryant is grateful for the
gifts and cards that she received
and Development and is looking forward to the birth
Manager for the Arkansas of her son!
Department of Career
Education. She assumed
this role in March 2018.
Prior to joining the
agency, Lyon led Webster
University’s two Little Rock
campuses with nine staff
and 35 adjunct faculty
members. The campuses
offer seven classroom-
based graduate programs.
In 2013, she was one of 15
staff and faculty selected
for Webster University’s
Global Leadership
Academy. She completed
the program, including
study abroad at Webster’s
Netherlands campus.
Lyon earned an Ed.D.
in Higher Education
Administration from the
University of Arkansas at
Little Rock.
The fifth-generation
Arkansan has served
on numerous boards of
directors, including the
Downtown Little Rock
Partnership, the North
Little Rock Chamber of Get social with us!
Commerce, the Arkansas
Institute for Performance
Excellence, and the EAST



Kelly Hunt Lyon, Ed.D.,
Strategic Planning and
Development Manager

Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene to [email protected].


April 22 - May 5, 2018 Page 3

District VI Participates in Quality Assurance Training

ounselors from District
VI participated in training
Cspecific to the RS-16
and income requirements.
The Quality Assurance Team
engaged the counselors in
hands-on training as well as
encouraged questions utilizing
real life scenarios.
“It is important to create
consistency across the state,”
District VI Manager Gaye
Jones-Washington said. “Thank Pictured left to right: Sandra Gonzalez, Counselor; Valencia Butler, Counselor; Abigail
you Quality Assurance Team! Fryar, Counselor; Kimberley Holland, Counselor; Debbie Bryant, Counselor; Airmeika
Learning can be fun!” Perry, Quality Assurance; Sydney Washington, Counselor; Nolan Hollinshed, Quality
Assurance; Maronda Montgomery-Adams, Quality Assurance Coordinator; Tynesha Ivory,
Counselor; and Deon Harris, Quality Assurance.

Little Rock Field Office Hosts Career Fair

he Little Rock Field Office Around
hosted a Career Expo
Ton April 12 at Goodwill the Agency
Industries. Several local
businesses and organizations harles Lyford joined
participated and shared their the Arkansas
vacancies with the dozens of CDepartment of
job seekers that attended. Career Education as

Managing Attorney in 2018.
Previously, Lyford
Batesville Field Office Hosts Career Fair served as Assistant
Attorney General, working
he Batesville Field Office in the Opinions and Civil
hosted a Business Expo at Litigation Departments.
Tthe Batesville Community His legal career began in
Center and Aquatic Park on private practice for a Little
April 12. The Office connected Rock firm.
people in the community with Lyford is active in the
local businesses in an effort to community, having served
fill the job needs of employers. as member of the Riverfest
Committee for several
Lyford is a cum laude
Administrative Professionals Day Facts graduate of the University
of Arkansas School of Law.
U.S. Secretary of Commerce In 1998, Professional He earned a Bachelor of
Charles Sawyer proclaimed Secretaries International Arts Degree in English from
the first observance of changed its name to the University of Chicago.
National Secretaries Week as International Association of
June 1-7, 1952. Wednesday, Administrative Professionals
June 4, 1952, was designated (IAAP). Two years later, the
the first National Secretaries name of the holiday changed
Day. In 1955, the National to Administrative Professionals
Secretaries Association Day/Week to reflect the
changed the dates to the changing job titles and
current celebration during the expanding responsibilities.
last full week of April. Charles Lyford,

Source: Hallmark Managing Attorney


April 22 - May 5, 2018 Page 4

ARS District VIII Hosts Transition Fair at Arkansas 4-H Center

he North Little Rock and
Lonoke field offices joined
Tforces to coordinate a
Transition Fair, which took place
at the C.A. Vines Arkansas 4-H
Center in Little Rock. Students
got the chance to learn about
college and career choices
to pursue after high school

Fort Smith Field Office Hosts Career Fair for Students

he Fort Smith Field Office
hosted a Career Expo
Tat the Fort Smith Field
Office on April 5. Students
connected with local businesses
and learned about career

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