Climate Change
Gabriela Ibarra
Professor Meredith
ENGL 1302: Sec. 2224
11 May 2017
Table of Contents
Writing Project 3 Topic.............................................................................................................2
Original Image ..........................................................................................................................3
Annotated Bibliography............................................................................................................4
Visual Argument .......................................................................................................................6
Making a Difference..................................................................................................................7
Word Cited.............................................................................................................................. 10
Writing Project 3 Topic
Temperature has increase over time more raptly than what we think it should. The
cause of the extreme heat is that the sun’s rays are passing the thin atmosphere duo to a
numerous amount of Carbon Dioxide. Climate change is real and even thou people seem
to deny it their still thing people can do to save the earth. Making a change starting now
can contribute to saving earth in many ways. Many people can deny climate change but
we cannot deny what actually happens all over earth.
Original Image
Annotated Bibliography
“7 Things You Need To Know Climate Change.” National Geographic, National
Geographic, 4 May 2017,
climate-change/. Accessed 10 May 2017.
When it comes to describing Climate change there’s no better ways than describe
what are their main things happening like why s this happening? How is this
happening? How is this affecting? National Geographic it’s a very an is pairing
article that answers al the question with a detail as it explains.
“Layers of Earth's Atmosphere.” Layers of Earth's Atmosphere, National Earth Science
Teachers Association, 1 Sept. 2010,
Accessed 2 May 2017.
It is very important to know what the atmosphere it is made of. How many layers
is it made of and what is causing danger into the inner layer called the
Stratosphere. Many of Earth's atmosphere it's made of oxygen, carbon dioxide,
combine with other different gasses that surround the Earth every day. The
greenhouse effect has cost the atmosphere to become weaker over time making it
become weaker to the sun's x-rays. With the atmosphere weekend, every year the
Sun has the increase of temperature on Earth making a lot of climate change and
eventually eliminating all live things on earth.
Sivak, Michael, and Brandon Schoettle. “What You Can Do About Climate Change.”
The New York Times, The New York Times, 25 Mar. 2017,
change.html?_r=0. Accessed 2 May 2017.
Improving the Earth takes more than just one person it takes all the world to help.
Sometimes people believe that one person cannot do anything to save the planet,
but one person can always make a difference. One person could do a lot by
buying a different vehicle that doesn't need gasoline making less Carbon dioxide
in the air. Using public transportation could be a significant help to the planet just
because when last vehicles are in the streets it makes less carbon dioxide. Should
the American government put more effort on saving the earth? Should the
government even help when America it's creating the 14% of Carbon dioxide we
should all contribute and help better the ecosystem.
“The Will To Change.” Germany Could Be a Model for How We’Ll Get Power in the
Future, National Geographic Magazine, Italy, Nov. 2015,
revolution/. Accessed 1 May 2017.
This is the picture I’ll be using in my article with the windmills.
Visual Argument
Making a Difference
Climate change, a very delicate subject that has harmed all creation through many
years. Imagine the future generation not seeing a polar bear. Picture cities that are on the
coast being flooded because the ice is melting. Climate change, a very debatable topic
where a lot of American people are opening their eyes to protest so that the government
would increase the spending in helping Earth. With a purpose to help the planet, people,
and all animals in a hurt of climate change, America and is society can make a change.
Obviously, climate change, is a danger of all humankind, therefore we as humans have
the purpose of protecting it for the future generation to come.
Throughout the years there's been debates about climate change and if it's real or
not real. Critics say that climate change does not exited, or that there is nothing that can
be done to stop it. Lately and more recently new images have emerged of polar bears in
the artic ice caps, jumping from one layer of ice to another one, and being surrounded
with nothing but water. Pictures of penguins that are in one small ice cap because their
ice has all melted all do to the hot climates. Climate change has been a very controversial
dilemma that has been known since 1800s base on upon the greenhouse effect affecting
the earth. In the eyes of some people, Climate change is something that has never occur
or is never going to be a problem. However, sadly it has been an issue that has affected
the lives of people as well as animals all over the world. According to National
geographic “In 2016 scientist announced that the Bramble Cay melody, a rat like rodent
found on one low-lying island in Australia’s seas. It’s being called the first documented
case of a mammal being driven to extinction by climate change”. Numerus animals are
being hurt from the Carbon Dioxide in the air. Since the Carbon Dioxide is producing
heat on the air, many of the earth's ice as melted to cause the raising of the water. As
animals lose their homes because of the rising of water, in other parts of the earth theirs
have been an increase of the sun's heat in countless location. “Last September at the end
of the summer melt season the ice extent was about 825,000 square miles smaller than the
long-term average- a loss equal to the size of Alaska and California combined” (Things).
Famous scientist believes that the “seas could rise three feet by 2100,” which can cause
many cities of the United Stead to problems with fluting (Things). Solar panels and
windmills are very important to use now so that we would not contaminate more the air.
One person can make a difference by not wasting water, planting more trees, recycling,
and picking up trash.
The photograph was taken by Luca Locatelli and posted in national geographic
with the purpose or making the statement that Germany is doing something to change the
world and that other country should learn from it. Germany is using more renewable
sources such as windmills instead of factories. This picture represents exactly what I'm
trying to say, to make a difference. When seeing the picture, I added the quotes to
demonstrate that Climate change is real and we as people need to do something about it.
Since several factories releasing CO2, and several other companies cutting trees, the
environment gets worse. We are hurting the planet and one of the ways we are hurting the
planet it's by hurting the atmosphere of the planet. The atmosphere is made of Carbon
Dioxide which “due to increases in gasses, like carbon dioxide, that trap heat being
radiated from the Earth, scientists believe that the atmosphere is having trouble staying in
balance creating the greenhouse effect” (Layers). So the quotes that says make a change,
and it is real, is to show to types of presidures that we have on earth. One with facturies
arming the earth and the other is the windmiles and showing that wa need to make that
change because calimate change is real.
In the picture, I chose the color black to make a bold statement on the picture. To
capture the people's attention and make them what to read the picture, and what it says.
The other colors were more fun and the color black makes it seem real as to send a
message of don’t play with climate change to the reader.
Climate change is an issue that is very important to me as well as other people
that are nature lovers. However clamite change is something that not everyone knows
about. Many people think is something that is not real and denie the facts that is
happening all around the earth. Climate change is real, and it is very important to make a
change now, to show that we can stop and help earth before it is too late. Many animals
and people need our help, their houses and environment it at danger. By sending a
message of this issue around everyone can contribute and help. People leave with fear
that the world would never be the same or that with in time it is going to get worst.
Climate change is real and voices need to be heard so that in the future there could still be
a safe earth.
To save the world it takes more than one person to help, but that does not mean
that only one person cannot make a difference. By sending a message it opens eyes
around the world and tells the importance of knowing the harm of climate change.
People, animals, and eatrth could be safe it we all contribute. No one should leave with
the fear of climate change. Future generation should be able to see all animal life. Make a
change, save the planet today.
Word Cited
“7 Things You Need To Know Climate Change.” National Geographic, National
Geographic, 4 May 2017,
“Layers of Earth's Atmosphere.” Layers of Earth's Atmosphere, National Earth Science
Teachers Association, 1 Sept. 2010,
Sivak, Michael, and Brandon Schoettle. “What You Can Do About Climate Change.”
The New York Times, The New York Times, 25 Mar. 2017,
“The Will To Change.” Germany Could Be a Model for How We’Ll Get Power in the
Future, National Geographic Magazine, Italy, Nov. 2015,