A Publication of the Arkansas Department of Career Education
Arkansas CTE Student Recognized
as U.S. Presidential Scholar
Our Mission: To prepare a job-ready, career-bound
workforce to meet the needs of Arkansas employers.
On the cover Table of Contents
Ashley Turner (fourth from left) is one
of 161 high school seniors to be named a Around the State Around the State
and Marna Farris, Program Coordinator for 4 Education has been up 5 Department of Career
U.S. Presidential Scholar. She is pictured
with (l-r) Kathy Turner, Deputy Director
Check out what the
Check out what the
of Career and Technical Education;
Department of Career
Charisse Childers, Ph.D., Director; Gov.
Asa Hutchinson; Laura Turner, her mother;
to around the state.
Family and Consumer Sciences. to around the state. Education has been up
More information about the U.S.
Presidential Scholar on Page 6. Three Arkansas Project SEARCH
7 JAG Scholarship Graduates Dozens,
Recipients 8
Students Named
Sends Them Off to
June 2018 Bentonville Workforce
Film Camp
A public information publication Engineering Participants
of the Arkansas Department of 9 Students Seek to 10 Compete In
Career Education. Gain Patent for New Samsung
Director Type of Screw Competition
Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
Communications Department
Chip McAfee,
Director of Communications Upcoming Events
Dustin Barnes
Susan King
Caty Sample June 13, 2018 June 21, 2018
Ellice Scales
[email protected] District X (Pine Bluff/ State Rehabilitation
Monticello) Career Fair Council (SRC) Meeting
Arkansas Department of Pine Bluff Convention 525 W. Capitol Ave.
Career Education Center Little Rock, AR 72201
Three Capitol Mall 1 Convention Center Plaza 9:30 a.m.
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Pine Bluff, AR 71601
501-682-1500 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
501-682-1509 fax
ARCareerEd.org June 27, 2018 July 4, 2018
AKDC Board Meeting All state offices are
525 W. Capitol Ave. closed in observance of
Little Rock, AR 72201 Independence Day.
12:00 p.m.
Adult Education
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
Career & Technical Education
Office of Skills Development
Conway CTE Student Takes Top Dog Honor
onway Area Career mustard and came out as the
Center Culinary students top dog.
Cwere recently challenged “I'm so thankful for the
to come up with the official Toad opportunity to be able to create
Suck Daze hot dog. it, and I'm so excited to serve
Petit Jean Meats teamed up it to the public,” Maull said.
with the Conway Area Chamber “Culinary by far is my favorite
of Commerce to help sponsor class. We have a lot of fun and
the Toad Suck Daze "Official a lot of opportunities to express
Petit Jean Meats" Hot Dog our creativity.”
Contest at the Career Center. Maull then had the honor of
The Culinary students were selling her 'Official Toad Suck
charged with coming up the Daze Hot Dog' at the annual
most creative recipes to top a festival in Conway. Sarah Maull (left) is awarded the honor
of this year's Official Toad Suck Daze Hot
classic Petit Jean Hot Dog. Wayne Cox, a spokesperson Dog with her recipe for Toad Mode Hot
Out of all the student entries, for Petit Meats, said, “We were Dog. Hannah Bramlett (right) is a finalist
the judges narrowed it down to blown away by their state of in the contest with her recipe for the Perro
Caliente Colombia.
two finalists: Sarah Maull’s Toad the art facility, as well as the
Mode and Hannah Bramlett’s students’ creativity and culinary
Perro Caliente Colombia knowledge. We are happy to with Petit Jean chili, sautéed
(Colombian Hot Dog). The two see a course that will help train onions, and peppers, shredded
hot dogs were then posted on young people who have a desire Petit Jean smoked cheddar,
the Toad Suck Daze Facebook to work in the food industry.” crumbled pieces of thick-sliced
page, where people voted. Sarah Maull’s winning recipe Petit Jean bacon, and jalapeño
After the voting, it was Maull’s featured a Petit Jean hot dog slices.
Toad Mode Hot Dog that cut the cradled in dill relish and topped
Program Spotlight: Jobs for Arkansas Graduates
obs for Arkansas career focus/major.
Graduates (JAG) provides The course consists of
Jsupport to at-risk youth to Career Development Skills, Job
encourage them to achieve high Attainment Skills, Job Survival
school graduation. Along with Skills, Basic Skills, Leadership
academic support, JAG also and Self-Development Skills, JAG
provides work-based learning Life Survival Skills, and Jobs for
experiences that will lead them Workplace Skills. Arkansas
to further education and training Arkansas's JAG program is Graduates
and rewarding careers. the state affiliate of the national
JAG can be utilized in any organization Jobs for America's
program of study and can count Graduates.
as credit toward a student's
Pine Bluff Benton
The Benton Field Office held a “Lunch &
Juanita Grant (pictured in black and Learn” session at the Benton Event Center.
white jacket), a counselor in the Pine The goal was to enlighten local businesses
Bluff Field Office, helped to secure about all things ARS and to explain the
land for the University of Arkansas at benefits of hiring people with disabilities.
Warren Pine Bluff to place this historic building
plaque. This plaque was unveiled during
the University’s 145th Founders’ Day Jonesboro
Celebration. The institution opened in April
1873 as Branch Normal School. In 1932,
the school’s name changed to Agricultural,
Mechanical, and Normal (AM&N) College.
The school received its current name in
1972 after merging with the University of
Arkansas System.
Kecheta Jacobs-McCoy, Supported
Employment/SDHH, and Phyllis Johnson,
Tonya Hill, Counselor in the Monticello Administrative Specialist, represented
Field, Office; Wanda Thomas, Business the ARS Jonesboro Field Office at the
Engagement Specialist; and Sterling Goodwill Industries and Department of
Hughes, District X Manager, represented Correction Resource and Job Fair.
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services at the
Bradley County Job Fair.
Pine Bluff
West Memphis The ARS Fayetteville Field Office
partnered with Arkansas Support Network
to host a Business Engagement Panel.
The goal of the event was to network with
employers and community resources to
discuss the benefits of hiring people with
Pictured: Top Row (l-r): Marquita Glaney,
Rehabilitation Counselor; Amy Jones,
District I Manager; Bradley Marsh, AT@
Work; and Kelley Troutt, Business Juanita Grant and Quincy Pridgeon,
Engagement Representative. counselors in the Pine Bluff Field Office,
Jacqueline Balti, Business Engagement Bottom Row (l-r): Kasi Miller, Arkansas represented ARS at the Jefferson
Representative; Kimberly Clark, Transition Support Network; Zane Chenault, County Re-Entry Resource Fair, which
Counselor; and Tiffany Beasley, Coun- Arkansas Economic Development connects ex-offenders with resources and
selor; represented ARS at the Arkansas Commission; and Sandy Stout, 10Box/ opportunities in the area. The event took
Workforce Center Job and Career Expo. Harps. place at SEARK College.
Little Rock North Little Rock
The North Little Rock and Lonoke field
offices joined forces to coordinate a
Transition Fair, which took place at the
C.A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center in Little
Little Rock Rock. Students got the chance to learn
about college and career choices to pursue
Niketa Nash, Vocational Rehabilitation after high school graduation.
Counselor for District VII, spoke at
the Promise Central Region Career
Exploration Event. Youth in the Promise
program and their families attended this
event to learn about the different services Hot Springs
available. During Nash’s presentation, she
spoke about ARS Transition Services and
Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
The Little Rock Field Office hosted Beebe
a Career Expo at Goodwill Industries.
Several local businesses and
organizations participated and shared their
vacancies with the dozens of job seekers
that attended.
Little Rock
Nancy Shelton, Administrative Specialist
at Arkansas Career Training Institute
(ACTI), received the Certificate of Hope
and Life award, presented by the Arkansas
Blood Institute.
Shelton has arranged and promoted blood
drives on the campus of ACTI.
Beebe High School students received Since 2003, ACTI has hosted 77 blood
Arkansas Adult Education hosted a Cap ServSafe Certification, a food and drives with the Arkansas Blood Institute.
Toss Ceremony on the steps of the Capitol beverage safety training and credential, Through these drives, they have
for those that have completed an Adult through Family and Consumer Sciences collected 2,000 units of blood and saved
Education Program. classes. approximately 6,000 lives.
Arkansas CTE Student Recognized as U.S. Presidential Scholar
.S. Secretary of
Education Betsy DeVos
Uannounced that Ashley
Turner, a Maumelle High School
student, is one of 161 high
school seniors to be named
a U.S. Presidential Scholar.
This honor recognizes Turner’s
accomplishments in career and
technical education (CTE). The
White House Commission on
Presidential Scholars selects
students every year based on
their academic achievements,
essay submissions, school
evaluations, transcripts, and
community service.
“I feel very blessed and very Ashley Turner (center) is one of 161 high school seniors to be named a U.S.
thankful for the opportunity. I Presidential Scholar. She is pictured with Gov. Asa Hutchinson and her mother, Laura
am just thankful for career and Turner.
technical education here in and Community Leaders of has been a pleasure working
Arkansas, and I’m very honored America (FCCLA). She said with her through her CTE
to represent our state,” Turner being a part of the organization experiences,” Farris said.
said. has developed her into a Turner will be attending
Two other Arkansas high bonafide leader. Regent University, located in
school seniors have been “The organization gets Virginia, to major in Political
named U.S. Presidential students ready not only for their Communication. After
Scholars: Anika Mittal, a roles in the future, but for their graduating college, she plans
student at KIPP Blytheville roles right now as we prepare to be a political consultant for
Collegiate High School, and them to be leaders in their campaigns or enroll into law
Jon Boekhout, a student at communities, in their school, school and work in the criminal
Hot Springs World Class High state, and nation,” Turner said. justice system.
School. Turner is the only one Marna Farris, Arkansas’s One thing about which she
of the three saluted for work in State FCCLA Advisor, is sure: She wants to return to
CTE. nominated Turner for this honor. Arkansas to be the first female
The trio will travel to “Ashley is a shining example governor of Arkansas!
Washington, D.C., in June, will of what Career Technical
meet Secretary DeVos, and will Education (CTE) is all about
receive a Presidential Scholar and will not hesitate to tell
Medallion during a ceremony. you that she would not be the
Turner serves as National person she has become without
Vice President of Public her experiences through Career
Relations for Family, Career, and Technical Education. It
Three Arkansas Students Named JAG Scholarship Recipients
cross the nation, only 20
students were chosen
Ato be recognized as a
prestigious 2018 Smith Scholar.
Of those 20, three of them are
from Arkansas.
JAG (Jobs for Arkansas
Graduates) is an affiliate of
Jobs for America’s Graduates,
a state-based national non-
profit organization dedicated
to preventing dropouts among
young people who have serious
barriers to graduation and/or
The three Arkansans who
achieved this honor are Ashtyn
Gwatney, Cabot High School, Anna Wright, a student at Star City High Ashtyn Gwatney (right), a student at
Anna Wright, Star City High School, is recognized as a prestigious Cabot High School, is recognized as a
prestigious 2018 Smith Scholar. She is
2018 Smith Scholar. Her JAG Specialsit
School, and Adreanna Thomas, Lori White is not pictured. pictured with her JAG Specialist Martha
Joe T. Robinson High School. Marshall.
“Jobs for Arkansas
Graduates is thrilled to have been vetted and recognized as
three of our students chosen for a 2018 Smith Scholar.
this national honor. It reveals There are 115 Jobs
that they wrote an exceptional for Arkansas Graduates
application,” Shannon Buckner, programs across the state,
JAG State Coordinator, said. assisting more than 4,000
“We are grateful to their JAG students to stay in school
Specialist for providing the through graduation, pursue
skills they needed, not only postsecondary education, and
to apply but to succeed in secure quality entry-level jobs
the scholarship process. It is leading to career advancement
quite an honor for the students opportunities.
to be one of the twenty
chosen recipients out of 131
applications received. We wish
them much success in their
educational pursuits.” Adreanna Thomas (third from left),
a student at Robinson High School, is
The students will receive a JAG Jobs for recognized as a prestigious 2018 Smith
$1,000 scholarship and, more Scholar. She is pictured with (l-r): Sonja
importantly, they will be able to Arkansas Wright-McMurray, Associate Director
for Special Projects; Gloria White, JAG
use the designation as having Graduates Specialist; and Shannon Buckner, JAG
Program Coordinator.
Project SEARCH Graduates Dozens, Sends Them Off to Workforce
he month of May proved
to be an exciting time
Tfor dozens of people
with disabilities in Arkansas
who graduated from Project
SEARCH , an internship
program sponsored by Arkansas
Rehabilitation Services to
prepare program participants
for competitive employment.
ACCESS also serves as a
partner in this initiative.
Graduation took place at
the following five sites: UAMS,
Arkansas Children’s Hospital,
St. Bernards Medical Center, Zabrina Weaver, Counselor (far left), and Sheila Johnson, Transition Counselor (fourth
from left), both from the Pine Bluff Field Office, pose with their clients (left to right) Alex
CHI St. Vincent Hot Springs, Ashford, Tamarcus Singleton, and Andre Moore. The trio completed Project SEARCH at
and Ouachita County Medical Arkansas Children’s Hospital.
The ceremony proved to
be emotional for some of the
graduates and their families as
they shared how the program is
the reason the participants now
have jobs. For many of them,
they believed their disability kept Ouachita County Medical Center Project
them from being hired. SEARCH® interns celebrate graduating
“I would like to thank UAMS Meagan Norland (right), a Project from the program.
for letting me be a part of this SEARCH Graduate, speaks during
team,” said Mercades Reed the Project SEARCH Graduation at
the University of Arkansas for Medical
in her prepared speech at the Sciences (UAMS).
UAMS ceremony. “Thank you to
my job coaches.”
Many of the students have
already found jobs and are
looking forward to leading
independent lives. CHI St. Vincent-Hot Springs Project
Project SEARCH began in SEARCH graduates are recognized at a
Arkansas in 2014, and UAMS graduation celebration.
served as the first site in the Katey Ward, Katelyn Vernon, Bradley
state. Since then, program Phillips, Madison Loflin, Rachel Joslin,
leaders have created additional Danielle Hatcher, and Addison Book
sites throughout Arkansas. graduated from the St. Bernards Medical
Center Project SEARCH program in
Bentonville Engineering Students Seek to Gain Patent for New Type of Screw
crews are critical in our society. articles that addresses their proposed
They hold up pictures on walls. project.
SThey keep things together. “They develop a prototype and
Screws can seem unimportant until they actually build that project, do
we really need them. Then we realize testing on that project, and then pitch
they are necessary. the project,” said Kelly Parker, who
At the end of the day, we teaches engineering courses at the
recognize their value. school.
But two Bentonville High School Crow and Taylor found that
students just proved that screws process to be pretty difficult. After their
can be better than they currently original project fell through, they had William Taylor and James Crow seek to
are. James Crow and William Taylor to search for another venture – around gain patent for new type of screw.
wanted to create screws that would the same time their peers had already
not strip. (For the non-handy folks, a begun patent searches and interviews.
stripped screw “is one on which the “About a month in [Crow and all about giving students real world
head is damaged and, thus, difficult or Taylor] wanted to change, which is opportunities to prepare them for what
impossible to turn using conventional huge and talks about their grit because they’ll be doing full time,” Mikita said.
methods.” ) they were starting over,” Parker said. Taylor and Crow are expected to
“We wanted to eliminate the So they started over. contribute $3,000 to fund the patent,
problem entirely,” Crow said. “We did this for about three to four and that will guarantee they will
And after countless hours of weeks and we probably averaged half receive 49 percent of the profit once
research and design testing, the duo a patent a day,” Taylor said. their product hits the market. The two
discovered a remedy for the problem. “It was hard to make sure we are expected to reel in a lucrative profit
It’s a totally different, more precise weren’t copying anyone’s ideas but – enough to not work if they would like.
screw that is shaped in such a way then we found out we weren’t so we “I would definitely use the money
that removes the possibility of stripped could move on,” Crow said. to pay for my college and get that out
screws ever again. And they did move on. They of the way. I’m not really stingy so I’d
Now they are working on a patent developed a prototype – their product be pretty generous,” Crow said.
for the new product that is expected – and the next thing to do was to find Taylor said he, too, would be giver.
to make these teenagers really a company who would back them and “I want to give back to the people
prosperous. financially foot the bill for a patent. who helped us out,” Taylor said.
“Once the screw itself is Crow and Taylor met Larry Robertson For Taylor, the engineering classes
manufactured instead of pressed, it will of AON Invent. Part of the class at Bentonville High have solidified
actually get better results than we have assignment is to seek out a project his desire to pursue a career in the
because it will be more precise,” Crow mentor. industry. He will start college in August
said. “[Larry] said he really likes ours at the University of Arkansas and
Crow and Taylor did not and he gave it a 3-star rating out of will major in computer or electrical
necessarily just sit around to find the 3 and he said he looks forward to it,” engineering.
problems of the world and rested Taylor said. “My uncle and grandfather were
on the mundane screw. They were The teens presented their engineers and they were really cool
prompted to do so in their Engineering prototype and their findings to their people so I want to be an engineer.
Design and Development class at peers and Northwest Arkansas When I came to BHS, I saw their
school. The duo enrolled in the business leaders – another component engineering classes and said I wanted
capstone class, and at the beginning of the class to prepare students for to do that,” Taylor said.
of the school year, they were asked: exhibiting great communications skills. Crow has another year of high
“Don’t you hate it when?” Everyone in Mike Mikita, senior manager of school and is still thinking about his
the class had to think of a problem that merchandising, transformation, and career plans. He’s leaning toward
exists and then figure out a way using technology at Walmart, was invited to entrepreneurship and opening a barber
engineering principles to fix it. the presentation. shop.
Students usually generate “It’s impressive how they’re As he awaits graduation, he will
between 20 and 30 ideas. Each partnering with the community to be perfecting the screw that is poised
idea has to yield at least 12 scholarly give students new opportunities. It’s to make him and Taylor household
Inclusion Film Campers Premiere Films at Bentonville Film Festival
n April, fifty high school Caldwell ARS Transition
students from all over Manager. "For these students
IArkansas took part in Joey to be a part of something
Travolta’s Inclusion Film Camp, so prestigious in the film
designed for students with community is an amazing
disabilities to learn about the opportunity for them to
film industry. This is the second showcase their hard work and
year that Travolta has hosted talent.”
the camp in Arkansas, but In addition to having their
this year the premiere of the film premiere at the Bentonville Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
(ARS) Commissioner Alan McClain,
students’ films was held at the Film Festival, a second red- Joey Travolta, ARS Transition Manager
Bentonville Film Festival. carpet premiere will be held in Maryanne Caldwell, and ARS Chief of
“It was such an honor to the fall. Field Services Carl Daughtery attend the
Bentonville Film Festival Premiere.
be a part of the Bentonville
Film Festival,” said Maryanne
Film Camp Participants Compete in Samsung Competition
n addition to writing and
shooting a film in less than a
Iweek, three participants of Joey
Travolta’s Inclusion Film Camp
pulled double-duty by entering
the Samsung Create Competition,
which was held as part of the
Bentonville Film Festival (BFF).
The competition challenged
high school students to create a
short film that showcases how
the world's future will positively
change as more people embody
the BFF mission which is “If you
can see it, you can be it.”
Arkansas high school seniors
Emily Alfaro, Melissa Jimenez,
and Tayden Larsen were chosen
to take part in the contest which
was evaluated by a panel of
judges including film star Geena Front row: Judges-Actress Geena Davis, Samsung SVP of Product Marketing Alanna
Davis who visited with the Colton and actor Nick Novicki.
students after the competition. Back row: Students - Tayden Larsen, Melissa Jimenez and Emily Alfaro
Career Education and Workforce
Development Board
Hugh McDonald, Chairman, Little
Senior Management Team Rock
Gina Radke, Vice Chairman,
Charisse Childers, Ph.D., Director Adam Arroyos, Ph.D., Fayetteville
Don Bellcock, Internal Auditor Jerry Cash, Ed.D., Harrison
Lorna Claudio, Chief Financial Officer D. Alan McClain, Commissioner Scott Copas, Little Rock
Otis Dixon, Chief Information Officer Joseph Baxter, Deputy Commissioner Michael Garner, Hensley
Chip McAfee, Director of Communications Jonathan Bibb, Administrator/Associate Stacy Gunderman, Batesville
Kelly Hunt Lyon, Ed.D., Strategic Planning Commissioner, Arkansas Career Training Troy Keeping, Marion
and Development Manager Institute Steve Percival, Little Rock
DeCarlia Smith, Human Resources Rodney Chandler, Director of Business Jenifer Price, Springdale
Administrator Engagement Jeff Standridge, Ed.D., Conway
Lisa A. Thompson, Personnel Manager Carl Daughtery, Chief of Field Services/ Keith Vire, Ph.D., Fayetteville
Associate Commissioner Burton Weis, Fort Smith
Lynn Franquemont, Director of Ex-Officio Members
Community Service Programs Richard Abernathy, Ed.D.,
Charles Lyford, General Counsel Executive Director, AR Association of
James McCune, Chief Financial Officer Educational Administrators
Judy Smith, Transition Director of Special
Trenia Miles, Ed.D., Deputy Director Projects Daryl Bassett, Director, AR
Bridget Bullard Criner, Associate Director Department of Workforce Services
Robert Treviño, Associate Commissioner Paul Beran, Ph.D., Chancellor, UA
for Program, Planning Development & Fort Smith
Evaluation Johnny Key, Commissioner, AR
Nathan Winter, Associate Commissioner Department of Education
for Access & Accommodations
Maria Markham, Ph.D., Director, AR
Department of Higher Education
Kathi Turner, Deputy Director Mike Preston, Director, AR
Cheryl Wiedmaier, Ph.D., Associate Economic Development Commission
Director Bill Stovall, Executive Director, AR
Sonja Wright-McMurray, Associate Cody Waits, Deputy Director Community Colleges
Director for Special Programs Stephanie Isaacs, Associate Director
ADULT EDUCATION Lonoke Small Business Program
501-683-2341 501-676-4490 501-683-3582
GED ® Monticello Stay At Work/ Return To Work
501-682-1980 870-367-9669 501-683-6052
ARKANSAS REHABILITATION North Little Rock Services for the
SERVICES 501-833-1490 Deaf & Hard of Hearing (SDHH)
Arkansas Career Training Institute Pine Bluff 501-686-2800
501-624-4411 870-534-2404 TAP (Telecommunications Access
Field Services Offices Russellville Program)
Batesville 479-890-5751 800-981-4463
870-793-4153 Searcy Transition Services
Benton 501-268-4542 501-682-5634
Booneville 870-773-2807 501-682-1040
479-675-3835 West Memphis Occupational Programs
Conway 870-735-4725 Agricultural Science and Technology
501-730-9725 Alternative Finance Program 501-682-2561
El Dorado 501-296-1663 Business/Marketing Technology
870-862-5451 Arkansas Governor's Commission on 501-682-1768
Fayetteville People with Disabilities Family & Consumer Sciences Education
479-582-1286 501-682-5317 501-682-1115
Fort Smith Arkansas Kidney Disease Commission Office of School Improvement
479-755-3300 (AKDC) 501-682-1616
Harrison 501-686-2807 Skilled and Technical Sciences
870-741-7153 Assistive Technology at Work (AT@ 501-682-1271
Helena Work) State Approving Agency for Veterans
870-338-2753 501-683-3009 Training and Education
Hot Springs Business Engagement 501-324-9473
501-623-4479 501-296-1659 OFFICE OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT
Jonesboro Increasing Capabilities Access 501-683-1152
870-972-0025 Network (ICAN) Apprenticeship
Little Rock 501-666-8868 501-682-1360
Check out these past issues of JobReady
Last Issue: May 2018 April 2018
March 2018 February 2018
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