Merstham Park
a passion
for learning
Merstham Park – a learning community where 1
we work together to inspire and succeed
A journey beyond
I am immensely proud to be Head of School at to be responsible citizens in our mordern world.
Merstham Park School, part of the GLF family of
schools. It gives me great pleasure to lead our We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to meet the needs
dedicated team of staff who, inline with our of our students. As a school we encourage each student’s particular abilities
school vision, strive to support our students to to ensure that no child slips through the net. We provide our students with
model our school values in all that they do. first class resources and support in every aspect of school life from small
class sizes, to well planned responsive lessons, to staffing and subject
At Merstham Park, our ethos is simple - igniting specific expertise. I am looking forward to the opening of our brand new
a passion for learning. state of the art facilities shortly that will benefit both our students and the
community as a whole.
We are proud to be a values driven school that works closely with our
community. We broaden students’ aspirations by providing a culturally rich Our new build will be tailored to enable our students to develop unique skill
learning environment where all students are valued, safe and successful. We sets in a truly first class educational setting through the creation of inviting
recognise the importance of academic success whilst embracing our wider and interactive learning environments.
role in preparing students for their adult life beyond the formal examined
curriculum. I look forward to taking the next step with you on our journey through the
next stage of your child’s education
Learning is central in our ability to succeed and prepare students effectively
for tomorrow’s world. We encourage our students to strive to achieve Andy Ward
beyond their potential, allowing their academic achievements to open Head of School
doors for them, while gaining a secure understanding of the skills required
Our Mission
It is our mission to ensure that everyone at Merstham Park makes a difference to the future life chances of the
young people who join our family. We endeavour to:
‘Ignite a passion for learning’ in all students through providing a safe, exciting and inspiring learning
experience for all.
Build a school to serve our community based upon our core values.
Provide a varied programme of enrichment opportunities - allowing all students to develop talents and
interests beyond the classroom.
Ensure everyone feels valued – celebrate the individual achievements of all.
Bring the real-world to life through practical exploration and project based learning.
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Our Vision
Igniting a passion for learning
We are proud to be a values driven school that works closely with our community. We broaden students’ aspirations by providing
a culturally rich learning environment where all students are valued, safe and successful.
INCLUSION - We strive to meet each child’s needs through a personalised, bespoke curriculum
COLLABORATION - We respect each other for our unique characteristics and embrace equality for all
EXCELLENCE - We work as a team to enable all to achieve their goals and aspirations
SUCCESS - We promote courage and resilience in all members of our community
COMPASSION - We promote leadership skills in our students through involving them in all aspects
of school life
- We inspire our students to be self-motivated, con dent and resilient
- We encourage our students to be independently minded whilst respectful of others
- We have high expectations of our learning community
- We encourage all to be their best and achieve their goals
- We lead by example, demonstrating professionalism and resilience in the face of
- We aspire to inspire all students to achieve their personal goals
- We prepare and equip our students for their future
- Through a broad and creative curriculum, we demonstrate the possibilities and
opportunities available to our students, encouraging them to grow, learn and ourish
- We care for and take care of each other
- We value the support from our wider community and involve them in our learning journey
- We celebrate achievement in all forms and for all
Our Ethos
“Igniting a passion for learning” is our motto and guiding principle. We establish an achievement culture in which every
single student is encouraged to succeed. We develop each individual's talent and release their unique potential. We are an inclusive
school that strives to meet the needs of all students.
At MPS we have a clear whole school curriculum intent that is clearly linked to our core values. We have a broad and balanced curriculum
and teach through a specialist and thematic project-led curriculum. This enables us to explore concepts, skills and knowledge in its
broadest sense through a range of practical-based learning opportunities, which allow us to bring learning to life in the real world.
Our Values
Our Values
All of our values are powerful and have a place in helping us to
develop our students into the responsible citizens we desire them
to be in this modern world in which we live. As a community
focused school, ‘Inclusion’ is the bedrock on which our other
values sit. Our desire to educate students in more than simply an
academic capacity is clear in our vision at Merstham Park and being
a values driven school is a key part of us achieving this.
We consider a values driven school to be one which fully embraces
its values and expects all members of its school community to
model these values in all that they do.
INCLUSION We strive to meet each child’s needs through a personalised, bespoke curriculum
COLLABORATION We respect each other for our unique characteristics and embrace equality for all
RESILIENCE We actively strive to support those members of our community who need our support
SUCCESS We promote leadership skills in our students through involving them in all aspects of school life
We promote teamwork and recognising the power of working together
We encourage our students to be independently minded whilst respectful of others within the community
We inspire a ‘can do’ attitude in our students to support them to overcome challenges
We prepare and equip our students for their future, encouraging them to grow, learn and ourish
We promote courage and resilience in all members of our community
We promote an understanding of others views and show consideration towards them
We value our learning opportunities and approach them positively
We demonstrate respect to all members of our community
We encourage all our students to achieve their aspirational goals
We have high expectations of our learning community
We promote the celebration of shared successes
House System
At Merstham Park School we have four houses. These are Gatton, Mercers, Nutfield and Priory which comprise one Learning Mentor Group per year. From
2022 we will expand our intake to 180 students as we move into our new home and will therefore introduce an additional two new houses.
Each student belongs to a house and we promote a sense of unity within each house. The houses all take their names from local areas of natural beauty.
Students compete for House Points in subject, sporting and creative challenges that are regularly set, as well as by demonstrating actions that deserve
rewarding. The range of competitions allows students’ specific abilities to thrive as they compete for the MPS House Cup.
Merstham Park School has high expectations of all students. We provide a nurturing, caring, C onsiderate of everyone’s learning in school
calm and orderly environment to ensure children can enjoy learning. We will encourage O rganise yourself and your learning materials
students to respect property and take a pride in their school and the community in which M ake a focused effort to succeed
they live. Great behaviour, learning and achievement are valued and celebrated by the M eet all deadlines
whole school community. U tilise your skills to advance yourself and others
N ever give up - be resilient
We look forward to continuing our outreach work to support the community and I nvolve yourself in the full life of the school
further developing our community links. T olerant of alternate views and opinions
Y ou are responsible for your own actions
At Merstham Park School, we have established a robust system of Student Leaders.
Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles throughout their time at
Merstham Park to experience different roles and responsibility and broaden their
communication skills. Our School Council's task is to ensure that every student has
a voice and that they are fairly represented. There are three important aspects of
From each Learning Mentor Group, one student will be elected by their peers to
represent their views at Student Leadership Council meetings.
Student Leaders endeavour to represent all groups of students within the school. As
a result, they are asked to speak to specific students or groups of students and then
feed back those views to the Council.
Student Leaders are expected to propose a specific idea to add value to the school
in order to be elected, and they are expected to implement this within the year.
Merstham Park
Head of School: Andy Ward
Taynton Drive, Merstham, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 3PU
01737 919 491
[email protected]
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An Academy within GLF Schools