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How Dolphin prepares pupils for secondary school and beyond.

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Published by Mr Schmidt, 2020-09-24 14:25:06

Upper School Brochure

How Dolphin prepares pupils for secondary school and beyond.

Issue 3 Academic Year 2020/2021



The Upper School and Beyond

LEARNING ARE Inside: Year 3 Onwards and Upwards / 11+ Journey / FAQs


Pupils thrive in
a warm and


Year 3
Onwards and Upwards...

As the children settle into the Upper School, consolidating and building on the firm foundations built
in Lower School, the style of learning becomes more formal.  Children work at their own desks which

fosters independence, organisation and ownership of their work.

Dolphin Production

English Year 6 take the most Reasoning

English lessons include weekly reading prominent rMolaetshins our much Children have 30-45 minute
comprehension practice.  This loved and highly acclaimed lessons in Verbal Reasoning and in
becomes more advanced as the Chsiuldmremn aerre pgrloauyp. e Td hfoeryMleatahds atchceording Non-Verbal Reasoning each week.
tow othsrckesihr mocooanilncliyenpatatutamhleuanlsedtveeerrlsfetuaxnlpddeicnistgep. dl aOfyonroetfhcelaisrs This is an examined 11+ subject.
children learn to engage with a wide age,aacntdintgh,esointhgeinr gis aanndexdparenscsignrgo.uAp.   The
range of texts on a deeper level. expprreossfegsrosiuopnwaol rbkascakt darmoopreanacdcelerated
There continues to be a focus pacweiladnda gnodeswboeynodnedrtfhuel cyeoasrtgurmoueps’s set

on oracy, reading, writing, spelling and mcoankteentf.o Croavneraugnefoofraglel 1tt1a+btleopics is
grammar each week.
proevxidpeedriweinthcien.both groups for successful

secondary school transfer.

Specialists Physical Education Relationship Time

Children continue to have the security Children enjoy two afternoons of Our pupils continue to benefit from
of their own inspiring class teachers,
sport a week.  Sports include daily Relationship Time where they
but they also benefit from the
expertise of subject specialist teachers Football, Netball, Rugby, Hockey, have an opportunity to discuss

for Art, Drama, P.E. and Music.   Cricket and Rounders.  Cross current issues, develop strategies
Children enjoy two themed Design
Country is introduced for all pupils which enable them to thrive
and Technology Days each year;
inspired by a new skill, they design, in the Autumn Term.   relationally and personally, and to

create and evaluate. Dance and Gymnastics develop an understanding of the

role of faith in daily life.
POST 11+are included in the curriculum.

A COVID Guide to

Journeying to 11+

5 Every September a 'Get Ready' event is held for parents of pupils in Year 4 and above. During the COVID
pandemic these talks are given virtually by the Senior Team on:

How do I choose a school for my child?
How does Dolphin prepare my child for 11+ (academically and pastorally) and what can parents do to
support this?
How does the secondary state admissions system work?
Biennially (and when gatherings are permitted) parents are also invited to come and meet a range of
representatives from secondary schools they may wish to consider for their child.


2 In the Autumn term of Year 5, members of the Senior Team (virtually)
meet all parents individually to discuss tailored secondary school options.
This gives parents an opportunity to share their hopes and preferences
and is coupled with guidance given by our experienced Senior Team on
the type of school that may suit their child personally, socially and
academically.  In the Autumn Term of Year 6, a further virtual meeting is
offered to discuss and finalise the schools parents wish to apply to for
their child.


In Year 5, we discuss the 11+ process with the children so they know what lies ahead; this is done in a way
which helps them feel prepared and emotionally resilient.
Within English (Comprehension, Grammar and Writing) and Maths, there is increased focus on exam style
questions.  Children are taught how to tackle exam questions and to consider mark schemes. Working to
time is developed, as is responding to tests online.  Pupils are exposed to content within their capability.
11+ exam papers are used when children are ready.


In addition to a strong pastoral approach from all class teachers, Year
5 classes enjoy a series of positive, engaging ‘Power Thoughts’ sessions
which equip pupils with strategies to manage ‘big emotions’ as they
approach the last stage of primary school.  This supports their mental
wellbeing and prepares them to deal with the pressure and challenges
At the beginning of Year 6, children have a ‘Power Thoughts’ workshop
on how to manage feelings of stress or worry and how to grow a
positive mindset for the tests to come.


All pupils have a Mock Interview with a member of the Senior Team during the Autumn term of Year 6.
They are encouraged to communicate their opinions, abilities and uniqueness.  Constructive verbal
feedback is given to each child.

teaching and
an inspiring



Dolphin 05


The main skills you can be supporting your child with at home
are in reading and mental maths.  
Reading includes listening to your child read, reading to your
child and discussing a text together.  A positive reading culture
at home, and an excitement about learning new vocabulary at
every opportunity are also of great benefit.  By the time they
reach Year 3, children are expected to have a secure knowledge
and fast recall of:

number bonds to 10, 20 and 100
doubles and halves to 20
the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, along with their division facts 
doubles and halves of 2 digit numbers ending in 1, 2, 3, 4
They should also have a developing knowledge of the 3 times
table.  Extending their knowledge and recall of further times
tables can also be beneficial if they are conceptually ready.

06 Dolphin
The homework your child is set will increase to 30 minutes a
day in Year 3, 40 minutes in Year 4, 50 minutes in Year 5 and 60
minutes in Year 6.  This always includes spelling practice,
memory verse and reading.  It is important that your child can
develop their independence with homework as the tasks will
reflect what has been covered in class that day or week.  Where
possible, providing a quiet and tidy space for them to study will
be beneficial.   While parents may like to check over the
homework to ensure their child has completed the task to the
best of their ability, there is no need to mark the work.  If
necessary, parents may write a note to the teacher if anything
was particularly challenging.


There is little need to start looking at schools until your child has
completed Year 3.  Each child develops at a different rate, and it
is not always possible to predict which schools might suit your
child three years before transfer. Once your child is in Year 4,
this would be a good time to begin your homework!

This initiative allows Year 2 pupils to apply for an academic
There is no minimum or limit to the number of scholarship into the Upper School.  Academic scholarships
schools you should research.  It will depend on are awarded to pupils who are already academic leaders in
each family’s focus and circumstances.  We their year or to those who show outstanding promise of
would recommend starting wide to begin with future academic excellence.  Those who receive a
so that you know exactly what options are scholarship will demonstrate a real passion for extended
available to you.  Then, by the start of Year 6, learning and a high level of intellectual curiosity. The number
having a maximum of 4 or 5 contenders would and size of the academic scholarships is at the discretion of
be ideal.  the Principal.  Prospective candidates, both internal and
external, will attend an assessment day.   If a pupil is
SHOULD I TAKE MY CHILD TO THE awarded an academic scholarship they will be expected to
SECONDARY SCHOOL OPEN DAYS? stay with the school until the end of Year 6.

We recommend that, where available, parents do WHAT ABOUT 10+?
the initial visits without their children in order
to determine if the school is an option or not. In The 10+ entry process has been created by a selection
these times of Covid-19, most Open Days are of senior schools with the main aim being to attract those
being held online. These usually take place in from state schools.  The idea is that children move from
September and October. their state primary school at the end of Year 5 in order to
gain experience of an independent school a year earlier
than their peers.  10+ moves are not recommended as
there are various drawbacks and so our curriculum is not
geared for this. Instead, we support 11+ transition, believing
that this is the best juncture when children are academically
and emotionally ready for transition to secondary school.
We believe in children finishing well.  The longer we have
them, the longer we can love them and the more ready
they are to leave, fully equipped for the future.


Although the majority of pupils move on at age 11 to full

secondary schools, certain senior schools begin their intake

at Year 9 (for pupils aged 13).  Some families choose to

send their children to a prep school for two years after Year

6 where they will likely study for the 13+ Common

Entrance Exams at the end of Year 8. 11+ preparation at

Dolphin will prepare pupils for their next step into Year 7,

wherever it may be, including prep schools that go on to
F A Qage13. 
Dolphin 07

DoDloplphihn  in by Numbers

32 39Ranking in Sunday Times 2018
Top 100 UK Prep Schools
Average number of practice based on Year 6 SAT results.
11+ papers completed by the

end of year 6.

2020 160 90

The Year Dolphin's Hours studying Percentage of parents
Something Brilliant English per year in the who rated Dolphin
teachers’ ability to
campaign was Upper School.
launched. inspire their child and the
51 quality of teaching as high.

Number of  secondary
schools with which
Dolphin has links.

1650 379 13

Average number of house Average number of
points collected per pupil in Maths exercise books

the Upper School. Average number of filled in a Dolphin
handshakes per pupil in career.

NCOoVtIDi-n19the Upper School per year.


If you have missed an Open Day for
an independent school, we would recommend you
contact their Admissions Department and arrange a
separate visit. There is a possibility you may be able to
have a group or individual tour and perhaps also meet
the Head on this occasion.  If you are looking at state
schools, it is important to take a note of the Open Day
dates well in advance as they do not tend to offer
additional visits. 


We do not recommend tutoring for tutoring’s sake. We send our Dolphins to a range of schools (state and
Unless there is a need for a child to have support with independent, single-sex and co-ed, London day and flexi,
a key area, we say, ‘Avoid tutoring!’. Children have a weekly or full boarding).  Please refer to the back of this
busy week of learning.  In our many conversations booklet for our 2018 - 2020 Leavers' Destinations and
with secondary schools, they tell us that they are not offers list. 
interested in ‘the tutored child’.  They wish to see raw
potential.  If your child would need tutoring to get into FAQ
an academically selective school, the chances are that
that school is not suited to them.  When tutoring your
child to pass an entrance exam for an academically
selective school, consider - will my child continue to
need to be tutored throughout their secondary
education in order to keep up with the school’s
academic expectations?  If so, is it worth it?
We prepare our children with practice papers so that
they are familiar with the format they will encounter in
11+ tests.  

Dolphin 09

POST 11+ Leadership Roles

Enriching  Opportunities Year 6 become Captains,
responsible for specific areas of
the school.  They develop their
leadership roles within the school
community, modelling school
values to the younger pupils.
They produce ‘Lent Charity’
presentations to the school so
pupils can vote on a charity to
support for the year.

WW1 Experience Dolphin Production Life of Christ

When residential visits are Whether live or 'virtually', Year 6 In the Summer Term of Year 6,
permitted, two nights are spent in take the most prominent roles in open air performances permitting,
the Dorset countryside taking part our much loved and highly children have a profound group
in an immersive World War 1 acclaimed summer play. They experience on the Wintershall
experience.  It is an unforgettable lead the school in Estate as they perform the 'Life of
time of adventure, physical a polished display of acting, Christ' with professional actors to
challenge, teamwork and bonding singing and dancing. A an audience of thousands.  This is
as Year 6 approach the end of professional backdrop and wild a once in a lifetime experience
their journey together. and wonderful costumes make and children learn parts of the
for an unforgettable experience. gospel by heart to draw upon

Leavers' Assembly Dolphin Apprentice

The Dolphin journey culminates In the Spring Term of Year 6,
with each child being uniquely children undertake an Enterprise
celebrated as we recall their Project in order to learn and
strengths and the highlights of develop entrepreneurial skills.
their journey with us.  Each child is This also builds on their
awarded a cup for a character trait teamwork, communication,
or skill.   creative thinking and problem
solving skills. 

Residential Trips Dolphin 11

Residential trips provide opportunities for children
to enjoy time outdoors in the countryside.
Each trip aims to develop their teamwork and
leadership skills as well as fostering
independence, resilience and a sense of wonder.
When group travel is permitted, our pupils
venture out on the following trips:
Year 4 - The Mill - one night
Year 5 - Camp - two nights
Year 6 - Hooke Court - two nights

Dolphin School


*Schools where scholarships were offered

2018 2019 2020
Alleyn's School ACS Cobham Alleyn's School*
Dulwich College* Alleyn's School Box Hill School*
Emanuel School* Christ’s Hospital Caterham School
Ewell Castle Cottesmore Emanuel School*
Francis Holland School Dulwich College* Hall School Wimbledon
Fulham Boys School Emanuel School* Ibstock Place School
Hall School Wimbledon* Epsom College Kew House School
JAGs* Ewell Castle Lingfield School
Kew House Francis Holland, Sloane Square Northwood Senior
Latymer Upper Fulham Boys School Oratory Prep
The Laurels Hall School Wimbledon Royal Russell
Streatham & Clapham High* Hurst* Saint Cecilia's
Reed’s School Ibstock Place School Streatham & Clapham High
Royal Russell* James Allen's Girls' School St John's Leatherhead
Sydenham High* King's College School* Surbiton High School
Thames Christian School* Lady Margaret School Sutton Grammar School
Tiffin School Prior's Field* Thames Christian School*
Trinity School Royal Russell Torquay Boys' Grammar School
Woldingham School Seaford College* The Laurels
Streatham & Clapham High* Tiffin School
St Catherine's, Bramley Trinity School*
St Cecilia's Woldingham School
Sydenham High Worth School
Thames Christian School
Trinity School
Tudor Hall
Woldingham School

On the cover

A Year 6 pupil sparkles, knowing that happiness lies in
the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort! 

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