Like a book club but for Podcasts - Welcome to Podcast Of My Week

POMW is content driven and free of charge to all its members around the world. Alongside a free monthly digital magazine about all things Podcast, POMW offers the chance to be part of a community and an opportunity to discuss an interesting topic with a diverse group of thinkers.

The aim of POMW is to create MASSIVE action around the world.

We believe the benefits of sharing knowledge with different people around the world and the chance to share in the MASSIVE action created by a community can be exponentially increased.

Apple recently reported that over 10 billion Podcast downloads occurred in 2016. Think about how the world would change if the knowledge acquired by listening to Podcasts was turned into action!

A wise person said to me that "knowledge without action is waste". Actually I heard that on a Podcast from Tony Robbins. So let's share the knowledge and see what MASSIVE action we can create!