SINCE 2009
planworks offer a design-led service to clients, planworks is a multinational team with consider-
looking for a creative team who can respond to able experience in different verticals of below
their individual requirements. Our 360 degree the line marketing brought together to form a
turnkey design and build service, ensure conti- forward and creative thinking team. Out of the
nuity from all stages of design, bespoke furnish- box ideas merged with total functionality of the
ings to high-quality execution. space, sets us aside from our competitors.
Having been formed in 2009, the company has Ensuring that our client’s expectations are met,
grown from strength to strength, creating is paramount to our operation and we continue
dynamic designs and execution for an impres- to exceed these expectations from project to
sive list of multinational organizations, using project.
innovative design ideas for brands, companies,
in various platforms of below the line marketing.
WHY US Putting your brand first
Get the work done in your way
We work hard at planworks to realise the needs First and foremost, the purpose of our market-
and objectives of both existing and new clients. ing plans is to present your company/brand in
In fact, we have been told that we are very the best possible light. On-point branding is
good listeners. We appreciate that every client therefore essential. Our designers will always
is unique, and this means that when we show put your product or service first, creating a
you,our design, it will be tailored to your exact unique design, specific to you and your brand.
plan plan plan
exhibitions fabrications rentals
EXCELLENT plan plan plan plan
print creatives trade films
SERVICE plan plan
plan ecopack
SINCE 2009 flags IT
plan hostess
1.plan exhibitions
Design and fabrication of custom built exhibition Unlike trade shows in other countries, Dubai
stands for events is an art. Custom built stands and Abu Dhabi trade shows are dominated with
will have strong presence in any exhibition huge creative custom built stands. Unless you
event. You will have the flexibility to tailor the break the clutter with creative stand designs
stand design & fabrication as per your event that stand out, your presence can be diluted for
objective. At planworks, we have branding team the trade events that happen in Dubai World
to weave the design and brand properties to Trade Centre and Abu Dhabi National Exhibition
deliver show stopper stands. Our branding Centre.
experts analyse the brand properties associated
with brand and stand designers are guided to plan exhibitions is equipped with state- of –the-
work within brand parameters so that we art stand fabrication facility with skilled person-
achieve meaningful brand communications nels having huge exhibition industry experience
through stand design when you participate for in Dubai and Abu Dhabi trade shows.
any exhibition events in UAE.
Our expertise
- Double decker
- Single storey
- Shell scheme
- Foldable truss display system
- Modular system
- Kiosks
- Event stages & other fabrications
1.plan exhibitions
Project management is done with meticulous providing turnkey solutions that helps us to give
planning using latest project management soft- our client’s, a peace of mind.
ware and special attention is given for minute
detailing, high-quality finishing and on time The plan exhibitions team will take care of all
delivery as per the delivery standards of Dubai necessary requirements such as:
World Trade Centre and Abu Dhabi National
Exhibition Centre. - Constructing exhibition stand
- Modifications and amendments up to the
plan exhibitions is also equipped with storage
and warehousing facilities in Dubai and Abu final design
Dhabi for storing the exhibition stand materials - Layouts and plans
on behalf of the clients for future refurbishing - Elevations and sections
and stand fabrications. - Electrical drawing
- Mechanical drawing
One factor for successful project management - Lighting layout
is to put one person in-charge of the installation - Furniture layout
with the preplan chart, which can be adhered in - AV layout
over the timescale quoted. - Steel structural drawing if any
- Structural calculations
- Transportation
- Build-up and Pull-out
At plan exhibition, we design and manufacture Our designs suit the client’s particular space
our own stand, allowing us to come up with requirements but can also be manufactured to
unique designs for each client’s likes and their exact needs in terms of size, color, and
requirements. Be it a shell scheme, single storey materials.
or a double storey stand, we can produce any-
thing they like from our very own joinery.
2.plan signs
planworks has developed a wealth of knowl- Our commitment to quality is unmatched in the
edge,experience and expertise in all aspects of industry. We know the importance of brand
sign manufacturing, installation and mainte- awareness and the effect it has on the bottom
nance. By tightly integrating new technology line. Signages play an integral part in the recog-
with IT design and engineering, planworks can nition of a brand and therefore quality is impera-
deliver innovative and exciting products to meet tive. At planworks, we believe in going the extra
the full range of signage mile to produce more than just quick,Take a
requirements. We cover a comprehensive ser- look at our products and services pages for our
vice from the initial design stage, through manu- full range of capabilities.
facture and project management to installation We are committed in providing an exceptional
and maintenance. planworks can match the experience for every customer each and every
requirements of any contract, large or small, time.
also equipped with cutting-edge technology
and stayed with highly skilled personnel, able to Our expertise
tackle the most demanding
jobs effectively and efficiently. - Signage project management
- Interior signage
- Exterior signage
- Frosted branding
- Environmental graphics
- Safety signages
2.plan signs
2:1.signages project management
We manage the entire project of our clients, from facture and installation. Later we will carry out
start to finish, starting with samples, specification systematic sign repair and maintenance pro-
advice and budget costing, through the design, grammes over the lifespan on the signs.
drawings and planning applications onto manu-
Site survey Design engineering Quality packaging Installation
Site survey identifies Design engineering Quality packaging and Our crew have all the
specific issue and optimizes the best reliable transportation equipment, knowledge
conditions, ensuring possible manufacturing processes ensure safe and experience to carry
accuracy. components while delivery of products. out every install in any
maintaining the overall situation
brand identity intent.
880 mm Anod.alum. cabinet on 5mm thk .alum. access 200 mm
780 40mm sq.alum. tube panel,conceals LED power
40 10 10 40 frame.
supply(s)& LED cabinet
40 Anod.alum.angle glass points of attachment.same eq. 200 eq.
165 10 capture e frame.
lower cabinet(s)
800 6 mm thk. clear tempered glass
450 w/ JNS anti reflective coating 1st Ventilation exhaust.
surface,translucent white film/
40 110 40 10 165 diffuser 2nd surface. Removeable LED cabinet.
Additional set(s) of cabinet
10 70 65 55 35 55 45 135 45 Translucent film 2nd quick maintenance in the field.
surface.tempered glass
440 prior to diffuser. 3mm thk.Anod.alum
Anod.alum.angle glass
capture e frame. 40mm thk.alum sq tube
Translucent green film 2nd
surface.tempered glass 5mm thk .alum. access
prior to diffuser. panel,conceals compact
Message & arrow to reverse out of high volume fan (s)LED
translucent green film. cabinetpoints of attachment.
same lower cabinet(s).
3115 mm 60 35 60 70 60 35 60 60 145 East Parking Message & arrow opaque
brown film(appears back)
1465 Drop Off 2nd surface tempred glass Interior of cabinets to be painted
1005 & Loading prior to diffuser. fluorescent white to promote light
40 Logo opaque brown film distribution.
40 10 (appears back)2nd surface
tempred glass prior to 5mm thk.alum.access
100 diffuser. panel,mounting hardware
486 10 thk.alum.base plate.
2.plan signs
Reception signs Directory signs Architectural signs Amenity signs
Ensure your visitors Directory sign should be Architectural signs Which means roads,
receive the right reception a key point when decid- include signs that direct, streets, open spaces,
with our wide range of ing how to organize your motivate and inform parks recreational
reception signs. From facility. In order to prevent visitors within a given grounds, play grounds,
welcome signs and missed opportunities for space or campus. We gardens, water supply,
branding tools through both you and your cus- manufacture any type of electric supply, street
reception to make your tomer, consider one of custom-made Architec- lighting, sewerage, drain-
visitors feel as comfort- the creatives sign tural signage. age, public works and
able as possible when Designs for indoor direc- other utilities, services
visiting your premises. tory signage. and conveniences.
2.plan signs
Evacuation Plans LED Light Boxes Digital Displays Display Signs
Evacuation plans result in The LED Light Frame Digital display sign is a Display stands offer the
precise diagrams that gives you a more cost-e form of an electronic flexibility you need for
indicate locations of such ffective advertising solu- solution that displays your lobby. Change them
items such as, fire extin- tion.These illuminated information, advertising monthly, weekly or even
guishers,fire pull switches, poster light boxes use the animations and other daily to display the most
exits, emergency shelter latest LED technology - messages. Digital signs important information to
areas, and outside gather- ensuring your graphic is are often found in public people entering your
ing areas, to name a few. illuminated around the and private environments, place of business.
By working closely with clock, 24/7. such as retail stores,
our clients, we are able to corporate buildings,
make suggestions and Hotels.
their opinions to make
evacuation plans as accu-
rate and easy to follow as
2.plan signs Pylon signs Project identify Eco Pvc banner
2:3.exterior pylon signs, known as We offer a complex range
pole signs are one of the Major construction site of printing services for
Wayfinding signs most common but effec- signs are allowed during business and individuals.
tive types of signages. the development of any Contact us! Digital
We take great pride in These signs allows many project, the owner/devel- custom printing service.
our ability to work with business to take advan- oper, future tenants Turn to Us to take care of
our customer to deliver tages of their number- and/or professionals all your printing needs.
effective indoor direc- one form of advertising associated with the
tional and wayfinding and beyond the competi- design, construction,
signs for our projects. tion. These signs provide financing or marketing of
Navigation from place effective advertising for the project.
to place is a fundamen- single business or retail.
tal human activity which
is an integral part of
everyday life.
2.plan signs Shop front signage
Monument Signage Fence Branding
We offer a variety of Fence branding is ideal Shop front sign is highly
custom outdoor monu- for large events and effective promotional
ment signs, Whether it is construction sites, as it is medium, signs and graph-
a stone, concrete, brick, easy to install and also to ics are essential to all
or a wood texture you remove. Fence branding business that are visible to
are looking for, we can can change the whole pedestrians and the
provide a custom monu- look and feel of an event, public. They can make a
ment sign that is unique define different zones or lasting first impression and
to your business. promote your sponsors. can easily turn a pass-
er-by into a customer.
Make sure you maximise
your sales potential by
having the right message
on your shop.
2.plan signs Traffic signage
2:3.exterior Shop front sign is highly
effective promotional
Retail signs medium, signs and
graphics are essential to
Effective outdoor retail all business that are
signs can increase cus- visible to pedestrians and
tomer traffic, and assist the public. They can
you in meetings, as well make a lasting first
as exceeding, sales impression and can easily
goals. We offer a variety turn a passer-by into a
of innovative retail sign customer. Make sure you
services to help you maximise your sales
make the most of your potential by having the
outdoor storefront. right message on your
2.plan signs
2:4.safety signages
Construction safety Flammable Personal protection Machine safety
signs materials signs signs signs
Crane safety signs Custom Flammable Eye protection signs Conveyor safety signs
Custom construction materials signs Face shield signs Custom Machine safety
safety signs Explosives signs Foot protection signs signs
Ear protection/Eye safety Flammable signs Hand protection signs Hot surfaces signs
signs Gas identification signs Hearing protection signs Laser safety signs
Fall protection signs No smoking safety signs Protective clothing signs Lockout safety signs
Gas cylinder signs Respirator / Hard Hat Machinery operation
Gloves required signs signs signs
Hard hat area signs Safety glasses required Magnetic field signs
Scaffold/Ladder safety signs Radiofrequency signs
signs Wear protective equip-
Scaffold Tags & Welding ment signs
2.plan signs
2:4.safety signages
Warehouse safety Chemical identification Medical equipment Safety awareness
signs signs
signs signs
Battery charging area Safe lifting signs
Capacity signs Chemical storage signs Biohazard signs
Clearance signs Chemical warning signs Custom medical equip- Safety first signs
Custom warehouse Hazardous waste signs ment signs Safety slogan signs
safety signs Non-drinking water signs Radiation safety signs Think safety signs
Keep clear signs Pesticide signs X-Ray warning signs Watch your step signs
Lifting Hazard signs Anti-slip floor signs
Loading dock signs Trip hazard signs
Quality control signs Wet floor signs
Shipment and delivery
3.plan print
3:1.large format
When it comes to banners, signage and dis- industry leaders in creating environmental
plays, bigger is most definitely better. We are friendly, weather-resistant materials to make your
the experts in large format printing, and are presentation pop.
Vehicle Branding Pop up stands Roll up stands Hoardings
Vehicle graphics print- A pop up display stand Roll up banners are an Hoarding was a tempo-
ing solutions offered by is the ideal solution for extremely cost-effective rary wooden shed-like
Print come with quality an exhibitor, that’s just medium to promote a construction that was
digital printing on dura- starting out. It is quite brand, product or activity placed on the exterior
ble materials making it cost-effective. The low which calls for high volu- of the ramparts of a
stand out amid other initial investment on a mes, multiple locations castle during a siege to
outdoor advertising gr- pop up stand is a good and high brand visibility. allow the defenders to
aphics. We offer custo- choice for beginners, Roll up stands of varying improve their field of fire
mized vehicle graphics looking for portable sizes are available for along the length of a wall
printing solutions from exhibition stands that any sort of brand and, most particularly,
small cars to large com- can be rapidly deployed publicity. directly.
mercial Vehicle graphics, at malls, stores, show-
vehicle wrapping, and rooms,offices, confere-
vehicle branding mark- nces and events without
eting tool but it is a very needing any specialized
effective and unique expertise.
form of outdoor moving.
3.plan print
3:2.window / glass branding
One way vision Sun Control Film Glass Decor Film Frosted Film
Sun control window Decorative window Products like frosted
Micro Hole stickers or films help prevent films are elegant priva- window film provide
otherwise known as fading, glare, excessive cy films that are substantial glass and
One-way vision stick- heat gain and keep out cost-effective alterna- their graphic designs
ers, are most popular dangerous UV rays. tives to etched glass. can really improve the
for retail store windows Window films add to Window decoration look of the glass. This
and car rear window your comfort by elimi- with glass film and form of covering is
advertising. Because nating up to 80% of the custom window glass attractive and impacts
light filters through and sun glare. film. Glass film installs the safety and privacy
allows you to see out on windows give priva- of the people and
of the window with an cy without blocking property inside.
almost solid image natural light.
showing on the other
side of the window.
3.plan print
3:3.Decals Signs
Decals are decorative stickers, usually for out-
door use. Decal stickers are made up of paper
on the back, the decal itself, and paper on the
front and they can be transferred from one
surface to another. A decal sticker design for
car use, for instance, will go through an
eco-solvent printing process.
3.plan print
Printing is something everyone appreciates. these great features of frameless textile fabric
With the advancement of printing technology, printing. You can start frameless textile printing
you can now print anything or everything with almost any kind or size of fabric.Just with a
and one of the most suitable and great material square piece of fabric or meters long fabric, you
to print is on textile or fabric. If you are wonder- can easily do the frameless textile printing .
ing what can be the advantages of frameless
textile printing, then you must take a look at
Inflatable Arch Fabric Roll Up Fabric Light Box Roller Blind
Fabric Lamp shade
Beach Umbrella Fabric Backdrop Butterfly Drapes Fabric Pop Up
Fabric Bags Scarf
Customized Designer T-Shirts Sash
Aprons String Bags
3.plan print
Fabric Roll Up Bean Bags String Bags Customized Gazebo
X-stand Cube Chair Aprons Inflatable Arch
Fabric Self-standing Promotional Table Scarf Collapsible Gazebo
Fabric Light Box Tyre Cover Sash A-Board
Fabric Backdrop Cushions Fabric Bags Camp Tent
Fabric Pop Up Fabric Keychain Toblerone
Fabric Truss Branding Table Cloths Beach Umbrella
Barricade Branding Mouse Pads 3 Mtr Umbrella
Fabric Banner Butterfly Drapes Hand Umbrella
Flexi Backdrop Coasters Golf Umbrella
Curtains Fabric-Lamp Shade
Roller Blind
Cushions Cube Chair Bean Bags Tyre Covers Self Standing Light Box
Table Cloths Camp Tent Barricade Branding Fabric Banner
Table Cloths Toblerone X - Stand Truss Branding
Collapsible Gazebo Hand Umbrella 3-Mtr Umbrella Golf Umbrella A- Board Curtains
Flexi Backdrop Soft toys Mouse Pads Fabric Key Chain Coasters
3.plan print
Among various printing facilities in Dubai, plan conceivable form, specification, size & quantity.
print stands unique with its long years of experi- We have introduced a new affordable printing
ence and expertise together with hi-tech printing facility in Dubai market with creative designs and
machinery enabling us to deliver the best print- high-end perfection. We deliver a range of prod-
ing service the UAE has ever offered. We are ucts that includes:
equipped with almost all the machinery to satis-
fy various printing needs of the market in every - Office stationery
- Magazines, Booklets & Brochures
- Corporate profiles & Annual Reports
- Desk Pads
- School diaries & Note Books
- Flyers, Posters & Maps
- Shelf-Talkers, Tent Cards, Hang Tags
- Danglers, Wobblers, Display Stands
- Point-of-Sale Materials
- Stickers &Labels
- Greeting Cards & Calendars
- Paper carry bags
- Packaging
- Business forms
4.plan gifts
At planworks you can find the ideal gift easily - Drinkware
and without any tension. Gift your employees or - Gifts & Promotional
clients, one of the kind. Exclusive gifts is a way - Technology promotional gifts
to show how much you appreciate and value - Caps, T-shirts & Polo shirts
them. Retaining a client is one of the most diffi- - Pins & Badges,Medals,Lanyards,Reels
cult parts of building a good business relation- - Buttons & ID holders
ship. - USB Flashdrives
- Diary, Memobooks, Calenders
Please visit plangiftsme.com - Busines card Holder
- Antistress Balls & Cubes
- Key Holders
- Pens
- Gift sets
- Laminated Paper Bags
- Promotional Watches & Clocks
- Wedding & Birthday gifts
- Nonwoven, Cotton Bags
- Medals
- Crystal, Acrylic,Trophies Awards
- Award Accessories
4.plan gifts
We are offering executive and business gifts for
all occasions of present giving, including gifts
for customers, gifts for staff, executive gifts,
conference gifts, gifts for clients and employee
Please visit plangiftsme.com
5.plan uniforms
We at planworks want to contribute and provide We conceptualize, design & manufacture
exceptional quality and standards to a sophisti- customized uniforms/sportswear, made of
cated market. excellent quality, fabric, and design.
our expertise
- Schools
- Hospitals
- Corporates
- Industries
- Promotional T-shirts & Caps
6.plan flags
Flags are economical and use products, that sizes and shapes, these are the excellent advertis-
quickly promote your business. Produced from
cost-effective materials that comes in a range of ing mediums. Flags are a very popular form of event
Please visit planflags.com
Indoor flags Outdoor flags Flags bases
Hand flags Advertising flags Metal base
Buntings Country flags Weighted Metal base
Conference flags Giant flags Concrete base
Table Top flags Body flags Water base
Angled flags Car flags Spike base
Reception flags Building flags Spider base
Fiber base
Other bases