Final Price
50, 00 sq. ft. PROGRAM
Reg. 96.96
84.99 SALE
-20.00 INSTANT
6.99 Scotts® STEP® 1 Crabgrass Scotts® STEP® 2 Weed Scotts® STEP® 3 Scotts® STEP® 4
Preventer Plus Lawn Food— Control Plus Lawn Lawn Food with Fall Lawn Food—
12" Pansy Bowl 50, 00 sq. ft. Food— 50, 00 sq. ft. 2% Iron— 50, 00 sq. ft.
Reg. 13.99 HP801006 Apply in early spring. Prevents Apply in late spring. Kills 50, 00 sq. ft. Apply in fall. Protects
crabgrass all season. Feeds for a fast dandelions and other listed Apply in summer. Feeds and strengthens for a
While supplies last. green-up after winter. 28-0-7. 161 995 broadleaf weeds. 28-0-3. and strengthens in heat and better spring lawn.
drought. 32-0-4. 161 986 32-0-12. 157 628
Final Price INSTANT 161 982
9.99 19.99Final Price 4.99
Exclusively for
12.99 SALE True Value Rewards® 6" Stainless Steel
PRICE Members! Use this Mini Floral Snips
Perfect for precision pruning & thinning.
-3.00 INSTANT card to save. Reg. 10.99 227 562
19.99Final Price 22.99 SALE
5.62 lb. Garden -3.00 INSTANT
Weed Preventer rebate*
Prevents weeds up to
3 months. Reg. 16.99 689 867 1 gal. Ready-to-Use
5.62 lb. Weed Preventer Weed Killer
Includes plant food. Covers 900 sq. ft. with Reuseable
Reg. 18.99 104 395 Comfort Wand
Extended control kills
NEW weeds up to 4 months.
Reg. 27.99 161 996
21.99 SALE 2/$12 19.99
1 gal. Crabgrass Destroyer PRICE
Kills the toughest crabgrass and 16 qt. Potting Mix 32" Heavy Duty Anvil Lopper
grassy weeds without harming lawns. -2.00 INSTANT Superior blend of composted For better cuts. Black powder coated
Reg. 24.99 246 952 rebate* bark, sphagnum peat moss & finish. Soft TPR grip. Light weight
Perlite. Reg. 8.99 462 697 aluminum handles. Reg. 28.99 227 555
G.E. Waters General 5,000 sq. ft. Turf
Merchandise is founded Builder Lawn Food
Prevents crabgrass all
by G.W. Waters in season. Reg. 26.99 161 991
Manchester, Kansas
The first gasoline- The first successful G.E. Waters sells his General O.M. Scott's elder son, Dwight, saw
powered Mercedes airplane is invented by Merchandise store and purchases the role which lawns should play
is introduced at Nice the American Wright in the American way of life, and
Race Week in France. Gretner's Hardware in Junction begins offering grass seed by mail.
brothers. City, Kansas, renaming it
Waters Hardware.
1894 1901 1903 1905 1907
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SALINA EMPORIA JUNCTION CITY WAMEGO All sale prices on in-stock items only - while supplies last!
Not responsible for typographical errors.
460 South Ohio St. 2727 W. US Hwy 50 129 E 6th St. 1012 Kaw Valley Park Cirle
(at Washington) Sale Dates March 18 - 31, 2019
785-823-6400 620-343-2800 785-456-7456
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