企业家媒体是国内一家朝气蓬勃的新媒体公司,业务囊括线上线下的品牌拓展活动与出版品。 作为新兴媒体,本公司管理及出版的《企业家》,不仅仅是一本杂志,而是媒体资源整合平台,让企业家资源互惠互利,真正做到把想法付诸行动,达成可观的成果。 企业家媒体提供一个资源整合式的生意顾问团队,让企业整体品质提升以符合现代市场变化。服务的项目包括企业/个人品牌形象规划、企业品牌、产品形象、企业领导者/个人品牌形象、摄影摄像、市场策略、出版编辑、媒介形象、社交媒体、职员形象、活动策划和项目管理。

自2001年创刊以来,《企业家》坚持不懈宣扬大马商业文化,与此同时亦作为企业家前辈与青年才俊的沟通桥梁,积极促成事业有成的企业家与新创企业家交流,资源对接,希望合作的火花能给大马企业版图带来一番新气象。我们坚持做好大马品牌,相信好的品牌应该是一 种未来向往的新生活方式,引领与传承,追寻远景与使命,让大家看到马来西亚的品牌,促进全球化的竞争。




企业家杂志感谢大家这 20年 的鼎力支持与包容,是您肯定了本地中文商业杂志的存在,所以我们才能坚持了20年,让我们一起迈向第二个更辉煌的20年!
敬请您继续支持我们,让 本地中文商业杂志 继续发光发热,为社会为国家做贡献!

企业家杂志的使命: 引领企业家思想,助力企业发展,为国家做贡献

《The Entrepreneur》is Malaysia's Entrepreneurial Magazine with long history and high credibility, recognized by Malaysia Top 50 Enterprise.

Since its inception in 2001, 《The Entrepreneur》has embarked on a 20-year journey to promote the business culture of Malaysia. We serve as a bridge to connect the predecessors of entrepreneurs with young talents, facilitating the exchange of ideas and resources, aiming to bring a new atmosphere to Malaysia’s business landscape. We believe branding is becoming a way of life, and we have a strong mission to promote Malaysian brands locally and internationally, to increase our country’s competitiveness.

We help entrepreneurs on their personal branding and business branding with a comprehensive marketing strategy converging online and offline channels. As an emerging media, our platform offers various resources for entrepreneurs to turn ideas into profits.

Our team of business consultants help companies remain competitive in changing times by offering leading edge solutions. Our services include personal and company branding solution, video marketing, photography services, publishing, social media marketing and management.

We are also widely respected as a news and media partner who has close interview collaboration with Asia elites from various sectors like Commerce, Art & Entertainment, Science & Technology, Sports, Health & Medical, Leisure & Hobbies, just to name a few.