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Published by Macie Hammaker, 2019-03-29 11:42:18

Basketball (1)

Basketball (1)

B​ asketball


By: Macie Hammaker 6o 

Table of Contents 
​Sequence -page 3 

Descriptive -page 4 
Compare and contrast- page 5 
Problem and solution- page 6  



Dribble - ​an act or instance of taking the ball 
forward with repeated slight touches or bounces. 

Court - a​ quadrangular area, either open or covered, 
marked out for ball games such as tennis or basketball. 

Team -a​ group of players forming one side in a 
competitive game or sport. 

Stealing- the ball from the other team.  
Defender- someone trying to defend you from getting 
a basket. 

​ 2​  


First the players run down the court. Next they catch 
the rebound and dribble down the court. Then they 
square up to shout the ball. If they miss the catch the 
rebound. After that, the other team might get the ball 
and run down the court. Last they shoot he ball and 


​The basketball court is big and has two baskets at 

each end . The hoops are orange and the the back bard 
is clear. Also most places have bleachers. Most of the 
time there are players on the court. Our court is a tan 



Compare and Contrast 
​ Basketball is different than volleyball. One of 

thing that they inn common is the both play with a ball 
and nets. Also they have two teams that play against 
each other. The differences are in volleyball there is a 
net in the middle of the court. Also the balls are 
different. A volleyball is softer and smaller.Baseketball is 
easier to bounce .  



Problem and Solution  

When you run up the court and you miss the basket 
you have to keep trying. When you get the ball the next 
time you square up and shoot the ball into the net. When 
you make the basket your team will cheer you on. You 
might get a high five or two.  




Cause and and effect 

When the opposite team steals the ball that is 
because you were not dribbling on the right side of thef 
your defender. The effect is when the run ahead of you 
the could make a basket and win the game. Also if you 
passed the ball the wrong way and the ball will end up 
going to the wrong person. If you do the drills right you 
could win the game.   


All about the author 


My name is Macie. I live with my mom, dad, sister Rian, 
and dog Toby. My favorite color is blue. I play tackle 
rugby, and basketball. My friends are Emma, Sefa, Jazzy, 
Abbie, and Ryleigh. Ms. Scott is my favorite teacher this 
year. My favorite subject is social studies. 


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