Endless supply of
clean drinking water!
We turn salt, brackish
or polluted water into
perfect drinking water.
Driven by the sun
- as simple as that.
No CO2 emission,
no chemicals.
your drinking water for
1 to 5 years.
Visit us at www.waterstillar.com
Green home of
In the last 30 years Denmark has -
gone from being 99% dependent tillation device made of a number of
on sources of foreign oil to be-
coming completely energy self- -
ration working at ambient pressure,
One of the biggest challenges green country, political initiatives moving parts. WaterStillar® works
- by gravity, natural thermodynam-
in place for years to bring new ics, nanomaterial condensation and
able way to get drinking water technologies and solutions to the solar power - and is made of materi-
from the sea. We have enough market in Denmark. Windmills, low als with life time of up to 20+ years.
water, but very little fresh water energy buildings, fuel cells and bio The WaterStillar® production unit
for human consumption. energy are currently under major
development. of applications. The core design is
uniform - but size, materials, com-
The WaterStillar® clean water tech- plexity and appearance will vary on
nology is invented and marketed each application. All natural, simple
by the Danish company Aquadania and unbreakable and tailor made to
A/S. AquaDania A/S distributes Wa- each customer.
terStillar® globally via Joint Venture
agreements with local partners to
establish local WaterStillar entities
or via non-exclusive reseller agree-
3 Visit us at www.waterstillar.com
Visit us at www.waterstillar.com
The Waterstillar®
Water Works
The modular design of WaterStillar® is a system that can remote villages, green houses,
WaterStillar® makes it possible make clean water from any water clinics, hospitals etc in need of
source available on site (dirty, salt, absolutely clean water for drinking
50 and 1000 l/day brackish, polluted etc). All the water purposes.
is made locally close to the end
consumer. In cases of larger needs, The WaterStillar® units and the solar
such as schools or communities (vil- collectors can be placed indepe-
lages, islands, resorts etc) a bigger nently. This way a water plant may
system can be placed in a central lo- be connected to an existing solar
cation and distributed via a special collector installation (e.g. as an
drinking water grid. extra loop in an existing plant for
heating the hotel pool etc) or boiler
A WaterStillar® system is trimmed system.
for optimum performance and
can produce drinking water in any Place a WaterStillar® Water Works
quantity from the needs of a single system onto (or into or underneath)
family to supplying water for large the roof of any building for a nice
scale facilities of 5000 users or installation, hiding all tubing and
more. technical parts. Or place it on top
A standard installation supplying and share the drinking water via
multiple taps inside the complex.
hotel resort will deliver 200-300
liters per day. A WaterStillar® system Multiple users for the same Wa-
with this level of performance will terStillar® system can have indi-
only occupy appox 10-15 m2 of vidual meters, so that payment for
drinking water usage can be done
solar collectors. relative to consumption. Other
add-ons are available - coolers, re-
There are no technical limitations mineralizers, security UVC units and
on the location of a WaterStillar® much more.
Water Works at a facility. Since it is
The WaterStillar® unit has a discrete
or in the backyard of most houses, white industrial design that pro-
workplaces, schools and health tects the inside components from
clinics. UV rays and any harsh environment.
Current market segments are ho-
Visit us at www.waterstillar.com
The various The WaterStillar® units can be
Waterstillar® placed independently from the
applications solar collectors.
WaterStillar® Water Works
Waterstillar® Water Works is a modular
litres/day to 10.000 litres/day or even
more. WaterStillar® can use energy from
any power source - but simple/cheap
WaterStillar® Home
solution, primarily for domestic use.
Can be placed on (or in) a roof and the
the kitchen. A solar collector with a
WaterStillar® unit integrated. 1 m2 will
give app 20-25 liters per day.
WaterStillar® Combo
distillation and hot water. Primarily
for domestic use. Can be placed on a
directly into the kitchen and the hot
water to the bathroom. Thermosyphon
system means no pumps are needed to
run the system.
WaterStillar® Medical
A solution for ultra clean water to be
used in the healthcare and pharmaceu-
tical sector. Water for cleaning wounds,
operations and technical ultra clean
water needed for manufacturing are
potential areas for usage. The solu-
tion is a standard WaterStillar® system
added special post treatment systems
to guarantee secure and sterile water
6 Visit us at www.waterstillar.com
7Visit us at www.waterstillar.com
Device and technology
Re-use of energy through numerous evaporation/convection stages
• Complete separation of feed and distilled water – no cross over
• No moving parts
• All water movement is by gravity and one way only
• Unique dosing unit for every stage
• Tool free and fool proof design for (dis)assembly
• State of the art materials
• Can be stacked horizontally with multiple unites occupying very little
• Tolerates UV, heat, windy and harsh environment
• Device materials with life time of 20+ years.
Other advantages
Local workforce
• Low maintenance
• Little training needed
• Intuitively easy to understand
• 100% green technology – no noise, chemicals or CO2
Water quality
• No feed water limitations (salt, minerals, toxins, temperature etc)
• Neutral taste, top quality distilled water in line with WHO’s guidelines for
drinking water quality
Durability and rigidity
• Will not break down and will cope with harsh local conditions
Visit us at www.waterstillar.com
System maintenance
Drinking water has to meet the limits of local drinking water directives,
examples are the WHO and EU drinking water directives. In order to meet
these limits on an every day basis - for 10 to 20 years - correct maintenance
and monitoring of water quality is the cornerstone of our quality business
AquaDania is working to get local approvals for WaterStillar® in the markets
we address.
A typical installation for
200-250 l/day is app 6 m2
on the roof.
9Visit us at www.waterstillar.com
Water quality
WaterStillar® is a distillation apparatus, so therefore the result is distilled
water. Distilled water can be used as it is or post-treated without limitation
for any usage - for drinking / technical / medical usage.
AquaDania has in Denmark undertaken the strictest, 24H sensory test avail-
able at www.DTI.dk for taste from the materials used in WaterStillar®.
Fouling, scaling & bacteria
due to design and prodcution temperatures. Extensive tests conducted
of any bacteria or virus. But since scaling and fouling not is a short term
Migration of chemicals
All components inside WaterStillar® that are in touch with the water are
made of the cleanest materials available on the market and are subject to
food grade approvals in accordence within EU and US regulations.
Salt, minerals & dissolved Solids
Regardless of the content of dissolved solids in the feed water, the pro-
duced drinking water from WaterStillar ® will not contain any residual.
Numerous tests with extreamely poluted feed water with up to 55,000 ppm
of dissolved solids show less than 0 to 25 ppm in the distilled water. After
the remineralization process the water is in line with the WHO Guidelines
for Drinking-Water Quality
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