The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) was founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” Now the nation’s premier civil rights/human relations agency, ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all.

ADL Philadelphia works to accomplish this mission in eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Delaware. Click below to learn more about ADL’s initiatives to combat hate in the region.

Fighting Anti-Semitism

Since its founding in 1913, the Anti-Defamation League has led the fight against Anti-Semitism around the world. ADL challenges American and world leaders to take action against anti-Jewish bigotry and violence, and exposes and condemns attacks on Jews. ADL also provides resources to counteract anti-Semitism, hatred and intolerance.

Confronting Discrimination and Securing Justice

Learn what ADL is doing to protect voting rights, uphold the First Amendment, advocate in the courts, expand LGBT rights, support immigration reform, combat anti-Muslim bias — and much more.

Combating Hate and Protecting Communities

ADL is a world leader in combating extremism through our partnerships with law enforcement, advocacy for Hate Crimes Laws, and the creation and dissemination of resources that promote community security and challenge cyberhate.

Promoting Respectful Schools and Communities

As a leading provider of anti-bias education, ADL recognizes that attitudes and beliefs affect actions, and that each of us can have an impact on others, and ultimately on the world in which we live. ADL’s customizable, interactive training programs are used by schools, universities, corporations, law enforcement agencies and community organizations throughout the United States and abroad.

No Place for Hate®

No Place for Hate enables schools and organizations to challenge anti-Semitism, racism and bigotry in all forms. By providing an innovative and powerful model for creating more inclusive environments, No Place for Hate aims to reduce bias and bullying, increase appreciation for diversity and build communities of respect.

Walk Against Hate®

ADL’s Walk Against Hate brings together people from across the region to stand up against bigotry and celebrate diversity. Join us to take part in this one-of-a-kind initiative in which people from various backgrounds stand together to embrace diversity! This is an opportunity for both youth and adults to make strides against bigotry and hatred in their communities.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.