feathers, Fur, Scales and Skin
Come and travel around the world with the Prep
community as we discover and locate different animals in
their natural habitats! We welcome you all to explore and
uncover the reasons why animals have different
coverings and what functions they serve in various habitats.
Our Habitat Heroes in Year 1/2 have been creating
different classroom habitats! We have been super busy researching
different animals and their features that help them survive.
Come on in, although be prepared to jump aboard a Jungle
Safari, go diving under the sea or scorch through the African desert.
May the force be with you
Enter with caution and let the magnetic environment pull you
into the Year 3/4 community. Our scientists have been testing the
phenomena that surrounds us. Whether we’re falling through space or
soaring through the skies, there will be something that floats your boat!
Come and test these theories for yourself and may the force be with you.
This term’s Year 5/6 Inquiry unit is
‘Survival of the Fittest’. Students have been researching and creating
their own ‘alien’ bodysuits to demonstrate their understanding of how
living organisms can adapt in order to survive in a chosen
environment. The students have paired up to design, plan and present their
costumes. During the Learning Expo, one of the students will be
taking the roll of the ‘Mad Scientist’ the other being the ‘Alien
Species’. On the day, they will be acting out their characters,
discussing their discoveries and taunting the audience with
their gruesome designs. Students have been studying defensive,
structural and behavioral adaptations. This understanding has led them to
deciding on their alien’s classification, class, family group and kingdom.