Executive of
The Executive of Engagement is responsible for planning all social
events that the UVic CSS hosts. This is a creative, varied position and
allows for much nuance from year to year. The best perk of the job - get-
ting to work with an awesome team of nine or ten directors to coordinate
some of the most highly anticipated events of the year. You and your
team will be responsible for planning and carrying out legacy events &
initiatives, such as CRASH Week, the Commerce Cup, and pub crawls as
well as introducing new opportunities for the students to get involved
and get more out of their time at Gustavson.
This role requires lots of self-discipline, motivation, a positive attitude
and creative, critical thinking skills. You will need to be tirelessly orga-
nized, can communicate effectively & multi-task, have an eye for detail,
be a "people" person, and be able to set a strategy and follow through on
it. The most critical requirement of this position, or any Executive posi-
tion, is leadership. You will need to be able to keep things in perspective
at all times and be willing to go up to bat for your directors and your
events. This is a difficult position due to the number of deliverables that
is expected of you from week to week. At any given time, your portfolio
will have between 1 - 4 different events in the process of planning by dif-
ferent directors, and as an Exec, it’s up to you to ensure that your team
is supported at all times and that the proper timelines are being main-
A message from our Current Executive
"In my experience, this has been one of the most rewarding experiences
to date, and this position is definitely one of the sweetest gigs the CSS
has to offer (not that I am biased or anything!)"