News Events Staff Announcements
August 19 - September 1, 2018
Calendar of Events
Aug. 19 Lily Kersh
Aug. 20 Abigail Fryar
Sept. 1 Sept. 11 Aug. 20 Justin Jones
Labor Day Workforce Development Aug. 21 Charles Lyford
All state offices are closed. Board Meeting Aug. 22 Lynn
Auditorium Vigneault-Franquemont
525 W. Capitol Ave. Aug. 22 Evelyn
Little Rock, AR 72201 Frazier-Rivers
1:30 p.m. Aug. 22 Christy Lamas
Aug. 23 Samantha McCullah
Aug. 24 Perry Bell
Aug. 24 Danelle Duplantis
Aug. 25 Carolyn Jenkins
Aug. 27 Demarcus Rayford
Aug. 30 Sheronda Hall
Aug. 30 Ophelia Lindsey
Aug. 30 Matthew Obrecht
Aug. 31 Debbie Buttrum
Aug. 31 Phyllis Johnson
Aug. 31 Alicia Olson
Sept. 1 Brianna Davis
Farewell, Laura Thomas The
A publication by the
Arkansas Department of
Career Education
Communication Department.
Charisse Childers, Ph.D.
Communications Department
Chip McAfee,
Director of Communications
Dustin Barnes
Susan King
Ellice Scales
Caty Young
[email protected]
The North Little Rock and Lonoke Field Office staff said farewell to North Little Rock
Field Office Administrative Specialist Laura Thomas, who is relocating to another state.
The farewell celebration took place at Johnny Carino’s. Colleagues extended well
wishes. Thomas thanked her co-workers for not only coming but being supportive of her
during her time with the division.
August 19 - September 1, 2018 Page 2
Farewell, Angela Taylor Employee’s
Attends Timmons
Arts Foundation’s
Summer Camp
ARCareerEd staff – past and present – bid farewell to Angela Taylor, Administrative
Specialist for the State Approving Agency for Veterans Training and Education. Taylor
joined the agency in 2014. She is relocating to Texas.
Former ACTI Student and Long-Time
Employee Retires After 35 Years
cKenzye Webster,
erry Bell has been a long- the granddaughter
time fixture at ACTI, first as Mof ARS Executive
Pa student and then as an Assistant Bernice Gunter,
employee. Bell started training attended Timmons Arts
in the Food Service Training Foundation’s “Cultivating
Program in the early 80s when the Arts Youth Summer
ACTI was known as the Hot Camp.” Webster, along
Springs Rehabilitation Center and with the other participants,
was hired as a Food Preparation
Technician in 1982. learned techniques in
Since his hire date, Bell developing in the areas of
has used every day of eligibility creative self-expression,
available as a state employee self-definition, physical
in the same position. In his activity, and positive social
35 years of employment, Bell Perry Bell at work with Jane Campbell, action. In addition, the
ACTI Dietary Director.
has exhibited extraordinary elementary school-aged
attendance and received a students participated
Five-Year Perfect Attendance in visual and vocal art,
Award in 2000. Bell’s exemplary dance, and fashion design.
attendance didn’t stop there. Webster played Queen
Since 2001 he has only missed Aloleon in the camp’s
work a total of 17 days! adaptation of the critically-
Jane Campbell, the current acclaimed movie Coming
Dietary Director, stated, “It has to America. Webster is
been a pleasure to work with a sixth-grade student at
Perry for the past 27 years. He Horace Mann Arts and
touched many lives during his Science Magnet Middle
tenure with ACTI as both students School.
and staff enjoyed his sweet and ACTI Director Jonathan Bibb (left) and
always smiling demeanor. He will ARS Commissioner Alan McClain (right)
celebrate Perry Bell’s (center) retirement
definitely be missed!” and long-time commitment to ARS.
Please e-mail any submissions for The Scene to [email protected].