If you are in the mobile version of this seminar, use a pen or a pencil and a piece of paper
to write your answers. If possible, print out the pages that have illustrated exercises. DIGITAL
RW204.01.0919 1
Share the Cause, share the Difference
When you teach this seminar, keep in mind the following things:
The time required to teach the seminar will vary depending on a number of factors, including the size
of the group, your preparation and experience of training, the preparation of the group, the amount
of practice you want to include, etc.
Your responsibility as a Leader goes beyond merely “transferring information” to other Independent
Representatives. You are responsible for helping them grow into leaders themselves. This involves
creating a range of opportunities for them to practice, and supporting them while they practice. In
our experience, leaders support is crucial to having representatives stay and thrive in Rena Ware.
IN CLASS: Work with a partner in the training group, take turns role-playing the
representative and the prospect.
AT HOME: Work with a family member or a friend, ask them to role-play your prospect.
Practice the relevant part of the seminar, and then ask for feedback.
ON YOUR OWN: If possible, practice in front of a mirror and/or record your voice or make
a video. Watching or listening to yourself will give you useful feedback.
Quick questions to guide feedback during practice:
what are you doing that is not effective or even counterproductive?
what are you doing that is effective and you should do more of?
what are you not doing that could be effective and you should start doing?
2 RW204.01.0919
1 | Complete the three main reasons for recruiting with one word or phrase from this seminar in each
1. To share the _________ and _________ people.
2. To share the _________ and get more _________ involved.
3. To grow your _________ , create a sales organization, and increase your _________ .
2 | Complete the recommended recruiting formula with the missing numbers.
+ = per WEEK
a. from YOU b. from YOUR TEAM c. IN YOUR
3 | Solve the crossword puzzle to reveal the 7 needs. One need has been divided into two separate
2 3
Across Down
2. The need to be part of something greater 1. The need to expand one’s personal and
than oneself, such as a community. professional skills.
4. The need for independence and room for 3. The need for adventure, discovery and
maneuver. change and the thrill that comes from all of
6. The need to make a difference, to play a part
in something. 4. The need to be recognized for one’s
7. The need to know that you are doing something
meaningful. 5. The need for continuity and knowing that
you can maintain certain things in your life.
RW204.01.0919 3
Share the Cause, share the Difference
4 | Write the need each prospect is expressing.
1. I really like to learn and become more competent at what I do. ________________
2. In my current job I can’t make my own decisions. ________________
3. I want to provide for my family: a house, food, school for my children… ________________
4. I want to do something with my life, know that I am useful, that I am doing my part… ________________
5. I don’t like jobs that are very repetitive, because that gets boring. ________________
6. I am an active member of my church. We’re a strong community. ________________
7. I’m not sure my current boss sees how hard I work. ________________
5 | Choose the correct option in each sentence about recruiting ethics.
1. When approaching a prospect you must/must not say why you are approaching them and give
your contact information as well as Rena Ware’s contact information.
2. You cannot/can make any representations of potential earnings from a Rena Ware business that
are not contained in company materials.
3. You must not/must tell or promise your prospects that they will earn a specific amount of money
per week or month if they join Rena Ware.
4. You should/should not explain to a prospect how the compensation plan works and how they will
be rewarded for their efforts.
5. You can/cannot advertise employment opportunities in marketing or other positions.
6 | Complete the table with the missing part.
1 | Identify
Identify who you can approach and Circle of Influence (RW120)
how (warm/cold).
2 | Approach
• ______________________________
Briefly introduce yourself and
Rena Ware. • Suggested script adaptation from this
seminar p. 19
4 RW204.01.0919
7 | Choose an A person from your Circle of influence (RW120). Adapt the miniscript of the card for
Steps 1 and 2 of the recruiting process.
8 | Complete the table with the missing parts.
3 | Share the Cause
• ______________________________
Talk about eliminating single-use plastic
bottles and present the Rena Ware Filter Optional:
Bottle as example of prevention. • the Cause video
• Rena Ware Filter Bottle (if you have it)
• the Rena Ware Filter Bottle video
• ______________________________
Invite your prospect to join your
team. • Other lines and suggestions from this
seminar p. 20
Step 3 of the recruiting process.
9 | Use the lines from p. 21. Flip a coin:
Heads = you invite the person from exercise 7 (or another known prospect) to join
your team.
Tails = you invite an unknown prospect to join your team.
RW204.01.0919 5
Share the Cause, share the Difference
10 | Complete the table with the missing part.
4 | Share the Rena Ware Difference
• ______________________________
• Suggested script adaptation from this
Explain why join.
seminar p. 22
• the Rena Ware Difference video
11 | Write two questions you can ask an unknown prospect before starting the presentation:
1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
12 | What can you say to connect the Rena Ware Difference to your prospects’ needs? Close your eyes,
point your finger on the board and practice using the suggestions from this seminar.
13 | What can you say to assume the enrollment? Write it down.
6 RW204.01.0919
14 | Practice using the recruiting video. In addition to the introduction and the conclusion, which
chapter of the video in particular would you show to each prospect (a-d)? Write numbers from 1
to 4 in the boxes.
a. Olga, 40, single mom, working from home on small projects. 1 = Chapter 1
b. Andres, 23, about to graduate college. 2 = Chapter 2
c. Anita, 35, full-time receptionist at local company. 3 = Chapter 3
d. Raul, 45, ex independent contractor. 4 = Chapter 4
Step 4 of the recruiting process.
15 | Complete the table with the missing parts.
5 | Enroll your prospect
• ______________________________
Fill out the paperwork. • ______________________________
• Direct Selling Best Practices (RW33)
Show the Let’s start! program.
Send WhatsApp message with link to • ______________________________
Schedule an induction and/or first Upcoming training sessions scheduled
training session. by yourself or your Team Leader.
RW204.01.0919 7
Share the Cause, share the Difference
16 | Review the things you can share with a new team member in preparation for the upcoming
induction or basic training session and write a short script for yourself:
Step 5 of the recruiting process.
17 | Complete the table with the missing part.
6 | Follow up
• Call, text or message on social media
After enrolling a new team member, • ______________________________
reach out and offer support.
• Suggested script adaptation from this
seminar p. 25
18 | Write three questions you can ask when you follow up on a new team member.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________
Step 6 of the recruiting process.
8 RW204.01.0919
19 | The courage to be vulnerable. How would you fill in the blanks?
Vulnerability is __________________________________ .
Vulnerability feels like ____________________________ .
20 | Answer these questions:
a. What do I do when I feel emotionally exposed?
b. How do I behave when I feel very uncomfortable and uncertain?
c. Have you ever attached your sense of self-worth to how your results were perceived by others?
d. How did that affect you?
21 | Read the ten “guideposts” for wholehearted living in Appendix 3 and answer these questions or
try these activities:
1. Remember something someone said about you that made you feel uncomfortable. Now, mentally
put that sentence on a balloon and let go of the balloon, or put it on a train car and watch it go by.
Find a mental image that will help you visualize your letting go.
2. List three things you do well enough: not perfect, but well enough for what you need.
3. Make a playful but genuine effort to change something you have always assumed you could never
change. Note the results!
RW204.01.0919 9
Share the Cause, share the Difference
4. Who or what are you grateful for? Fill in the blanks:
I’m feeling vulnerable about __________________ .
and I’m so grateful for ___________________ .
5. What things are you doing where there are no guaranteed results?
...and I’m doing it!
6. What things do you do that are creative? How do you feed your creative spirit?
How could you include more creativity in your everyday life?
7. How do you “recharge your batteries”? How often do you take time off?
Try to have some time every day that you can dedicate to yourself and do something you enjoy.
8. Are there ongoing situations in your life in which you feel anxious? What are they? What do they
have in common?
What is your main need in those situations? How can you meet that need? (For more on needs see
the dedicated section in this seminar).
9. List three things that you are “supposed to do”.
What would happen if you didn’t do them?
How could you find real motivation to do each of them? Which one of your needs could be met by
doing each thing?
10. When was the last time you danced like no one was watching or sang like no one was listening
to you? If you did it, how did you feel? If you didn’t do it, why not try?
10 RW204.01.0919
22 | Imagine that someone says the following to you. Write a possible need for each issue. Use
Appendix 4 for help.
a. This is very confusing. _______________________________________
b. I don’t want to leave my current job. _______________________________________
c. I don’t get much training at my job. _______________________________________
d. You’re driving too fast. Slow down. _______________________________________
e. I’m not good at that. _______________________________________
f. You’re lying. _______________________________________
23 | Write F (feeling) and N (need) in the following sentences (1-2). Then complete each proposal with
your idea (3).
PROSPECT: I get really frustrated ( __) when the people around me don’t show appreciation ( __)
for what I do.
You: Would you like an opportunity where _______________________________________ ?
PROSPECT: I want excitement in my job ( __). I don’t want to get bored ( __).
You: How about a business where you can _______________________________________ ?
24 | Turn the following objections into questions “in your mind.”
1. I don’t know anyone to recruit/sell to.
2. I’m not good at talking to people I don’t know.
3. The people I know can’t afford these products.
4. I already have a job.
5. My partner doesn’t want me to work.
6. I have heard these types of companies deceive people to get money out of them.
RW204.01.0919 11
Share the Cause, share the Difference
25 | Acknowledge and ask your prospect to explain each objection.
1. Prospect: I can’t join now.
You: ___________________________________________________________________________
2. Prospect: I want a guaranteed job/salary.
You: ___________________________________________________________________________
3. Prospect: I don’t have child care.
You: ___________________________________________________________________________
26 | Roll a dice (you can do this on your cell phone) and read the objection that matches the number on
the dice. Acknowledge and offer an option to overcome that objection.
1. I’m not good at talking to people I don’t know.
2. The people I know can’t afford these products.
3. I already have a job.
4. My partner doesn’t want me to work.
5. I don’t have child care.
6. I have heard these types of companies deceive people to get money out of them.
12 RW204.01.0919
Share the Cause, share the Difference
16 | Answers may vary. Here is an example:
I’m really glad we scheduled your basic training. It’s going to be really useful: you will learn how to
create a list of prospects, approach them, and how to earn products or buy them at a representative
While we are here, let me show you how you can access the Rena Ware resources so you can start
exploring even before your training [briefly show RenaResources] and I’ll send you the link to this
right away [send a WhatsApp message with a link to]. And finally, how about joining
Rena Ware Whatsapp group and Facebook secret group? Let me show you.
17 | Link to
18 | Your answers based on the lines from this seminar on p. 25.
19 | Your own answers. Example answers from the respondents to Dr. Brown’s research include:
Vulnerability is: standing up for myself; getting promoted and not knowing if I’m going to succeed;
getting fired; trying something new; admitting I’m afraid; falling in love, etc.
Vulnerability feels like: where courage and fear meet; scary and exciting, terrifying and hopeful;
being all in; awkward and scary, but it means I’m human and alive; freedom and liberation, etc.
20 | Your own answers.
21 | Your own answers.
22 | 1. understanding/clarity | 2. stability | 3. growth/learning | 4. safety | 5. competence
6. trust/honesty
23 | 1. F | 2. N | 3. (example proposal) your efforts and results are appreciated?
1. N | 2. F | 3. (example proposal) meet new people all the time/create your own organization?
24 | 1. Could you show me how to find people to recruit/sell to?
2. Could you teach me how to talk to people I don’t know?
3. How can we make these products affordable for the people I know? Can you show me how to find
people who can afford these products?
4. Can I do both?
5. Can you help me show my partner the benefits of this business opportunity?
6. Can you show me that this company will not deceive me or try to get money out of me?
25 | Answers may vary slightly, based on this seminar p. 36. For example:
1. I see. And when you say that you can’t join now, could you tell me a bit more about your concern?
2. You obviously have a reason to say that. Would you care to share it?
3. I see. And when you say that you don’t have child care, could you tell me a bit more about your
26 | Example answers are given in this seminar p. 36.
14 RW204.01.0919
If you are in the mobile version of this seminar, use a pen or a pencil and a piece of paper
to write your answers. If possible, print out the pages that have illustrated exercises.
RW204.01.0919 15
Share the Cause, share the Difference
1 | Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on this seminar.
1. Recruiting is crucial to growing your business, creating a sales organization, and T | F
increasing your earnings.
2. If you want to grow your business fast it is better to work alone. T | F
3. For sustained business growth you should recruit 3 people per bonus period T | F
in total per group in your organization.
4. The 7 needs that people typically try to fulfil include belonging, purpose and T | F
5. When recruiting you can never tell your prospect specific levels of earnings. T | F
Score: __ /5
2 | Which resource(s) do you use at each step? Choose the correct option (A, B or C).
Identify and Grand Drawing Card Circle of Influence Water Filters
1. categorize your (RW54) miniscript (RW120) Brochure
prospects on side 1 (AQ700) p. 15
introduce Grand Drawing Water Filters Circle of Influence
2. yourself and Card (RW54): Brochure (AQ700) (RW120)
Rena Ware. mini script on side 1
Water Filters Water Filters
3a. Share the Cause Brochure (AQ700) Grand Drawing Brochure (AQ700):
pp. 1-14 Card (RW54) Question on p. 15
16 RW204.01.0919
Invite your Water Filters
3b. prospect to join Circle of Influence Brochure (AQ700): Grand Drawing
your team. (RW120) Question on p. 15 Card (RW54)
Share the Rena Ware
4. Rena Ware Grand Drawing Water Filters Difference Brochure
Brochure (AQ700)
Difference Card (RW54) (RW516)
• Independent • Independent • Independent
Consultant Consultant Consultant
Agreement (RW1) Agreement (RW1) Agreement (RW1)
Enroll your
5a. • Sales contract/ • Self-evaluation on • Sales contract/
Customer order Direct Selling best Customer order
(RW620) practices (RW32) (RW620)
• Direct Selling Best • Direct Selling Best • Standards of doing
Practices (RW33) Practices (RW33) business (RW31)
Show resources
5b. such as the
Let’s start!
Call, text or message Circle of Influence
6. Follow up renablog
on social media (RW120)
Score: __ /6
RW204.01.0919 17
Share the Cause, share the Difference
3 | Choose the correct option based on this seminar.
1. The recruiting process involves building relationships, so it requires:
a. belonging
b. connection
c. autonomy
2. Vulnerability is:
a. the courage to do some things where there are no guaranteed results
b. the courage to jump off a cliff into the water
c. weakness
3. To engage with your vulnerability you should:
a. focus on how many rejections you receive and how bad you did
b. suppress your fear and disappointment and keep reaching out to prospects
c. connect with your needs and emotions and do things that align with your values
4. When you listen to your prospect feelings and needs you are able to:
a. agree with them
b. understand if they are lying or telling the truth
c. offer the right type and amount of information
5. To identify feelings and needs when they are not explicit, you can:
a. ask a question to guess
b. say something that will make your prospect comfortable
c. think about what your prospect is going to say Score: __ /5
4 | Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on this seminar.
1. Objections are personal issues your prospect has with you. T | F
2. To manage objections effectively you should listen to all of them and manage the T | F
main one.
3. While listening to objections it helps to hear them as questions in your mind. T | F
4. After listening to an objection you should always agree with it. T | F
5. Before offering options to overcome an objection, you should confirm and T | F
acknowledge it.
Score: __ /5
18 RW204.01.0919
5 | Match each recruiting objection (1-9) with a possible response (a-i).
Objections Responses
1. I don’t know anyone to recruit/ a. I see. And when you say you can’t join now, could you tell
sell to. me a bit more about your concern?
2. I’m not good at talking to b. I understand. Many Rena Ware customers choose
people I don’t know. payment plans with monthly payments they can afford.
3. The people I know can’t afford I can show you how that works…
these products. c. I understand that some direct selling companies may
not be transparent or serious. Are you worried because
4. I can’t join now.
you want to be sure you would be joining a serious and
5. I already have a job. honest company? Many current Rena Ware Independent
6. I want a guaranteed job/ Representatives thought that before they joined, then
salary. they saw the difference. I am very proud of my Rena Ware
business. The company has been in the market for over
7. My partner doesn’t want me 75 years, has a global presence, is an active member of
to work. the Direct Selling Association, and really cares for and
8. I don’t have child care. supports its Independent Representatives.
9. I have heard these types of d. That’s good. Are you uncomfortable because you want to
companies deceive people to keep your current job? Well, you can. And you can work on
get money out of them. your Rena Ware business part time.
e. I understand. Are you worried because you would like to
know that you have a market for your business? Would it
Score: __ /9 help if I showed you that there are a lot of people you could
recruit or sell to?
f. That makes sense. And I can tell you that you can’t be fired
from Rena Ware, because you will have your own business.
And your earnings will depend on how much time and
effort you will put in developing your business. (Optional
addition: With Rena Ware you earn commissions as soon
as you and your recruits start selling, and they are paid
g. I appreciate your concern. What if you could do this when
your children are in school?
h. Many people think that. Are you worried because you
would like to be good at this job? Well, you can get training
on how to talk to new people effectively. Rena Ware offers
many seminars...
i. I see. Are you worried because you would like to have his/
her support in this? Let’s set a time for me to meet with you
and your partner together, so I can answer any questions
TOTAL SCORE: /30 about this opportunity.
RW204.01.0919 19
Share the Cause, share the Difference
1 | 1. T.
2. F. Actively involve your team in it.
3. F. 3 people per week, 6 per bonus period.
4. T.
5. T.
2 | 1. B | 2. A | 3a. A | 3b. B | 4. C | 5a. B | 5b. A | 6. A
3 | 1. b | 2. a | 3. c | 4. c | 5. a
4 | 1. F. An objection is a problem or concern your prospect has but cannot necessarily explain.
2. T.
3. T.
4. F. You should listen and ask for clarification if necessary.
5. T.
5 | 1. e | 2. h | 3. b | 4. a | 5. d | 6. f | 7. i | 8. g | 9. c
Total Score Recommendation
Large portions of this content are still a bit difficult for you. Review the content
0 - 15 pages and do the practice again. Dedicate some time to it. Maybe ask your
sponsor or leader for support or clarification. Then take the assessment again.
Good job! You have learned most of this seminar. Look over the answers you got
16 - 25 wrong: do you understand why they are wrong? Go back to the content pages and
review those parts.
Excellent! You got all or nearly all of the content in this seminar. Check the answers
26 - 30 you got wrong: do you understand why they are wrong? Go back to the content
pages and review those parts.
20 RW204.01.0919
RW204.01.0919 21
Share the Cause, share the Difference
How helpful was this seminar ?
What would you do differently? How can we improve it?
Please send your comments to [email protected].
Put the name of the seminar in the subject line.
22 RW204.01.0919 | Home Office U.S.A. (425) 881.6171 | © 2019 R.W.I.