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Description Pensford represents a most attractive and beautifully situated residential smallholding set within unspoilt and yet accessible rolling Devon countryside.

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Published by , 2016-04-10 02:24:02

Pensford -

Description Pensford represents a most attractive and beautifully situated residential smallholding set within unspoilt and yet accessible rolling Devon countryside.


Nr Chulmleigh, Devon

Pensford An outstanding Residential Smallholding occupying an idyllic and peaceful rural position set in
wonderful large mature gardens with a range of adaptable outbuildings, productive pasture land, mixed
Hollocombe, Chulmleigh, Devon EX18 7QH deciduous woodland, streams and ponds, the whole extending to about 12 Acres

Chulmleigh 4 miles; South Molton 12 miles; Crediton 16 miles; Guide Price £625,000
Barnstaple 18 miles; Exeter 24 miles

Description the useful range of outbuildings provide excellent vehicle/ local community which has managed to retain a good range of
equipment parking, workshop and storage facilities, with potential local services including highly regarded primary and secondary
Pensford represents a most attractive and beautifully situated for conversion to other ancillary uses, subject to obtaining any schools, a sports centre, post office, various shops, a health
residential smallholding set within unspoilt and yet accessible appropriate planning consent. centre, dentist, public houses, restaurants and a historic town
rolling Devon countryside. The property is centred upon a hall. Nearby Winkleigh also provides a primary school, parish
substantial detached house which, whilst not listed, is believed to The adjoining productive pasture land is in excellent heart, church, doctors surgery and selection of local shops.
date in part from the 1700’s, epitomised by the lovely early divided into a number of convenient paddocks and enjoying Despite its rural position the property still enjoys easy access to
inglenook style fireplace in the sitting room. In recent years the superb countryside views, affording considerable agricultural, the surrounding districts and main routes of communication with
house has been the subject of a sympathetic enlargement and equestrian and amenity appeal. A large lily pond overlooked by a the A377 providing an easy link to the larger towns of South
refurbishment programme resulting in an excellent family home pretty summer house is situated at the top of the land, providing a Molton, Barnstaple Crediton and Exeter, all providing an
offering spacious and well-appointed five bedroomed wonderful relaxing area to escape from it all. Pensford extends in extensive range of commercial, educational and recreational
accommodation. total to about 11.96 Acres (4.84 Ha). facilities.

The property enjoys a peaceful setting accessed from a very quiet Situation From Tiverton the A361 provides quick and easy access to the
country lane and surrounded by wonderful large mature gardens M5 motorway (Junction 27). There are nearby rail stations on the
and grounds containing a wide variety of both ornamental and The property occupies a superb rural position nestled in the Barnstaple to Exeter (Tarka) line at Eggesford and Kings
native tree and shrub species, as well as a heated swimming peaceful and predominantly wooded valley of the Hollocombe Nympton. Main line rail services are available at Exeter and
pool, two wildlife ponds and frontage to the beautiful meandering Water, a small tributary which flows eastwards into the Tiverton Parkway, with international airports at Exeter and Bristol.
Hollocombe Water. The gardens enjoy a superb backdrop of picturesque valley of the River Taw. Lying between Exmoor and
mixed deciduous woodland, affording excellent privacy and Dartmoor, in the heart of Devon, the property is surrounded by To the north east and south respectively the Exmoor and
seclusion whilst providing charming woodland walks with a gently undulating and unspoilt countryside, affording an Dartmoor National Parks offer beautiful moorland scenery with
diverse array of wildlife, flora and fauna. agricultural landscape of mainly pasture and arable land many foot and bridle paths, whilst to the north west are the
interspersed with an abundance of pretty wooded valleys. popular sandy beaches of Instow, Saunton Sands, Croyde Bay,
Partly based upon the stone wall remains of an earlier dwelling, Putsborough and Woolacombe. The surrounding countryside
The small town of Chulmleigh provides a thriving and very active

provides a wealth of recreational activities single drainer sink with mixer tap. Gas-fired four
including walking, horse riding, cycling, fishing oven Aga stove with two hot plates and further
on the rivers Taw and Mole, hunting, shooting warming plate, with two stainless steel extractor
and golf courses at High Bullen and Libbaton. hoods over. Space and plumbing for
dishwasher and space for an upright fridge. Part
Accommodation tiled walls, ceiling down lighters, part exposed
stone wall and part glazed stable door to
The well-appointed accommodation, which outside.
benefits from gas fired central heating and
double glazing, is conveniently arranged over Utility Room containing a base cupboard unit
two floors as follows:- with an inset single drainer stainless steel sink
with mixer tap. Further matching base cupboard
For approximate room measurements please unit and fitted upright shelved cupboard. Coat
refer to the attached floor plan. hanging cupboard with double doors, part glazed
stable door to outside front and wall mounted
Ground Floor controls for the solar panel system.

From the parking area a raised and paved patio First Floor
area has steps leading up to a part glazed side
door. Landing with a timber boarded floor, enclosed
shelved store cupboard and access hatch to roof
Entrance Hall with a Utility Cupboard space.
containing plumbing for a washing machine with
a shelf over and vent for tumble dryer. Bedroom 1 a lovely large light and airy double
aspect bedroom with a timber boarded floor, part
Inner Hall with a timber boarded floor, stairs exposed stone wall and corner fitted wardrobe
rising to first floor and under stairs cupboard. cupboard. This room enjoys lovely views over
Shelved recess with cupboard under and further the surrounding gardens and woodland areas.
built-in upright corner cupboard.
En-Suite Bathroom with fully tiled walls
Cloakroom containing a close coupled WC, a containing a white suite comprising a panelled
corner wash hand basin with mixer tap and tiled bath in tiled surround with mixer tap and shower
splash back, and extractor fan. attachment, large tiled shower cubicle, pedestal
wash hand basin and close coupled WC. Wall
Dining Room a lovely double aspect room with mounted heated towel rail, upright shelved
a timber boarded floor, double glazed patio cupboard with double doors and a further upright
doors out to the front elevation, ceiling down cupboard containing the hot water cylinder with
lighters and fitted shelving. immersion heater and slatted shelving. Timber
boarded floor, shaver socket, ceiling down
Sitting Room a large character reception room lighters and extractor fan.
containing an inglenook style stone fireplace
inset with a wood burning stove on a raised Walk-in Dressing Room/Store Cupboard with
flagstone hearth with a beam over and original fitted shelving, hanging rails and timber boarded
bread oven. Bench seat to one side of fireplace floor, potentially providing space for a computer/
with window to kitchen. Double glazed patio desk area.
doors leading out to the front, two window seats,
timber boarded floor and ceiling down lighters. Bedroom 2 another good sized double
bedroom with a window seat enjoying views over
Kitchen/Breakfast Room enjoying a triple the gardens to the front.
aspect and containing an extensive range of
contemporary base cupboard and drawer units En-Suite Shower Room containing a tiled
with timber effect work surfaces over and further shower cubicle, a wall mounted wash hand
peninsula unit dividing the kitchen and breakfast basin with tiled splash back and close coupled
areas. Matching wall and upright shelved
cupboards and inset 1½ bowl stainless steel

Pensford WC. Ceiling down lighters over shower with extractor fan facility.

IMPORTANT NOTICE Bedroom 3 another double room with views over the gardens and pool.
For clarification we wish to inform any prospective purchasers that we have prepared these sales particulars as a general
guide. They must not be relied upon as statements of fact. We have not carried out a detailed survey, nor tested the services, Bedroom 4 a double aspect room with views over the gardens, parking area and the wooded
heating systems, appliances and specific fittings. Room sizes should not be relied upon for carpets and furnishings. If there are valley beyond.
points which are of particular importance to you please contact the office prior to viewing the property.
Bedroom 5 also enjoying views over the front gardens.

Family Bathroom a well-appointed bathroom containing a panelled bath in a travertine tiled
surround with mixer tap. Large walk-in shower, part travertine tiled, with a fixed monsoon shower
head, separate shower attachment, ceiling down lighter and extractor fan over. Pedestal wash
hand basin with mixer tap, close coupled WC, shaver socket, heated towel rail and ceiling down


Pensford is approached through a private double gated entrance into a gravelled Car Parking/
Turning Area situated adjacent to the house. The double doors from the dining and sitting
rooms open onto a delightful paved Patio with a small raised ornamental fish pond and steps
leading up to separate parts of the main gardens.

The house is set in superb mature gardens incorporating extensive lawned areas edged and
interspersed with a wide variety of deciduous and conifer species, together with many flowering
shrubs and ornamental trees. Included within the main garden is a Swimming Pool, approx. 28'
x 15' (approx. 8.53m x 4.57m), set in raised timber decking with a timber and felt roofed Pool
House containing the pool heating and filtration equipment. From the car parking area a track
continues past a further lawned garden containing a Greenhouse, Poly Tunnel and static
caravan used for storage purposes. To the lower side of the outbuildings is a further grassed
area enjoying frontage to the pretty Hollocombe Water stream.

The Outbuildings

A separate gated entrance from the road provides access to an extensive range of outbuildings
comprising a substantial barn of part stone, block and timber construction with a corrugated roof
and cladding, currently used as a Workshop/Store Shed, approx. 45' x 23'6" (13.7m x 7.2m),
with steps up to a mezzanine level. Adjoining to the rear of this building is a lean-to Car Port,
approx. 47' x 9'6" (14.3m x 2.9m), with a separate gated access from the road. Also adjoining
the barn is an open fronted Tractor Shed, 23' x 12'6" (7m x 3.8m), a Garage/Log Store, 23' x
14'6" (7m x 4.4m), and a further open fronted Three Bay Range, 46'6" x 21' (14.2m x 6.4m),
currently used for vehicle and general storage purposes. The track serving the farm buildings
continues to link back to the main car parking area.

The Land

The gardens are fringed by beautiful unspoilt woodland consisting mainly deciduous species
such as oak, ash, beech, hazel and holly, with a variety of wild spring flowers on the woodland
floor, including snowdrops, primroses, daffodils and bluebells. The woodland affords tremendous
wildlife, conservation and amenity appeal, exhibiting an abundance of flora and fauna, including
deer, badger, fox, birds and insect species, with tracks and pathways providing charming walks.
Two natural streams run down through the woodland, one feeding into two ponds situated on the
edge of the gardens.

The main track through the woods leads up into a sheltered gently sloping traditional pasture
meadow surrounded on three sides by woodland. At the top of this field is a private and

‘the unique nature of Pensford
represents far more than just a
property purchase…… is a

potential lifestyle change’

secluded area containing a beautiful Wildlife Pond fringed by The vendor’s estimate this system provides circa 50% of the annual Exeter. After approximately 2 miles turn right at Leigh Cross
native and ornamental shrubs and trees and stocked with Rudd electricity consumption of the property and in 2014 received approx. signed for Ashreigney. Continue along this road, over the river
and other coarse fish species. Overlooking the pond is a pretty £1,350 in FIT payments. There are also two solar thermal panels bridge and at the T-junction turn left. Follow this road for about
timber and glazed Summer House, 7'6" x 7'6" (2.3m x 2.3m). installed on the roof which provide the majority of the hot water to the 1.7 miles and at the Stable Green crossroads turn right signed for
master bedroom en-suite shower. Ashreigney. Continue down the hill for about 0.4 miles
A gated access at the far end of the pond leads into a small whereupon the entrance to the property will be found on the left
recently established copse and hence into two further sloping Planning consent has been granted (October 2013) for a 47kw solar hand side.
pasture fields enjoying road frontage and access. Superb views array on the land which may be of interest to prospective purchasers .
may be enjoyed from the land over the surrounding wooded Viewing
valleys and open countryside. Outgoings
Strictly by appointment with the Sole Agents Greenslade Taylor
In total Pensford extends to about 11.96 Acres. Local Council Tax Band D, together with usual service and Hunt, 23 Broad Street, South Molton, Devon, EX36 3AQ. Tel:
environmental charges. 01769 574500 Ref: STM150064.
Services Email: [email protected]
Mains water, gas and electricity. Drainage to a private system.
Telephone and broadband at present connected. From South Molton head south easterly out of the town on the
B3226 signed Crediton. Follow this road for about 9 miles and at
There is a 3kw solar array on the roof of the house, installed in the junction with the A377 at Fortescue Cross, turn left towards
November 2010, with the benefit of a 25 year index linked contract.

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