KG 1
October 2019
Deepawali is the festival of lights. In
addition to lighting diyas, burning crackers
also is a major part of the celebration.
Deepawali symbolizes the spiritual “victory
of light over darkness, good over evil and
knowledge over ignorance”.
Diya decoration
As a part of our celebration, students were asked to decorate their respective diyas with colours of their
choice to get the feel of Deepawali celebration through Diya decoration.
KG 1- A KG 1-B
Diya decorations KG 1-D
KG 1-C
Special assembly
To spread the joy of Deepawali celebration, parents were invited to be a part of the Special Assembly
Program to view and enjoy the same and motivate their wards.
Every child, section wise was given an opportunity to perform on the stage. This gave children a platform to
showcase their talents and further strengthen their confidence. Children were encouraged to work as a
KG 1 A
KG 1-D
Colour day
Colour is powerful. It can affect mood, draw attention, even cause an alarm. It is hard to imagine the world
without any colour.
Stimulating young brains is a tedious task which demands patience and creativity. Students were taught
colours through an activity, in which each section was asked to wear a particular coloured clothes.
KG 1-A KG 1-B
Colour day KG 1-D
KG 1-C
I-PAD puzzle competition
To encourage children to use their creative thoughts, Daffodils Nursery Wing organized an I-PAD puzzle
competition. As a part of this competition, children had to fix fourteen piece puzzle without overlapping to
complete the picture on their respective I-PAD’s. The child who completed the puzzle first was declared as
the winner!!
Workshop for Parents – Parenting by Skill
Parent teacher meeting was organised on 12-10-19
Parent teacher meeting is a prominent and notable
feature of Daffodils English School curriculum. The
motive is close interaction of parents with teachers
with regard to the progress shown by their wards and
finding workable solutions to the problems coming in
the way of development of their ward.
Parenting by skill workshop for parents was also
organised on the same day.
It aimed at strengthening parenting skills. It also
provided a space for parents to share and learn from
each other.
Enhancing specialty in thoughts, focus on Myths of
parenting, fostering Relationships and teacher child
parent triad were emphasized upon.