Netflix (Description)
In this section, I am going to describe what Netflix is and
give you a better understanding of it. So Netflix is an app
where you can stream all your favorite movies and tv
shows. You can use Netflix on a Laptop, tablet, or phone.
If you have a family you can have different profiles where
each family member can watch what they want to watch
without their shows being lumped in with everyone else.
when you set up a profile you enter your name and you
can select a profile provided for you if you are a parent
with young kids you can choose the profile to only have
kid-friendly shows. Now for the older kids and adults, you
can set it to watch any show they want on Netflix. But
parents can set parental controls on the profiles so kids
can't watch inappropriate movies. Now when you log into
your profile Netflix will organize shows and movies into
sections. So sections can be recently watched, new
releases, recommended shows, and Netflix originals. And
another cool feature Netflix has recently added was
when you scroll over something whether it's your mouse,
tv remote, or on a touchscreen. I think by now you have a
better understanding of what Netflix is and how to use it.
Netflix (sequence)
In this section, I am going to write out all the steps to
signing up to Netflix. So when you go to to
sign up for an account, you must first choose your plan.
And with each plan, you get one month free. Now each
plan comes with certain benefits and each plan comes
with more and more benefits. There are 3 different plans
there is the basic plan, the standard plan, and the
premium plan. Now I will list all the benefits (which is the
premium plan) You can get HD, Ultra HD, watch 4 screens
at once, watch on your phone, laptop, tv, and tablet,
unlimited movies and tv shows (only what Netflix
provides), and you can cancel anytime. now with the basic
plan, you can't get HD and Ultra HD. And with the
standard plan, you can't get ultra HD. Next like you have
to do when y ou sign up to any website you have to put
down your email and make up a password. Finally, after
you put in your email and make up your password, you
just have to enter your credit card info. Now after you
enter your credit card info, you can just sit back and enjoy
your tv shows and movies.
Netflix and Hulu (compare and contrast)
Netflix and Hulu are both marvelous streaming apps for
watching your preferred movies and tv shows. But today
we are going to compare the two apps and examine the
ups and downs of both Netflix and Hulu.
First off the price, now for Netflix, you have to pay for a
certain amount of screens like for 2 screens a month you
have to pay $10.00 and for 4 screens it's an extra 5
dollars. Then for Hulu with a with a regular subscription,
you can only watch up to two screens at once. But for an
extra $9.99 you can upgrade to unlimited screens. The
next thing I will compare with Netflix and Hulu is they
both make original movies. Each streaming app makes
their own movies, they are called Netflix and Hulu
Originals. They both are about different topics like sci-fi
or cooking or art and science. Another thing that is the
same about Netflix and Hulu is that they both have the
option to have profiles. So a profile for these streaming
apps is like a profile on a computer so like you could have
one for yourself one for your daughter or son or both. So
what's on the profile is what you have recently watched
and some suggestions for something you might like or
new releases of tv shows and movies. This is my
paragraph on compare and contrast for Netflix and Hulu
and I hope it was helpful.
Netflix (Problem and Solution)
In this section, I am going to talk about a problem and
possible solutions that most people are familiar with and
that is getting hacked on an online website. When people
hack your online account and for this instance, Netflix
can take over all the benefits of your online account and
do whatever they want on it. Like watch movies play
music and steal private information (which is probably
the most common thing) And here I am going to explain
some solutions to help with this dilemma. So one
solution is to call Netflix and cancel your account and
make a new one. Now when you do that I recommend
using one of those websites that can make your
password really tough password to guess. Now my next
solution may be over the top but if your hacker is really
screwing you then its best if you chose this. Call the cops
and find out who is doing it. Maybe you should do this
because then if the hacker really digs deep then they
could get your credit card number and start charging
crazy things to it. If either of these two solutions works
for you that's great if not I'm sorry things did not work
out for you.
Netflix (cause and effect)
Here in this section, I will give you some cause and effect
situations on Netflix. So Netflix added a new feature, so
when you scroll over a tv show or movie with your mouse
or tv remote it will play a clip of the show or movie.
Another cause and effect situation on Netflix is
depending on what plan you have like if you have the
standard plan, and three people are trying to watch
Netflix the app will say to many people are watching on
your account. Then it will list what people are watching
and on whos profile. Now if you have the premium plan it
will say that if 5 people are watching it would say too
many people are watching your account. Another
situation which everyone knows is if you don't pay Netflix
deactivates your account until you pay. My last cause and
effect situation is when you watch something a lot it will
be added to your list. By now I think I have listed every
cause and effect situation on Netflix, have fun.