Mount Ararat
Missionary Baptist Church
JULY 10, 2022 • 2503 North Myrtle Avenue • Jacksonville, FL 32209
To God Be The Glory
To Dr. Darrell L. Gilyard, Sr.
To the Mt. Ararat Missionary Baptist Church Family and all
of our participating guest, we greet you in the name of our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God has allowed me to come to
this point in my ministerial career to retire, after 54 years of
Ministering, In which forty-six of those years Pastoring. And
six of those years as a Licensed Minister.We certainly thank
each of you for making this event possible. To the Retirement
Committee, I Pray God’s Blessings upon you individually and
collectively. Without your untiring effort, diligent planning,
and exceptional follow through, this event would not have
transpired in the orderr and magnitude that it has. I Thank
God for each of you. Much Thanks to the Pastor Dr. Darrell L.
W e l l D o n e !Gilyard, Sr., to the General Membership, and the Retirement
Thy Good And Faithful Servant!Committee. May God Continue To Bless Each of You.
Pastor Emeritus David A. Lattimore Jr.
33 Years 54 Years
at Mount Ararat in Ministry
Pastor Ddanvaid.rAS .,eLraottmimitotarLe,.AJr.dwivasDornoetsoafPtoetnncuhnilrdorbennebrodrlnihucnnteotPfaosetonroDsavwid.rAJ .,eLraottmimitotarLe,.ASrd. iavnadD rotsaP
Clementine, January 19, 1947. .7491 ,91 yraunaJ ,enitnemelC
kHloePisdeadgnreatdtuaaetHe o.5f6R9o1chfoelslesaJlucnaidoirr/oSleFn,idonraHleigkhaLScnhi olooolhincSLahkgeiHlarnodi,nFelSo/rriodianculJaesslleohfc1o9R65fo. HeteaautdtaerngdaedsiPeoHlk
VocationaaleTmeachcenbiceahl Ceernethewr a,atdBiarortlFow,wMoturnaBicinpiael sAaiBr BriaAselaipnicBinarutMoww, oFtlorariBdata, wrehtenreeChlaecbinehcacemTelaanoitacoV
Mechaniceahl Dt trafytsgmolaone.hTHelwbieBnntioenertgoeodnst’rooeleahrcnahbissibhancrhaeeloort’sndoeogtreneoitnnBeiwbleHTh.enoalmogsytfartDthlaecinahceM
Antonio Theological College in San Antonio, Tex.6a1s0in2 2n0i 1sa6x.eT ,oinotnA naS ni egelloC lacigoloehT oinotnA
sePnasotJo.rL.DParveidlEA.mLaotrtfim,8o6r9e1, rJer.b, mweastpaewSanrideesdnhecisilms'irneitsstienri'ms liscihendseedirnaSweapstaewmb,.erJr ,1e9r6o8m,iftrtoamL .AEldievraPD.Lr.oJtosnaPes
of Ma.4ce7d9o1nyilauJPrdirmoiwtivse’dBoaGpthicsat eCrhpuorcthd,einiFaldorroidsaawandnwaaasdoirrodlaFinei ,dhtcoruphrCeatscihtpGaoBde’sviwtiomridrPJualiyno19d7e4ca. M fo
AftetrsihtipsaoBrdeivnitaitmioinrP, GsnohdopJr.otSvitdaetdnhemimnwgiistshahlaisrofitrssatppatssrtiof rsaihl ahstsiiwgnmmihendteadtivSot.rpJodhonGs P,nriomitiatniviedrBoaspithisrtetfA
ChurorcthsalPocdaetleddoiGn Mlitenduu,lslraa,eFylolurifdrae.dHneowse7rvreodf raosttshaeppeahsttsoar dfoerv7rews oenHd.eardfiurol ylFea,arlsl,uudnetMil GnioddelteadcoPlahstcorur hC
rofLdaettvirmesoreehteorefehewd athdeiroflloFc,kytoiCf Sste.nMiaaHryn'is,PhrcirmuihtCivetsBitappatBisetvCithiumricrhP,si'nyrHaaMin.etsSCfoityk,cFollof reidhat dweheefroetheerosmerivtetadLfor
5 years. .sraey 5
fo kGroodwlaeihdtitdruapwoontPsatfsitgosr’ihs hdeeanrotithisenanreteedhfosr M,krisoswioynraarnyowisosriMk, srofhdeeternaneshitiotrnaeedhhs’isrogtisfatsPtnoowpaurdtitdhiealwdoorGk of
a mis.sHiolnuarPy.rIDn y1b95h8ti,aPFatsstiotpr aLBatytirmanooreisswiMaseohrtdoaitnnei deinntioadtrhoesMawisseioronmariyttBaLaprotitsstaFPa,i8th59b1y nDIr.yPraunloHis.sim a
Jacksolann, othiteutPiatssntoI rt,srainFdtaM,noodietnraetvonrooCf ethtaetSPrEo&greMsseivveisMser&goErPSteahtet fCoornovteanretidoonM, atdnFiars,troIntssatiPtuethiotn,naol skcaJ
yMrainssoioisnsiaMryeBkaupLti.stSt CfohurorcthsaoPfeLmakaecleabndo,sFlaloerhid,ae.mAitttthaahttttiAm.ea,dhireoalFls,odnbaelceakmaLefPoahstcorur hoCf Stst.itLpuakBeyMrainssoioisnsiaMry
Baptist Church in Kissimmee, Florida, w.hserareyh2e rsoefrvdeedvrfeosr e2hyeraersh.w ,adirolF ,eemmissiK ni hcruhC tsitpaB
ButatrGaroAd.htMadfaonkoctohlef rehgrtedaetemf donvea feovrreHsisoftasitahwfutli s,tenravvarnets, iltuwfhatsiatfosisHerrvoef aenvodmfeteadetrhgereflhotcoknoafdMaht.dAorGartautB
MissiohnliatrnyuBsarapetiyst3C3hruorfcrhootsfaJPacskasdoenvrileles,sFalhoreidhae,rwehwere,ahdeirohlaFs,esellrivneodsakscaPJafsotohrcfrourh3C3tsyietpaarsBuynrtainl hoissiM
retirement, on January 19,2020. .0202,91 yraunaJ no ,tnemeriter
P,oasdtnoarlrDOavfoideAc.nLaailtltAimlaoirreet,sJirn.iMwalsanaoffitliaantiemdowniethdrtehtenInethetrdhetinwodmeitnaaitlifofanaslaMwi.nriJs,teerroiaml AitltlaiaLn.cAedoivfaODrlraontdsoaP,
reFdlorOridcain,owshaMereehet dsedrvuelcdnai snAoistsaiisltifafnatcMivicnissitHer.noofiEtadcuucdaEtiofon.reHtissinciMvictanfaftilsiaistsiAonsaindceluvdresdetheerMehaswon,aicdiOrordlFer
of Lakeland Florida F&AM Lodge #52. .25# egdoL MA&F adirolF dnalekaL fo
,eMfial sniyhaforedcraolLleedh, tfeswi oahrwe ,cdhooGseont,ebcuivtraefstedre5ta4cyideeadrsfofsdraeedyic4a5terdetsfearvtuicbe,tnoeGsoohdc, ewrhaowisefth,deeLlloarcdeoraf hyinsaliMfe,
God had chosen Pastor Lattimore. .eromittaL rotsaP nesohc dah doG
Abodvevarlel shissaahcecHola.edseias,rphednisatyrurolylgaeMhtalnlaodf oGGodseavnigddgnivaedsoGGodfoanllatMheagyloluryrtasnidehpr,aseisdea.lHocechaassihsellravedvobA
faithfully, so he m”a.tynhaveraerstlhuofshetiawfodrndas odfoojogyy: m“w,eelnl oddonllee,wm“y:ygoojofdo asdnrdofwaiethsfouhltsrearevhanyta.”m eh os ,yllufhtiaf
,esI rhuaovceyfminidshehedsinmifyecvoauhrsIe,
.hIthiaafveehat ktpeepkt taheevfaahithI .
2 Timot7h:y44y:h7tomiT 2
From Your Grateful Successor
Pastor Lattimore, congregation into the future.
I’m inexpressibly thankful to be
For 33 years, In the standing on such tall and
providential intervention of God, accomplished shoulders.
you stood as under shepherd of
the congregation of Historic Darrell Lewis Gilyard, Sr.
Mount Ararat Baptist Church.
God used you in incomparable Let the elders who rule well be counted
and miraculous ways. worthy of double honor, especially
those who labor in the word and
I am truly honored, yet doctrine.
unworthy, to succeed you in the
mammoth task of leading this 1 Timothy 5:17 (NKJV)
Husband, and Father
Pastor Emeritus
David A. Lattimore, Jr.
Congratulations on Your Retirement.
54 Years of Preaching & Teaching the full Gospel of Jesus Christ
“Thank you for your guidance and knowledge in the Lord. You have been a true
servant of the Lord as you preached God’s Word.”
Every day I seen you study and pray seeking more, and more of God’s
word being rooted within you, so you could proclaim to my people. That I
Am Lord. We love you; God bless you and continue to lean on God’s word
as you enter your Golden Years.
Love, LaTonya & Courtney Lattimore
Preach the word; be in season, out of season.
reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering
and doctrine. 2 Timothy 4: 2.
Pastor Emeritus David A. Lattimore, Jr.
First Lady Latonya Lattimore
With Sincere Love and Gratitude
It humbles our hearts to know that
God has allowed our family to be a part
of your lives, and to celebrate in such a
wonderful event, as your retirement.
Tha nk yo u Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I
fo r yo u r tire le ss d e d ica tio n ,
have for you, declares the LORD, plans
th e d iffe re n ce yo u m a ke , to prosper you and not to harm you,
a nd a ll th e lo ve yo u ’ve sh o w n
plans to give you hope and a future.
that w e can ne ve r re pay.
Tha nk yo u
m o st o f a ll fo r liste n in g to th e
Fathe r’s he art,
a n d fo r b e in g th e kin d o f le a d e r
w h o p o in ts u s to th e Lo rd .
M a y th e Lo rd Ble ss Yo u
a n d Ke e p Yo u Alw a ys!
Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr.
We the preachers of Mt. Ararat Missionary Baptist Church under the
leadership of Rev. Dr. David A. Lattimore, Jr., as Pastor, we have truly been
blessed in many ways over the past 33 years. Pastor -Emeritus Lattimore has
shown himself to kindhearted, dedicated, moral, humble servant of God.
Through his steadfast ministry he has accomplished many things. We cannot
tell it all. As preachers we would like to take this opportunity to express our
sincere thanks and appreciation to you Pastor who took the time out to mentor
and encourage preachers to enhance their Preaching abilities. Several
Preachers have advanced to Pastor their own Churches.
Pastor Lattimore and Congregation are proud of them all as they were elevated
by the “Grace of God” to pastoral ship of a church.
Pastor Lattimore has always treated others with Love, Compassion, and
fulfilled their lives with the Powerful word of God.
Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr., we commend you for Preaching and Teaching
the word of God on the level that it enlightened our understanding of God’s will
for mankind.
We Pray your years of Retirement will be days full of Enjoyment and Blessings
Celebrating You Today with Joy
“Congratulations On Your Retirement”
Rivers Hicks
E. Brown To: Pastor Emeritus David Lattimore, Birch
K. Floyd
Chatman You have tirelessly and faithfully served the Lax
Sutton Lord and Mount Ararat Baptist Church
with gladness and with great compassion.
You have made a difference by planting
seeds of hope and love in many lives.
You have shown hospitality to all and
given encouragement to many.
Now, as your life opens to its next chapter
of kingdom service, May the God of Grace
richly bless and watch over you, May the
peace of God guard your heart and mind
and May the God of Abundant Joy shower
you daily.
From: MABC Deacon Board
E. Parker
Andrews R. Brown Love
Pastor David Lattimore
May your retirement bring the
rewards that you so richly
You have preached God’s word,
witness to the unsaved,
fed your flock and
continue to be obedient to God’s
purpose for your life.
Now it is time to sit back, relax
hear the words “ A job well done,
my good and faithful servant”.
“And he shall be like a tree “I commend unto you Phoebe our sister,
planted by the rivers of water, which is a servant of the church which is
that bringeth forth his fruit
at Cenchrea.”
in his season: his leaf shall
not whither”. Romans 16:1
Psalm 1:3
The Deaconess Ministry
Congratulations & Blessings
33 Years of Service
Pastor Emeritus David Lattimore
First Lady LaTonya Lattimore
You have served the Lord with gladness –
tirelessly, faithfully, and with great compassion
for His flock. Your investment in the lives of
others has truly made a difference; You have
given hope and encouragement to so many.
Now, as the day dawns on the next chapter
in your life, may God continue to richly bless you
and watch over you, may the God of peace
grant you peace now and always.
With Great Affection and Gratitude
Members of Growth Group 1
Deacon James Andrews
Deacon Preston Oliver
“Behold, I will do something new,
Now it will spring forth...”
Isaiah 43:19
Growth Group 1
Pastor Lattimore,
Your servantʼs heart
is His work of art.
Giving the best of you,
in the worst of times
is a testament to the beauty of your
Your hard work, dedication,
compassion, and caring will never be
Our hearts are full of thanks and
unending appreciation for you and the
acts of service you chose to do each
As you enter into your Golden
years, may they be wonderful
and full of peace.
P-Is for –Preacher- God called to be
A- Is for the-ANOINTING- gifted to you to
minister with His leading.
S-Is for- SHEPHERD- appointed to leadʼs
Godʼs flock
T-Is for -Teacher- who studies and shares
Godʼs Word
O-Is for-OBEDIENCE- a heart of complete
submission to Him
R-Is for-RIGHTEOUSNESS –by which you
live and are blessed
May God continue to bless you and
keep you.
Mount Ararat Missionary Baptist Church
Growth Group 2
Deacon Curtis Parker
Deacon Shawn Lax
Congratulations on an amazing
54 years of Faithful Service…….
To God Be the Glory!
Growth Group 3
Mt. Ararat Baptist Church
Deacon Willie Floyd (Leader) Ralph Marshall (President)
Deacon Willie Floyd and Growth Group 3 would like to wish you a
blessed and enjoyable retirement. Great man of God, as you start
the next chapter of your life, rejoice in your accomplishments and
years of dedication. YOU have fought the good fight, YOU have
finished the course, YOU have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4 verse).
Thank you for your years of service!
Allen, Bernice Givens, Leola Paulk, Marcia
Baker, Anthony Greene, James Randolph, Cassandra
Bowman, Wanda J. Greene, Pam Rolax, Alfonso
Brown, Oscar Heyward, Anthony Rolax, Sandra
Burdens, Janis Jackson, Margaret Royals, Josephine
Campbell, Minnie Jackson, Pinkie Shanks, Anita
Cobb, Daniel Jackson, Thomas Smith, James
Collins, Kathy Jones, Carlton Smith, Sandra
Cox, Arthur Lowe, Charmaine Tolbert, Eva
Cox, Deloris Lowe, Curtis Thomas, Elizabeth
Davis, Tyrone Lowe, Rhonda Thorpe, Elouise
Dixon, Nora Marshall, Ralph Trapp, Daisy
Earven, Eva McCray, Christine Watkins, Barbara
Floyd, Mary Nelson, Valarie Watkins, Jasper
Floyd, Willie Norales, Selena Wiley, Beriline
Frazier, Eugene Nunn, Marion Wilson, Lynette
“With Love and Appreciation “
Acts 20:24 ESV
But I do not account my life of any value nor
as precious to myself, if only I may finish my
course and the ministry that I received from
the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of
the grace of God.
Pastor We wish you a happy retirement with
Emeritus sincere appreciation for your faithful
your friendship and the difference
you have made in the lives of so many.
You will always be remembered.
Deacon Ernesto Brown, Leader Now, as you start the next chapter of
your life,
rejoice in your accomplishments with a
filled with blessings of good health,
the joy of good friends, a loving family,
and the contentment of a job well done!
Deaconess Bonnie Sutton, President With Great Affection and Gratitude
“Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to
whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.”
Romans 13:7
Today, Pastor Emeritus Lattimore, we honor YOU!
Years in the ministry and many sermons preached, you have over the years
touched the lives of many. You have seen lives changed right in front of your eyes.
You have mentored many, you have given opportunities to many more. You have
taught and still are teaching. We are your Growth Group V Family.
We are wishing you all the best in your retirement. However, we know that you
are not retiring from the service of your Lord because you will still be imparting
your wisdom to us. You will still be teaching and inspiring us. Personally, from the
very first day we met, I was in awe of your kindness and we immediately became
friends. Then upon joining Growth Group V, you have been an inspiration to me
and the entire Growth Group.
“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall
they believe in him in him they have not heard? And how hear without a
Preacher? And how shall preach, except they be sent? As it is written, how
beautiful are them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good
things.” Romans 10:14-15.
Pastor Lattimore, thank you for being a Preacher of the Gospel. It has been said to
"Preach the Gospel at all times, when necessary use Words "
Thank you for being that Preacher.
Let Growth Group V give you a High Five for your dedication to The Body Of Christ
and this church. We are your Growth Group Family within the Body of Christ.
We love and admire you and your family and we leave you with these words from
the Prophet Isaiah;
"Fear thou not; for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God:
I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee; yea,
I will uphold thee with the right hand
of my Righteousness." Isaiah 41:10.
Deacon Richard L. Hicks, Karen Gainey,
Growth Group V Leader President
St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church
Kissimmee, FL
Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr.
On Your Retirement
“Well Done, Thy Good and Faithful Servant of God”
400 E Columbia Ave. | Kissimmee, FL 34744
(407) 847-8348
“We love, We care, We share
Reverend Johnny M. McKinnie, Pastor
Congratulations Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be
able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6:13 KJV
Pastor Lattimore, Jr.:
May the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you in every area of your
life. We humbly thank you for your continued support of Grace
Baptist Church of East Springfield, Inc., throughout the years.
You’ve willingly shared the Word of God and His redemptive power
with all of mankind everywhere. Enjoy the next phase of your
walk with Christ in perfect peace.
Yours in Christ,
Reverend John J. Devoe, Jr., Pastor
Grace Baptist Church of East Springfield, Inc.
Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr., and Lady Tonya Lattimore
on this momentous occasion of retirement. Both are truly
faithful servants to the ministry of Christ.
Our prayers from Friendship Missionary Baptist Church:
“The Lord bless you, and keep you.
The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you:
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers6:24-26
Rev. Harold C. Stallworth Sr., Pastor & Lady Letha Stallworth
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church St. Cloud Fl.
Greater Friendly
Missionary Baptist
Dr. David A. Lattimore, Jr., Pastor Emeritus,
Congratulations on your retirement! You've accomplished so much
over your career, and we're going to miss your guidance, support,
and positive attitude. We're so pleased you'll have more time for
yourself and that you can enjoy all those things you've wanted to do.
Enjoy this new chapter of your life, and we wish you all the best!
Your friend, and son in Christ.
Pastor Jarvis D. Bracy, Sr.
Mount Ararat
Missionary Baptist
Congratulations to the
Reverend Dr. David A. Lattimore, Jr.,
On your Retirement from Pastoral discipline.
May God continue to lead you ass you continue to
prognosticate the unsearchable riches of the Gospel.
And I will give you Pastors after my own heart who will
guide you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15.
May God Continue to Bless You
Moderator Pastor Kim & Sis. Quida Anderson
Pastor Lattimore, Deacon Richard and
Thank you for being a friend. We treasure you and Deaconess Pearl Hicks
Mrs. Lattimore's friendship. You exemplify what it
means to be a praying man of God. We listen to
your every word because we know what you are
saying is important with wisdom attached. You
have shown us great leadership, and me what a
Godly man is like. You have shown the both of us
what a good husband and father should be like.
You are an encourager in that, you are always
building people up. We appreciate that quality you
have. May God continue to bless and keep you is
our prayer. We thank God for placing you and Mrs.
Lattimore in our lives. Pearl and I are always
happy to be in your presence.
Pastor Lattimore on your Retirement
God speaks to those who take time to Listen.
And He Listen to those who take time to Pray.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help
cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy
foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Psalm 121:1-3.
“God Bless You”
Sis. Margaret Ross
Congratulations on Our Grand Dad Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr
On your Retirement.
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.
Psalm127: 3.
Love Your Grands
Jeremy Walker, Charles Walker, Isabelle Walker, Kenzie Walker,
Kyrie Walker and My’ionnah Walker
Congratulations to our Illustrious
Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr., on your
Retirement of 33years at Mt. Ararat Missionary
Baptist Church. Thanking God for your Teaching
and Preaching over the years. Have witnessed
you Preaching and people hearing the word of
God coming off the street to the Lord.
For with the heart man believeth unto
righteousness; and with the mouth confession is
made unto salvation. Romans 10:10.
Bro. Lonnie & Sis. Janie Griffin and Family
(Your chairperson for the past 7 Years)
Griffin’s Discount Trophy’s
In Honor of Our Beloved
Pastor Emeritus and First
Lady Lattimore
Deacon and You have remained constant in
Deaconess Sutton your pursuit of God
and honoring Him in all you do
and in what He has
entrusted to you. Seeing you
answering the call of God
on your life with such conviction
has taught us
so much, and your spirit of
excellence is inspiring.
May God bless you with
excellent health and
enrich your retirement life with
in your future endeavors.
His Lord said unto him, well done,
thou good and faithful servant:
thou hast been faithful over a few things
... enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
Bible Scripture - Matthew 25:21
Pastor Lattimore,
Thank you for being my Pastor and my family’s Pastor for many, many years, and for being so
honest and true to God’s Word; you are a people’s person, always willing to listen with
compassion. Mt. Ararat Baptist Church has always been on fire for the LORD…Joyful noise
glistened throughout the community. Our Christian-Based Programs(Easter Plays & Easter
Speeches, Drama Ministry, Sunday School Activities, under the leadership of the late Min. Henry
Denmark, Superintendent, Black History Month Programs, Beyond The Walls Witnessing: Out-
Reach & Community Clean-Up, Fellowship Dinners, Etc.) were always successful because God’s
hand was in them, and because you cared, Pastor Lattimore. Thankyou for your wisdom! We
truly thank you for teaching us how to become Biblical Christians. You blessed our Church with
kindness and respect, humble leadership, heartfelt ministry and a deep love of the LORD. Many
souls were saved. Job well done, Pastor Lattimore. You and Sis. Lattimore will continue to be in
my prayers as God uses you wherever He calls.
Happy Retirement!
This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Sincere Gratitude: Sis. Shirley Cooper
Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr. the bread has returned to you, so sit back
relax and enjoy all the many, many blessing the Lord have in store for
you. Be Blessed.
Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.
Ecclesiastes 11:1.
“God Called Me, But Man Ordained Me on-Sept 24, 2006
Love You Always,
Evangelist Ruth Patterson
Enjoy Your Retirement!
Pastor Emeritus David A. Lattimore, Jr on your Retirement
of 33 years here at Mt. Ararat Missionary Baptist Church &
54 Years in the Ministry.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed
us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as
he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we
should be holy and without blame before him in love: Ephesians 1:3-4.
Sis. Shirley Dillworth and Sis. Nona Battle
Train up a child in the way he should
go and when he is old, he will not depart
from it. Proverbs 22:6
Congratulations to Our Brother
Pastor Emeritus David A. Lattimore, Jr.
On your Retirement.
May the Lord continue to give you all the Strength
to Continue Your Journey on your Path.
The Lord is my Shepherd: I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1.
Best Wishes and Love
Marvin & LaShana Bowick
on your Retirement. Continue to allow the Lord
to order you Steps…
May the Work I’ve Done Speak for me……
And I will give you pastors according to my heart
which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
Jeremiah 3:15.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Jason G. Hunter
Atlanta, Ga
Congratulations to Our Own Personal Model who has Blessed
us with Style, Fashion, and Encouragement. You have always
given us the word of God Thus said the Lord.
Our Hats goes off to you and the years you have been in the
Ministry Preaching God’s Word.
Congratulations Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr.
Your Friends At Men’s Closet
Congratulations To Pastor Emeritus David A. Lattimore, Jr.
A new commandment I give unto you,
that ye love one another: as I have loved
you, that ye also love one another. By
this shall all men know that ye are my
disciples, if ye have love one to another.
John 13:34-35.
Prayers & Love
Sis. Joann Johnson
Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr., as we Celebrate you on your Retirement
may God love continue to shine on you. What a Mighty God we serve at the Mt.
Ararat Missionary Baptist Church.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6.
Love: Deacon Lester & Deaconess Janice Burch and Josiah Odol
Congratulations to
Pastor Emeritus David A. Lattimore, Jr.
On your Retirement. May the Lord continued Blessings be
Upon you.
We will Forever Love your Style, One of A Kind
Blessings & Prayers to You
Ray Anki
One Generation passeth away, and another generation
cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. Ecclesiastes 1:4.
Much love to Pastor David A. Lattimore, Jr on his Retirement, May the
Heavens smile on you. May God forever keep you.
From The Jackson Family
Cornelius Sr,(deceased)Elizabeth(deceased)Ruth(deceased)Bettye,
Cornelius ,Jr., Vera(deceased)Shirley, Carolyn, Ruth,
Jerry(deceased)Leon(deceased)and there Kids.
Congratulations to Pastor Emeritus David A. Lattimore, Jr.
On your Retirement. May the Lord continue to Bless you in
For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper
in the house of God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalm 84:10.
Love and Prayers
Sis. Gwendolyn Lowery
Congratulations on your Retirement
Thank you for the Preached words during our fellowship, has
always been a Real Man of God.
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Matthew 28: 19.
From Mama Janie Griffin &
Her Motorcycle Family
Congratulations on your Retirement
Pastor Emeritus
David A. Lattimore, Jr., 33 years of being a Faithful
Servant of Mt. Ararat Baptist Church
On Behalf of your Former Sunday School Superintendent
The late Mr. Ulysses Bernard Carter.
Sis. Betty Carter Wife
Sis. Bernadette A. Carter Daughter
4334 Brentwood Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32206
(904) 768-5215 Office (904) 766-5652 Fax
Email: [email protected]
“Sympathetic, Understanding, Professional Service To All”
~ Established in 1904 ~
“Thank you for trusting us for over 100 years of dedicated service.”
Rose Nolan Walker ~ Licensed Funeral Director In Charge
Verna Washington Ford Clark ~ Licensed Funeral Director
Victor E. Solomon, Jr. ~ Licensed Funeral Directors & Embalmer
Alicia C. Blake-Oates ~ Office Manager
To God Be The Glory
To Dr. Darrell L. Gilyard, Sr.
To the Mt. Ararat Missionary Baptist Church Family and all
of our participating guest, we greet you in the name of our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God has allowed me to come to
this point in my ministerial career to retire, after 54 years of
Ministering, In which forty-six of those years Pastoring. And
six of those years as a Licensed Minister.We certainly thank
each of you for making this event possible. To the Retirement
Committee, I Pray God’s Blessings upon you individually and
collectively. Without your untiring effort, diligent planning,
and exceptional follow through, this event would not have
transpired in the order and magnitude that it has. I Thank
God for each of you. Much Thanks to the Pastor Dr. Darrell L.
Gilyard, Sr., to the General Membership, and the Retirement
Committee. May God Continue To Bless Each of You. A Special
Thank you to my Wife LaTonya H. Lattimore.
Mount Ararat
Missionary Baptist Church
JULY 10, 2022 • 2503 North Myrtle Avenue • Jacksonville, FL 32209