Lead generation for the direct selling industry
We all know how to generate leads - but how
can you filter them to improve the quality?
Leads have been collected in so many ways, from The system of collecting quality data needed to get
physical adverts being placed in local press smarter and whilst some turned to leads generated
publications, newsagents windows to social media via social media it remained difficult to create the
and digital marketing. demand in terms cost, quantity and quality.
With perhaps the exception of social media other As more companies enter the direct selling industry
traditional methods were either too expensive, the demand for leads has grown exponentially and
difficult to manage or lacked the quality sought. whilst some of this growth has undoubtedly been
met by social media there remains more than a
Generating quality leads either costs money or healthy appetite for more leads with an emphasis
time. You can generate a fantastic lead by sitting on quality.
on social media for hours chatting to people and
presenting your opportunity, but for those of us
who value our time, and want a business that is
scalable, then this is not the best solution.
Our Data and GDPR
We offer a qualified lead generation solution
enabling marketers access to captured GDPR
compliant, permission-based prospect data.
There are several ways we can capture and deliver prospects:
Drive Traffic to a dedicated landing page.
Incentivised co-registration data, co-sponsored
questions qualifying prospects.
Non-incentivised leads captured via co-registration
surveys and telesurveys.
Traffic sources, strong on social media, with huge
volumes of followers on their social pages.
Bloggers, contextual/editorial biased sites and social media specialists
who specialise in helping us use social media tools, sites and applications
to connect with prospects.
Qualifying prospects is not an exact science.
All our prospects must agree on a minimum of two
questions on the question block to qualify, with all
our prospect data routes designed to generate qualified
leads that respond to a clearly displayed ‘call to action’
encouraging them to leave their information and, by
doing so agree to hearing more about the proposal
on offer.
The data fields we collect include:
l Gender
l First and surname
l DOB (or confirm they are +18)
l Address
l Email
l Mobile number
Rates depend on the number of filters selected, no
filters are the most competitive. You can then filter
by gender, postcode or both, with two filters
selected, costing the most.
Our Services
We currently offer two styles of leads, Solus and Lead Share.
Solus Leads comprise of data collected from brand Lead Share is data that has been driven to our
specific marketing, these are generated via various landing pages via online marketing styles mentioned
digital platforms mentioned earlier, and can be earlier, where they are able to select Direct Selling
delivered either by our online Dashboard or in bulk opportunities which are based on the network
via CSV password protected files for onward demand for that day.
distribution to your network.
Our Delivery System
We have a pay-as-you-go lead delivery system built specifically
for the networker who is looking to build their downlines.
With this in mind our system With a minimum investment of just £10 this really
allows the networker to: is a very affordable, low risk, time efficient way for
your sales force to build their downlines.
l select when they would like leads
l choose how many leads they would like A number of DSO’s we work with, part fund
l specify the gender accounts from HQ in order to facilitate and
l select location down to partial postcodes encourage network growth.
such as RH6 9
l switch their account on or off at the
click of a button
l refer others to LeadsWork and earn for doing so
Underwood House, t: 0203 026 2168
Suite C, 235 Three Bridges Road, e: [email protected]
Crawley, West Sussex
RH10 1LU www.leadswork.co.uk