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The social Studies Ancient civilization Notebook.

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Published by Varnith Mallampati, 2019-05-07 15:01:32

Ancient Civilizations Varnith (1)

The social Studies Ancient civilization Notebook.

A Look at the
Mississippian, Maya,

Aztec and Inca


Multiple-tier timelines use two or more rows of events.
While each row represents a different subject, the time
period is the same.

Multiple-tier timelines can be used to help us look at
cause and effect relationships or patterns and themes
among events in a specific period of time.

We will be using a multi-tier timeline to show the rise
and fall of four early civilizations in the Americas: The
Mississippian, Inca, Maya, and Aztec and look for
RELATIONSHIPS between the dates.


Every thing that you explain could be a story, but this one
goes all the way fro generations and generations. The Story will
now comes HERE… This story will go on maybe even decades
and centuries and many, many long years. But let us begin at
once. The story started when native americans started coming
into this land or what is now the united states. When they came
here they started setteling quickly, and already started making
small governments and tribes. They was one tribe called the
mississipians, they built mounds, and were soon nicknamed
‘’The Mound Builders. They built mounds and named them all
different names. One of them was the great serpent mound.
There were also leaders in each tribe like a president and a
government. They were believed to have super natural powers
and that once they die they become one of the gods. Cheifdoms
were the populations groups. They were split between elites
and commoners. The leaders that are not that powerful were
still put in the elites group. The leader of the chiefdom was the
most powerful, they were called Cahokia. The elites usually
informed the leader if anything goes wrong. For example maybe
food short shortages, another tribe is coming, or just how the
tribes health and energy is moving. The commoners however
hunted for food adn traded with other tributes to keep the rest
of the tribe alive. Thank you, for tuning in on the MIssissippian
Culture. This story has been passed down to me and now it
comes down to you. What will you, tell NEXT?.....

We think is a type of egg or animal.

Read the Khan Academy article posted in your
Schoology course: Fort Ancient Culture: Great
Serpent Mound. After you read, complete the
page below with your team.

Danielle Knight GO Interactive, 2015

Explore the Mississippian links in the Symbaloo posted in your
Schoology course as well as in the books and other resources available
in class to complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

The Maya

The Mayans were pretty interesting because they were a unique
tribe. They had there own numbers and letter system, they also
have there own well wondering monument. There monument
was called the chichen Itza. (Ch-I-Ch-En-it-za) This is one of the
world wonders. Because it turns that they used it for a calendar.
They also used it for keeping people save like a war bunker. The
way they used it for calendars is that when ever the sun comes
up, the snake imprinted on the ground will rise in the night
stars, and make its mark in the sky telling them when 1-4 years
has passed. They used the number and word system to
communicate with each other like a different language in there
own religion. But it could be used for many different purposes.
But the most common was just for numbers and writing. But
also to leave there mark in indian and mankind history. They
used dots and lines as numbers and the higher the number the
more lines and dots. Also there religion was pretty interesting
too. They had KIngs and Nobles as the highest part of there
society. Next were preists,military, and commoners.


Where in the World…
Were the Maya Located?

What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Maya Empire?

90 degress west and 15 degrees

north and Northwest of the tip of MEHIHO

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and

The climate would be very hot and ti would
not be cold in the winter because it is only
15 degrees North of th equator.

How would this affect the way people live in
this area?

The people in the is are would have to
wear thin clothing n order not to get to hot
an sweat :alot in the summer. Also they
would have to have pretty thick clothing and
Jackets for the winter.

Map from

The Mayan Government/
Social Structure

The Mayan people believed that
there king had to power to rule like
a god,and a god like a powerful

Nobles: Nobles are the 3rd strongest
power. They can serve as a judge. But

so can also Kings which are the
stongest power. The mayan nobles

were also called Almehenob.

Preist were also powerful parts of the government
kings were also could be known as preist. Also the

Mayna pople believed that they could talk to teh


The Military leaders were called quiche, if the chief died they would
reatreat and not battle in the following day. Men also had to serve as

warriors when the king commanded them.


Commmoners were not allowed to wear clothing because of the nobles. They were also not
allowed to talk directly to the king. They would have to pay taxes to the kings and Nobles to help


Overview of Mayan government: The Mayan government was actually better than other
usaul Native American cultures. The Mayan civ was very complex and they had very good
rules and believed in many religions. The kings were know to be gods and were allowed to act
like one. But people still respect them today.

Mayan Religion Mural

We chose to draw the four gods of the mayan
religion. We chose this because we thought that it
is very important part of their religion. Each of us
used the description of the god we chose and
drew an image of the characteristics of the GOD.

Mayan Language and
Number Systems

Explore the Mayan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create, The Mayans had a caste
or trade that allowed them to system.The upper caste was
exchange ideas or values with composed of rulers, nobles and
others they had relationships priests. The middle caste were
with? businessmen, merchants and
soldiers. The lower caste was
What was the agriculture like? made up of farmers and slaves.
What food did they eat? How (see more about social standings

did they grow it? What in slide 15)
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Maya
Concept Map

The Aztec

At the end of this unit,
you will insert at least
three images on this page
that you feel represent
the Aztec people. Delete
this text box when this is

At the end of this unit, you will write a
well-developed paragraph in this space explaining
what you learned about the Aztec people. You
might want to include who the Aztec people were,
what they valued, how their society was set up, the
relationship generalizations you uncovered while
learning about the people, etc. *Note: Your pictures
on page 4 should relate to this paragraph!

Where in the World…
Were the Aztec Located?

Map from What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Aztec
121 degrees west and 20 degrees
South of U.S.A
East of the pacific and west of the
antlantiv ocean.

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and

It will be pretty hot because this is in
MEHIHO so it will be pretty warm
there from what I know. Its also on
the western side of the world.

How would this affect the way people
live in this area?
This will probaly affect them because
they have to wear thin clothes in the

The Aztec Government/
Social Structure

Huey Tlatcani

The Aztec emperor did not
interfere with the ruling of
city states. The emperors
were the promary ruler.
When the emperor died the
next emperor was chosen
by a gruop of high



The rulers of the other city-states. These peeps
were very wealthy. They all hadpower if the
payed their tribute.


Only the nobles class were aloud to wear
clothes jewlery such as feathers and gold. So

the king was chosen by the pipi. And they
also had some power over the military.

They were the common people of the Aztec empire. They were farmers, craftsmen, and warriors

Overtime this class has come farly ranked.

The children of slaves were not slaves. People also selled themslves into slavery for paying a
crime or a debt.

Aztec Sun Stone

This depicts the gods of the aztec culture. The lighter side is for the
sun god, and the left side is water so for the rain god. And the
middle which is black was to the dark, sky and storm god.

Explore the Aztec links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Aztec
Concept Map

The Inca

At the end of this unit,
you will insert at least
three images on this page
that you feel represent
the Incan people. Delete
this text box when this is

At the end of this unit, you will write a
well-developed paragraph in this space explaining
what you learned about the Incan people. You
might want to include who the Incan people were,
what they valued, how their society was set up, the
relationship generalizations you uncovered while
learning about the people, etc. *Note: Your pictures
on page 4 should relate to this paragraph!

Where in the World…
Were the Inca Located?

Map from What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Inca
74 degrees west
16 degrees south
West part of south america

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and
The summer is warm and very cold
winters and rain forest part in this are
of south america.

How would this affect the way people
live in this area?

They would have to wear thinner
clothing than during the winter in teh
summmer. So they would have to do
the opposite in winter.

The Inca Government/
Social Structure

Inca Social Structure

Noble Classes

The emperor or king was called the Sapa Inca. He was at the top of the Inca
social class and was considered a god in many ways. Also included in the Noble
Class is the priest, Royal family(heirs to the throne and queen), people who first
established the city of Cuzco, and finally people called Inca-by-privilege, these
people were not the original Inca to rule, but the government needed more
people in the government so they created this class.

Public Administrator

These people ran the government in the low level. Curacas were the leaders of the tribes
that Inca conquered. These people would be moved if not loyal.They were also very
important tax collectors.


Usually were farmers. They grew crops for the tribe and they also grew it for trading with
other tribes. Also the commoners which can also be called Curcas. They were the leader of

the tribe. They had to also pay taxes to the government.


The basic unit of Inca society was the ayllu. The ayllu was a number of families that worked together almost like one large
family. Everyone in the empire was part of an ayllu.

Inca Religion,
Science, Roads,


Replace this slide with the
template you chose or created.

Explore the Incan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Inca
Concept Map

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