Official scanned books from club penguin!
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It all started on one single thread of a Club Penguin Forum; Where me, the creator of the account ask if there is PDF for Club Penguin Books, (I will call Club Penguin "CP" from now on to shorten this.) because every website that claimed there was PDF, it was always broken or brought you to other unsecure websites, after many comments, one person called "Webs" decided to scan CP books from their library, to our forum community be able to read them, and, since I was the creator of the thread, I also decided to help! Around 19/12/2022 | 12/19/2022, I found this website, which It's great! It doesn't have so many limitations, it's free and it works! So I'm uploading them here, incase you want to find your childhood books again!
Thank for your support, and for reading this. Have a great day. <3