The Leader in Me - Shifts in
Academic Instruction Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Tamyke Edwards & Alden Denila
Designed for teachers at NCES and Hamilton ES. Using Leadership Notebooks to shift academic instruction from a teacher centered model to a student centered model. Teaching students how to do student led conferences. Focusing on Leaderizeing and Habitizeing our site.
GATE Recertification Certificated only Facilitator: Karen Anderson Admin, All of the above
Is it time to become recertified for GATE? Explore and apply a scope and sequence for GATE differentiation that parallels your current content while layering in researched best practices for GATE learners.This all day session will be inquiry based and responsive to the needs and interests of the participants.
Secondary Dance Curriculum &
Professional Development Certificated only Facilitator: Karen Anderson (with consultant) 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Dance teachers will work with a consultant to work on the scope and sequence of Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Dance courses at PUSD
Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI):
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Classified only Facilitator: Matthew Roper
Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI): Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
Stop the Bleed Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Ann Rector
Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action. Stop the Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
Universal Design for Learning in
Goalbook Toolkit Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Caitlin Peters
Special Education Teachers and other service providers will explore the Universal Design for Learning framework and identify student learning barriers. We will apply the UDL framework to a specific lesson with example students in mind. We will look at best practices to implement UDL strategies in the classroom, and independently use Goalbook Toolkit to identify research-based UDL strategies for an upcoming lesson.
Identifying & Supporting Homeless Students:
McKinney-Vento 101 Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Eric Alvarez
Presenter will provide an overview of the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness under Subtitle VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Presenter will cover: Understanding the relationship between housing and school performance; McKinney-Vento basics and context; Eligibility for McKinney-Vento rights and services; Immediate school enrollment, school selection, and transportation rights under McKinney-Vento; McKinney-Vento dispute resolution process
Little Kids Rock! Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Karen Anderson
Little Kids Rock's Modern Band workshops are designed to provide you with the skills, curriculum, and network to successfully run a Modern Band program. Modern Band is a new, school-based music program that utilizes popular music as its central repertoire. Styles that are studied include Rock, Pop, Reggae, Hip-Hop, Rhythm & Blues, Electronic Production, and other contemporary styles as they emerge. Learn more about Modern Band and how to integrate it in your multiple subject or single subject classroom!
Tricks of the Trade: How to Fasttrack Your
Online Reqs in PeopleSoft Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Mia Harrison
In this training we will go over common mistakes made when inputting online Reqs in PeopleSoft. We will also go over Certificates of Insurance (COI), Consultant Contract Packets and shortcuts and templates you may use to ensure your Reqs are approved and generated in a timely fashion. A "Tricks of the Trade" packet of useful information will be given to everyone in attendance.
Supporting Beginning Readers
(PreA, Emergent, & Early Reading Levels) Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Tina Renzullo
The instructional choices you make each day are guided by knowledge of the critical skills and attitudes needed by students at each stage of reading development. Beginning reading skills are taught explicitly and systematically to children within an overall program of purposeful, engaging reading and writing. Let's tune-up your Reader's Workshop and set you up for a strong finish to the school year.
SART, SARB, and Chronic Absenteeism Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Lloyd Dabasol
No, I would only like to present my workshop once
What is ParentLink and How Do
I use it to Send Messages? Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Beth Leyden Certificated
Want an esay way to communicate with the families at your school site? Parantlink is the applicaiton for you. Parentlink syncs with Aeries to ensure that your families contact information is up-to-date and ready for you to use.
Role of the Paraeducator Classified only Facilitator: [email protected]
Paraeducators will learn about the Least Restrictive Environment, confidentiality, and how to respond to parents, teachers and students. Other topics will be how to read and implement IEP goals and examples of accommodations and modifications.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Classified only Facilitator: Jenny Fong
Applied Behavior Analysis is the therapeutic science of how to change specific behavior. Learn how to use the science in your classroom or job setting.
Social Skills Training Classified only Facilitator: Lusine Akelyan from Holding Hands
Do you have students who have difficulty with socially appropriate interactions and communications with others? Then this is the training for you!
Updates from ITS Classified only Facilitator: ITS
Employees will be updated on new state rules/regulations and keeping student data secure. Other topics will include updates in Aeries processes.
Google Apps (Docs, Slides and Forms) Classified only Facilitator: ITS
Not sure you know everything about the G-Suite applications (Docs, Sheets, Slides,... FORMS!!!) Come to this training and we will help you become a Google Pro!
7 Reading Strategies to Engage Students Certificated only Facilitator: Donna Shepard 6th-8th, 9th-12th
The class will be effective in learning to use critical and abstract thinking with the aid of using specific reading strategies. The use of reading strategies taught in the course will allow participants to use metacognition skills or "thinking about thinking," to be actively engaged in academics.
School Suspensions: How to Avoid and/or
Prepare for Litigation with Confidence Certificated only Facilitator: Dr. Ricardo Peinado All of the above
Participants will learn the following: (1) What are some steps that an IEP Team should/could be doing prior to a student receiving a School Suspension; (2); What are some steps that an IEP Team should/could be doing as the student receives 1-10 School Suspensions; (3) What the IEP Team must do if/when the student receives 10 or more School Suspensions; as well as (4) to provide the participants with the opportunity to discuss any behavioral issues/cases.
Making Connections: The Key to Creating
a Positive Climate Certificated only Facilitator: Erin Musick TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
In this workshop we will discuss various ways to create and sustain a healthy and positive classroom environment.
Writer's Workshop 1.0- Planning a Unit
of Study Certificated only Facilitator: Julia Cole K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Getting started with planning a writing unit of study can be exciting and challenging. How can we use our standards, writing assessments, and grade level student centered writing rubrics to guide our daily mini-lessons?
The Approaches to Teaching and Learning
(ATL) in the IB Diploma Programme:
Focus on Reflection Certificated only Facilitator: Karen Law 9th-12th
This session will focus on the ATL thinking skill of reflection. Teachers will grapple with the question: "What is reflective practice?", and will explore strategies for embedding reflection into their lessons as well as their own professional learning practice. This workshop will inform and enhance the design and development of IB DP unit planners and help teachers make reflection an integral part of their classroom environment. Teachers will have time to evaluate a DP subject unit planner and identify opportunities within it for teaching students the skill of reflection.
IBMYP Personal Project Evaluation Certificated only Facilitator: Maricela Brambila 6th-8th, 9th-12th
This session will focus on the IB Middle Years Programme Personal Project. Teachers will receive an overview of the Personal Project and begin working with the IB Evaluation Tool. Teachers will calibrate the use of this tool by examining sample projects. This workshop will help IB teachers support students they supervise.
Depth of Knowledge Workshop Certificated only Facilitator: Michael Kendrick & Sandra Garcia Admin, PreK, TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th-8th
Increasing instructional rigor through the identification of the different levels on the depth of knowledge scale. Also, how to use the different depth of knowledge questioning stems to guide independent student balanced literacy groups.
MATHia Certificated only Facilitator: Nick Vacca 9th-12th
Are your students having challenges connecting MATHia problems to textbook problems? Are your students having trouble applying what they have learned in the classroom to tasks in MATHia? Come join us to get tips on connecting learning individually (MATHia) with learning together (textbook).
Teaching to
Improve EL
Facilitator: Rene Saldivar and Maria Valdez
-Designated vs. Integrated ELD -ELD Standards Review -Critical Practices
Seats for
(Intro to
Facilitator: Stephanie Norton
Certificated only
All of the above
Interested in starting flexible seating in your classroom? Already using flexible seating but want new ideas? In this workshop, benefits of flexible seating and strategies to implement flexible seating effectively will be explored. Share and plan with your colleagues to create a connected, student- centered classroom environment.
Certificated only
All of the above
Transition Plans Certificated only
Facilitator: Stephanie Cosey
Special Education Teachers will learn how to write appropriate and effective transition plans for special education students.
Connect through Mindfulness Certificated only Facilitator: Susan Bromen All of the above
Connect with your students through mindfulness. Learn how to incorporate mindfulness throughout your day. In this session, I will guide you through different techniques to introduce you to mindfulness. In addition, you will walk away with ideas and resources to get you and your students started on a path to mindfulness.
The Power of Progress Monitoring
Reading for K-5 Certificated only Facilitator: Gina Hernandez K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Why progress monitor? Research has demonstrated that when teachers use student progress monitoring, students learn more, teacher decision making improves, and students become more aware of their own performance. Come learn how to accelerate student reading and improve instructional decisions through progress monitoring.
Word Study and Word Sorts 101 Certificated only Facilitator: Patricia Escorza-Jaime and Elena Camarillo
Do you miss the Green Section of Open Court? Word Study and Word Sorts are your answer! Come learn how to engage students as they discover the power of words in a fun and meaningful way. Be prepared for hands on learning.
Creating a More Engaging and Supportive
Classroom Environment Certificated only Facilitator: Karyn Messler
This presentation will introduce educators to teaching strategies and technology platforms we have found effective for teaching students with special learning needs in math, English, history and science. The approach is also applicable to general education classes wishing to provide accommodations and differentiation for students at all levels with diverse learning needs, e.g. EL, Special Ed, Visually Impaired, and Gifted.
The approach, based on universal design for learning, is based on creating mini-lessons consisting of content chunked into media-rich information and assessment segments. Teachers collect work from students instantly using clicker-style assessments and by calling for open-ended question responses. Students demonstrate their understanding by contributing text, web resources, drawings, pictures, videos, and concept maps. They interact as individuals, pairs, or small groups in discussions, projects, and presentations. Technology supports effective teaching strategies: whole-class feedback, collaborative conversations, instant formative assessment, and peer- to-peer teaching.
Connecting Students with ELA/Math
Performance Task Certificated only Facilitator: Arpine Khrlopyan and Debbie Afsharian Admin, 3rd, 4th, 5th
How do you plan and organize a daily and weekly ELA/Math Performance Task? What are the skills and strategies I need to instruct and review with my students? How are the reading and writing standards my foundation that support and guide the performance task? How do I break down this task for my students and anchor their learning in reading and writing? How do I connect writing structures and embed Brief Write skills?
Using Chromebooks for Workshop
Model in ELA Certificated only Facilitator: Jennifer Pringle 9th-12th
This Workshop will help teachers use PowerSchool and other tools from our digital toolbox to implement Reader's and Writer's Workshop and facilitate student documentation and reflection on learning for their senior defense. We will follow the workshop model, so please bring a charged Chromebook or laptop.
Music (Band, Choir, Orchestra) Teachers
Curriculum Development & Collaboration Certificated only Facilitator: Karen Anderson K-12
Music teachers will set the framework for our collaborative units based on the newly adopted California Arts Standards. We will also identify needs in terms of PD and resources to most effectively use the SSAE funds.
Secondary Visual Arts Curriculum &
Professional Development Certificated only Facilitator: Karen Anderson 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Visual & Media Arts teachers will set the framework for our collaborative units based on the newly adopted California Arts Standards. We will also identify needs in terms of PD and resources to most effectively use the SSAE funds.
The Approaches to Teaching and Learning
(ATL) in the IB Diploma Programme:
Focus on Research Skills and
Academic Honesty Certificated only Facilitator: Karen Law 9th-12th
This session will focus on the ATL skill of research, with an additional focus on academic honesty in the IB Diploma Programme. Teachers will investigate the differences between "stand-alone" teaching and "embedded" teaching of research skills and academic honesty. They will explore strategies designed to support the explicit teaching and learning of these skills in each of the six IB DP subject areas. Teachers will have the opportunity to design/re-design DP unit planners (in collaboration with other DP subject teachers) based on their learning from this session.
IB Unit Planners and Subject Overviews Certificated only Facilitator: Maricela Brambila 6th-8th, 9th-12th
This session is designed for teachers working in the IB Middle Years Programme. Teachers will have an opportunity to work collaboratively to develop IB Units and Subject Overviews. Teachers should bring their Chromebook and Subject Guides. (Electronic copies of Subject Guides will be available.)
Stop the Bleed Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Ann Rector
Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action. Stop the Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
Universal Design for Learning in
Goalbook Toolkit Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Caitlin Peters
Special Education Teachers and other service providers will explore the Universal Design for Learning framework and identify student learning barriers. We will apply the UDL framework to a specific lesson with example students in mind. We will look at best practices to implement UDL strategies in the classroom, and independently use Goalbook Toolkit to identify research-based UDL strategies for an upcoming lesson.
Creating a Class Culture of Confidence Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Jason Fukao
"Control only what you can control." We have limited control over what happens to our students outside of school, but can control what happens within the four walls of our classroom. Come find out strategies and best practices to help promote a culture of confidence, gratitude, respect, and love.
Tricks of the Trade: How to Fasttrack Your
Online Reqs in PeopleSoft Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Mia Harrison
In this training we will go over common mistakes made when inputting online Reqs in PeopleSoft. We will also go over Certificates of Insurance (COI), Consultant Contract Packets and shortcuts and templates you may use to ensure your Reqs are approved and generated in a timely fashion. A "Tricks of the Trade" packet of useful information will be given to everyone in attendance.
Trauma Informed Care: A Focus
on Deescalation Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Natasha Hamlin & Megan Mathewson
Participants to this workshop will learn de-escalation strategies for use with challenging students.
Hapara: Student Chromebook
Management and Content Delivery Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Robert Ward
In this class we will learn to use Hapara to do a number of tasks such as: monitoring and directing your students while they are using Chromebooks, using class folders for student work and teacher collaboration, grading and revising work, and content delivery.
Assistive Technology Using Icons Classified only Facilitator: Jamie Munro
Participants will learn about how to use icons from Boardmaker for creating picture schedules, social stories and use as literature responses to picture books.
Role of the Paraeducator Classified only Facilitator: [email protected]
Yes, I am willing to present my workshop twice
Updates from ITS Classified only Facilitator: ITS
Employees will be updated on new state rules/regulations and keeping student data secure. Other topics will include updates in Aeries processes.
Google Sheets Classified only Facilitator: ITS
Google Sheets makes your data pop with colorful charts and graphs. Built-in formulas, pivot tables and conditional formatting options save time and simplify common spreadsheet tasks.
Bringing Word Study to Life Certificated only Facilitator: Bryon Lanagan K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Learn how to plan and implement Word Study instruction using Words Their Way resources integrated with district technology resources. Participants will also learn how to integrate Word Study into Reader's Workshop. Progress monitoring and diagnostic assessments will also be explained.
7 Reading Strategies to Engage Students Certificated only Facilitator: Donna Shepard 6th-8th, 9th-12th
The class will be effective in learning to use critical and abstract thinking with the aid of using specific reading strategies. The use of reading strategies taught in the course will allow participants to use metacognition skills or "thinking about thinking," to be actively engaged in academics.
Let's Talk About It: Discourse in
Math and Science Certificated only Facilitator: Erica Peters Admin, 6th-8th
(Secondary Only) Discourse plays such an important part of the classroom. Come and practice how to use discourse in your classroom to support your learners and help them grow.
Writer's Workshop 2.0: Taking your
Writer's Workshop to the Next Level Certificated only Facilitator: Jason Green K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
You've attended writer's workshop training. You've got the basic set-up and day-to-day operations of Writer's Workshop down... What next? Writer's Workshop 2.0 will focus on how to get your students' writing, and writer's workshop in general, to the next level. Our main focal points will be the areas of conferencing and using student work to drive your instruction. Time will be given to analyze your students' work, so please bring work samples from your students. Special Note: This training is geared toward K-5th grade teachers who have not taken part in the Writing Units of Study (WUoS) training.
Using Technology to Foster Collaboration
in the K-5 Science Classroom Certificated only Facilitator: Jodie West and Nicole Kim K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
This workshop will show how to foster collaboration and formative assessment easily in science by incorporating technology. Facilitators will present some of their best practices and share success stories with an app that can be used across various platforms. / NGSS content
Nearpod Jam Session 1.0 Certificated only Facilitator: Jonathan Gardner All of the above
Coaching, theory and concepts to help guide effective use of Nearpod, along with time and opportunity to convert PowerPoints or pdf documents into Nearpods ready to use. This is a good session for those that are new to using Nearpod.
Student Led Book Clubs Certificated only Facilitator: Lauren Partma 5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Do you struggle to support your gifted students in the classroom with Reader's Workshop? Come learn how to empower your students to have student run book clubs and discussions. You will also get time to plan for them so you can implement right away.
Connect, Engage and Inspire Students
Through Strength Based Binders Certificated only Facilitator: Kimberly Knudson 5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
This workshop will present ways for students to become aware of their strengths so they can set and track goals and take ownership of their academic success.
Connect through Text:
Reading that Leads to Measurable Growth! Certificated only Facilitator: Kristin Forrest & Lilia Romero 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Are your students connecting to text? Let’s dive into authentic reading activities that lead to measurable growth. It IS possible to engage in classroom reading and text found in state assessments. Come discover ways to support secondary classroom literacy in ALL content areas.
Writer's Workshop 1.0- Planning a Unit
of Study Certificated only Facilitator: Julia Cole K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Getting started with planning a writing unit of study can be exciting and challenging. How can we use our standards, writing assessments, and grade level student centered writing rubrics to guide our daily mini-lessons?
Actively Engaging Elementary Learners
During Reading Instruction Certificated only Facilitator: Myesha Reynolds & Veronica Villagrana 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Are you looking for a way to get and keep your students engaged during reading lessons? In this workshop, you will learn how to implement effective and engaging strategies into your daily reading mini-lessons. These engagement strategies will make reading more exciting for your students and help to fuel a greater desire in them to read. You will leave this workshop feeling fired up about your next reading mini-lesson! Spice up your curriculum with "Actively Engaging Elementary Learners During Reading Instruction!"
Using STEMscopes to Teach Science Certificated only Facilitator: STEMscopes Trainer Admin, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Participants will dig into the STEMscopes platform to better understand all of the components and how to use the resource to teach science.
MATHia Certificated only Facilitator: Nick Vacca 9th-12th
Are your students having challenges connecting MATHia problems to textbook problems? Are your students having trouble applying what they have learned in the classroom to tasks in MATHia? Come join us to get tips on connecting learning individually (MATHia) with learning together (textbook).
Math Strategies/Activities to Engage
Students in Math Certificated only Facilitator: Zara Agvanian 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Collaboration strategies used to teach MS or HS math
Connect through Text:
Reading that Leads to Measurable Growth! Certificated only Facilitator: Kristin Forrest and Lilia Romero 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Are your students connecting to text? Let's dive into authentic reading activities that lead to measurable growth. It IS possible to engage students in classroom reading and text found in state assessments. Come discover ways to support secondary classroom literacy in ALL content areas.
DLIP Café Certificated only Facilitator: Xiomara Tovar and Silvia Torres
K - 2 Teacjers. Come and join us as we come together to discuss all things Dual. This is an opportunity for us to see the amazing things we have accomplished and how we can grow from each other. Our Café menu includes: Understand, Prepare, Teach and Support.
Independent Reading: It’s for Everyone Creating Pathways for Literacy at School, Home, and in the Community
Facilitator: Nicole Bosworth
Certificated only
Independent reading is the single most important factor linked to student literacy achievement. Therefore, it is key that ALL students have access to high quality, engaging texts in classrooms, at home, and in the community. This session will allow participants to review current independent reading research, create a link between independent reading at school and at home, and think broadly about access to text throughout the year in order to positively impact student achievement at all levels. Participants will discover plausible ways to create meaningful independent reading opportunities for students, and engage with a leading practitioner in the field who has put research in action yielding strong results for students and families.
Stop the Bleed Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Ann Rector
Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action. Stop the Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
Identifying & Supporting Homeless Students:
McKinney-Vento 101 Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Eric Alvarez
Presenter will provide an overview of the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness under Subtitle VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Presenter will cover: Understanding the relationship between housing and school performance; McKinney-Vento basics and context; Eligibility for McKinney-Vento rights and services; Immediate school enrollment, school selection, and transportation rights under McKinney-Vento; McKinney-Vento dispute resolution process
Healthy Schools: Promoting Health and
Academic Achievement. Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Katia Ahmed, M.Ed, MS, RN
No, I would only like to present my workshop once
What is ParentLink and How Do
I use it to Send Messages? Both Certificated and Classified Facilitator: Beth Leyden Certificated
Want an esay way to communicate with the families at your school site? Parantlink is the applicaiton for you. Parentlink syncs with Aeries to ensure that your families contact information is up-to-date and ready for you to use.
Role of the Paraeducator Classified only Facilitator: [email protected]
Paraeducators will learn about the Least Restrictive Environment, confidentiality, and how to respond to parents, teachers and students. Other topics will be how to read and implement IEP goals and examples of accommodations and modifications.
Assistive Technology Using Icons Classified only Facilitator: Jamie Munro
Participants will learn about how to use icons from Boardmaker for creating picture schedules, social stories and use as literature responses to picture books.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABAC)lassified only Facilitator: Jenny Fong
Applied Behavior Analysis is the therapeutic science of how to change specific behavior. Learn how to use the science in your classroom or job setting.
Updates from ITS Classified only Facilitator: ITS
Employees will be updated on new state rules/regulations and keeping student data secure. Other topics will include updates in Aeries processes.
Google Sheets Classified only Facilitator: ITS
Google Sheets makes your data pop with colorful charts and graphs. Built-in formulas, pivot tables and conditional formatting options save time and simplify common spreadsheet tasks.
Google Apps (Docs, Slides and Forms) Certificated only Facilitator: ITS
Not sure you know everything about the G-Suite applications (Docs, Sheets, Slides,... FORMS!!!) Come to this training and we will help you become a Google Pro!
Let's Talk About It:
Discourse in
Math and Science Certificated only Facilitator: Erica Peters Admin, 6th-8th
(Secondary Only) Discourse plays such an important part of the classroom. Come and practice how to use discourse in your classroom to support your learners and help them grow.
Making Connections:
The Key to Creating
a Positive Climate Certificated only Facilitator: Erin Musick TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
In this workshop we will discuss various ways to create and sustain a healthy and positive classroom environment.
Writer's Workshop 2.0: Taking your
Writer's Workshop to the Next Level Certificated only Facilitator: Jason Green K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
You've attended writer's workshop training. You've got the basic set-up and day-to-day operations of Writer's Workshop down... What next? Writer's Workshop 2.0 will focus on how to get your students' writing, and writer's workshop in general, to the next level. Our main focal points will be the areas of conferencing and using student work to drive your instruction. Time will be given to analyze your students' work, so please bring work samples from your students. Special Note: This training is geared toward K-5th grade teachers who have not taken part in the Writing Units of Study (WUoS) training.
Using Technology to Foster Collaboration
in the K-5 Science Classroom Certificated only Facilitator: Jodie West and Nicole Kim K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
This workshop will show how to foster collaboration and formative assessment easily in science by incorporating technology. Facilitators will present some of their best practices and share success stories with an app that can be used across various platforms. / NGSS content
Nearpod Jam Session 2.0 Certificated only Facilitator: Jonathan Gardner All of the above
Coaching, theory and concepts to help guide effective use of Nearpod, along with time and opportunity to convert PowerPoints or pdf documents into Nearpods ready to use. This is a good session for those that hae used Nearpod but are looking to learn more.
Connect, Engage and Inspire Students
Through Strength Based Binders Certificated only Facilitator: Kimberly Knudson 5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
This workshop will present ways for students to become aware of their strengths so they can set and track goals and take ownership of their academic success.
Special Education 101 Certificated only Facilitator: Kristin Myers
Participants will learn the basics of special education law.
Student Led Book Clubs Certificated only Facilitator: Lauren Partma 5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Do you struggle to support your gifted students in the classroom with Reader's Workshop? Come learn how to empower your students to have student run book clubs and discussions. You will also get time to plan for them so you can implement right away.
El Mundo de Palabras
“Words Their Way” for SDILP Classrooms Certificated only Facilitator: Sandra Banuelos K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Do your SDLIP students need extra help developing their spelling skills in Spanish! Come learn about Word Study en Español!
Actively Engaging Elementary Learners
During Reading Instruction Certificated only Facilitator: Myesha Reynolds & Veronica Villagrana 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Are you looking for a way to get and keep your students engaged during reading lessons? In this workshop, you will learn how to implement effective and engaging strategies into your daily reading mini-lessons. These engagement strategies will make reading more exciting for your students and help to fuel a greater desire in them to read. You will leave this workshop feeling fired up about your next reading mini-lesson! Spice up your curriculum with "Actively Engaging Elementary Learners During Reading Instruction!"
Edulastic with Carnegie Certificated only
Facilitator: Nick Vacca
Assessment tools easy enough for classroom formative assessments, yet sophisticated enough for common interim and benchmark assessments that mirror state tests. Come see how Edulastic will free your time in grading stacks of papers, provide true differentiated data, and allow you to give immediate feedback to your students.
Google Classroom -
New and Improved Certificated only Facilitator: Leslie Stotlar Admin, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Basics of using Google Classroom including: group projects, IEP ideas, parent updates, quizzes(how to combine or reuse questions on google forms), questions and how to up load grades to Aeries. Bring your chromebook or ipad.
Google Tools for the Classroom Certificated only Facilitator: Stacey Torres 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Highlight of different Google tools that have been used in an elementary classroom.
Different Seats for Different Folks
(Intro to Flexible Seating) Certificated only Facilitator: Stephanie Norton All of the above
Interested in starting flexible seating in your classroom? Already using flexible seating but want new ideas? In this workshop, benefits of flexible seating and strategies to implement flexible seating effectively will be explored. Share and plan with your colleagues to create a connected, student- centered classroom environment.
Using STEMscopes to Teach Science Certificated only Facilitator: STEMscopes Trainer Admin, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Participants will dig into the STEMscopes platform to better understand all of the components and how to use the resource to teach science.
The Power of Progress Monitoring
Reading for K-5 Certificated only Facilitator: Gina Hernandez K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Why progress monitor? Research has demonstrated that when teachers use student progress monitoring, students learn more, teacher decision making improves, and students become more aware of their own performance. Come learn how to accelerate student reading and improve instructional decisions through progress monitoring.
It Starts With a Question --
Using the 2016 History Framework Certificated only Facilitator: Lisabet Nepf 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th-8th
Participants will have the opportunity to work with other history-social studies teachers to share concerns and share strategies for using the 'new' framework to build inquiry in the history-social studies classroom
Word Study and Word Sorts 101 Certificated only Facilitator: Patricia Escorza-Jaime and Elena Camarillo
Do you miss the Green Section of Open Court? Word Study and Word Sorts are your answer! Come learn how to engage students as they discover the power of words in a fun and meaningful way. Be prepared for hands on learning.
DLIP Café Certificated only Facilitator: Xiomara Tovar and Silvia Torres
Come and join us as we come together to discuss all things Dual. This is an opportunity for us to see the amazing things we have accomplished and how we can grow from each other. Our Café menu includes: Understand, Prepare, Teach and Support.
Summer School 2019 Application: Counselors Certificated only Facilitator: Charlene Tucker
A session for PUSD counselors to learn about the updated process for applying to Summer School 2019