Administrative Procedural and Policy Manual
(2019 Edition)
Table of Contents
1. Opening Procedures ...........................................................................................4
2. Greeting A Patient ...............................................................................................6
3. Answering the Phone/Leaving a Message ........................................................7
3.1 Answering a Phone Call ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Leaving a Voicemail ............................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Hanging Up ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.4 Emergency Situation .............................................................................................................................. 7
4. New Patient Protocol...........................................................................................7
4.1 New Patient over the Phone ................................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Initial Forms ........................................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Forms after Completion ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.4 Adding New Patient to Abel Med ......................................................................................................... 8
5. MVA Patient Protocol ..........................................................................................8
5.1 Important information to gather over the phone ................................................................................ 8
5.2 Information upon their arrival .............................................................................................................. 9
6. WSIB Protocol......................................................................................................9
6.1 Important information to gather over the phone ................................................................................ 9
6.2 Before booking/confirming appointment protocol .............................................................................. 9
6.3 New Community Mental Health Program .......................................................................................... 10
6.4 Progress Reports .................................................................................................................................. 10
7. Psycho-Educational Assessment Protocol ....................................................10
7.1 Which psychologist do these assessments ......................................................................................... 10
8. Canadian Armed Forces ...................................................................................11
8.1 Important information to gather ........................................................................................................ 11
9. Booking/Cancelling an Appointment...............................................................11
9.1 Booking an appointment on Abel Med ............................................................................................... 11
9.2 Cancelling an appointment on Abel Med ........................................................................................... 11
9.3 Wait-Listing a patient using Abel Med ................................................................................................ 12
10. Booking an On-Call Appointment ....................................................................12
10.1 Login Information .............................................................................................................................. 12
10.2 How to book an appointment ........................................................................................................... 13
11. Booking a Phone Consult .................................................................................13
12. Air Canada, Jazz and Toronto Police Force....................................................13
13. Email Protocol....................................................................................................14
13.1 Login Information .............................................................................................................................. 14
14. Email and Text Confirmations ..........................................................................14
14.1 How to send both email and text confirmation ............................................................................... 14
14.2 How to change the status of the appointment on Abel Med ........................................................... 14
14.3 Cancelation Policy .............................................................................................................................. 14
15. Privacy and Confidentiality...............................................................................15
15.1 Written Consent ................................................................................................................................ 15
15.2 Spoken Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................... 15
15.3 Email Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................... 15
15.4 Business Confidentiality .................................................................................................................... 15
16. Using Printer/Scanner .......................................................................................16
16.1 Printing Invoice .................................................................................................................................. 16
16.2. Scanning and Scanning Policies ........................................................................................................ 16
17. IT Issues .............................................................................................................17
17.1 Printer ................................................................................................................................................ 17
17.2 Phones ............................................................................................................................................... 17
17.3 General Issues .................................................................................................................................... 17
18. Billing and POS Machine ..................................................................................17
18.1 How to Create an Invoice .................................................................................................................. 17
18.2 Private Client Billing .......................................................................................................................... 17
18.3 MVA Billing ........................................................................................................................................ 18
18.4 WSIB Billing ........................................................................................................................................ 18
18.5 Psycho-Educational Assessment Billing ............................................................................................ 19
18.6 How to use the POS Machine ............................................................................................................ 19
18.7 Closing the Batch ............................................................................................................................... 19
19. Ordering Supplies..............................................................................................19
19.1 Staples ................................................................................................................................................ 19
19.2 Coffee and Tea ................................................................................................................................... 19
19.3 Water ................................................................................................................................................. 20
20. Time Off Request ...............................................................................................20
21. Closing Day Procedures ...................................................................................20
22. Psychologists Information................................................................................22
1. Opening Procedures
Clocking In
ü Upon your arrival using the machine on the wall at employee entrance (Mississauga) or
located beside the main desk (Brampton) scan your finger to clock in
ü If the machine isn’t working wipe the scanner, if that does not work unplug the cord wait
10 seconds and plug it back in to reset
ü Your finger print will be set up prior to your start date
Unlocking the Doors
ü Mississauga: Ensure both the employee entrance door, as well as the main door are
ü Brampton: Ensure the main entrance door is unlocked
Turning on the Lights
ü Mississauga: The main light switch is located to the right on the TV
ü Brampton: The main light switch is located to the left of the main entrance door
Coffee Machine
ü Mississauga: located in the kitchen
ü Brampton: located in the waiting area, make sure there are enough coffee pods and
cups out (if not, more are located in the kitchen cupboard). Turn machine on and fill the
back tank with water
ü When inventory is running low, referrer to section 19.2 for ordering information
Turning on the TV
ü Use the remote located to the left of the main computer, press the power button
ü Once TV is on, click the colorful button to get applications menu, using the arrow keys
select YouTube and then selected a video from the “recently played” list
ü Using the remote on the windowsill (to the right of the computer), press the power button
ü Once TV is on, click the home button to take you to applications page and click
YouTube, then using the arrow keys select a video from the “recently played” list
** If TV has no connection
ü Click Menu button
ü Select “network” using the arrow keys
ü Select network entitled “fvb”
ü Using arrow enter password fvb204*2
Turning on the Computer
ü Press the power button at the bottom right of the screen
ü Login Main Computer Mississauga: Password à Hello@987
ü Login Main Computer Brampton: Password à psych44@308
ü Open Outlook to check for emails and voicemails (double click the attachment in the
email to hear voicemail)
ü Login to Abel Med (located on desktop) à You will be given your own login information
Additional Login Information
Mississauga: No Password
Brampton: psych4u@308
MacBook Laptop Mississauga Password: fvb204
Testing Computers:
Mississauga: No Password
** Kept in the internal office
Brampton: psych4u@308
Unlocking Filing Cabinets
ü Keys are located to the right of the main computer in the top drawer, on a red key chain
ü Unlock both grey filing cabinet and the smaller black one located near the employee
ü Take inboxes out of small black cabinet for psychologist who are scheduled and place in
their inboxes (mounted on the wall near employee entrance)
ü Take out patient files and place in appropriate rooms for non-paperless psychologists
ü Keys are located in the top drawer of the small black filing cabinet, left of the main
ü Take out inboxes located in grey filing cabinet and place in inboxes on top of cabinet for
psychologist who are scheduled
ü Take out patient files and place in appropriate rooms for non-paperless psychologists
ü Communication book located in the top drawer right of the main computer
ü Communication book is located to the right of the main computer (spiral notebook)
** Communication book is an important tool used to communicate both between administration
staff and psychologists
ü When a patient cancels an appointment, or leaves a message for their psychologist, it is
important to write on a note and put in psychologist inbox for our records
Confirming Billing
To Check Receipts:
ü Login to Abel Med using your own access credentials
ü Click “Reporting” located in the top left corner
ü Click “Work Reports” and then “Payments and adjustments”
ü Select the box “show totals by providers”
ü Date from: enter date from previous day
ü Date to: enter same date as above
ü Click “Print”
To Check Billing
ü Once sheet has been printed, take out the receipt slips from previous day (Mississauga:
located in top drawer, right of main computer) (Brampton: Located in black filing cabinet
second drawer in the purple filing folder)
ü Open the Excel spread sheet on the computer located on desktop
ü Go by the provider on the sheet to ensure the slip matches both the excel sheet and
provider sheet. Check both the last name and method of payment
ü Once this is completed give the completed receipts to Mirela for her approval
2. Greeting A Patient
ü “Good morning/Good afternoon” (address the patient by their name) upon arrival
ü Never ask a patient how they are doing, not appropriate in this setting
ü Double check their appointment time and let them know their psychologist will be with
them shortly
ü Ensure you ask if they would like tea, coffee, hot chocolate or water while they wait
ü Inform the psychologist their patient has arrived (if they are not in a session with anyone
3. Answering the Phone/Leaving a Message
3.1 Answering a Phone Call
ü The appropriate way to answer a phone call is: “Good Morning/ Good Afternoon, FVB
Psychologists (Mississauga location or Brampton Location) (your name) speaking”
3.2 Leaving a Voicemail
ü The appropriate way to leave a voicemail is: “Good morning/Good Afternoon, this is
(your name), calling from doctor (their psychologists) office, address specific reason for
calling (or) if you could give us a call back at your earliest convenience that would be
much appreciated. You can reach us as (833-382-7792). Thank you, have a nice day.
3.3 Hanging Up
ü The appropriate way to end the phone call is “Thank you for calling FVB, have a nice
3.4 Emergency Situation
ü If a patient is on the line with an emergency and seeking immediate attention please
instruct them to contact the crisis hotline or call 9-11
ü If patient is seeking help from their psychologist for a less urgent matter, please inform
them you will contact their psychologist and get back to them as soon as possible
ü Ensure you take the contact information they can currently be reached at
ü Never give out a psychologist’s personal mobile number or email address under any
4. New Patient Protocol
4.1 New Patient over the Phone
Steps to follow when new patient calls to make an appointment:
ü Begin by asking their referral source and reason for referral
ü Gather their general information (First & Last name, D.O.B, Mailing address, contact
information, who will be responsible for payment)
ü Inform patient of the $220.00 private practice fee per appointment
ü Using Abel Med, look for the first available appointment (ask patient if they have
psychologist preference, male or female, Brampton or Mississauga)
ü It is always a good idea to book 3 appointments at a time due to our high volume wait
times (for private clients only, WSIB or MVA need their initial assessment first)
ü Inform patient of our 24-cancelation fee (24 hours-notice or they are billed $120), as well
as our email and text reminders
ü At the end of the call remind them their appointment details, give them address of the
office and end with a friendly farewell
ü Ask if they would like a reminder confirmation text/email, if no change the status of their
appointment to confirmed. See section 14.2 for more information
4.2 Initial Forms
ü Forms for new patients are kept on top of the grey filing cabinet
ü Attach form to clip board (located to the left of the main computer) and provide a pen
ü Forms for new patients are kept to the right of the computer attached to the clip board,
provide a pen
Inform patient the following:
Page 1: General information
Page 2: Privacy and confidentiality
Page 3: Difference between psychologist and psychiatrist
Page 4: Cancellation policy
** If forms are running low please use the photocopier to make more or print more. Forms to be
printed can be found on the desktop in a folder titled “Administrative Forms”.
4.3 Forms after Completion
ü Inform psychologist their patient has arrived
ü Sign form as a witness and scan both initial and referral forms (if applicable), and upload
to Abel Med under the patient’s profile (name the document “initial forms”)
ü For psychologist who are not paperless, give them a new folder (each have their colour),
writing the patients name on the tag
ü Clip the initial page form to the left side of the folder
ü The referral form should be included that in the folder as well and hand to the
ü For psychologists that are paperless scan the file and upload to Abel Med and staple
and hand forms to psychologist
4.4 Adding New Patient to Abel Med
Once you have gathered a patient’s information to add them to the system
ü Open Abel Med
ü Click file (top left), “New Patient”
ü Type in all the gathered information
5. MVA Patient Protocol
5.1 Important information to gather over the phone
When booking the first appointment ensure you gather the following information:
ü First and last name, D.O.B, Mailing address, contact number
ü Car insurance number, claim and policy number, insurance providers name, adjusters
name and contact information
ü Lawyers name and contact information (if applicable)
ü Private health insurance information (if applicable)
ü Enter into Abel Med as “new patient” see section 4.4 for instructions
** Please remind patient that they will be responsible for the initial 200$ fee in the event that
their OCF-18 (Treatment Plan) is declined **
Once you have gathered this information
ü Go to patients’ profile
ü Click “extra”
ü Click “coverage information” and then “add”
ü “Click location” and enter type
ü First identification number: enter claim number
ü Coverage: enter nurse consultant
ü Click “save”
5.2 Information upon their arrival
ü MVA forms can be found in the same location as initial form refer to section 4.2
ü Instruct patients to fill out the following forms and inform their psychologist their patient
has arrived
ü Follow the same procedure as initial forms to enter information into Abel Med refer to
section 4.4
6. WSIB Protocol
6.1 Important information to gather over the phone
When booking the first appointment, ensure you gather the following information:
ü First and last name, contact number, mailing address, WSIB claim number, case
manager/nurse consultant and their valid direct line
ü Enter into Abel Med a “new patient” using steps listed above
6.2 Before booking/confirming appointment protocol
ü Contact WSIB to confirm approval, in which you will then be told the # of sessions
approved and if they are covered under the “New Community Mental Health Program”
or “Old WSIB”
ü They will ask for the claim number, patients name and Provider ID which is
ü Please confirm if there is a time line in which these sessions need to be completed by
ü Ensure all communicated information with WSIB is also received in writing and sent to
the office for our records or ask for a memo number
ü Upload this information into the patients’ profile on Abel Med
6.3 New Community Mental Health Program
ü A specific number of treatment blocks will be approved (each block is 6 sessions)
ü They have 8 weeks to complete these sessions
ü If this is not possible the psychologist has to complete and submit a progress report
after completing 6 sessions or after 8 weeks of treatment
ü Go to the “E-fax” icon on the desktop
Enter the following:
ü To: Type of Work Place Safety Type in Work Place safety on the “to” line
ü Faxing from: Canada
ü Faxing to: Canada
ü On cover page, scroll down line that says RE: (insert patients name)
ü Scroll down to Cover Message and enter patients claim number
ü Under attachments, attach the progress report you have been instructed to send
ü Ensure both psychologist and patient have signed the report refer to section 6.4
ü Press the send fax button in the upper left corner
ü The application will be automatically closed
6.4 Progress Reports
ü Occurs when patient needs more sessions to be approved
ü Psychologist will email you report and give further instructions
ü If their report is not on their letter head, locate it on the desktop of the computer and
copy and paste the report on to it
ü Print the report and leave in their inbox to be signed
ü Must follow up with psychologist to ensure deadlines are met
7. Psycho-Educational Assessment Protocol
7.1 Which psychologist do these assessments
Each psychologist has their own way of doing this form of assessment
ü 1 hour parent interview (initial assessment)
ü After initial assessment, school letter will be created and mailed with questionnaire to the
child’s school
ü The school letter is found on the desktop of the computers entitled “school letter”
ü Print and have the psychologist sign it
ü Psychologist will pull the additional tests that will need to be sent
ü Ensure you include a copy of the patients consent form
ü Put all documents in an envelope found near the employee entrance
ü Write the address of the school, put a stamp (located in the first drawer near the main
ü Drop this letter in the mailbox which is located downstairs (Mississauga) or pass by on
way home (Brampton)
ü Two testing sessions - 3hrs each
ü Feedback session, typically 2-3 week after last contact with patient
ü 1 hour parent interview (initial assessment)
ü After initial assessment, school letter is created and mailed with the questionnaire to the
school (refer to Crawford above)
ü Two testing sessions - 2 hours each
ü Feedback typically an hour, 2-3 weeks after the previous testing
ü 2-hour parent interview (initial assessment)
ü Provide parents with school questionnaire, so we don’t have to do the school letter
ü 2 testing sessions - 2 hour long
ü Feedback session 2 hours in length, chosen date/timeline determined by her
ü Give her the contact information of the patients
ü Usually speaks with the patients herself and determines a timeline based on her
conversation with them
8. Canadian Armed Forces
8.1 Important information to gather
ü A referral may be called or faxed in
ü Ensure to gather the patients first and last name, D.O.B. Mailing address and Blue cross
ü Ensure to ask what has been approved for this patient similar to WSIB
9. Booking/Cancelling an Appointment
9.1 Booking an appointment on Abel Med
ü Open Abel Med
ü Click and while holding drag the appointment for a one hour block of time
ü Right Click, “add appointment”
ü Add patients name to the appointment
ü Put in date and your initials in the section tilted notes
9.2 Cancelling an appointment on Abel Med
ü Open Abel-Med
ü Right Click on the patients’ appointment “Cancel Appointment”
ü Write a message in the phone book to notify the psychologist which date their patient
cancelled for and why
** Never delete an appointment, always cancel **
If they fail to meet the 24hr late cancellation policy see section 14.4
9.3 Wait-Listing a patient using Abel Med
ü If a patient is looking to see their psychologist sooner or on a date that is not available
you may suggest they be added to the waitlist
ü “File” “Open Patient” and search their name
ü Click the “Appointments tab” located on the top of the screen
ü Click on their most recent appointment date
ü Right click and click “add contact”
ü Under “Work to do” include “need appointment before (enter given date)”
ü Change units to equal 4 (this demonstrates an hour appointment)
ü Provider section should include psychologist name/provider code (ensure the correct
ü Notes should include wl (lower case)
ü Click “OK”
How to access the Wait List:
ü Open Abel Med
ü Press “Scheduler” in top left corner
ü Click Contact Manager on the right hand of the screen
ü Change “For Provider” to which ever psychologist you’re looking for (ensure correct
ü Ensure patients doctor is the same as provider
ü Click OK
ü At the top left of the screen it will provide a list of people who are on the list
ü To contact a patient, left click on their name to highlight it and then right click
ü Click “view appointments” leading to their profile which provides their contact
**If patient is given an appointment, ensure to remove them from the waitlist
ü In their profile, under contacts it should lead you to the wait list note
ü Left click to select
ü Then right click and select “Delete contact”
ü Press “Yes”
10. Booking an On-Call Appointment
10.1 Login Information
Username: [email protected]
Password: Hello@987
Username: [email protected]
Password: onon1212
10.2 How to book an appointment
ü Open google and search
ü Login using the information see 10.1
ü Click the plus sign in the bottom right corner
ü Change the provider to the requested psychologist
ü Under appointment title include “One Hour Session”
ü Click on the date that the appointment is for
ü Enter clients name and email and then click create appointment
ü Ensure that you then enter “On Call Appointment” on Abel Med in the details of the
ü Both the client and the psychologist will get an email to set up the call
11. Booking a Phone Consult
ü Individuals may request to have a phone appointment instead of coming in to the office
ü If this is the case ensure you enter “phone appointment” into the details of the
appointment on Abel Med
ü Instruct them to give you a call at their scheduled time to the appropriate office, then
transfer their call to the psychologist
ü Payment is done over the phone à Ensure you have collected credit card information
before ending the call
ü WSIB and MVA clients are to be billed regularly see section 18.3-4
12. Air Canada, Jazz and Toronto Police Force
ü There are two types of appointments
1.) Regular Referral à They have been referred to Dr. Fleming for a therapy session
ü The individual will call to book an appointment, ensure you request the reason for
referral and gather all necessary general information (same as booking private client
session) see section 4.1
ü Billed regularly seeing section 18.2
2.) Interview/Testing appointment
ü For Testing appointment, they are instructed to call our office. Collect their general
information and their availability. With this information consult with Dr. Fleming on when
is a good time for them to meet
ü Give the client a call back to schedule their appointment
ü Testing appointments are billed through Air Canada left click on patient’s name, right
click and click “show patient financial”. Click services tab on the left top of the screen.
Press all to display all information. Click Add to new invoice. Ensure provider is correct.
Use U4038 code in the Service code section. Add comment “AC pilot”
ü Press Save
ü Billing will be done by Mirela
13. Email Protocol
13.1 Login Information
Username: [email protected]
Password: Dojo5979
Brampton: [email protected]
Password: Nosa7622
14. Email and Text Confirmations
14.1 How to send both email and text confirmation
ü Open the Portal Administration from the Desktop (Similar Icon to the Abel Med)
ü Login using your Abel Med login
ü Click “send appointment notes”
ü Chose the date 2 days from to current
ü Click “refresh page”
ü Press “Send Messages” in the bottom right corner
ü Will take you to a batch report page, close page if successful
ü Once they have sent go back to Abel Med
ü Go to two days from current and right click the patients names you have contacted
ü Click “change status of appointment” and identify the type of contact (text, email etc.)
ü Press okay
ü Go back to Portal Administration and click “check invalid text responses”
ü This shows all the text replies you got, using the responses change status of reports
** Day before appointment if client has not yet confirmed they need to be called
14.2 How to change the status of the appointment on Abel Med
ü Right click on the patient’s appointment
ü Click change state of appointment
ü Click the message that applies (i.e. Cancelled, confirmed, left message)
14.3 Cancelation Policy
ü We require 24-hour notice or the patient will be billed $120 for the missed appointment
ü Even if psychologist informs you not to charge the client for missed appointment you
must still bill and VOID the payment for our records
ü If there is a cancellation due to weather, suggest to the patient an on-call appointment
with their psychologist refer to section 10.2 for information on how to set that up
Billing a Cancelation
ü Right click on the patients’ name/appointment missed
ü Click show patient financial
ü Double check the status of the last billing located on the right side of the screen
ü If listed as “Created” then right click to add to existing invoice
ü If listed as “Credited fully” or “Credited Partially” or “Statement Sent” then right click to
add to new invoice
15. Privacy and Confidentiality
15.1 Written Consent
ü A staff member is to never, under any circumstances disclose information about a
patient without a written request or written consent from the individual whom the
information pertains to. Check with psychologist if unsure.
ü All individuals shall obtain informed consent and understanding of our policies on the
day of their first appointment
ü Information regarding minors may be released to their parent/guardian. If the parents are
divorced or separated information may only be release to the parents whom has full
custody. Check with psychologist to clarify this information.
15.2 Spoken Confidentiality
ü It is important to understand that speaking about a patients’ private information in front of
other patients or at an inappropriate volume on the phone is a breach of confidentiality
and privacy
ü Keep windows close when not dealing with a client in the office
ü Administration staff should refrain from this conversation until appropriate to do so
15.3 Email Confidentiality
ü Having a patient or their information sent to a personal email is a breach of privacy
ü FVB email addresses are secure in order to protect this information. Doing so is a
breach of privacy and may results in discipline or dismissal.
15.4 Business Confidentiality
ü The release of any business-related information or strategy on behalf of FVB without
the consent of the directors is a breach of business confidentiality potentially acting
to potentially threaten the businesses success
ü Employees are forbidden to release any information regarding the business without
gaining consent and doing so may result in discipline or dismissal
ü If you are unsure ask a director first. Never give any unrelated information to anyone
under any circumstances, ever.
16. Using Printer/Scanner
16.1 Printing Invoice
ü All office computers are automatically connected to the printers
ü For printing an invoice open Abel Med and go to patients’ profile. Click the “financials
tab” at the top of the screen
ü Right click and click “invoice statement”
ü Once printed staple to payment receipt and give to patient
** Never leave documents laying around, this is a breach of privacy
16.2. Scanning and Scanning Policies
ü Place paper appropriately in the scanning tray, ensure you removed all staples
ü Click scan on the screen and select the location in which you would like the scan to
be sent to (inform for Mississauga or infob for Brampton) you will find the scan in the
Outlook email inbox
** If lawyers request notes/reports this request must be sent in writing, and they must be notified
they will be billed for these records
ü The records are ALWAYS to be provided by the psychologist themselves. We NEVER
pull out records and send ourselves
ü Depending on the number of pages it is 36.31 for the first 5 pages and then a 1.41 for
every page afterwards
Bill the lawyer using Abel Med
ü “File” “Open Patient” Search the patients name
ü Click “financials”
ü Check the status of the last billing on the right
ü Click services tab on the top of the screen
ü Press all
ü For “Type” in the upper left corner ensure it says “third party”
ü Click add to new invoice on the right side of the screen
ü Change provider to “FA”
ü Service Code U418A
ü Base Fee = Total amount owing
ü Charge to: change to the law firm that is requesting it
ü In comments add “Mail or Fax to”
ü Click Save
To Add Tax:
ü Click Add on the right-hand side of the screen
ü Ensure it says Third Party
ü Provider should say FA
ü Service Code should say HST
ü Pop Up à Click OK
ü Charge To: The name of the law firm
ü Click Save
17. IT Issues
17.1 Printer
ü DDL Contact 1-(883)-335 -1155 or (416)-218-8313
ü Account Manager: Kyle McAllidon
ü Serial Miss: C727M810110
ü Serial Bram: C727M810111
17.2 Phones
ü Contact the FVB IT support number below
ü Contact Versature (phone company) directly 1-(877)-498-3772
ü Account Number: 601883 (FVB Psychologists)
17.3 General Issues
ü Contact [email protected] or call 1-855-542-9759
ü CDN Technologies
ü Account Managers: Jason Polzer and Jacob Edralin
18. Billing and POS Machine
18.1 How to Create an Invoice
ü Click on the patients’ profile
ü Click the “service” tab at the top of the screen
ü “Add to new invoice” on the right-hand side
ü Add service code (U00 and then click to code that applies) i.e U001A for initial session
ü Enter “1-hour session” in the comments
ü Click save
ü Then Click financial tab at the top of the screen “left click” and select payment
ü Enter Payment type and amount owing
ü Right click and click “invoice statement” to print
Important Service Codes = Initial Code F32/U001A
** Service code first visit Initial = F32/U006A (ADULTS)
= U007A (CHILD)
** Every visit after that = U008A(YOUTH)
18.2 Private Client Billing
ü $220.00 per session (Standard Rate)
18.3 MVA Billing
Extended Health Benefits
ü Get the approved amount of coverage they receive per calendar year (ex. 500$)
ü Clarify if the patient is covered under any additional family member plan because if so,
that needs to be used as well
ü Individuals are still responsible for paying the initial 200$ fee for assessment
appointment in the case that OCF-18 is declined
If they DON’T have extended health benefits
ü Inform clients about the initial fee, and if their OCF-18 is declined they are responsible
for the payment
ü If you have spoken with lawyers for clients without, and they have agreed to pay the
$200.00 for the declined application of OCF-18 then please get that information in writing
for our records
Understanding the Process of OCF-18
ü Once client has had their initial appointment the OCF-18 needs to be signed by client
(Page 7 and initial on Page 8 part 12)
ü It may be mailed, scanned or they can choose to come in
ü Once it is sent back, the psychologist can send it in for approval
ü In the meantime, the patients cannot see psychologist unless they are willing to pay the
220$ fee per session
ü If lawyers have agreed to protect the account, we need to have in writing how much they
are willing to protect
OCF-18 Accepted
ü Continue to collect payments from clients until their benefits are used up
ü We require statements from personal insurance stating the patient has no more benefits
left before billing can be sent to MVA insurance
18.4 WSIB Billing
Treatment Blocks
ü $1200 should be billed after 6 sessions or after 8 weeks of beginning the treatment block
(New Community Mental Health Program)
ü To be billed by Accountant
Progress report
ü $100.00 should be billed after submitting the progress report within 5 business days after
completing the treatment block
ü To be billed by Accountant
ü $1680.00 should be billed after submitting the assessment report. The psychologist has
5 business days to complete the report after last contact with the client
ü To be billed by Accountant
** If not able to finish report by the deadline instead of $100 they will be billed $40 and instead
of 1680 they will be billed $1600.
- It is important to follow up repeatedly with psychologist to ensure they meet the
18.5 Psycho-Educational Assessment Billing
ü Initial appointments can be billed under parents’ name * set up a profile for both child
and parents see section 4.4 to add a new patient. In the child’s profile add the parents
full name in the cover notes
ü Testing appointment is ALWAYS billed under the individual who is being tested
ü Feedback appointment can be billed under both the child and the parent
ü Collect the $2805 before providing them with the report from the patient
** If you are creating an invoice for a payment from cheque or Extended Benefits write in the
comments section of the patients’ profile (Cheque number, Name of Cheque Payer, Date
18.6 How to use the POS Machine
ü Click the unlock button
ü Click 1 for purchase
ü Enter the amount owing
ü Click the green circle
ü Hand machine to the client
ü Take their copy and staple to printed invoice
ü Fold 3 put in envelope
ü If it’s their first time highlight the psychologist ID code for insurance purposes
ü Once the merchant receipt has been printed write the last name of patient and provider
**If patient asks for appointments to be printed
ü Right click patients’ appointment
ü Click “Print 1 of Form A”
18.7 Closing the Batch
ü Once all patients have been seen and paid, you are to close the batch
ü Click the Top left button to unlock
ü Press 3 for “Day Close”
ü It will then begin printing a long receipt, wait until the screen returns to the main menu
19. Ordering Supplies
** When ordering any supplies, you must receive a quote and get the purchases approved by
Mirela before proceeding
19.1 Staples
ü Account Number: 110568660
ü Password: Hello@987
ü Tel: 888-515-8880
ü Fax: 888-515-4440
19.2 Coffee and Tea
ü Play fair Coffee
ü Tel: (905)-791-6176 àJim
19.3 Water
ü Canadian Spring Water
ü (1-877-442-7873) à Jose
ü Account Number 700484317
20. Time Off Request
ü If you are unable to come into the office for valid reason (i.e. sickness) you are required
to inform Jenn well in advanced in order for there to be time to contact a replacement
ü Any other scheduling issues/time off requests need to be approved by directors and Jen
21. Closing Day Procedures
Emailing Schedules for next day
ü Email all psychologists their schedules for the following day using Abel Med
ü Go to “Reporting” and then “scheduler report” and click single column day sheet
ü Enter the Provider and Date
ü Print a copy and then Click preview
ü Export Report on the left (top left corner) save as date and provider code
ü Email the copy to them
ü Log out of able med and turn computer to sleep mode
Closing inboxes and Retrieving emails
ü Put inboxes away in the filing cabinets
ü Retrieve the files for the patients’ psychologists are seeing tomorrow and paper clip their
day sheet to the first client file
ü Put these files in the black filing cabinets for tomorrows opening procedure
Confirmation Emails/Texts
ü Do the confirmations emails/text for two days from now refer to section 14 for
Billing Confirmations
ü Make sure all the billings have been done accordingly on Abel Med à It is important to
mark all late cancelation and missed appointments at the end of the day if it has not
been done so already
ü To access to cancelation report, go to google chrome and left click the cancellations tab
on the top left corner (it has been bookmarked)
ü Scroll all the way down
ü Click the plus sign on the bottom left
ü Click the arrows to expand information
ü Field 1: enter number proceeding the previously typed patient
ü Date: Select the date they cancelled on
ü Location: Location of the clients’ appointment (i.e. Mississauga or Brampton)
ü Patient Name
ü Appointment Date (date of appointment cancelled)
ü Appointment time (time of appointment cancelled)
ü Time of Cancellation (time they cancelled the appointment at)
ü Cancelation Reason
ü Cancelation type (late cancelation, within 24 hours = in time cancellation, no show,
cancelled by psychologist)
ü Insert name of psychologist
ü Client profile à new, current or old
ü Client category à how they pay?
ü Cancelled by à your name
ü Rebooked date à Appointment
Coffee Machines and Front Desk Clean
ü Make sure to re-stock the coffee pods, cups and sugars etc.
ü Ensure the desk area is clean, vacuum if necessary
ü Check all offices to ensure they are clean and tidy
Lights and Locking the Door à Clocking Out
ü Make sure all the rooms are in good condition and turn off the lights
ü Clock out using the same finger scanning machine you used to clock in
ü Turn off all the lights in the main area and lock the door behind you
** If a psychologist is working late your shift ends right with them – so please do your best to try
and either leave with the psychologist or after them.
22. Psychologists Information
Dr. Stephen Fleming: MF
ü PhD, C. Psych
ü Only works out of Mississauga
ü Doesn’t take new patients
ü Paperless
ü Makes his own schedule, specifically works Tuesdays and
ü Director
Dr. Carlo Vigna: MV/MB
ü PhD, C. Psych
ü Generally, not seeing patients (will come in occasionally)
ü Paperless
ü Director
Dr. Leslie Balmer: BB/MB
ü PhD, C. Psych
ü Works in both Mississauga and Brampton (M: Makes her own
schedule, B: Tuesday and Thursday)
ü Paperless
ü Doesn’t take new patients (unless directed to do so)
ü Director
Dr. Josh Albert: MP/BA
ü Psy.D., C. Psych
ü Works in both Mississauga and Brampton (M: Thursday,
Friday, B: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
ü Deals with patients 14+
ü Specializes in anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, relationship
conflict, grief, loss and terminal illness
ü Paperless
ü Doesn’t send notes to be uploaded, does it himself
Dr. Dale Bricker:
ü D Litt et Phil, C. Psych (Supervised Practice)
ü Works in both Mississauga and Brampton (M: Monday,
Tuesday, B: Tuesday and Wednesday)
ü Adults
ü Specializes in couples counselling, depression, anxiety,
bipolar disorder, personality disorder, substance abuse,
sex addition, grief and loss
ü Not Paperless à Baby blue folders
Dr. Mary Susan Crawford: BC/MC
ü PhD, C. Psych.
ü Works only in Brampton (B: Monday Evenings,
ü Mostly children
ü Psycho-Educational assessments
ü Specializes in learning disabilities, language based
learning disabilities, and non- verbal learning disabilities
ü Treatment of attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, anxiety
disorders, OCD, affective disorders PTSD, Emotional
regulation disorders
ü Not Paperless à Yellow folders
Dr. Anthony Donohoe: BD
ü PhD, C. Psych.
ü Only works in Mississauga (M: Tuesday, Wednesday,
ü Deals with all ages
ü Specializes in couples counselling, depression, anxiety,
and grief/loss, family relationship issues
ü Not Paperless à Orange folders
Jaya Gupta: BJ
ü M.A,C. Psych Assoc.
ü Only works in Brampton (Thursdays)
ü Only does psycho-educational assessments (unless
indicates otherwise)
ü Not paperless à Grey folders
Dr. Carole Harris: BH ü PhD, C. Psych.
Wickus Joubert: BG/MG ü Only Brampton (B: Monday & Saturday)
Annie Lu: MU/BU ü Adults, Adolescents and couples
ü Specializes in depression, anxiety and anger issues
ü Not Paperless à Red folders
ü M.A
ü Works in both Mississauga and Brampton (M:
Wednesday, B: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)
ü Ages 14+
ü Specializes in depression, anxiety, couples
counselling, PTSD, relational conflict, systematic family
challenges, sexuality/transgender, grief and loss,
bereavement, eating disorders and recurring trauma
ü Paperless
ü M.Sc.
ü Works in both Mississauga and Brampton (M: Monday,
Tuesday, B: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
ü Deals with family therapy, anxiety, depression, bullying,
family discord, parenting, trauma, loss
ü Provides services in both English and Vietnamese
ü Not Paperless à Dark Blue/Green folders
Silvana Mancinin: BM
ü M.Ed., C. Psych.
ü Only works in Brampton
ü Adults only
ü Specializes in couples counselling, depression,
anxiety, loss, trauma, personal growth, relationship
ü English, French, Italian
ü Not Paperless à Black folders
Robert Mitchnick: BR
ü M.A., C. Psych. Assoc.
ü Only Brampton (Tuesday Evenings)
ü Adults only
ü Not Paperless à Dark Blue folders
Jazmine Oprecio: BI/MI
ü M.A., C. Psych Assoc.
ü Makes her own schedule
ü Children 5-18
ü Does Psycho-educational assessments
ü Not Paperless à Beige folders
Dr. Andrea Porter ü Works in both Mississauga and Brampton (M: Monday,
Dr. Shelley Rhyno: BX/MX Tuesday, Wendesday, B: Friday)
ü Children 4-21
ü Psycho-educational assessments
ü Specializes in depression, impulsivity, inattention, loss,
complex trauma, self-harm, domestic violence, extreme
anger, difficulties with peers/family relationships
ü Not Paperless à Green folders
ü PhD, C. Psych.
ü Works in both Mississauga and Brampton (Tuesdays,
B: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)
ü Children and Adults
ü Psycho-educational assessments
ü Specializes in various mental health issues,
psychological/social functioning, behavioural issues
and development issues
ü Not paperless
Kim Foster Yardley: BY/MY
ü M.A., C. Psych Assoc.
ü Works in both Mississauga and Brampton
ü 16+, adults, couples
ü Specializes in anxiety, depression, grief, loss, eye
movement desensitization and reprocessing
ü Paperless
** If a psychologist is requesting to no longer see new patients this request must be approved
by the directors before blocking off their schedule to new patients**