A Look at the
Mississippian, Maya,
Aztec and Inca
Multiple-tier timelines use two or more rows of events.
While each row represents a different subject, the time
period is the same.
Multiple-tier timelines can be used to help us look at
cause and effect relationships or patterns and themes
among events in a specific period of time.
We will be using a multi-tier timeline to show the rise
and fall of four early civilizations in the Americas: The
Mississippian, Inca, Maya, and Aztec and look for
RELATIONSHIPS between the dates.
At the end of this unit,
you will insert at least
three images on this page
that you feel represent
the Mississippian people.
Delete this text box when
this is complete.
At the end of this unit, you will write a
well-developed paragraph in this space explaining
what you learned about the Mississippian people.
You might want to include who the Mississippian
people were, what they valued, how their society
was set up, the relationship generalizations you
uncovered while learning about the people, etc.
*Note: Your pictures on page 4 should relate to this
The mississippians were “mound builders”, they
built mounds that they used for decorlation and
telling time. Their was famous (or most known)
mound is the serpent mound. The mississipians
loved sculpting and making effigy heads. They
were made for design and maybe their religion or
culture. The mississippians poluted a lot in their
homes and put smoke in the air. The
mississippians believed a lot in their military and
government. Their government rarely agreed with
each other. The mississippians are a culture that
we will never get to see, or learn from. (unless your
in school or searching it up)
Where in the World…
Were the Mississippian Located?
What is the approximate latitude
and longitude of the location you
What might the weather be like in
this location based on the latitude
and longitude?
What is the approximate latitude and longitude of the location you colored?
33 degrees north and 84 degrees west, located near Atlanta Georgia.
What might the climate be like in this location based on the latitude and longitude?
It’s going to be about 60 to 70 degree fahrenheit because it is close to the equator.
How would this affect the way people live in this area?
They won't need heavy clothes because it’s really hot. The soil will be really good
because of the ocean. But it might be harder to find water because of the
temperatures near the equator.
What is
They chose this What is the
shape to show the circle on the
reflection to tell the left side of the
They used their natural
resources to curve dirt Why do you
to a way to make the think it was
made? What was
shape. it used for?
Why do you
think they
chose this
How do you
think they
made this?
Read the Khan Academy article posted in your
Schoology course: Fort Ancient Culture: Great
Serpent Mound. After you read, complete the
page below with your team.
Danielle Knight GO Interactive, 2015
Explore the Mississippian links in the Symbaloo posted in your
Schoology course as well as in the books and other resources available
in class to complete this organizer.
What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist
between the people and their
How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?
Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders
follow rules?
did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships
What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How
did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?
The Maya
Where in the World…
Were the Maya Located?
Map from ducksters.com What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Maya
25 latitude and 90 degrees longitude.
What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and
Very warm because it’s next to the
equator and it would make water
How would this affect the way people
live in this area?
They would need less clothes, but
they would have to have more water,
for themselves.
The Mayan Government/
Social Structure
Kings Rulers:
People who ruled states
And lived in the high
step pyramids.
Religious leaders who
Taught people their
rNeloigbiloens: don’t
have to pay taxes. Could
choose if they wanted to have
jobs or not. Lived life easy.
Merchants and Craftsman: some
were peasants who wanted a better life
and some were nobles that wanted a job.
They made art or ran businesses.
Peasants: Most mayan people were peasants. They
worked very hard. Most were famous and lived outside
the city. Peasants who worked as craftsmen were able
to work in the city.
Overview of Mayan government:
Mayan Religion Mural
Replace this mural picture with your own.
Mayan Language and
Number Systems
Explore the Mayan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.
What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist
between the people and their
How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?
Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders
follow rules?
did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships
What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How
did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?
Ancient Maya
Concept Map
The Aztec
At the end of this unit,
you will insert at least
three images on this page
that you feel represent
the Aztec people. Delete
this text box when this is
At the end of this unit, you will write a
well-developed paragraph in this space explaining
what you learned about the Aztec people. You
might want to include who the Aztec people were,
what they valued, how their society was set up, the
relationship generalizations you uncovered while
learning about the people, etc. *Note: Your pictures
on page 4 should relate to this paragraph!
Where in the World…
Were the Aztec Located?
Map from ducksters.com What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Aztec
110 west and 20 north
What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and
The climate might be very warm and
humid based on the location which is
next/on to the equator. There is also
could winters possibly cold enough to
have frost.
How would this affect the way people
live in this area?
They would have to find ways to
water their crops and had to have
clothing and housing that was
adaptable in tempature
The Aztec Government/
Social Structure
Emperor was the primary
ruler, otherwise known as
Heuy Tlatoani
Cihuacoatl was in charge of
running the government on a
daily basis
The Council of Four are
powerful men in the army that
gave advice to the emperor
Slaves that work for people and do not get
paid at all
Aztec Sun Stone
Replace this sun stone picture with your
The Aztec calender is made up of 18 months
with 20 days in each month. They believed
that certain days represented a curtain thing
like seeds, building houses and going to war.
These calenders were essential way of life in
the time they were in.
Explore the Aztec links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.
What was the government like? The aztec people had money to trade. Because
Did powerful relationships exist they did they became rich and powerful. The
aztecs had to pay the government like taxes.
between the people and their The education was a big part of the government
leaders? because more jobs were open for this. The
government made strict laws. If they broke the
How was their society set up? laws they would get fines or fees. Also priests
What were the types of jobs were very important for making decisions for
people had? Were the jobs people the government.
did purposeful for the civilization?
The aztec people had money to trade. Because
Describe their religion. Did the they did they became rich and powerful. The
relationship the people had with aztecs had to pay the government like taxes.
their gods and religious leaders The education was a big part of the government
because more jobs were open for this. The
follow rules? government made strict laws. If they broke the
laws they would get fines or fees.
did the people invent, create, Ruled by a variety of gods and they had
or trade that allowed them to sacrifices to pay the dept of the gods sacrificing
exchange ideas or values with themself to create the sun and everything on
others they had relationships the earth including the earth. They also had
with? alters and incense burners
What was the agriculture like? The Aztecs invented a lot of things. The
What food did they eat? How best/most valuable invention was the sun stone
calendar. They also made high valued art for
did they grow it? What their gods. They based their economy off of
relationships did the people their agriculture.Corn, beans, and avocados
have with their environment?
Ancient Aztec
Concept Map
Replace this example with your own concept map!
The Inca
At the end of this unit,
you will insert at least
three images on this page
that you feel represent
the Incan people. Delete
this text box when this is
At the end of this unit, you will write a
well-developed paragraph in this space explaining
what you learned about the Incan people. You
might want to include who the Incan people were,
what they valued, how their society was set up, the
relationship generalizations you uncovered while
learning about the people, etc. *Note: Your pictures
on page 4 should relate to this paragraph!
Where in the World…
Were the Inca Located?
Map from ducksters.com What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Inca
30 degrees South longitude and 75
degrees west latitude. It would also
be right next to Argintina
What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and
Climate for the Inca tribe would be
warm and it also would be cold based
on the location of the tribe. The top
part of the empire would be warmer
than the bottom part.
How would this affect the way people
live in this area?
They would need blankets or jackets
The Inca Government/
Social Structure
The Inca Government:
Inca Social Structure
Sapa Inca
They were the main rulers of
the land
Public administrators
There were three parts of it, they are
called the Curacas, The Tax
CommonCeorlslectors, and the Record Keepers
Farmers and Artisans are the commoners that were
in the social. Artisans are crafters that worked on
pottery and gold jewelry, for the kings/emperors. The
farmers were the most important part of the empire.
An Ayllu is a “family” made up of different families.
Everyone in the empire was part of an Ayllu, working
Inca Religion,
Science, Roads,
Explore the Incan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.
What was the government like? Once a person turned into fifteen, it became
Did powerful relationships exist obligatory to participate in the Mita. It remain
mandatory for a person until he became fifty. But
between the people and their Inca government always wisely calculated the
leaders? amount of time one could share in Mita.
Messages were carried by relay. Groups of
How was their society set up? messengers lived in houses by main roads. The
What were the types of jobs two messengers would run together for a while
people had? Were the jobs people and the message was passed on from one man to
did purposeful for the civilization? the other. Using this relay system messages
could be sent over long distances very quickly.
Describe their religion. Did the Inca messengers could take messages 240
relationship the people had with kilometers in one day.The Inca imperial system
their gods and religious leaders which controlled an area almost 3000 miles in
extent was a stunning achievement of statecraft,
follow rules? but like all empires it lasted only as long as it
could control its subject populations and its own
mechanisms of government.The tax
requirements were high. Women were expected
to weave a certain amount of cloth, while men
had to mine or serve in the army. Taxes were
expected to be paid by commoners.
did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships
What was the agriculture like? The Incas had a lot of deities or gods. They lived
What food did they eat? How in heaven and on earth and each of them had a
cause which determined its hierarchy. The Inca
did they grow it? What population believed that some gods specially the
relationships did the people
have with their environment? gods in nature or human form
Ancient Inca
Concept Map
Replace this example with your own concept map!