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Keywords: WEF

Appendix: Future of Construction Survey Results

For the World Economic Forum survey on the Future –– At a sector level, particularly on 3.1. Industry
of Construction, approximately 50 Steering & Advisory collaboration; and 3.2. Joint industry marketing
Committee Members, as well as selected industry
experts, were approach to answer questions about the –– At a national level, regarding governments’ role in 4.1.
current state of the industry and its key challenges. A Regulation and policies; and 4.2. Public procurement
total of 30 participants completed the survey, mainly from
organizations with a global footprint. Second, the likelihood and impact of promising
technologies, materials and tools on the E&C industry was
First, the industry’s performance in fostering a assessed.
transformation in the E&C industry was assessed at various
levels: Third, the importance and the impact of several megatrends
on the E&C industry was examined.

–– At a company level, specifically on 2.1. Technology, Fourth, the most important transformation areas of the E&C
materials and tools; 2.2. Processes and operations; industry were identified.
2.3. Strategy and business model innovation; and 2.4.

People, organization and culture Selected results of the survey are presented below.

Figure 18: Composition of the Survey Participants [in total 4 graphs]
Figure 18: Composition of the Survey Participants

Geographical focus of Sector focus of
participants’ organization participants’ organization1

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Several continents/ 67% Engineering & 30%
global Construction consulting

Mainly 15% Engineering & 23%
North America Construction

Mainly 7% Design & Architecture 20%

Figure 18: cont'd CMaoAinslimya p7o%sition of the SurvOteheryprivPateasercttoricipa17%nts [in total 4
Mainly 4% National agencies/ 17%
Africa ministries

Size of participants’ Revenue of
1 Multiple answeorsrwgearenpiozsasibtileon (employees) participants’ organization

Source: Future of Construction Survey

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

> 5,000 81% Above $5 billion 50%

WEF-constr-full-edit23-mar16.pptx 7% $1–5 billion 27% 16


11-1,000 7% $0.5–1 billion 4%

Up to 10 4% $100–500 million 4%

1 Multiple answers were possible Up to $100 million 4%
Source: Future of Construction Survey N/A 12%

Source: Future of Construction Survey Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology 51

re 19: Perceived Performance of the E&C Industry and
ernmentFigure 19: Perceived Performance of the E&C Industry and Government

Perceived performance of the E&C industry

2.1 Technology, materials and tools 2.2 Processes and operations

Advanced building and vbeardy 1 23 4 5 gveoroyd a) Front-loaded design vbeardy 1 23 4 5 gveoroyd
finishing materials 5 gveoroyd b) Project planning a) b) 5 vgeoroyd
5 gveoroyd 5 gveoroyd
Standardized, modu- vbeardy 1 23 4 5 gveoroyd a) Collaboration with vbeardy 1 23 4 5 gveoroyd
larized and prefabri- 5 vgeoroyd project owner a) b) 5 gveoroyd
cated components 5 vgeoroyd b) Risk management 5 vgeoroyd

(Semi-)automated vbeardy 1 23 4 Collaboration with vbeardy 1 23 4
construction equipment subcontractors and

New construction vbeardy 1 23 4 a) Project management to vbeardy 1 2 b) 3 a) 4
technologies b) Learning from project 23 4
project 23 4
Company level Smart and life-cycle- vbeardy 1 23 4 Lean and safe vbeardy 1
optimizing equipment construction manage-
ment and operations

a) Digital technologies vbeardy 1 b) 2 a) 3 4 Project monitoring vbeardy 1
b) Big data (scope, time, cost)

2.3 Strategy and business model innovation 2.4 People, organization and culture

Sustainable products with vbeardy 1 23 4 5 vgeoroyd Strategic workforce vbeardy 1 23 4 5 vgeoroyd
optimal life-cycle value planning, smart hiring,
enhanced retention

Differentiated business vbeardy 1 23 4 5 vgeoroyd a) Continuous training and vbeardy 1 2 3 4 5 vgeoroyd
model and targeted con- b) a)

re 19 cont'd: Current Performance of the E&C Industry andsolidation and partnership
people development
b) Knowledge mgmt.

ernmentInternationalization vbeardy 1 23 4 5 vgeoroyd a) High-performance org. vbeardy 1 2 3 4 5 gveoroyd
strategy to increase scale b) Innovation-friendly and b) a) c)
forward-looking culture
c) Incentive schemes

nstr-full-edit23-mar16.pptx 32.2 JPoroincteisnsdeussatrnydmoaprekreattiinogns

32.1 ITnedcuhsntorylocgoyl,lambaotreartiiaolsn, and tools

Sector level N/A vbeardy 123 45 vgeoroyd Industry-wide collabora- vbeardy 123 45 gveoroyd
tion on employer

a) Best-practice sharing vbeardy 1 b) 2 a) 3 4 5 Coordinated communi- vbeardy 123 45 gveoroyd
b) Benchmarking and data vgeoroyd cation with civil society

Mutual consent on 123 45 Effective interaction with vbeardy 123 45 gveoroyd
standards across the vbeardy gveoroyd the public sector

Actors Perceived performance of the government

4.1 Regulation and policies 4.2 Public procurement

Government a) Harmonized building venptirvee- 1 23 4 5 Strict implementation of venptirvee- 1 23 4 5
codes/standards b) a) 4 psuoprt-ive transparency/anti- psuoprt-ive
b) Permit processes 4 corruption standards
5 5
Market openness to venptirvee- 123 psuoprt-ive a) Actively managed 1 2a) b) 3 4 spuoprt-ive
international firms and project pipeline venptirvee-
SMEs 5 b) Project funding 5
psuoprt-ive psuoprt-ive
Promotion/funding of venptirvee- 123 a) Bidding requirements venptirvee- 1 2a) 3 b) 4
R&D, technological b) Efficient and effective
adoption and education bidding process

52 Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology Source: Future of Construction Survey
Source: Future of Construction Survey

Figure 20: Future Impact and Likelihood of New Technologies

Source: Future of Construction Survey

Figure 21: Global Trends – Their Importance for and Impact on the E&C Industry

Source: Future of Construction Survey

Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology 53

nce of Different Transformation Areas for the

Figure 22: Importance of Different Transformation Areas for the E&C Industry

Transformation areas 5
13 important
1 People unimportant 4.6 important
4.5 important
2 Adoption of new technol- unimportant 4.2 important
ogies, materials and tools important
3 Industry collaboration unimportant important
4 Business models unimportant 4.1

5 Corporate strategies unimportant 4.0
6 Maturity of business unimportant 4.0
processes unimportant 3.8

7 Maturity of construction

8 Corporate cultures unimportant

9 Corporate organizations unimportant 3.7
10 Creation of intellectual unimportant

SSoouurrccee: F:uFtuuretuofrCeonosftruCctoionn sSturrvuecy;tWioonrldSEucornvoemyic Forum; Boston Consulting Group


54 Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology


1 See World Economic Forum, 2012; World Economic 12 This calculation is based on 2014 data from IHS,
2015; Oxford Economics Aggregates, 2015; and
Forum, 2013; World Economic Forum, 2014; and
World Bank, 2015a.
World Economic Forum, 2015a.

2 The Boston Consulting Group, 2016a outlines the key 13 See Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford
Economics, 2013.
technological developments and the potential impact

on and implications for key stakeholders. 14 This estimate applies specifically to public-sector

3 Very broadly, parametric design is a process investment into infrastructure. The effect is lower in

for designing objects by using a set of rules or emerging markets, because of the generally lower

parameters. efficiency there of public-sector investment. See

4 See The Boston Consulting Group, 2015a. In section International Monetary Fund, 2014.

2.2, “lean” is described in detail. 15 See World Steel Association, 2015.

5 Kats, 2003 explains how an initial upfront investment 16 See Environmental and Energy Study Institute, 2014.

of $100,000 to incorporate green building features 17 The issues and opportunities of a circular economy
into a $5 million project could lead to savings of $1 are discussed extensively in, for instance, Ellen
million over the lifetime of the building. MacArthur Foundation and Fung Global Institute,

6 This issue is underlined by many items of disturbing 2014a; Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2013; and Ellen

evidence. According to the Center for Construction MacArthur Foundation, 2014.

Research and Training (CPWR), 2013 for example, 18 See United Nations Environment Program, 2007.
the E&C sector in the United States has the lowest
19 See Flyvbjerg, Bruzelius and Rothengatter, 2003.
share of working women among all industries, and

the lowest share of workers with health insurance, 20 See World Economic Forum, 2015a.
employment-based pension plans and high school
diplomas among all non-agriculture industries. It 21 See UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
also has the highest rate of projected employment Population Division, 2014 and United Nations Human
change and the highest number of fatalities among all Settlements Programme, 2014.

industries. The issue and its solutions are discussed 22 Particularly in fast-ageing countries such as Japan, a
more fully in sections 2.4 and 3.2. heavy push towards these technologies is under way.

7 See 23 For a view on the potentially negative impact that a
general workforce gap would have on national growth,
8 The German national initiative on energy transition, see The Boston Consulting Group, 2014. The impact
Energiewende, included a module focused would be particularly severe where the cause is
on buildings, Plattform Gebäude. The key undereducation.
recommendations were developed jointly by the
construction industry and the government and were 24 See KPMG International, 2011.
incorporated into a national action plan, Nationaler
Aktionsplan Energieeffizienz (NAPE). 25 See Setar, 2013.

9 See HM Government, 2013b. 26 For new buildings in Germany, the
Energieeinsparverordnung (Energy Conservation
10 See Klepeis, Nelson, Ott, Robinson, Tsang and Ordinance) sets requirements relating to basic
Switzer, 2001. Several studies assess the interrelation energy demand, taking into account the building’s
between “constructed assets” and health. For external insulation as well as the energy efficiency
instance, Wang et al., 2009 shows that the annual of its appliances (for heating, domestic hot water,
cost per user for bike and pedestrian trails was ventilation, cooling and – for non-residential buildings
substantially lower than the per capita annual medical – lighting).
cost of inactivity. Johnson et al., 2009 describes
the positive effect of improved indoor air quality on 27 For a detailed assessment of such risks in
children’s health. infrastructure projects, see World Economic Forum,
11 The aspects here include aesthetics (design and
colours, for instance, for Alzheimer patients), indoor 28 Based on The Boston Consulting Group, 2015a; The
air quality (notably, asthma and allergy related to Boston Consulting Group, 2015b; and The Boston
volatile organic compound levels), comfort (for Consulting Group, 2015c.

instance, acoustic) and safety (such as slip prevention 29 For instance, in a survey of almost 15,000 companies
or infection control). The need for healthy buildings is
from enterprises in the United Kingdom, innovation
critical, given that such a large proportion of a human
activeness was consistently ranked as one of the
life is spent indoors.
lowest priorities. See HM Government, 2014.

Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology 55

30 See imshealth, 2015. 58 One caveat: solutions offering benefits from early
involvement must maintain full legal compliance,
31 See HM Government, 2013a and United Nations ensuring equal treatment of all bidders, for instance,
Environment Programme, 2009. and operating a robust system of checks and
32 See B20 Australia, 2014.

33 See United Nations Environment Programme, 2009. 59 In a construction management at risk contract, an

34 See HM Government, 2010. ECI approach is often combined with a guaranteed
maximum price.
35 Witness the shake-up that digital photography
brought about in its associated sectors. 60 See Arcadis, 2015.

36 See European Commission, 2014a, European 61 Based on American Arbitration Association, 2009;
Commission, 2015 and United States Census Bureau, RICS Professional Guidance, UK, 2012; The American
2007. Institute of Architects, 2010; The American Institute of
Architects, 2007; International Association of Dredging
37 It is less risky to recommend materials that have
Companies, 2008; and Bundesministerium für Verkehr
been used for many years than to recommend new
und digitale Infrastruktur, 2015.
materials that might turn out to be faulty or less
effective. 62 See Department of Treasury and Finance, Victoria,
2009 for more details.
38 See also The Modular Building Institute, 2010.
63 See American Institute of Architects, AIA Minnesota,
39 It is also used to some extent by subcontractors
School of Architecture - University of Minnesota, 2012
providing electrical services, for example.
for a more detailed description and further examples

40 See of IPD models.

41 See Schwab, 2016. 64 See Flyvbjerg, Bruzelius and Rothengatter, 2003.

42 Refer also to The Boston Consulting Group, 2015c. 65 See Morris, 2013 for a detailed account of the modern
43 See Wall Street Journal, 2015a view.
44 See Financial Times, 2014 and The Guardian, 2015.
66 See Bain & Company, 2015 and The Boston
Consulting Group, 2016b.

45 See IEEE Spectrum, 2015. 67 See Prater, 2015.

46 Demand response is a change in power consumption 68 See David Weekley Homes, 2015.
by a consumer to create a better match between the
demand and the supply. 69 Based on The Boston Consulting Group, 2015d.

47 See The Boston Consulting Group, 2016a. 70 Although the construction industry accounts for only
around 4% of employees in the United States, 20%
48 See The Boston Consulting Group, 2016a for a more of fatalities in the US private sector take place on
detailed description of the relevant technologies and construction projects. United States Department of
enabled use cases along the value chain. Labor, 2013.

49 See also Wall Street Journal, 2015b. 71 See OECD Development Centre, 2009.

50 Based on The Boston Consulting Group, 2016a. 72 See The Boston Consulting Group, 2015d for a
detailed description of the monitoring of construction
51 Work on such projects is often carried out in projects as part of the lean approach.
contaminated and radioactive areas and poses
challenges throughout the project’s life cycle. 73 See Cooper and Lee, 2009 for more details.

52 See also Forschungsinitiative ZukunftBAU, 2013. 74 Further “dimensions” of BIM include sustainability
53 See Conject, 2015. information on energy usage, emissions and
54 See Arup, 2015. recyclability and facility management information on
operability and maintenance.

55 See Autodesk, 2008. 75 See The Guardian, 2016 and This Is,

56 The numbers do not add up because the design 2016.

and engineering costs are not included. Figures are 76 As stated in Stanford University Land and Buildings,

indicative not definitive: the actual proportions vary 2005, the actual ratio varies according to project type

greatly from project to project, depending on the costs and region. Rising energy costs are likely to increase

included (such as the cost of the building equipment the relevance of the operations phase.

or the labour costs). See The Builders’ Association, 77 World Economic Forum, 2016 describes the
2013. environmental impact of the built environment.

57 See American Association of State Highway and

Transportation Officials, 2011.

56 Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology

78 US figures from 2008 are based on Ellen MacArthur 104 See PwC and Ecorys, 2013. Countries included in
Foundation, 2013. the study: the Netherlands and France (lower-than-
average corruption levels); Poland, Spain, Hungary
79 Tarkett works closely with the Environmental and Lithuania (average corruption levels); Italy and
Protection Encouragement Agency for a “cradle-to- Romania (higher-than-average corruption levels). See
cradle” assessment of products. also World Economic Forum, 2015c.

80 Based on Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2013 and 105 See The Boston Consulting Group, 2016a for an
Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Fung Global Institute, analysis of the digitalization trend in E&C.

81 See The Center for Construction Research and
Training (CPWR), 2013.

82 See United States Department of Labor, 2015.

83 See Construction Industry Training Board (CITB),

84 See Gurjao, 2006.

85 See United States Department of Labor, 2014.

86 See Construction Industry Institute, 2005.

87 See UK Commission for Employment and Skills, 2016.

88 New techniques, such as BIM, may be used to
promote OSH, as explained by the International
Council of Research and Innovation in Building and
Construction, for example.

89 See The Boston Consulting Group, 2016a.

90 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.

91 See Capelli and Slocombe, 2013.

92 Figures are relevant for the US Construction market.
See The Center for Construction Research and
Training (CPWR), 2013.

93 In the context of PPPs, this topic is elaborated in
detail in World Economic Forum, 2015a.

94 Based on World Economic Forum, 2015a.

95 See HM Government, 2013b.

96 Again, in the context of PPPs, this topic is elaborated
in detail in World Economic Forum, 2015a.

97 “Fractional dose” means the fraction of the dose
that would render a person of average susceptibility
incapable of escape.

98 See World Bank, 2015b.

99 See Vaughan and Turner, 2013 and Majersik and
Stellberg, 2010.

100 See OECD, 2012.

101 See European Commission, 2014b.

102 See Fairclough, 2002.

103 The Boston Consulting Group estimates for 2012
are based on data provided by Euroconstruct
( and Infrastructure United
Kingdom (

Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology 57


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