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Published by Tilottama Panda, 2018-01-21 15:56:46

Sohar magazine

Sohar magazine

L&T Sohar Manufacturing Complex

(For Private Circulation Only)

First Issue January 2018

The Journey




Index 2.Poems

1. Articles v  All about beauty

v  Humble v  पतझड़ का मौसम
v  Papa
v  Ready for the
Change? v  s~I @yaa है ?

v  iPhone – Say 3.Story
hello to the
future v  Madhu’s Bill
v  Tuffy
v  Stop child
labour 4.Craft & Paintings
5.Sports & Games
v  Just Dance 6.Recipes
v  Effect of 7.Achievements
Internet on 9.Gallery
young minds 10.Suggestions
v  Health


The Editors

The Team

v  Mrs. Mridula Paranjape
v  Mrs. Pramila Sharma
v  Mrs. Arulmathi Mathavan
v  Mrs. Taruna Gupta
v  Mrs. Rashmi Srivastava
v  Mrs. Sarita Bhandari
v  Mrs. Tilottama Panda



Welcome to the first issue of “SOHAR SANKALP ”, the first

electronic house magazine of L&T Soharites. We are a strong closely
knit family creating a home away from home while adding value to L&T,
India, Oman and the World.
In last couple of years we have enhanced the Udaan L&T Ladies Club
Activities to create a vibrant and enthusiastic support system for L&T
families at Sohar. The following actions were initiated:

    * Annual Calendar with Planned Monthly Events
    * Opportunity to all to gain Planning, Budgeting and Event
Management Experience
    * Variety of Subjects covered such as “Food & Nutrition”, “Safety”,
“Art & Culture”
    * Celebration of Festivals & Events across Regions and Cultures
    * Events for Family, Ladies and Children.

These activities have given our families a break from their routine. This
is a fun-filled learning platform that has helped us in improving our
Planning and Organizing Skills. This has also paved a way for
enhanced Communication which is the key for a great Work-life
balance and happy families.  We have started appreciating the work
challenges faced by our spouses.
Now, we are launching another forum, to communicate. For allowing
the creativity within us to flow. Let us connect with each other and with
the literary world through this e-Magazine. We plan to publish this on a
“Triannual - three times a year” basis and we will require the support
from you all.

We are beginning our electronic literary journey at Sohar from January
2018. Please share your stories, impart the wisdom that you gained,
bitter-sweet experiences and tell us about new technologies. Some
original creations that will inspire. Make us laugh with some witty

Come on let's connect, touch our hearts. And above all… 
Please read our humble publication and share your comments to make
it better.
Yours Sincerely,


HUMBLE BEGINNING   Few knew each

other but most were

"The club focuses on meeting for the first
the community coming time. They were the

together to embrace initial families who
diversity by sharing were transferred

information about from Hazira (Surat)
different  cultures "   
to Sohar(Oman)
Mellisa Wilson The men got busy

I  n the year 2006 eight with their project,

to nine families came to challenges and
Oman. All hailing  from teething problems

different states, came whereas the ladies
from one city,  one  back at home were

country to a new apprehensive

country 'OMAN.' because of the new
culture and



They got confined to The ladies were enjoying
house hold chores, and exchanging
knowledge hence they
more depended on decided to make it more
men and above all organized resulting in a
monthly meeting at each
'without' domestic lady's house.  It started
help. over a cup of tea/coffee
and finger snacks.
But staying in one (remember 'without'
domestic help) It had to be
building was a boon SIMPLE. On special
for them as they could occasions it used to be
Pot Luck. This continued
share their for a year and a half.
The company's strength
apprehensions.  increased more members
 Everyday when men were added to L&T family.
Rendezvous was not
left for work and possible for ladies at
children to someone's house. So the
company converted a flat
school ,after finishing into a recreation

their chores they 7
made sure to chat for

sometime which used
to rejuvenate them for

the entire day. 

Gradually these chats
converted into

exchanging of
cultures. There were

six to seven states of

India sharing their 
traditions, customs,

recipes, attire etc
which was more like

exploring India
outside India.

pl a ce where families The endeavors of
could spend their free ladies had converted

time. The ladies got a this group into a club
place for their monthly which had taken a

get- together. By this flight to another
time it had changed level. It had it's

into a semi-formal naming ceremony in

format. A specific 2015.It was named
amount was collected "UDAAN".

from all the members Writing this article

who wanted to join the made me realize of
group.  how a group of six to

       With the eight ladies
enthusiasm of the progressed into a

ladies the get-together club of proud 46

were becoming more members. 
entertaining and at the I wish the club

same time informative. continues to soar to
They played games, new heights.

exchanged their In the words of

talents, creative ideas, Martin Luther King
culinary skills etc. Jr "We may have all

Competitions were come on different
held for ladies and kids ships. But we're in

such as fancy dress, the same boat.”

rangoli, skits, art and ~ Taruna Gupta
craft. Social activities

were also carried out.


  This CHANGE,
Ready for the however, meant a lot

“Change”? of catching up to do
for us NRIs. How to
We are lucky. Those
deal in Plastic
of us, here in Oman. Or Money? How to use
rather we NRIs, who did
not face the demons of Unified Payment
de-monetization. But
like they say…”No pain, Interface (UPI)
No gain.” transactions? What
Indian government’s are e-wallets? What’s
“de-mon” was intended
to unearth black money OLA?
and give the tax  
evaders/ cash wheeler-
dealers a hard time. It I got the first sweet
did serve that purpose taste of the
to some extent. The
common man tolerated convenience of going
the cash crunch for the
greater good. Finally the cash-less. And, also a
move has ushered a sour lesson for not
great CHANGE due to
which we may never paying enough
have to bother about attention.
loose change. Welcome
to cash-less economy.  My husband has

been using e-Wallets
for Taxi and also for

paying Bills. DTH TV,
Mobile re-charge,

mobile to mobile

money transfers.


Every time we used didn’t want to
Uber/ OLA, I was always create one more
accompanied by
someone who would take with UBER. Don’t
care of booking and worry. I will manage
payments. While I
chatted merrily with the payment, he
friends, I remained said.
blissfully unaware about
its working. I never tried It was a 12:40 noon
to understand the
concept fully. flight. The counter
closes 45 minutes
During this visit to India,
I stayed back and before departure
decided to visit my son at
Bangalore. I was and boarding gate
travelling alone, so had 30 minutes before. I
to face the CHANGE.
First time. First hand. On started at 10:30,
my own! expecting to reach
I started my journey with
a UBER ride to Mumbai 11:30, comfortably
airport from our home in
Navi Mumbai. Our before counter
neighbor operates a few closing time. On a
cabs urged me to try
UBER. I already have an whim, I sent
account with OLA and WhatsApp to my

husband asking him

to web check-in for



I reached at 11:57, 43 IndiGo is a No-frills
minutes before flight. airline, so you get to eat
The counter refused
to take me. I was home food on the flight.
shocked. “I have web  Now I had to book OLA
check-in, but have
not printed the when I land at
boarding pass”, I Bangalore. My husband
stammered. The lady
graciously looked up had helpfully
and allowed me,
since web check-in transferred money from
passengers are his OLA to my OLA. He
allowed up to 30
minutes. “Hush, had also told me that, if
Thank god!”
I don’t get internet after
Lesson No. 1: “Don’t landing, there will be
under estimate the
perils of Mumbai OLA representatives to
traffic” offer me hotspot.
Lesson No. 2: Predictably, my internet
“Always Web Check-
in” was not working.
  Roaming in Bangalore,
Having escaped with
the skin of my teeth, I without net!
settled to eat my  
Poha”. Lesson No. 3: “Google

about how to book taxi
in XYZ, before you travel

to XYZ”
An OLA representative,

promptly help me with a

hotspot. I settled in the
cab. We approached the

Toll station. Driver
asked for money for the



I thought that Tolls are He simply asked
covered in OLA bill, but I me for ₨ 782,
originally shown as
obliged. an estimate while
The rest of the ride was
booking the cab. I
uneventful, other than the paid and
horrible Bangalore traffic!
got out, thanking
On the way I tried various
my stars that I had
methods to start the carried some cash.
internet on my mobile with
 Stupid fellow. Does
no success.
not understand.
  Does not know
After we reached, the
what a HOTSPOT
driver asked whether he is.
should STOP the ride.
BTW, Closing the meter
Later, I realized
and generating a bill is that the stupid
called STOPPING the ride.
driver had
I said yes, but give me correctly
HOTSPOT please. The
understood that I
driver looked blankly at
don’t know
me. anything about
I asked him, “How much
OLA bill payment
money?” and had duped me.
I got connected to
He showed be “Zero” on
internet after
his device. “How much RESTARTING my
Bhai?” I implored.
mobile. OLA app
  showed that ₨ 695
The cab driver did not were deducted

understand that I can’t
check the bill without



including taxes and toll
of ₨ 125.
Lesson No. 4: Got the Toll charges

“RESTART your phone refunded.

when everything else But they could not help
with the cash, I had paid to
fails for getting

connectivity.” the driver. I fretted and

  fumed for some time. Gave
Lesson No. 5: “Always ONE Star rating to the

ask for a Bill when you driver since there was no
provision to give Zero
pay cash… Toll or

 Lesson No. 6: “You  Then I thought why I

require a connection should spoil my mood for

for booking a ride, but such a trivial reason. Take
it as learning and enjoy my
not for closing the
visit and the time that I

  plan to spend with my son
at Bangalore.
Lesson No. 7: [OLA

Specific] “ZERO shown  All in all, I feel this e-wallet
on the driver’s device concept is cool. Very
means you don’t need convenient. Some

to pay anything. The Bill Learning is required, but
is settled though your after that its worth all the

OLA Money. If you have efforts. You have nothing
insufficient OLA money, to “loose” but CHANGE!

pay balance indicated

on Driver’s device.” ~ Mridula Paranjape


Lesson No. 8: “When in

Doubt, Ask!”

I complained to OLA.


iPhone – Say hello MAC changed the way
to the future. people do computing. It
gave Graphical User
It is rare enough for a Interface to people.
People no longer needed
company to have codes to operate
been revolutionize computers. They got the
one product category. “Mouse”, the world’s
It is very difficult to best pointing device.
revolutionize the way Computers were no
people do things. longer limited to Offices.
Look at it, back in People without any
2007, MICROSOFT computing knowledge
was struggling to could use it. The iPod
come up with a OS changed the way people
less prone to virus listen to music.
attacks, RIM was 1000 songs in a pocket
trying to change how with 128-bit rate. The
blackberry operates best sound quality with
by small unsuccessful all your life collections in
tweaks, NOKIA was your pocket. In addition,
up with the same of course, Microsoft at
Symbian software that time almost copied
only with a few everything that Apple did
touches every year. and hence windows was
Apple by that time born which was no way
had revolutionized close to being an original
two products. First product.
with the MAC and the
other one with the 14

Steve Jobs launched mega scale, at a pace
the first iPhone in that the competitors
June 2007. People would never imagine.
had been waiting Steve Ballmer, Former
outside in lines that CEO of Microsoft
ran for blocks. quoted after the iPhone
Anticipation was off launch :
the charts and “You can get a Motorola
competitors were Q for $99. [...] [Apple]
nervously dismissing will have the most
it quoting expensive phone, by far,
“overpriced”. in the marketplace.
There is no chance that
The vast majority of the iPhone is going to
phones had ugly get any significant
keypads, a resistive market share. No
touch screen & an chance. “
explorer limited to Well like Ballmer, the top
WAP browsing. Apple players like Palm, RIM
for the third time was were wrong.
going to revolutionize Smartphones were the
a product category. next big thing & Apple
This time at a much was making its mark.
iPhone climbed the way
from being criticized as
“over expensive” to
selling a billion phones
in less than 10 Years.


Innovation, challenging

the impossible and a

constant drive to

revolutionize the way

people use phones were

the key success factors.

In the brief history of

iPhone, Apple launched

15 Models. The latest one

is iPhone X launched on 1 contrast ratio. This

the 10th anniversary of
iPhone. This phone will be one comes with a
Bionic chip and a
a benchmark for other
neural engine that is
smartphones & will
certainly be the epicenter designed to bring out
the individuality in you.
around which the next
decade’s smartphones There is actual Artificial
are going be developed. Intelligence in this
I somehow managed to phone unlike its
get my hands on this gem competitors who sell
photo mapping as
made of glass and
Intelligence. It is crazy
stainless steel. It was
fast and playing games
tough considering the
on this is way ahead of
demand & Supply gap.
It is so immersive that the your portable play
device itself disappears station. A bold step by
Apple to remove the
in the experience. The
home button to give
entire glass is your
screen & it is the biggest more room for the
super retina HD screen of videos and photos that
all iPhones with a 1Mn: we love.


The true Depth Camera “STOP CHILD
unlocks your phone with LABOUR”
face ID in pitch black
light. The Face ID Did you know that
creates more than
30,000 invisible dots to World Day against Child
create a depth map of
your face. It works like Labour is celebrated on
magic…! twelfth of June every
A must buy for people
who believe in having year which is observed
the best. A must try for by UN, International
other smart phone users
to realize that their Labour organisation?
phones can be smarter.
A true smartphone In India, over 8.2 million
needs to understand you children are engaged in
and Apple does it best
with the new bionic chip child labour. Children
and the neural engine. It continue to work as
available within 15 min
of drive in DJ Sharaf, E- domestic workers,
Max, Lulu etc… If you
want to save some, so dhaba workers,
that the original cover is ragpickers, beggars and
also covered in the same
price, go for industry workers.
People especially in
 ~ Susobhan Panda India believe that

children are the future 17
of our country but if


this type of behavior is

continued, no good future Just Dance…..
will be observed. In India,

there is no development and ance is not just a

Deducation for such children.
The problem of child labour way of exercise; it is a
is continued in spite of it
form of art. I love and
getting banned by the law. live the moment when I
Engaging children, below the dance. I dance as if
age of 14 years, in such
there is no one around,

activities can cost ₨ 20,000/- no one watching me. I
fine or imprisonment upto 1 bring out the best in me
year or more. So let's join our when I dance.
hands and work towards a  
better goal for everyone -

India being a country free of

child labour. We are all better

than this. 

 So let's “STOP CHILD


~ Devansh Srivastava It is a feeling of
satisfaction, relaxation.

All the stress in life
seems to fade away in

that moment. In our life,

we should focus the
little time we have for

ourselves in doing what
we love. Something that

defines us !!


Oman gave me such an

opportunity.  A few crazy

& eager women grouped got a bigger platform to
display our talent. This
up to showcase their

talent. Thanks to the L&T time it was Colors of
Ladies club for giving us India organized by

our first opportunity in Indian Social Club,
Sohar. With the diversity
Oman to display our
in our group, we wanted
talent. We tried our

hands with many dance to perform what was
forms. Irrespective of not common to us, our
being professionals, we country. Together we

went out and tried to give decided to perform
Ghoomar, (A Rajasthan
our best shot.

  folk dance). This was
possible with all the hard

effort put forward by the

women and our

attachment towards our

motherland.  Ghoomar

comes from the twirling

I am proud to get such movement of the

enthusiastic ladies who dancers. 
are ready to learn new The crowd cheered as

form of dances.  we performed & this

It gives me immense gave us so much

pleasure to spend our motivation and

time learning new confidence to move

techniques and styles. forward.. We hope to get

With time & a few such opportunities to

performances later, we perform.


Dance like a free bird use of internet. In this
with your wings world, there is hardly a

spread, Dance as if home without a personal
no one is watching computer or internet

you. Dance to live!!! connection.
  Computerization of

“There are shortcuts offices, shops, hospitals

to happiness and and even government
dancing is one of offices is in rapid

them”- Vicki Baum succession. Being

computer literate is
more important than

having luxury. 

 ~ Tilottama Panda

Effects of Internet But is this all beneficial? 
on the young minds. Internet is called

'Necessary Evil' in

I today's world.  It is a

n the previous years, we useful source of
can see the rapid growth information and should
be used for meaningful
in the number of

personal computers and


purposes only.  It is a affect their metal and
medium through which the physical health. The
only way to prevent
world can be known children from using
better.  It has also brought internet is to keep
the student community Children should be
closer. Internet also helps rewarded internet
people up maintain online for their good work or
behavior throughout
relationships with the week and should
friends, relatives or be available to them
only during weekends.
unknown people. It is a
This way children can
way to change the society. interact with parents,
But this has another side friends and other
family members and
to it.  also won't get prone
Children are the main towards usage of
victims of internet.

Children are using
electronic gadgets,

browsing on the internet
and do not interact with

their parents.


They don't get to learn

from their parents over
usage if internet may also


HEALTH if you are at a healthy
weight and if weight
WHO has defined Health loss is necessary.
This height weight
as ,Health is a state of chart
complete physical, is based on body
mental and social well- mass index and the
being and not merely the healthy
absence of disease or weight range shown
infirmity. covers both men and
To be healthy is not only women.
to have normal medical
reports, but also one Blood Pressure
should be in a positive There is no ideal
mental state and adjusted blood pressure
in society. reading, however,
Some of the physical there is a range of
parameters which are normal blood
routinely checked to pressure reading.
know physical health are Medical guidelines
as below, state that a normal

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is
a measure to help assess


blood pressure for tends to enlarge. A
most adults is less slightly enlarged heart
than 120/80 mm Hg. can function well, but a
Drug treatment is significantly enlarged
recommended if your heart cannot. High
blood pressure is at or blood pressure can also
above 140/90 mm Hg. causes damage to the
For people with arteries.
diabetes or chronic Hypertension can be
kidney disease, drug treated. Mild cases of
treatment is hypertension can be
recommended for a treated through
blood pressure level behavior modification
of 130/80 mm Hg or like changing diet and
higher. increasing exercise.
More severe cases of
Hypertension (high hypertension require
blood pressure) is medications.
dangerous because it A diet low in salt is
causes the heart to preferred to keep blood
work extra hard. pressure under control..
When the heart is You can often test your
forced to work extra blood pressure at home
hard for an extended by a digital blood
period of time, it pressure instrument
easily available , or by
your Doctor.


Heart and Heart your resting heart rate is
Rate in the morning, after a
good night's sleep, and
The heart beats about before you get out of bed.
60 to 80 times a minute The food you eat can
when we're at rest. affect the way blood
Resting heart rate flows through your heart
and arteries. A diet high
usually rises with age, in fat and cholesterol can
and it's generally lower gradually cause a buildup
in physically fit people. (called "plaque") in your
The heart rate adapts arteries. That buildup
to changes in the slows down the blood
body's need for flow and blocks small
oxygen, such as during arteries. If the blockage
exercise or sleep. The happens in an artery that
best time to find out carries blood to the heart
muscle, a heart attack
can occur. If the blockage
happens in an artery that
blood to the brain, a
stroke can occur. The
right diet helps keep your
arteries clear and
reduces the risk of heart
problems and stroke.


Cholesterol HDL cholesterol is
protective against heart
When cholesterol disease. Its role is to pick
levels in the blood up excess cholesterol in
are high, it begins the arteries and transport
to accumulate in the it back to the liver. Thus,
artery walls. Over the higher the HDL levels
time, the arteries the lower your health
become narrowed, risk.
blocking blood flow Triglycerides are another
to the heart, brain, lipid or fat in your
or other vital organs arteries. If they become
and a clot is likely to too high they also
form. If the artery is contribute to clogging of
blocked, the heart the arteries and increase
(or brain, or kidney, the likelihood of a clot
or other body part) forming.
does not receive High cholesterol is
adequate oxygen so caused by a variety of
a heart attack (or factors including
stroke) occurs. hereditary influences,
excess body fat, eating
Forms of too much
Cholesterol saturated fat and
cholesterol, and not
LDL cholesterol is the eating enough foods high
primary form. When it in dietary fiber.
gets high, it clogs the
arteries. 25

Ways to lower your sodas, energy drinks,
cholesterol include; and sports drinks are by
far the biggest sources
uAchieve/maintain a of added sugar.
healthy weight Other important sources
uBe physically active include cookies, cakes,
uAvoid smoking pastries, and similar
uDietary changes- low treats; fruit drinks; ice
fat diets high fiber diet. cream, frozen yogurt and
Reduce sugar the like; candy; and
consumption ready-to-eat cereals.
Nutritionists frown on
Sugar & Diabetes . added sugar for two
reasons. One is its well-
  known links to weight
Diabetes is increased gain and cavities. The
blood sugar above the other is that sugar
normal range. delivers “empty calories”
  — calories
Fasting blood sugar – unaccompanied by fiber,
more than 126 mg/dl, vitamins, minerals, and
Post lunch blood other nutrients.
sugar – more than 200 Exactly how excess
mg/dl sugar might harm the
A sugar-laden diet heart isn’t clear. Earlier
may raise your risk of research has shown that
drinking sugar-
dying of heart disease sweetened beverages
even if you aren’t can raise blood
Sugar-sweetened 26
beverages such as

pressure. A high- To put that in perspective,
sugar diet may also a 12-ounce (about 350
stimulate the liver to ml ) can of regular soda
dump more harmful contains
fats into the about 9 teaspoons of
bloodstream. Both sugar, so drinking
factors are known to even one a day would put
boost heart disease all women and most men
risk. over the daily limit.
Note : compiled from
American Heart various internet sites.
recommendation tha ~ Dr. Sandesh
t women consume
less than 100 27
calories of added
sugar per day (about
6 teaspoons) and
men consume less
than 150 per day
(about 9
teaspoon sugar 4.2
gms is about 16

All about beauty

Mirror mirror on the wall, tell me who’s the beautiful
of ‘em all?
Let me think, I say, I hope it’s me cuz I know that in
the whole wide world there are way more prettier
girls than me!
Ofcourse, you’re wrong Mr.mirror says, how can you
say that beauty lies on ones face?
 Beauty lies in everything, it’s something you cannot
Beauty is in a beast
And, beauty is in a bride.

~Rutu Bhandari


*पतझड़ का मौसम* While driving bicycle 
Played with me cricket 
कछु यँू आया मौसम पतझड़ का  Which was full of illect
पतत् े टूटे झर झर झर
कछु टूटे अपनी मरजीं से You made me happy
कछु टूट गये नरमी से ! as much as you could 
                    ये मौसम है सूखे मवे ों To change my mood
का Worked very hard as
झिलमिल झिलमिल करते दीपों का much as you could 
ये मौसम कोई आम नहीं बीती हईु To have very nice
शाम नही!ं livinghood
                        Made me feel very
बीती बातों को भुला दने ा good 
पतझड़ के इस मौसम  खूब़ सरू त which made my math
खय़ ालों को दिल मंे पनाह देना understood

~कुसुम शेखावत You will mould my life
into right path 
Papa because you and my
mother will be Sath
You are the one who Sath 
came first in my life I am sure that you will
Seeing you made me make me a good son
bright Because you are
Saving me from every number one
obstacle  ~Baibhab Mukherjee


s~I @yaa है ? ये एक परिकलप् ना है परतं ु sa%ya

है !

भगवान जब सत् र् ी की रचना कर रहे थ े
   तब उनह् ें काफ़ी समय लग गया 
आज छठा दिन था , और स्तर् ी की रचना अभी भी अधूरी थी !
    तो दवे दूत ने पछू ा ~ भगवन !
आप इसमंे इतना समय कय् ँू ले रहे हंै ?
भगवान ने जवाब दिया ~ की कय् ा तमु ने 
इस के सारे गुणधरम् (specifications) देखंे हंै , जो इसकी रचना के 
लिए ज़रूरी है !
uयह हर पर् कार के परिस्थितियों को 
                संभाल सकती है !
    u  यह अपने सभी बच्चों को एक साथ 
       संभाल सकती है और ख़ुश रख 

                 सकती है !
        uयह अपने पय् ार से ~ घटु ने की खरोंच से ले कर टटू े 
                  दिल घाव भी भर सकती है !
 u इस मंे सब से बड़ा गणु धरम्  यह है कि  बीमार होने पर 
              भी अपना खय़ ाल खु़द रख सकती है 
                और 18 घटं े काम भी कर सकती है 
दवे दतू चकित रह गया , और आश्चर्य से पूछा ~ भगवन ! क्या ये सब
दो हाथों से कर पाना सभं व है ?
भगवन ने कहा ये सट् डंै रड् रचना है !



दवे दतू ने नज़दीक जाकर स्त्री को हाथ लगाया, और कहा 
भगवन ...ये तो बहतु ही कोमल (soft) ह ै
भगवन... हा.ँ . यह बहतु ही soft(कोमल)ह ै
मगर ....मनैं े इसे बहतु ही strong ( मजब़ तू ) बनाया ह ै
uइस मंे हर परिसथ् िति को सभं ालने की ताक़त है
  दवे दूत ने पूछा ~ क्या यह सोच भी सकती है ?? 

भगवन ने कहा ~
uयह सोच भी सकती है , और मजबतू होकर 
        मुक़ाबला भी कर सकती है !

देवदतू ने नजद़ ीक जाकर ....
स्तर् ी के गालों को हाथ लगाया , और बोला की 
भगवान ये तो गीले हैं  लगता है कि इस मंे से कुछ रिसाव  हो रहा है !
      भगवान बोले यह रिसाव नहीं है !
       ये इसके आसँ ू हंै !
दवे दूत ~ आसँ ू किस के लिए ??
भगवान बोले ~
यह भी इसकी ताक़त है !
आँसू .....इसको फ़रियाद करने , प्यार जताने और अकेलापन
 दूर करने का तरीका़ है !
दवे दतू ~ भगवान आप की रचना अद्भतु ह ै
आप महान हंै  आप ने सब सोच समझ कर बनाया है 
 आप महान हंै !!


भगवान बोले ~~~
                 यह सत् ्री रूपी रचना अद्भुत है !
               यही हर पुरुष की ताक़त है , जो 
     उसे पर् ोतस् ाहित करती है !
सभी को खु़श दखे कर ये भी खुश़ रहती है 
हर परिसथ् िति मंे हसँ ती रहती है ! 
उसे जो चाहिये ......
वह लड़ कर भी ले सकती है 
उसके पय् ार में कोई शर्त नहीं है !
उसका दिल टूट जाता है ,जब .....
अपने ही उसे धोखा देते हैं !
मगर .....हर परिस्थिति से ... 
समझौता करना भी जानती है ! 
दवे दूत ~~~ भगवन ! 
आप की रचना समप् रू ण् है !
भगवन बोले ~~~ ना .....
अभी इस मंे एक बहुत बड़ी तर् ुटि (mistake) है !
यह अपनी  ‘महतव् ता’ को  भूल जाती है ! 
~ सभी आदरणीय सत् र् ियों को समरप् ित ......यह हमारी माँ , बहन,
बेटियाँ , सखियाँ कोई भी हो सकती हंै 
उनको हमारा नमन

~रश्मि शर् ीवास्तव


Madhu’s Bill took out whenever she
asked him to fetch some
Madhu was really thing from the shop or
gave money to other
upset with his mother. servants of the house.
“Mamma, Can you buy “She has so much money
me a new cricket bat with her but she cannot
today evening “ Madhu spare something for my
had asked and his cricket bat?” Madhu
mother had said “No, wondered to himself.
not now. We donot Madhu’s father had a
have spare money to touring job and would
buy one now”. All he come home on
had asked, for a new weekends. While Madhu,
cricket bat and how studying in 4th standard
can she be so and his kid sister, just out
ruthlessly say No ? of nursery, stayed in the
That too, on excuse of city with their mother. So
not having enough for any small errands like
money !! Madhu had small purchases, it
seen his mother usually always fell upon
keeping money in the Madhu to do it for his
almeraih while she mother.


“While my Mother asks me With my bill paid, I can
to do the work, she does buy the bat instead of
pleading her to
not pay me anything for purchase it for me
the work she gets done With this, Madhu
decided to make a bill
from me “ !! Madhu on her Mamma. He
thought. tore a sheet from his
note book and went
He had seen his mother about making a bill.

paying to the house maid/ Madhu’s Bill
Total: ₨ 65.00
paperwala every month. Madhu thought over
whether to hand over
He wondered why they his bill or should he
were paid very regularly keep the bill discretely
and wait for his
while his mother would mother to respond.
never pay him any money
for the work done. He

thought to himself: “While
they were working for my

Mamma and hence are
paid, I he too work for my

Mamma -like bringing

medicine/ fetching items
from the kirana shop,

collecting back the
laundry etc but she never

paid any money to me!”

“Oh! How foolish am I ?
I never gave any bill to my

Mamma so she could pay
me money. How on earth

she will get to know how
much to pay me “!!!.

The fear that his mother snacks and milk after
will not even look at his he had washed up.
bill, made Madhu decide Madhu kept looking
to keep the bill secretly at his mother’s face
and wait for her discreetly to check if
response. she had seen the bill.
Madhu folded the paper But his mother was
and placed it below his calm as ever and
mothers pillow where, went about her
he was sure, she would routine.
see the bill when she got In the same anxiety,
up in the morning. Madhu dozed off to
Madhu was very anxious sleep.
whole day and was very Next day morning,
eager to receive his when Madhu got up,
money when he reached he saw a letter on his
home after school. bedside and was very
anxious to know what
In the evening, when it was. It was a letter
Madhu reached home, from his mother. His
his mother gave him his mother wrote:
Dear Madhu,
Saw your bill.
Thought, I should
also make a similar
bill for you to make a
payment to me


Mamma’s Bill: sacrifice you have done
for me. Please mamma,
Total: 0.00
Ps: I am keeping ₨ 65 forgive me for my
as per your bill along foolishness”. Madhu said
with this letter.
Seeing his mother’s sobbingly.
letter, tears rolled Madhu’s mother wiped his
down Madhu’s cheeks,
uncontrollably. He ran tears and lifted him into
to his mother and fell
to her feet. “Mamma, her arms. “My dear
please forgive me. Madhu”, she said: “We are
How foolish am I send
a bill to you without a family. We are bound by
realizing what
a bond of love. In such a
bond, work does not get

counted in terms of
money. We care for each

other and reciprocate

each other through an
expression of care and


Madhu still sobbing,

begged to his mother,
“Mamma, you made me


realise my mistake, I will Tuffy
never ever repeat such - Circle of Life
a foolish act and hurt
you. I respect the effort
and pain, you and papa
take for the sake of Preface
munni & me and I shall
always try to be a good This   is written
“It’s ok dear, I just
wanted you to realize in memory of our first
your mistake and
anyway, we will get you pet, Tuffy.
a new bat as soon as
your father is home next  
weekend”. His mother
said to Madhu. Before Tuffy, we were
Both Madhu and his
mother embraced each one of those families
other, while his mother
kissed him on his who considered
forehead. Madhu had
learnt a very bitter being above having
lesson of his life and
what a way to give that pets. How can people

~Shrikant Kulkarni


spend time playing to All of us understood the
whims and fancies of value of a pet after a
small ugly looking boxer
some dumb animal? pup become part of our
Don’t they have better family. My grandson was
instrumental in opening
things to do? Spend our vision to this
time with humans, I different facet of love,
faith, devotion… He
say! There are many in insisted that he should
“at least have a pet, if
this world who are he cannot have a
pining for loving and sibling”.
That’s how began our
caring gesture. Do your journey. A breath-taking
view of a colourful
bit. panorama. A new in-
  sight into meaning of
life. A deep
We used to laugh at understanding of
people treating their creation and the
almighty creator.
pets like their kids.  
This is a story of our
Pampering them, beloved dog Tuffy. An
doting on them. experience. Mostly
sweet, but sometimes a
Secretly actually most bitter reminder of
of my family members
were scared of dogs…

to that matter of any

My daughter-in-law and
grandson were an

exception. They

actually understood the
true, un-conditional

love that an innocent
and mute pup can offer.


transient nature of the breed. All things,
world. He changed our creatures, trees even
way of looking at life rocks and stones have a
and made us conscience, a mind. And
appreciate every every mind has always a
marvellous entity in this story to tell.
  All beings are parts of a
Krishna Paranjape whole, a galactic super
entity. However,
01: ‘I’, Myself. communication between
these parts is difficult by
My masters called me design. Several gaps and
“Tuffy”. Tuffy for soft, difficult barriers come in
Tuffy for tough! This is the way of these minds,
my story. You may which are trying to re-
wonder, what story an link. However, a soul free
ordinary dog can have. from its body overcomes
Even if he has one, how these odds and
can it be told? But I am, communicates freely
or was, not just a dog. I with receptive minds.
am a tiny spark of the These sensed thoughts,
energy that drives the these images crystallize
universe. I am a into words and
thought. I am a expressions. I am telling
paradigm. I symbolize my story through the
“Selfless Love”. My language of images to
recent form was that of my human grandpa, who
a dog of the Boxer in turn is converting the


same into literary She was to be seen
expression. nowhere. Where am I ? I
The soul of this story is
my experience of my was in a basket, lined
mortal life. The body, the with some smooth cloth.
words and contexts, is
as given by my grandpa. I must have been
Feelings are mine, dreaming about my
expressions are his.
Photographs from our mother when these awful
family album try to
portray the real joy vibrations woke me up.
permanently etched in The place was lurching,
our minds. My family, my
masters have pitching and rolling. I
understood my mute
feelings and lent words trembled with fear. I
to tell the story in your gathered courage and
  looked around. I peered
Let’s begin at the very around very cautiously
beginning, a very good
place to start. with eyes open only a

02: Divine Ride wink. The basket was
inside some house which

was moving at blinding
speed. I was sandwiched

between two strange

looking animals. I shut
my eyes again, shivering

and wondering what was
in stock for me. Some

more time passed.

I was sound asleep,
snuggling cosily near my

mother. But suddenly she
vanished. I looked around.


Except for the jerks and Both appeared to be
the increasing horror, of divine. O! My good
being taken to some fortune! They seemed to
unknown destination, be different than the
nothing much was person sitting ahead
happening. holding some kind of
wheel. They must be
I opened my eyes again, ladies like my mother.
slowly and carefully. The Seeing that I was awake,
two unknown animals one of the beautiful
must be my captors. I ladies smiled and made
had heard my mother joyful sounds. The other
saying that some shrewd caressed me and gave
animals, called human me something sweet to
beings, have been eat. Later I identified
stealing her puppies. I this as chocolate. Every
too must have been human being seemed to
kidnapped. I was terribly be fond of it and I also
upset, afraid of whatever liked it immediately.
plans these cunning
human beings, these The moving house also
devils, had for me. But now started to calm
wait. These creatures down and became more
seemed to be fondling comfortable and cosy. I
me with affection. They suddenly developed a
seemed to be radiating liking for this mobile
similar warmth as my house, which these
mother and aunt. I humans seemed to be
looked at them with my referring to as a car.
big brown eyes.

Though initially I was 03: Forlorn Soul
afraid; I enjoyed that
divine ride, sitting We reached some
comfortably between destination at twilight. The
those two loving mobile house finally
ladies. stopped in front of some
other house. One of those
We stopped ladies, called by others as
someplace for rest. I Mridula, lifted me from the
was put down on the basket. It dawned to me
ground. Ah! It felt that Mridula must be my
good to stretch my new master. Or was she my
legs. new mother? The other
  lady, who reminded me of
“Hey! Get that dog out my aunt, went to some
of here. He will soil neighbouring house.
our front yard”,
shouted a man. After entering, what
seemed to be my new
  home, Mridula kept me
“Oh! He is only a very carefully on the floor
puppy. And don’t and sat beside me. Others
worry we will clean up in the house were looking
if he messes around”, at me excitedly. They
the lady fondled me lovingly, though
accompanying me some elderly lady seemed
scolded the fellow. to be afraid of me. She
  gave me milk and soft
Now I was sure that bread to eat.
these persons really
cared for me. 42

I was now somewhat “Poor boy! Don’t cry.
relaxed and calm. We are with you”. That
was my new Dad. He
My new Mom took me peeped under the bed
upstairs to her room. A and comforted me.
small cosy bed was laid
for me. Though I 04: Bliss dawned
stretched my body
comfortably on that bed, That fearful night
I was feeling somewhat passed. My Mom
lonely and forlorn. So brought me down in her
far, I was among my tender hands. I kept my
brothers and sisters eyes firmly closed. God
under caring eye of my knows where she would
mother. I was longing for be taking me. We came
the warmth of my downstairs. My Mom,
mother's breasts. It Mridula, placed me very
seemed that I had lost kindly on the floor and
my brothers and sisters caressed me with
forever. I felt pangs of profound love. I opened
separation deep inside my eyes slightly and saw
my heart. I was all alone a human puppy, sitting
in this vast, unknown by my side.
and fearful world. My “Shardul! What should
new Mom and others be our puppy's name?”
were asleep, but I was she asked him.
restless. Throughout the  
night, I roamed
helplessly around the 43
closed room and under
the bed.

“Tuffy!" Shardul replied I tried to pull a thin and
hugging my mistress, his tender stem of a
mother. creeper.
I instinctively jumped up “Look, he can’t even
and tried to snuggle cut the tender sprouts
between them. It was a with his small milk
sheer bliss. I got my new teeth” shouted
mother and now a Shardul.
brother too.  
  I pulled at the creeper
I forgot the agony of with all my might and
separation from my suddenly a shower of
mother and brothers. I dew drops and
jumped around, fragrant jasmine
experiencing a newly flowers greeted me.
found fountain of my joy.  
I peeped below the sofa
and found a place 05: Home! Home!
promising comfort and I got my home
safety. I stretched my
body under the sofa and I was tired due to all
relaxed on smooth that dancing around
glossy floor of my new the garden. I came
home. inside the house and
relaxed on the floor.
After some time I went Yet, my eyes were
into the courtyard open. I stared at the
outside and breathed the staircase that
free air. I danced in the descended into the
green freshness amidst
the plants. 44

ground floor hall. I was Grandma. The old man
eager to know who sat near me and fondled
else was in the house. me lovingly. I jumped in
Soon Dad came down his lap. Grandpa liked
with a bag in his hand. that very much. He then
I got worried. Perhaps turned to Grand ma and
he may keep me in that said,
bag. He came and sat “See! How fine this small
at the table, keeping puppy is!"
bag aside. Some hot
drink was served to Grandma was reluctant
him. After finishing the to come closer to me.
drink, he tapped gently She was only looking at
on my head and asked me from the distance. I
Shardul, “Lad! Are you wondered whether she
happy now?" did not like me. While
  Lying on Grandpa's lap, I
Shardul replied, "Dad! peered into her eyes. I
I like this cute puppy found assurance of love
very much." and kindness in her look.
I happily closed my eyes.
“Good! Now take care I was sure to win her
of your small friend." love.
Daddy told him, lifting As days passed, I forgot
bag in his hand to go the pain of separation
out. from my mother. Such
separation is, anyway,
Then an elderly couple inevitable in the animal
came down the stairs.
Shardul was calling 45
them as Grandpa and

world. It has to happen, preferring to go
one day or another. upstairs directly to
Thank God! In my case play with other
this happened most children. He was sure
favourably. I was that I would not be able
separated from my to climb the steps.
mother to get a whole Another sweet looking
new human family. I lost girl, Sanjana, would
my brothers and sisters, start crying merely by
but would now be raised seeing me, even from
amongst human their courtyard.
Akshad’s brother Atul
I was pampered to no was however not afraid
end. My Dad, Mom, of me. He developed
Grandpa, Grandma and early friendship with
even Shardul used to lift me. I wonder why
me in their arms and these human puppies
take me for a walk. fear me, when all I
Everyone was careful to want is to play with
give me food in time. them. However soon
Shardul and other they developed
children from adjoining friendship with me.
houses liked to play with Shardul's friend,
me. Of course, some of Pratiti, was exception
them were initially afraid to this. She started
of me. A boy, named playing with me
Akshad, would avoid immediately.
getting down from his
mother’s arm and 46

One day, a boy named Once Grand ma put
Amol, came to our home some odd looking thing
in front of me. My heart
from some outside place. jumped with a fear,
Though he was little bit thinking this was some
dangerous animal. I
cautious to start with, he started barking sharply
liked me very much. Balu, at it. Shardul laughed
heartily and proved to
another friend, was me that it was only a
harmless toy. Then I
assigned a special task dared and tried my paws
of looking after my on it.
needs. Taking me out for They also brought for me
a small ring to play.
afternoon walk, Someone would throw it
arranging for my bath and ask me to fetch. I
was all the time eager to
and feeding me in day catch it, but reluctant to
time were parts of his release it from my jaws. I
learnt to play hide and
work. I immensely seek. I preferred to play
this with Grandpa, since
enjoyed bathing, the game can be played
especially when Dad, indoors and would not
cause unnecessary
Grandpa and Shardul exertion to him.
were around to celebrate
my bath. Sprinkling of

cool water always
brought precious joy to

me. I was otherwise
laden with a heavy coat

of soft brown golden hair,

which made me feel very
hot in this humid city.

Shardul’s cousin, Amol,
was always eager to lend

a helping hand to Balu
during my bath.

games, loving
company and
Normally my food parental lap.
consisted to chapattis, Over and above, I
milk, eggs and some dog got mother's love
food. I usually found it from my mistress.
relishing and tasty. I Whenever she would
always liked home food, take Shardul in her
but occasionally I found arms, I would
the dog food not to my instantly try to share
liking. That may be the maternal love by
because of change in snuggling between
brand. Grandpa would them. Amongst all
then sit along my side family members, only
and try to feed me. Grandma kept
  herself away from
My reluctance would me for a pretty long
vanish. The rough and while. However I was
dull food would be sweet elated to note her
like honey when eaten affectionate glances
from his hands. I was that were full of
enjoying tasty food, a empathy. I then took
cosy bed, pleasant initiative and
secured her
permission to sleep
on the folds of her


06: Facing life. Actually I knew more
than those simple words.
I now had grown to
boyhood. I liked to jump I knew that Mom liked to
on the couch, though go out on long walks
my masters did not
allow me to do so. Yet I with Dad, but they never
insisted on jumping found the time. So,
onto Grandpa’s lap,
when he was sitting on whenever Dad wanted to
couch during his
prayers. You may take me for a walk, I
wonder how a dog can would insist for Mom to
know God. Everyone in
the world knows his join. I liked to walk in
mother, the shining sun
and all-pervading God. between them.
It is but natural. Sometimes I used to run
My Tuition of human at a dazzling speed,
language started with almost dragging my Dad
my liking for jumping
and running fast. Dad along. On realizing that
would shout at me,
telling "Don’t do this, we have left Mom far
don’t do that”. I quickly behind, I used to stop
followed those orders
and learnt words like abruptly and wait
"Sit down, Go, Bring, patiently for her to join.
Eat, and Stop".
Dad and Mom

appreciated my
cleverness in

understanding human

I was growing stronger

day by day. Grandpa
once bitterly complained

about my rushing at
other dogs.


This caused him lot of Grandpa and others
strain. He was upset encouraged me by
with me and he did not calling a “Good Boy”…
take me to morning Now I was more than
walk for next three just a dog.
days. On fourth day I  
myself approached him Mom's sister was living
with my belt carried in quite nearby. She had
my mouth. I looked at accompanied my mom,
him pleadingly and his when I was brought
resolve dissolved. He home. Her looks were
happily took me for the very similar to Mom. I
morning walk. I liked her very much. She
behaved properly. and her son Rohit gave
Grandpa soon forgot me liberty to move
my mischievous frolic about anywhere in their
with the stray dogs. I house. I would go
was after that very straight to Rohit's
gentle with Grandpa. bedroom and rouse him
We even jogged with from sleep. Rohit’s Papa
the belt firmly held by kept little aloof, but
me in my jaws. In this slowly I secured his
way I could regulate my liking as well. I equated
speed to suit Grandpa's Rohit's mother as my
strength. second Mom, or was it
third? I became
Such tricks and the habituated to go to
understanding shown Rohit's house in the
by me earned me lot of
praise. 50

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