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Message" of Condolence From • Chairman Thakin Ba Thein Tin of The Central Committee of Communist Party "of Burma Comrade Mao Tsetung, Chairman of the Central ...

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Message of Condolence From • Chairman Thakin Ba Thein Tin ...

Message" of Condolence From • Chairman Thakin Ba Thein Tin of The Central Committee of Communist Party "of Burma Comrade Mao Tsetung, Chairman of the Central ...

Message" o f Condolence From meticulous style of work;, he was firm i n matters of
principle. I n a word, his noble qualities were well
• Chairman Thakin Ba Thein Tin of worth praising.

The Central Committee of The present international situation is excellent
and characterized by great disorder on the earth. The
Communist Party "of Burma struggle against social-imperialism and U.S. imperial-
ism, the social-imperialists' attempt to dominate the
Comrade Mao Tsetung, world i n particular, and the struggle of the third world
Chairman of the Central Committee of the countries against hegemonism are developing. A t this
Communist Party of China, moment, the death of Comrade Chou En-lai is a tremen-
dous loss.
The death of Comrade Chou En-lai is a great loss
Respected and Beloved Chairman: not only to the Communist Party of China and the
Chinese people but also to the political parties, organiza-
V/e are shocked to learn w i t h deepest grief that tions and the people upholding Marxism-Leninism-Mao
Comrade Chou En-lai, Vice-Chairman of the Central Tsetung Thought all over the world including the Com-
Committee of the Communist Party of China and Pre- munist Party of Burma and the Burmese people.
mier of the State Council of the People's Republic of However, we will turn our grief into strength and
China, died of illness. pledge to unite closely w i t h the Communist Party of;
China and other Marxist-Leninist Parties and organiza-
On behalf of the Central Committee of the Com- tions and carry through to the end the struggle against
munist Party of Burma, all its members, all the com- our common. enemies — imperialism^ revisionism and
manders and fighters of the Burmese People's A r m y all reaction.
and. the people of the whole country, I extend pro-
found condolences on the death of .Comrade Chou En-lai Comrade Chou En-lai has passed away, but his
to the Chairman, to the Central Committee of the political thinking, spirit and style w i l l never perish and
Communist Party of China, to the Chinese People's w i l l be engraved i n our hearts for ever.
Liberation. Army, to the Chinese people and to the wife
of Comrade Chou En-lai. Comrade Chou En-lai w i l l always be an example
for the members of the Communist Party of Burma
Under the leadership of Chairman Mao, Comrade to learn from.
Chou En-lai as a leader made outstanding contributions
to China's new democratic revolution, socialist revolu- With revolutionary respects!
tion and socialist construction throughout his life.
Comrade Chou En-lai fought heroically and resolutely (Signed) Thakin Ba Thein T i n
against revisionism at home and abroad and against Chairman of the Central Committee of
revisionism and anti-Party schemes of L i u Shao-chi
and L i n Piao, persevered in continuing the revolution the Communist Party of Burma
under the dictatorship of the proletariat and struggled
to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat. Com- January 9, 1978
rade Chou En-lai firmly suppported with action the
Parties adhering to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Message of Condolence From
Thought and the people of various countries i n their
revolutionary struggles. He made a great contribution Chairman' E.F. Hill of Communist
to the relationship between the Communist Party of
China and the Communist Party of Burma and thus Party of Australia (M-L)
won the wholehearted love, respect and admiration of
the Communist Party of Burma. Comrade Chou En-lai Chairman Mao Tsetung and the Central Committee of
was a great proletarian revolutionary, a great pro- the Communist Party of China,
letarian internationalist and a good and most capable
disciple of Chairman Mao Tsetung. He enjoyed very Peking
high prestige in the international communist move-
ment. He displayed acute political acumen; he had no Our most profound sympathy goes to 3rou and,-
parallel in working tirelessly; he had a flexible and through you, to the whole Chinese people on the death
of Comrade Chou En-lai, outstanding revolutionary
January 16, 1976

veteran- and'splendM tJommunist: An'"Austr.aIi*an revolu- will-live- for-ever-in our- heartsan<J#in" thestfaggies o£?. {^j-
tionaries deeply grieve Comrade Chou En-lai's death and us Communists.
revereihis memories... His l i f e .-and example, w i l l mever
bte forgotten.! They/ w i l l inspire.- audi- strengthen'1, the- Iiong;liyeisoeialisrttiand' communism—the: radiant;,
present and "future generation. fu±ttre;oJi:tKe.-whole world.:1 effectively/prepared ^byyGhou
EnJai i n close union w i t h Chairman Mao Tsetung of.
E. F. H i l l - the Communist Party and the great people of China.
Chairman • of; the • Communist Party* of-
Jacques Jurquet
Australia (Marxist-Leninist)
Marseilles, January 9, 1976
Melbourne,. January-9,/ 1976 '

Message; aft Condolence: From; Message of Condolence, From ,
General Secretary Wilcox* of; the
Communist- Party of; New Zealand First Secretary Fernand Lefebyre-;

The Central1 Committee' of' the- Communist Party of-1 Of Central Committee of.
Marxist-Leninist Communist. Party;
Of Belgium
With sorrow-we hear.of ..tb'e.death,ol Gomrade.Chou,
Eu-Jai,, a .man .who .has- played - such„ a. tremendous. 'role, The Central Committee of* the Communist,, Party, of- ..
i n .your-, past ^revolutionary, victories: and/in: the ;buHdings China,
of.'the socialist.P.eople?s_K.epublic.ofvChina,.a;man who,,
has...been .an.inspiration and woxld; leader to. the whole. Peking;
MarxistrLeninist. movement/. Please extend our., c o n -
dolences-^.this, great, loss to your. Party, and,the whole, The Central' Committee of'the Marxist-Leninist':'
people of 1 China^, Communist "Party of Belgium honours the memory of •
Comrade Chou En-lai, glorious leader 'of* the Chinese 1
V, G: Wilcox: revolution, ataunchi defender-of Marxism-Eehinism. and
General'" Secretary on" behalf.' of: the Mao. iTsettmg;- Thaught,..ser.vanfr o f the_unity of/his people: '
National Committee of the Communist' and: of - the:; friendship... of all. the peoples of; tha world,'
and/relentless: accuser of the crimes of the: two:, super: ^ / - -
• EajHy? of-New//Zealand-i powers. The communist militants of Belgium: are ":'
grieved at the passing away of this great/fighter, of
January-9, 1976' woiid" revolution • and • share the -immense sorrow- of' the' .
Chinese-people. The long-life-of-'struggle-of Comrade
Message' of - Condolence"- From" Chou En-lai, his loyalty to the-Party, his-firmness and'
flexibility, his modesty, and.his ties with.the masses are
Jacques,-. Juxquet o f the best ox lessons.

MffrxrisfrLeiiinisfeCommunists of the' Comrade Chou En-lai." is immortal!

French' Pap(er//i/ Rouge" Fernand Lefebyre
First Secretary of the Central - Com- ..
Chairman Mao. .Tsetung. mittee- of1' the- Marxist-Leninist Com-

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of munist Party of Belgium
Message of Condolence'- From- ^j'-
Very deeply shocked by the death" of Chou En-lai, . Secretary/.Petersen-of-Central
Vice-Chairman:;of the; Comanxmist. Party/ of' China and Committee., of.'Marxist-Leninist
Premier of the Government of the People's Republic of
China. Inithe-name of the,Marxist-Leninist Communists; Party; ofiHetHeHarrdr
and the advanced proletariat-of France, I express deep
condolences to you. The revolutionary life and work of Feking -
the very great communist leader Chou En-lai constitute Comrade Mao: Tsetung:.
ah. immortal example. for-, the >, proletariat - and revolu-. We bow.with, fervour/and- Deeply regret the passing away of our fine friend
solenmity-heforedhe/coffin of ;Comrade./ChouEn-lai.whoi and comrade Chou En-lai as an unreplacoable loss.

26 Pe Icing # e y jem,-, No, 3,.

" '"C/-Petersen ' I n extendih'g.-its'. sincere and sorrowful condolences
Secretary of the Central 'Corarhittee of ±o -. ehairnia-n .-Mao, -Vice-Premier -Seng? Hsiao-ping, the
\ " •. '-the iiMaEcMiienindst' r P a r t y >;of the Communist Par-tyr of.Ghina-and ,the-entire Chinese peo-
ple, the Central Committee of the Marxist-Leninist Com-
^Netherlands munist Party of France reaffirms that after their ex-
ample, i t intends to turn grief into new strength. A t a
; Harlem, January-9, -1976 time when the war preparations of the two superpowers,
and particularly- of'Russian -social-imperialism, are hast-
'Message 'df 'Cont'd fence -Tram ening the - day of their ruin, i t will-intensify, its-fight,
TdnHcal Secretary of'Central-' that of the whole Party, the French w o r k i n g "class and
Committee of Marxist-Leninist people, against imperialism, social-imperialism-and mo-
dern revisionism, i n order to make the cause of the peo-
Communist Party of France ples, socialism and communism, triumph.

Chairman Mao Tsetung, Comrade Chou En-lai, a great proletarian revolu-
tionary, w i l l remain immortal i n the memory and- i n the
Vice-Premier' Teng".::Hsiao-ping, hearts of all the Communists, all the proletarians and
all the people of the world!
The'Central -Committee -of the'Communist ? Party of
China: Political • Secretary

With.very deep sorrow the-Central Committee of the - for the GentralCommitteeof the Marxist-,
Marxist-Leninist "Conmuuriist 'Party of 'France' has just tlieninist Communist- Party o f France
learnt) o f : t h e death Of 'Comrade Chou En-lai, -Vice-
chairman of the.Central Committee of the Communist "Paris, 'January 9, 1376
Party of China and Premier-of the-State Council of the
People's Republic of. China. - It-is an.inestimable loss not -•.-Message --.of Condolence iFcosi
- only to-the Chinese Communist Party and people, but 'Chairman .'-"Reg "Birch of 'British
'^y also to the international communist movement and all
the. people of the world. rC£amrmi nlst -Potty; (M1^)

Loyal to his Party and people,: -to the -cause of T h e : Central' Committee of the ' Communist ' P a r t y of
Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, 'China;
Comrade Chou En-lai had throughout his !life made
-an invaluable contribution to '. the •: dnjiplem.entation of ' The;- Central Committee o f the-Communist Party of
/Chairman Mao's, -proletarian revolutionary .-line. A Britain (Marxist-Leninist) deeply -mourns1 the--death' of
staunch fighter for the cause of communism:from the Comrade • Chou En-lai, .what -a ^grievous loss for the
early days of the Chinese people's struggle for national peoples of the world!
liberation, establishment of dictatorship of the prole-
tariat ~and -building of socialism, Comrade Chou; En-lai Comrade- Chou was the highest embodiment of the
indefatigably dedicated all his energies ~to~ the pursuit communist revolution of our age encompassing i n his
and deepening of the revolution, making a brilliant con- great life and work Marxist brilliance, unflagging
tribution to the great struggles carried out by the service to the cause of -socialism - arid -magnificent
Chinese Communist Party and people,, to the Great Pro- humanity.
letarian Cultural Revolution, to the movement to criticize
LiifPiao arid "Confucius,' and to the struggle -against i m - The leadership he gave to"the-Chinese revolution
perialism, "social-imperialism arid -modern revisionism.
through the long and bitter years of the revolutionary

war was matched by his work after -1949. The

•: Comrade Chou.En-lai .knew our country well, where spectacular successes of the Chinese people i n the con-

he had-stayed. He appreciated the. traditions of Struggle struction of socialism and i n the fight against, imperial-

of the French w o r k i n g .class- and• people j w h o , • despite ism and revisionism Were carried out under" his superb

the revisionists' efforts .to calumniate .the great red -leadership as Prime"Minister of the"People's Republic

China, are.manifesting.daily their, sympathy with and of China and one of the Vice-Chairmen of the Com1

interest i n the brilliant achievements- .of ..the Peo- munist-Party of China. -

ple's Republic of China and the revolutionary line

_ y steadily followed: by the - Communist 'Party of China <.Comrade • Chou En-lai's - work - -will:- remain • an int
spiration for all who strive : to .fight • oppression arid
under -the'-leadership -of Chairman -Mao. Thatfis- why1 the •exploitation; and: his; .name, w i l l bauhonoured: b y the 'in*
'ternationaLproletariat now.:and;.forigenesationffito'£ome.
•death ;of CComrade,Chou -En-lai -'is - deeplyifelt- b y ' t h e

French. proletariat and-people. '....-:../-.

VamarylS, -1976' 77-

•Reg Birch was a most trusted and revered comrade-in-arms of
for the Central Committee of the Com- the Japanese people.
- - ' rimnist Party of Britain (M-L)
On the occasion of Comrade Chou En-lai's death,: •
London, January 8, 1976 the Japanese Workers' Party is determined to learn ^J'
from the revolutionary spirit shown i n the heroic life
Message of Condolence From of Comrade Chou En-lai and, inspired by this spirit, to
strive more energetically for the victory of the Japanese
The Central. Committee of the revolution.

Japanese Communist Party (Left) The name of Comrade Chou En-lai w i l l live for
ever i n the hearts of the revolutionary people of Japan.
The People's Republic of China,
The Central Committee of the Japanese
Peking Workers' Party

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of January 9, 1976 r
Message of Condolence From i
On behalf of the entire membership, the Central Werner Heufer, juergen Horiemonn,
Committee of the Japanese Communist Party (Left) j
extends heartfelt condolences on the death of Comrade Karl Heinz Hotter and Christian i
Chou En-lai, Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee SemSer, Members of Standing
of the Communist Party of China and Premier of the
State Council of the People's Republic of China. Com- Committee of Political Bureau of
rade Chou En-lai was an outstanding leader of the Central Committee of Communist
Communist Party of China, a great proletarian revolu-
tionary of the Chinese people and a loyal revolutionary Party of Germany
fighter of the Chinese people. Throughout his life, he
had played a leading role in and made tremendous con- Comrade Mao Tsetung, 1
tributions to the victory of the great, new democratic Chairman of the Central Committee of the
revolution of China, to socialist revolution and socialist Communist Party of China, i
construction, to the international communist movement j
and to the development of the international struggle Comrade Chu Teh, '••
against imperialism, colonialism and hegemonisrn and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Na-
the struggle against revisionism. With profound pro- tional People's Congress of the People's Republic
letarian and communist feelings, the Marxist-Leninists of China;
of Japan pay tribute to Comrade Chou En-lai's revolu-
tionary deeds, take h i m as an example never to be for- Comrade Teng Hsiao-ping,
gotten, and cherish his memory for ever.
Vice-Premier of the State Council of the
The Central Committee of the Japanese People's Republic of China,
Communist Party (Left)
Peking {
January 9, 1976 |
Respected Comrades: j
Message of Condolence From
We are deeply grieved at the death of Comrade )
Central Committee of Japanese Chou En-lai, Member of the Standing Committee of
the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the
Workers7 Party Communist Party of China and Premier of the Statfe
Council. Please accept our profound condolences. Your
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Party, the Chinese people, the working class and peo-
China: ple of all countries i n the world, and the international
communist movement have lost in him an outstand-
The Japanese Workers' Party expresses deep con- ing leader and teacher.
dolences on the death of Comrade Chou En-lai, the great
proletarian revolutionary fighter. Comrade Chou En-lai had devoted his whole life
to the interests of world revolution. He was a great
Comrade Chou En-lai was a most loyal and out- communist fighter and a long-tested proletarian revolu-
standing leader of the communist movement. He had tionary. Under the leadership of Comrade Mao Tsetung;
made eternal exploits for the revolutionary cause of
China and the world. Comrade Chou En-lai had con- Peking Review, No. 3
sistently supported the Japanese people's just struggle
for independence and democracy. Comrade Chou En-lai


he had made indelible contributions to the founding f We also convey our sense of grief as well as our
and development of the Chinese Communist Party, to fraternal solidarity w i t h the Chinese Communist Party
the seizing of victory for the Chinese revolution, to the and its Central Committee as well as the people of China
cause of socialist construction, to the Great Proletarian in their hour of grief.
Cultural Revolution, the movement to criticize L i n Piao
and Confucius, the consolidation of the dictatorship of Yours Fraternally,
the proletariat, and the struggle against revisionism and N. Sanmugathasan
social-imperialism. General Secretary of the Ceylon
Communist Party
The international communist movement and the
people of all countries i n the world are "grateful to him London, January 9, 1976
for the important contributions he made i n the struggle
against imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism of the
two superpowers.

Comrade Chou En-lai w i l l live for ever i n the Letter of Condolence From Chairman
hearts of our people, our w o r k i n g class and its Com- Wen Ming Chuan of the Central
munist Party. We will follow his revolutionary ex-
ample and advance steadily i n the struggle for an i n - Committee of the Communist Party
dependent, unified and socialist Germany. We w i l l go Of North Kalimantan
to battle and achieve victory i n his spirit."
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Werner Heuler, Juergen Horlemann, China,
Karl Heinz Hutter and Christian Semler
Beloved Comrades: ~' '
•' • • Members of the Standing Committee
of the Political Bureau of the Central We are shocked to learn that Comrade Chou En-lai,
Committee of the Communist Party of a great proletarian revolutionary and outstanding com-
munist fighter, unfortunately died of cancer on January
. Germany 8, 1976 i n Peking. We extend our deepest condolences
to the Communist Party of China, the fraternal Chinese
people and the family of Comrade Chou En-lai.

Message of Condolence From Throughout his life, Comrade Chou En-lai had per-
severed i n continuing the revolution under the wise
General Secretary N. Sanmugathasan leadership of Chairman Mao and i n the brilliant struggle
for the communist cause. He w o n the wholehearted
Of Ceylon Communist Party love and respect not only of all the Chinese people but
also of all the revolutionaries i n the world who are
Comrade-Mao Tsetung, resolved to make revolution and devote their whole life
to the cause of communism. His death is a great loss
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of to the Chinese Communist Party and people, the i n -
China, ternational communist movement and the. revolutionary^
people of the world.
Comrade Chou En-lai was an outstanding and long-
Dear Comrade:
tested leader of the Chinese Communist Party and state.
While on a short visit to London, after returning
from Albania, I was profoundly shocked and grieved to Loyal to the revolution and the people, he resolutely car-
learn of the death of Comrade Chou En-lai, Vice-Chair-
man of the Communist Party of China and Premier of ried out Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, upheld
the People's Republic of China.
the principles of Marxism-Leninism, and selflessly
, Please accept on my behalf and on behalf of the
Ceylon Communist Party our deepest condolences on the devoted his whole life to the building and development
passing away of Comrade Chou En-lai. His death is an •
irreparable loss not only to People's China but to the of the great, Marxist-Leninist Chinese Communist Party
entire international revolutionary movement and to all
oppressed humanity. and the invincible People's Liberation Army, to the

Please permit us. to pay tribute to the memory of a strengthening of the revolutionary united front led by
great revolutionary, one of the greatest statesmen of
this century and a great leader of People's China. Once the w o r k i n g class and based on the worker-peasant
again, accept our sincerest condolences.
alliance, and to the enhancing of the great unity of the

people of all nationalities. He had thus made immortal

exploits i n winning victory for the new democratic

revolution, for socialist revolution and socialist con-

struction, and for the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolu-

tion and the movement to criticize L i n Piao and Con-

fucius, and i n consolidating the dictatorship of the

proletariat. -

January 16, 1976 29

Comrade Chou* En-lai was an outstanding fighter of Message, of: Chndbileiice' From
The^Centel* lesdwWpv-o^
the international proletariat; Eoyal to the- Party and Communist Wctf&efis> Umsm^ ©J Germemyi W

the- communist- cause, holding" high the great- revolu- The CentEat G„omrnitteeji o f the; Cpitmmnist Party, bf-
tionary red banner of Marxism-Lemnism-Mao- Tsetung
Thought and. upholding the revolutionary principle of
We mourn.deeply-triedeath;?of-'Comrade Chou En-lat
proletarian internationalism, he had carried out. - a We-wiil: turn, grief into*strength- and' follow his- example
asia communist..
tenacious and; dauntless.- struggle against imperialism,
The Central Leadership o f the- Com^
socialr-imperialism and. modern, revisionism, and made munist: Workers;Uniorc of Germany'

tireless efforts i n strengthening the solidarity of the

international revolutionary forces and i n supporting tiie

just revolutionary cause,, thereby making tremendous

contributions to the struggle for national independence

and national liberation and against hegemonism, and to

the international communist movement. • • •

Comrade Chou1 En-lai- departed- from us for ever. Qur . Message oi €ondQlmc& From
Communist - Party, and revolutionary, people- .of; N o r t h The Centra.rCommittee, and:! Its.Standing..
Kalimantan will turn our grief into, strength, learn from
his- proletarian revolutionary-- spirit and' noble qualities, Committee of the Communist League
serve the people heart! and souL and dedicate all our . Of" West Germany-.
energies to the proletarian revolutionary cause.

-IIT orderto- continuously-cOmbat-the- revisionisirtrend- The-Central5 Committee and!its-Standing Committee
and adverse current within the Party, build t h e Party
into a f i r m l y revolutionary and united core, capable: of of the Communist League o f West Germany sent a mes-
leading the people of our country i n a great political
struggle^ and doing''a- good; job;'in accomplishing; the key sage-to-Ghairmam Mao-Tsetung; the Central Committee
task: of liquidating? the Right opportunist capitulatiori'ist!
• line:,, ins onieir to> seize- victory.' for the n e w democratic of the Communist- Party of China, the Standing Com-
resolution* audi resolutely--adhere* to the- road) of using
t h e cduntByside: -toi.enciEdferthe" cities; and. seizing political mittee of the National People's Congress and the State
power by/armed ±brcej. and i n order to/win victory fOK
the cause of socialism... and communism, our Party is Council, extending deep condolences on the death of
resolved' to carry the revolution-, through to the end.
Comrade Chou En-lai. ";

.'•• Etexnall g l b r y to5 Comrade Chou Eh-Jai,. a*great The: message; said.:,. " W i t h ; deep grief-, w e learnt of
proletarian, revolutionary,- and; outstanding? communist the death.of the great proletarian revolutionary Comrade
fighter!: • • •- Chou En-lai; Vice-Chairman of;theG.P-:G.- Central1 Com-
mittee, Member of.theStanding>Commitiea oiithe Polit-
• Wem Ming Chuan. ical Bureau" of the G.P.C. Central Committee and Pre-
mier of the State Council of the. People's, Republic of
Chairman, o f the Central' Committee China.
of the? Communist Partly of- 'North
"Comrade Chou En-lai devoted" all' liis life to. the
Kalimantan- Chinese people's cause of liberation and to communism.
January 9, 1976 A t his leading post, he made contributions, for the.-cause:
of the masses of the Chinese people under the leadership.-
Message of- Condolence ¥mm'= of the Communist Party of China, to the defeat' of i m -
Gxjmm4inist fety, (M?-L) of San, Marino, perialism, feudalism, and. bureaucratic-capitalism;, the
accomplishment, of the., new- democratic revolution,. thej
The Central Committee of the Communist Party, of establishment- o f groletai'ian. dictatorship- and- the - u n -
China.;. swerving construction-of so.cialismdn. Chinas. His leader--
ship contributed to the success.-in.the.:fightT of; t h e . C o m -
Peking; munist Party of China against modern revisionism and
for the defence- and development' of-Marxism-Leninism,.
We. mourn for Comrade: Chou. En-lai,, a, great com- defending in this life-andMleath struggle the generalrlihe-
munist revolutionary leader. of the- international- communist' movement: This- was-,
and remaihs-tb =be an-enormous-support; inspiration'..and;
Tile- Communist Party, of help -to • all' M'arxist^-Eenihists -of"the- w o r l d / ' '
San Marino-(M-Ii)'« Fabbri
j January 9,., 1978 The message extended,. i n the name o f the Central
.-•51ie Republic of San Marino Committee of the Cbmmunisttlieague-of>West' Germany, /
"deep condolences t o the-Centi'aLGommittee -of t h e Com- ' s * ^ /
m munist Partyof: China-and'to t h e '.Chinese -people'-' 'on the'
death of Comrade-Ghou'En-laii:.

Peking <M&view,:, N&.> -3;

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