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The Business Executive 101
World View
Migration Restrictions in a
By Charu Sudan Kasturi
The border crisis is once again grabbing shape the future of migration just as much as before beginning their long trudge north. But
America’s attention, with Democratic lawmakers the choices of America and Europe will. with a new pro-U.S. government there, how
visiting detention centers where immigration long will Ecuador facilitate African migration
officials are holding thousands of migrants Since the end of World War II, most that’s also putting pressure on the Trump
seeking asylum. countries have largely followed an administration?
international law — called “non-refoulement”
Some have compared these centers to — that bars them from sending refugees A growing number of Venezuelan doctors,
“concentration camps,” in turn drawing criticism back to countries where their lives are in fleeing their crisis-riddled home, are
from supporters of President Donald Trump danger. But over the past two years, Europe emerging as saviors for this distant
administration. The heart-wrenching images of and the U.S. have increasingly sidestepped corner of South America, which isn’t even
children and families in subhuman conditions or violated that law. Now, a growing number terrestrially connected to the rest of Chile.
at the centers along America’s southern border of other countries that have traditionally The southernmost tip of Patagonia has for
are only the tip of an iceberg that extends hosted millions of migrants and asylum decades suffered from a severe shortage
thousands of miles, to the distant corners of seekers — from Jordan and India in Asia of medical specialists, with Chilean doctors
Africa, South America, Asia and the Middle East. to Peru and Trinidad and Tobago in the avoiding the faraway region and instead
That the crisis facing the Trump administration Americas — are following suit, also sending preferring private hospitals in the north, where
isn’t withering away through tougher refugees back to countries they had fled they can earn more. Venezuelan refugees
immigration rules alone serves as a reminder in fear. This increasingly global violation of are filling that void for a grateful community,
that in a globalized world, finding a solution the law is sparking concerns about the very flipping the narrative of migrants as a burden
often requires first identifying the full magnitude future of a norm that has for decades been on their hosts, even as they adapt to a cold
of the problem — wherever it may lie. the central international protection refugees climate far removed from the tropical weather
have counted on. they’re used to.
‘Beyond the Border,’ OZY’s latest original series,
seeks to do just that: Bringing you surprising Central American refugees aren’t the only Since President Nicolas Maduro took
stories from countries and communities that ones queuing up to enter the United States. power in Venezuela, more than four million
are vital pivots around which modern migration Record numbers of African migrants are people have fled to neighboring Colombia
spins but whose stories remain untold, until also seeking asylum in the U.S., as Europe and other countries in the region. Such
now. Away from the mainstream Western gaze, tightens its borders. But they’re entering the numbers are unprecedented and have been
these societies are also in churn, and grappling Americas via an unlikely gateway: Ecuador, labelled a humanitarian crisis by international
with many of the same dilemmas as the U.S. nearly 3,400 miles south of the U.S.-Mexico organizations. Both Colombia and Ecuador
and Europe on migration. Some are finding that border. The small South American nation have each taken in 1.2 million migrants or
vulnerable migrants can prove lifesavers. Others is now facing an unprecedented inflow refugees since 2015. Across the world,
are revisiting historic commitments to refugees. of people from Africa, who are using the migrants fleeing their lands in desperation
How these societies respond to the crisis might nation’s lenient visa norms to enter the region frequently fall victim to crimes such as
human trafficking and sex trafficking. But
at least in Colombia, organized crime is
taking advantage of the flood of vulnerable
Venezuelan migrants to increasingly also pull
many of them into its criminal ranks.
Despite popular Western myths about the
world’s most desperate people migrating to
the U.S. and Europe, a new study has found
that those from the poorest countries are
less likely to migrate: They can’t afford to.
Without a GDP per capita of at least $2,000,
a country’s migration numbers are likely to be
very low — so development actually promotes
migration, going against popular tropes.
Donald Trump might just be right.
The writer is a Senior Editor of OZY
102 The Business Executive
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The Business Executive 103
SWOT Analysis & Its
Importance For Companies
By Gulzar Ahmed
The abbreviative business term SWOT stands
for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats. Conducting a SWOT analysis
enables a company to see where your
company is in the marketplace and what
strategies a particular company can develop
to increase its market share.
The top level management and marketer of a weak brand name, poor reputation of particular company. The other major threats
the company must know SWOT analysis particular company and more. In simple are:
and its importance for the company. SWOT words weaknesses are the complete
analysis has been around for so many years opposite of the strengths. Following are the 1. Changes in trends & consumers taste
now and companies started using this tool weaknesses of a company: 2. Different substitute products
around 1960s. This model was developed 3. New regulations & international trade
by Albert Humphrey of Stanford University. 1. Lack of patent protection barriers
SWOT analysis alternatively SWOT Matrix 2. Poor reputation among public
is considered one of the most effective and 3. Higher cost structure Pulling it all together, SWOT analysis plays
essential tools that almost all organizations 4. Lack of distribution channels a vital role for companies to know about
use to carefully assess the industry. 5. Lack of well educated or well how satisfy customer’s needs and wants?
Organizations also use this tool to come up What makes your company weaker than
with some strategies to keep up with the tight trained staff competitors? What are your competitor’s
competition in the market. weaknesses that you can use for your
Opportunities company advantages? And finally what are
SWOT analysis determines and evaluates new trends and technologies and how to
the impact of different internal and external The external environment analysis may show utilize them for your company benefits?
factors forces on a particular business. The some opportunities for a company by which
internal factors belong to the strengths and company can grow and generate more Apple Inc. is an American multinational
weaknesses while the external factors belong profit. A change in external environment is company. Apple Inc. is considered to be the
to the opportunities and threats. Here in this a potential opportunity for every company, most popular worldwide electronic company
article I would discuss the each in details. companies need to understand and evaluate which designs, consumer electronics and
the change and then design product or sells personal computers. Headquarter
Strengths service according to change. The emerging of the company is located in U.S and the
of new markets and technologies are also current CEO is Tim Cook. Apple Inc. annually
When considering the strengths of a creates opportunities for existing companies. revenue is $ 156.508 billion dollar and profit
particular company, these refer to the Opportunities include: of the company is $ 41.733 billion dollars.
products or services offered by company, More than 72000 employees are serving the
the reputation of the company, company’s 1. An unfulfilled customer need customers around the globe.
location, the years of existence or experience 2. Loosening of regulations
and the expertise of the staff working in that 3. Emergence of new technologies The main competitors are Microsoft
particular company. The strengths of the 4. Removal of tariffs or other Corporation, Dell Inc,,
company make it grow and succeed. We can Samsung Electronics Co, Cisco Systems,
summarize strengths as: international trades barriers Inc., Google Inc. LG Electronics Inc, Dell Inc,
Hewlett-Packard Company and many others.
1. Product attributes & features Threats
that make your company better than your Threats are also encounter with companies
due to change in external environment. For
competitors? example new competitors in the market,
increasing cost and new regulations are
2. Strong brand name among the things that may be threats for a
3. Strong distributional network
4. Your team is full of fighting spirit
5. Good relationship & reputation
among the customers
6. Exclusive excess to required
natural resources
7. Strong R & D engineers
The weaknesses are those things that have
to be improved. Weaknesses may include
104 The Business Executive
The Business Executive 105
Apple SWOT Analysis 2. Incompatibility with different OS. The holding them. In addition, Apple could also
OS and iOS X are quite different from each develop new skills and competencies in
Strengths other OS and uses software that is unlike coming years.
the software used in Microsoft OS. Due
1. Customer loyalty oath combined with to such differences, both in hardware and 6. Damages from patent infringements. Apple
expanding closed ecosystem. While at first software, users often choose to stay with patents are often infringed by its competitors.
Apple’s closed ecosystem was a weakness their accustomed software and hardware Thus, collecting the damages from the
point for the company, it has changed since (Microsoft OS and Intel hardware). competitors that are viable opportunities to
2001 when it has introduced its iPod mp3 not only increase the money reserves but
player. 1st Apple now has a full range of 3. Decreasing market share. The lower market to damage the competitor’s reputation and
applications, product and software that are share Apple has, the lower it can influence its market growth as well.
interlinked and support each other. 2nd new potential customers and persuade to jump
products and supplements will be released them into using Apple’s closed ecosystem 7. Strong growth of mobile advertising
very soon (ITV), hence expanding the products. market. Apple has developed iPad advertising
ecosystem. 3rd, Apple has a strong customer platform, which allows advertising on Apple ,
loyalty oath, which increases due to Apple’s 4. Patent infringements. The firm is often iPod, iPad and iPhone touch. The growth of
closed ecosystem, the combination of Apple’s accused of infringing other brands patents mobile advertising market is an opportunity
expanding closed ecosystem and customers’ and has even lost some trials. This damages which could be further seized upon.
loyalty oath increases the competitive the Apple brand and its financial situation.
advantage. 5. Further changes in management. Tim 8. Increasing demand for cloud based
2. Apple is a leading innovator in mobile Cook becomes the new CEO in 2012 after services. Apple could expand its range of
device technology. loss of Steve jobs. Scott For stall and John software and iCloud services as the demand
Browett (chief of retail) left the company too for cloud-based services is expanding.
In 2012 Apple has been chosen third time and this will have a bad impact on company’s
as the most innovative product in the world. management. Threats
The strength of the company is producing
innovative products to the market. 6. Defects of new products. This is not recent 1. Rapid technological change. One of the
Apple weakness but one that jumps out time most severe threats Apple and its competitors
3. Strong financial performance to time. Some of Apple’s iPhone and iPod are facing is rapidly changing technological.
($10,000,000,000 cash, gross profit margin releases had clear faults and which disturbed Companies are under pressure to release new
43.9% and no debt). The financial performance sales of the products. products quickly. This is especially hard when
of the Apple’s is one of the best among many a business wants to introduce something
companies. End of 2012 Apple Inc. Holds 7. Long-term gross margin decline. Apple’s fresh, innovative and successful. Apple was
about $10,000,000,000 in cash, which can current gross margin is one of the highest in able to launch very innovative products to the
be used for solution of equations and buying the electronic industry but analysts fear that market but at the moment, even Apple hasn’t
back company shares etc. It also has higher due to increasing other component prices launched any new products (except iTV).
gross profit than its main competitors, which and competition current margins will not be
is equal to 44.0%. Company has no debt and retained. 2. 2013 tax increases. In 2013 Tax increase
its not directly affected by credit markets or negatively effect on Apple Inc.
interest rates. Opportunities
4. Brand reputation. Apple has a reputation 3. Rising pay levels for Foxconn workers.
of highly innovative, well-functioning, and 1. High demand of iPad mini and iPhone Foxen is the manufacturer of Apple brands.
well-designed products and sound business 5. iPad mini and iPhone sales will increase Pay levels for Foxconn’s workers already grow
performance. According to 2012 the value Apple’s market share in the tablet market and, 3 times from 2010 to 2012.
of Apple brand is $76.5 billion and was the will strengthen firm’s competitive advantage.
second most successive valuable brand in the 4. Breached IP rights. The companies that
world. 2. iTV launch. iTV launch will support Apple breach Apple patents not be discovered soon
T.V sales and the products’ ecosystem. It will and may benefit from it, while weakening
5. Retail stores. Apple’s stores are the increase sales in TV market. Apple product at the same time.
most profitable stores in terms of sales. 5. Price pressure from Samsung and some
Apple’s retail stores ensure high quality 3. Emergence of the new provider of other over key components. Samsung has
customer experience, give direct contact application processors. Samsung, is the already asked Apple to pay higher payment
with knowledgeable staff and increases the main Apple’s competitor, is also the only for its application processors, this is just
awareness of brands. provider brand of application processors for because of intense competition and no viable
Apple’s products. Apple has to find a new substitutes.
6. Strong marketing and advertising teams. way for the component but could not find
Strong Marketing is one of the main functions yet. Nonetheless, new manufacturers with 6. Strong dollar. Apple earned more than half
in success of Apple brands. It can sell superior engineering capabilities are shining of its revenues from outside the US. Dollar
expensive products, build superior stores and it’s just a matter of time, when Apple will appreciation against other currencies reduces
and advertise their products in a compelling grab hold upon the opportunity of being less potential profits from other countries.
manner. dependent on its competitors.
7. Android OS growth. Android OS is the key
Weaknesses 4. Growth of tablet and Smartphone markets. competitor for iOS in mobile device market.
Growth of tablet and Smartphone markets is The dominance of Android decreases the
1. Highly price. Apple’s products cost much provide a good opportunity to expand firm’s power iOS over influencing consumers to join
more than its competitors devices. The price share in these markets. Apple.
of the product is not justified. Apple products
price becomes a weakened point because 5. Obtaining patents through acquisitions. 8. Competitors moves in online music market.
consumers can easily buy a similar quality Apple brand lacks of some patents to retain Online music stores, such as Wal-Mart,
product but in lower price. its growth and the best way to acquire those Amazon and online music companies or also
patents is to acquire or merge with the firms faces threat for Apple.
106 The Business Executive
The Business Executive 107
Challenges of Africa’s
job market require
The 2019 Ibrahim Forum Report highlighted the links between demography, economic
prospects and mobility. In a context of a booming youth population and a decade of
sustained economic growth, what are the current challenges faced by Africa’s job
Despite strong macroeconomic growth during 2008-2017, the
2018 Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) report shows
that this did not translate into progress in Sustainable Economic
Opportunity in Africa. During the same period, the peoples’
satisfaction with how their governments handled job creation also
Though patterns of growth and job creation on the continent There are signs that Africa is already experiencing a premature
are complex and vary between regions, according to the deindustrialization. According to the 2019 African Economic Outlook
Africa’s Development Dynamics 2018 report by the African (AEO), the reallocation of labor has mainly tilted towards services.
Union (AU) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Industry’s shares of employment and value added to GDP have grown
Development (OECD), “the continental trend is one of resilient very slowly. Since the mid-1980s, growth in the value added to GDP of
but jobless growth.” industry has stalled at around 20%. For 25 countries, accounting for
41.6% of Africa’s GDP and 33% of its population, the GDP share of
Africa’s economic growth runs behind the continent’s growing the manufacturing sector even decreased between 2008 and 2017. In
population. Between 2000 and 2014, employment expanded by 2017, according to the World Bank, the average value added to GDP
less than 1.8% a year, far below the nearly 3% annual growth of of the manufacturing sector in Sub-Saharan Africa was the lowest at
the labor force. By 2030, it is expected that 30 million youth will global level.
be entering the African labor market each year. In sub-Saharan
Africa, while 18 million jobs need to be created annually to While the sub-Saharan African average value added to GDP of the
absorb new entries in the labor market, only three million formal services sector was the second lowest globally, the Sub-Saharan African
jobs are currently being created. It is estimated, however, that average value added to GDP of the agricultural, forestry and fishing
only 4% of new entrants between 2010 and 2020 have been sector was the second highest: 15.8%, compared to 16% in South Asia,
able to find waged work in industry, and 21% in services. 5.6% in Middle East and North Africa, 4.7% in Latin America and the
Caribbean and 1.9% in Europe and Central Asia.
Growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over the last decade
has been mainly commodity-led. African countries have failed Though the growth of employment in emerging economies has been
to take advantage of the boom in raw commodity prices to supported by decreasing costs of transportation and connectivity, robust
diversify their economies. IIAG’s Diversification of Exports global connections need to be established quickly in African countries
indicator deteriorated by -4.0 points between 2008 and 2017 for them to enter global value chains. Otherwise, industrialization may no
and is, on average, the lowest scoring of all 102 IIAG indicators longer manifest in Africa nor be the pathway to create jobs.
in 2017.
In this sense, Africa’s window for a labor-intensive industrialization is
closing much faster than previously expected. On the one hand, the
number of people employed per unit of manufacturing output is declining
due to the fast spread of technology. On the other hand, Asian and other
exporters have penetrated domestic markets in Sub-Saharan African
countries, making it hard for them to build productive manufacturing
sectors. In Africa, as elsewhere, the future of work will depend on the
battle between automation and innovation. While automation leads to a
decline in employment in old sectors, innovation makes new sectors or
tasks possible.
108 The Business Executive
The Business Executive 109
Short Story
A child, a chick and an
By Ayuure Kapini Atafori
Iam thinking. Thinking about many things and many
people in our land. I am just thinking. Thinking
and wishing good for everyone in our land. I am
thinking. Thinking and praying for the prosperity
of our Motherland Africa. I was in the thinking frame
of mind and mood when I remembered the great
story-tellers of my mother’s village who regaled many
listeners with ancient stories. Some of the stories are
too fabulous to be true. Other stories are very serious,
bordering on tragedy. A few stories are strange. Some
are so sublime that only a few listeners could, or can,
discern the mysteries in them. These are the sibylline
stories which mesmerized and mystified many.
One such story is the one my mother’s mother used
to tell us, her gran-children. It is about a child whose
poor father died. Or is the story about the orphan’s
father? Whichever it is, the little boy’s father passed
away without a pesewa. Atogisira’s father had done
the best to make a decent living. Despite having
moved heaven and earth in adult life trying to make
ends meet at the right junction where gold bedecks
the streets of Multi-million Dollar City, Atogisira’s
father perished in penury. In local parlance, he went
home to the ancestors without leaving a chicken for
his thirteen-year-old son.
Nmabo, Atogisira’s mother, lived with her son
peacefully in the small savanna village called
Solmatinga. The village is situated on the part of the
earth which is regarded as the heart of Africa. Hard
as their lives were, they enjoyed peace; and grew up
well and strong.
One day, Atogisira was relaxing in the dried millet
stocks hut which the people of Solmatinga call
kusungu when a hawk flew low above the hut,
clutching something heavy in its weathered claws.
The bird of prey’s beak was stained with blood.
Suddenly, its prey fell off the hawk’s clutches. The
object began to descend with a hissy whizz. “Kyei!
Kyei! Kyei!” cried a wounded and frightened chick,
gasping for life. The bird landed in front of the kusungu
with a loud thud.
Atogisira heard the chirping of the chick. He got up
from the dapala, the round and long logs inside the
kusungu used as seats, and rushed to rescue the
young chicken. The chick laid a few meters away
from the kusungu, looking dizzy. He held it gently in
110 The Business Executive
The Business Executive 111
Short Story
his palms. It started crying: “Kyei! Kyei! “Mma, don’t blame me for any Seconds smiled passed into minutes.
Kyei! Kyei!” It cried again and again. misfortune. Am I the person who turned Minutes materialized into hours. Hours
“Stop crying for your mother, Chick!” into the hawk and hooked up this little turned into days. Days gave way to
said Atogisira. “As for your father, you thing?” retorted Atogisira calmly. “Forgive nights. Days and nights zoomed to
know him not. You are lucky the hungry me, Chick, but …,” he mumbled towards weeks. Weeks went the way of months.
hawk missed you for his lunch. If not the head of the chick which was still Months mounted into years. Years
for luck, you would have ended up in resting in his palms. decayed into
the hungry belly of this tricky hawk.
He and his kin have been devouring Looking up to the sky with a sullen face, The lost chick became a prolific hen. Her
chicks and chickens since the days of Nmabo said: “Our great forefathers, you numerous chickens were sold. Atogisira
our ancestors. That is how Naawine, our know my son did not steal this chick. It and her mother bought a she-goat. The
King God, made them.” just fell from the sky. He picked the chick she-goat begot several goats. Atogisira’s
up because he does not fear anything mother sold the goats and bought an
Not expecting a response, Atogisira although I warned him not to look for ewe. The ewe brought forth many sheep
continued, his monologue while cuddling trouble. I have warned him that ‘When which were sold to buy a cow. The cow
the chick in his cupped fingers and you go looking for trouble, Mr. Trouble produced, and its products grew into
palms. “And you, Mr. Hawk, what sort will trouble you?’” thousands of cattle. There was no doubt
of a hawk are you, losing your prey like that the economic and social status of
that? You are not as cunning as you think “Nma, I gave the chick some millet and Atogisira had changed. My grandmother
you are. You did not miss your target he gobbled all of it in a rush. He must told me that the foundling had enriched
but lost your prey. If I were you I would have been very hungry before the hawk its rescuer beyond his own imagination.
have better held onto this meal of mine caught him,” Atogisira said.
than lose grip of this little bird, your own Now a 47-year-old man, Atogisira
feathered kind, Mr. Hawk, and go to bed “You see, you are not growing up. Are was one of the wealthiest persons in
with an empty stomach.” you? Don’t call her ‘he’? It better be a Solmatinga. He had four wives and
‘she’ so that in case no one later comes twenty children who were sheltered in
Atogisira noticed that the middle fingers to claim her, she will become your a large circular homestead made up of
of the chick’s feet were cut. The people property as our custom demands. Then many rooms. Some were made from
of Solmatinga use the cuttings as she will grow up and lay eggs and hatch mud and bricks with thatched roofs but
identification marks to prove ownership chicks for you. Her chicks will grow into most were built with blocks and roofed
of the fowls. He fed the chick with millet. hens and cockerels. They will multiply with corrugated steel sheets. Nearby,
It drank some water that he put before it. and fill coops. We shall sell them and buy stood a few thatched round mud
The chick was invigorated. He took the a goat. We shall build a pen for the goat. houses. In the middle of the compound,
chick to his mother who was cooking The goat shall mate and multiply and fill one could see the chicken coops and
in the gunlongu, the kitchen. Atogisira’s the pen. We shall sell some of the goats sheep pens. Four big kraals stood near
mother told him to take the chick, go and buy a ewe. The ewe shall mate and the northern, southern, western and
around the village and announce the multiply and fill the pen. And we shall eastern sides of the homestead.
lost chick to the community. Atogisira build more pens. And we shall sell the
combed the whole village with the chick sheep to build a kraal and buy a cow. He was the owner of over a dozen other
in his cupped palms and asked all and And the cow shall mate and multiply and kraals in the village filled with cows,
sundry to identify and claim it. No one fill the kraal. And we shall build bigger bulls and calves. Every morning, the
collected the chick. Holding the bird kraals outside our compound for many shepherds milked the cows and stored
with some sensitivity, Atogisira returned cattle. And we shall be rich and taste the the liquid in big plastic drums. Atogisira
home late evening with the ruffled chick. good things of life before we join your shared the milk among his wives who
Nmabo was worried when she saw father in his life with our ancestors.” gave some to their children. Nobody in
her son holding the chick. She blamed Solmatinga knew the number of hens,
him for the visitation of the chick. But “Nma, you are great. I believe your cocks, guinea fowls, goats, sheep and
she reserved much of her anger and prophecy shall come to pass. We too cows that Atogisira owned. He had five
condemnation for Fate. In her thoughts, can own a chick? Or is it a cock? I special donkeys and fifteen bullocks
she blamed Fate for every suffering she was…” which he used as beasts of burden.
had endured from her childhood to The animals ploughed the fields for the
adulthood, during her marriage, and in “No, no, no, my son. It is a hen; so she planting of millet, maize, guinea corn,
widowhood. can lay eggs for you. Eggs to hatch. sorghum, groundnut, beans, cow peas,
Chicks to turn into hens and cocks. Yes, soya beans and rice.
“Now Atogisira, you see what your ligiligi, she is an egg-laying chick. Have you
your curiosity, has brought to us! I have heard?” To be continued.
been telling you to be careful but you
won’t clean the tar from your little ears “Yes, Nma,” Atogisira nodded with a
well to be able to hear my advice about smile.
the wicked ways of this world,” Nmabo
112 The Business Executive
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Kantanka brands competes
favorably with multinational
car makers
By Ayuure Kapini Atafori
The Kantanka brand of vehicles Kantanka Automobile Company Limited “Feel free to browse our website and choose our
has proven beyond any specializes in the manufacturing of on- vehicles. Please, don’t forget to leave an inquiry
reasonable doubt that Africans road and off-road vehicles that meet the because it is you who strengthens us to achieve
are capable of doing whatever challenging nature of the Ghanaian and and aspire to greater heights by serving you to
other races like Europeans and Asians African terrain. Kantanka Automobile, a the optimum,” says Mr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka,
can manufacture, as enunciated and vehicle manufacturer and assembling Jr., the Chief Executive Officer of the first and
espoused by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, company, makes and assembles cars only local auto maker in Ghana.
Ghana’s first Premier and President. with higher added value. It also expands Kantanka Automobile, a subsidiary of the
Original Equipment Manufacturer Kantanka Group of Companies, researches,
At present, the various models of cars (OEM) and creates a niche market with designs and develops cars that institutions,
from the indigenous Kantanka stables are new types of vehicles that give value for government agencies and individuals need by
competing effectively with multinational money to medium and lower income analyzing market trends, consumer behavior and
automobile manufacturers in the earners in Ghana, other Sub-Saharan surveys.
Ghanaian market. The proprietors have African countries and the rest of Africa.
plans to expand into the West African In 1998, the first Complete Built Unit (CBU)
market, as potential orders from the was manufactured using over 75% of local
subregion keep knocking on their doors. components, locally manufactured, including the
engine block. In 2006, the first Made-in-Ghana
Established in 1994 by Apostle Dr. Ing. Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) named Kantanka
Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, the Founder Onantefo was manufactured.
and Leader of Kristo Asafo Mission
of Ghana, Kantanka Automobile was Mr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, Jr., In November 2015, Kantanka Automobile
incorporated as a limited liability company CEO of Kantanka Automobile was inaugurated as the first-ever Ghanaian
in 2004. The car producer is to research privately-owned automotive manufacturing and
into the manufacturing of automotive assembling company. The company began to
components and their combination with produce various Kantanka vehicle models such
other parts outsourced from suppliers to as Onantefo, Omama and K71 in commercial
form a complete built unit. quantities.
114 The Business Executive
+233-302 237 906
+233-054 143 1043
[email protected]
2 Nshonna Tata Lane Tesano East, Off J.A. Kuffour Ave, P. O. Box AN 5504, Accra, Ghana
The Business Executive 115