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Published by DataMax Registrars Limited, 2020-11-09 05:00:58

2019 Annual Report - Final Version

2019 Annual Report - Final Version

Component of our Control System Key Activities at The Exchange

Committee and Executive Management for
3. The Exchange communicates externally with
stakeholders on matters affecting the functioning of
the internal control system through The Exchange
annual financial statements, and corporate website.

Monitoring Activities 1. The Internal Control Function and Internal Audit
conduct ongoing and/or separate evaluation of control
activities in The Exchange.

2. Control deficiencies identified and assessed are
communicated in reports to the ARMC and ExCO. The
control function actively monitors and reports on the
remediation of these control deficiencies.

3. External Auditors provide reasonable independent
assurance to external stakeholders and management
regarding the functioning of controls in The Exchange.

The various components of our internal control maintain The Exchange policy of zero tolerance
system work together in an integrated manner for regulatory and statutory breaches. The
to ensure that material errors or Compliance and Internal Control function will
inconsistencies, waste, abuses, losses, and continue to ensure it remains compliant with
unauthorized use of The Exchange assets are existing and new regulatory and statutory
promptly identified and corrected. obligations as well as comply with internal
regulations and operate to the highest ethical
A look ahead to 2020 standards and promptly identify and correct
As we look forward to becoming a material errors or irregularities.
demutualized Exchange in 2020, our focus is to

Page 50 [email protected]

Feature on the
Growth Board

Special Feature on the Growth Board

The Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Objectives of the Growth Board
(SME) sector account for a large part of 1. To encourage companies with high growth
emerging market economies, as they are
important contributors to employment, potential to seize the opportunity of raising
economic and export growth. In Nigeria, SMEs long term capital and promote liquidity.
contribute 48% of national GDP, accounting for 2. To cater for various market segments and to
96% of businesses and 84% of employment. ensure all spectrum of businesses /
companies in various growth phases can be
Despite the significant contribution of SMEs to listed.
the Nigerian economy, challenges still persist 3. To highlight the benefits available in the
that hinder the growth and development of the capital market for Start Ups, SMEs and
sector. For many SMEs, access to finance is a Technology companies.
primary obstacle to growth. International 4. To provide market operators with a platform
Finance Corporation (IFC) data shows the and access to potential pipeline of
financing shortfall for the 25–30 million formal companies for listing on The NSE.
SMEs in Emerging Market Countries at around 5. To offer alternatives to a category of
$1 trillion. investors seeking opportunities in growth
In line with its drive to deepen the Nigerian 6. To allow growth companies to partake in the
capital market and provide support for fast- governance practices of the public markets
growing companies, The Nigerian Stock to promote sustainability.
Exchange (“NSE” or “The Exchange”) launched
its Growth Board on Wednesday, 29 January Routes to Listing
2020. The launch of the Growth Board provides The Growth Board acts as a vehicle to attract
issuers with the opportunity to leverage on the fast growing issuers to list on the NSE. The
Exchange for listing, raising long term capital admittance to the Growth Board would be
and facilitating liquidity in the trading of their based on satisfying among other things listing
shares. The Growth Board was established as requirements as stated below:
part of the NSE’s initiative on elevating the
Nigeria Capital market and meeting the needs Growth Board – Entry Platform
of businesses at every phase of their lifecycle. The Entry level platform would serve as
The board targets fast-growth companies the entry point for public capital
which are often Small and Medium-Sized financing for start-ups and SMEs with
Enterprises (SMEs) operating in various sectors market valuation between 50m and
as well as operators in the technology 500m. Companies admitted on The
ecosystem. Growth Board – Entry platform would be
publicly traded and subject to regulation
In delivering real value to SMEs, the Growth and overall listing requirements of the
Board restructures current market segments Growth Board. Companies seeking
along a company’s entire lifecycle i.e. It offers admittance would need to be duly
issuers the opportunity to either list on the Entry registered as Public Limited Liability
Segment – for companies with a market Companies (PLCs), in addition to
capitalization from N50m, or the Standard satisfying other requirements of The
Market – for institutions with a market Exchange.
capitalization from N500m. Furthermore, the
segmentation of the boards provides Growth Board – Standard Platform
alternative options for interested investors to The Growth Board – Standard platform
participate in each company’s growth journey. would serve as the Standard board for
public capital financing for Medium size
businesses and venture capital seed
companies with market valuation

Page 52 [email protected]

between 500m and 4Bn. Companies Benefits to investors include:
admitted to this segment would be 1. Ability to invest in companies with high
publicly traded and subject to regulation
and overall listing requirements of the growth potential thereby resulting in high
Growth Board. Companies seeking returns/capital appreciation
admittance would need to be duly 2. Ability to participate in new startups and
registered as a Public Limited Liability companies within growth sectors.
Companies (PLCs), in addition to 3. Diversified investment options for
satisfying other requirements of The Retail/institutional and onshore/offshore
Exchange. investors.
4. Ease of valuation of investments due to
Benefits of the Growth Board accessible price information.
The Growth Board presents immense benefits
to both issuers, investors and the Exchange. Benefits to the NSE
The Exchange benefits by launching the growth
Benefits to issuers include: board in the following ways:
1. Provides a platform for accessing right
It positions the NSE as a more globally
priced and long tenured capital (equity and competitive Exchange
fixed income) for growth companies Deepening of the Nigerian Capital Market
2. Provides global visibility for attracting a Improved listings i.e. growth in the
broad spectrum of investors including number of listed companies
onshore and offshore institutional Increase of growth company/SME
investors representation in the Nigerian capital
3. Ensures increased corporate governance market
while providing the necessary support Creates a board that piques the interest
mechanism/framework for sustainability of investors, by being fundamentally
4. Enhances visibility for growth companies entrepreneurial, growth oriented, modern
to support brand promotion and customer and innovative.
acquisition Strategic Market Development that will
5. Provides clear valuation and enhances drive increased investors’ participation
liquidity by providing access to new
investors Eligibility Criteria
6. Serve as an exit option for Core Investors Every Issuer that seeks admittance to the
7. Offers an avenue and flexible mechanism Growth Board shall make a written application
for raising capital to The Exchange and execute the General
8. Creates, broadens and diversifies investor Undertaking for listing on the Growth Board
base Entry or Standard Segment
9. Develops and increases sell side coverage
/ research for growth companies Standard Segment

Entry Segment Route 1:
Company is already listed on the Main Board or
Route 1: Alternative Securities Market (ASeM) Board of
Company is already listed on the Main Board or The Exchange, or is seeking to list on the
Alternative Securities Market (ASeM) Board of Growth Board (Entry) of The Exchange, and
The Exchange, or is seeking to list on the
Growth Board (Entry) of The Exchange, and Is a public company limited by shares;
at least two (2) years in Operation;
Is a public company limited by shares; Has audited financials (IFRS standard);
at least two (2) years in Operation; Revenue growth by a minimum rate of 20%
Has audited financials (IFRS standard); cumulatively in its last (two) 2 years of
Revenue growth by a minimum rate of 20% operations;
cumulatively in its last (two) 2 years of

Page 53 [email protected]

Entry Segment Standard Segment

Route 2: Route 2:
Company is a new business that can provide Company is a new business that can provide
evidence of investment in it by: evidence of investment in it by:

1. A core investor or a strong technical 1. A core investor or a strong technical
partner that has a minimum of two (2) partner who has a minimum of four (4)
years’ operating track record, or years' operating track record, or

2. A majority shareholder who is either a 2. A majority shareholder who is a High Net
High Net Worth individual or is a director Worth individual; and has
of a listed company; and has Market capitalization >/= Five Hundred
Market capitalization >/= Fifty Million Million Naira (N500m) on the date The
Naira (N50m) on the date The Exchange Exchange receives the Issuer's
receives the Issuer’s application application
Minimum free float of 10% of its issued Minimum free float of 15% of its issued
share capital; share capital;
a Designated Adviser a Designated Adviser
Minimum of 25 share-holders Minimum of 51 share-holders
Directors retain a minimum of 50% of Directors retain a minimum of 50% of
their shares in the Issuer for a minimum their shares in the Issuer for a minimum
period of 12 months from date of its period of 12 months from date of its
listing listing

Some examples of similar platforms in other Exchanges around the world.

S/N SME Platforms Exchanges
1. Alternative Investment Market (AIM) London Stock Exchange
2. TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) Canadian Stock Exchange
3. Nasdaq First North NASDAQ
4. AltX Johannesburg Stock Exchange
5. Bovespa Mais BM&FBOVESPA
8. Emerge platform National Stock Exchange India
9. Ghana Alternative Market (GAX) Ghana Stock Exchange

Page 54 [email protected]

Report on the
National Council


Partners: S Abu, O Adeola, W Adetokunbo-Ajayi, UN Akpata, O Alakhume, C Azobu, E Erhie, D McGraw, U Muoglim, P Obianwa, T Ogundipe, C Ojechi, O Oladipo,
P Omontuemhen, O Osinubi, T Oyedele, AB Rahji, O Ubah

Page 56 [email protected]



Corporate Governance Report

For the year ended 31 December 2019

a. Introduction the highest level of business conduct in all
The Nigerian Stock Exchange ("The its dealings with its stakeholders.
Exchange") was established in 1960 and
is a major exchange in the sub-Saharan The National Council is composed of
African region. It has in place an effective persons with the relevant qualification,
governance mechanism that not only experience in their various fields and they
ensures proper oversight of its business ensure that The Exchange is properly
by the National Council and other principal managed and oversee Management’s
organs of The Exchange, but also carries performance. The National Council is
on its business in a manner that independent of Management and
engenders public trust and confidence discharges its oversight functions in an
whilst meeting the expectations of all objective and effective manner.
The Council retains full and effective
In pursuit of this objective, The control over The Exchange, and monitors
Exchange’s processes are consistently Management’s implementation of the
re-appraised to ensure that they match strategic plans and financial objectives as
global standard of corporate governance defined by the Council. The Council also
at all times. The Exchange gained full ensures that a comprehensive system of
membership status of the World policies and procedures is in place and
Federation of Exchanges (the “WFE”) on that appropriate governance structures
28 October 2014. exist to ensure the smooth, efficient and
prudent stewardship of The Exchange.
b. Shareholding
The Exchange is a company limited by The Council is governed by the relevant
guarantee and therefore has no corporate law, The Exchange’s
shareholding structure. Memorandum & Articles of association
and a Charter which outlines its principal
c. National Council roles, matters reserved for it, regulates the
The National Council ("the Council") is the parameters within which it operates and
governing body of the Nigerian Stock ensures the application of the principles of
Exchange. The Council directs The good corporate governance across board.
Exchange’s business and financial affairs,
strategy, structures and policies; monitors The day-to-day management of The
the exercise of any delegated authority; Exchange is vested in the Chief Executive
and deals with challenges and issues Officer (“CEO"), who is assisted by other
relating to corporate governance, Executives appointed by the Council. The
corporate social responsibility and Executive Committee (ExCo) through the
corporate ethics. exercise of authority delegated by the
National Council, ensures that The
d. The Role of the National Council Exchange discharges its obligations as a
In recognition of the importance of recognized and regulated securities
corporate governance as a key element in exchange under the Investment and
achieving its Vision, The Exchange adopts Securities Act, 2007. The ExCo is governed
best practices with respect to corporate by a Charter, approved by the National
governance and ensures these practices Council, which outlines its principal roles,
are infused into its activities to guarantee and regulate the parameters within which

Page 58 [email protected]

it operates. The Exchange’s objectives.

The National Council has put in place an In line with good practice, the National
appropriate Risk Management Council set up Committees to assist with
Framework to mitigate financial, non- certain areas of its functions. The
financial and regulatory risks. Where Committees are governed by Terms of
necessary, the National Council engages References approved by Council. The
the services of external consultants to National Council and its Committees
advise it on risk and legal issues. endeavor to meet as frequently as
required by their respective
The National Council also ensures that charters/terms of reference. The Council
there is a succession planning policy for a hold an annual retreat to review
smooth transition in key leadership matters of strategic importance.
positions at The Exchange.
e. Council Structure
In addition to the foregoing, members of The Council is currently made up of
the National Council have executed and thirteen (13) Members; a President, Chief
adhere to a Code of Conduct which guides Executive Officer, Ex-Officio, two (2)
their dealings and commits them to Vice Presidents (both of whom are
behaving ethically, with integrity and Ordinary Members), other Ordinary
honesty, and working together to achieve Members and six (6) Dealing Members.

The Council members who served on the Council during the year under review are as follows:


Otunba Abimbola Ogunbanjo President 8 Years, 8 months (12/05/2011
/Ordinary Member -28/09/2012 ) (31/01/2013 till
February 2020)

Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON Chief Executive Officer 9 Years, 1 month (1/04/2011
till February 2020)

Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, CON Ex-Officio 7 Years, 4 months (31/01/2013
/Ordinary Member till February 2020)
Mr. Abubakar B. Mahmoud, SAN, OON First Vice President/
Ordinary Member 8 Years, 8 months (12/05/2011 -
Mrs. Catherine Nwakaego Echeozo 28/09/2012 ) (31/01/2013 till
Second Vice President/ February 2020)
Erelu Angela Adebayo Ordinary Member
Ordinary Member 2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
Katsina State Investment & Property till February 2020)
Development Co. Ltd. (Represented by Ordinary Member
Mrs. Fatimah Bintah Bello–Ismail) 2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
Chartwell Securities Limited till February 2020)
(Represented by Mr. Oluwole Adeosun)
2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
till February 2020)

Dealing Member 2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
till February 2020)

Equity Capital Solutions Limited Dealing Member 2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
(Represented by Mr. Kamarudeen Oladosu) Dealing Member till February 2020)

Fortress Capital Limited 2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
(Represented by Mr. Yomi Adeyemi) till February 2020)

Page 59 [email protected]

Pilot Securities Ltd Dealing Member 2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
(Represented by Mr. Seyi Osunkeye) Dealing Member till February 2020)
Dealing Member
Planet Capital Limited 2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
(Represented by Mr. Chidi Agbapu) till February 2020)

WCM Capital Limited 2 Years, 8 months (25/09/2017 -
(Represented by Mr. Patrick Ajayi) till February 2020)

The Council meets once in two (2) months and such other times as it is required to meet to address
urgent matters.

f. Responsibilities of the Council Monitoring the effectiveness of the
The Council is responsible for: governance practices under which
Ensuring the effective execution of The Exchange operates and making
The Exchange's self-regulatory appropriate changes as necessary.
responsibilities under the
Investment and Securities Act 2007; g. Council Committees
Reviewing and providing guidance The Committees of the Council were
for The Exchange’s corporate and formed for the speedy and efficient
business strategy, major plans of functioning of the Council. The
action and risk policy; Committees are set up in line with
Reviewing and approving of annual statutory and regulatory requirements
budgets and business plans; setting and consistent with global best practice.
performance objectives, monitoring
implementation and corporate The Committees have well defined
performance; Terms of Reference defining their scope
Overseeing major capital of responsibilities in such a way as to
expenditures, acquisitions and avoid overlap of functions. Below is an
divestitures; overview of the remit of the Committees
Ensuring that the Exchange and their membership composition
achieves its objective of being a during the year under review:
demutualised Exchange as
mandated by its members; i Audit and Risk Management
Providing oversight of senior Committee
Establishment of the various The Audit and Risk Management
committees of The Exchange Committee (“ARM Committee”) was
including the terms of reference and established by the Council in May 2011
review of reports of such for the purpose of providing reasonable
committees to address key areas of assurance regarding the Council's
The Exchange’s business; oversight responsibilities with respect to
Ensuring the integrity of The the integrity of the Exchange's financial
Exchange’s accounting and financial statement, the effectiveness of the
reporting systems, including the Exchange's internal controls and the
internal audit function and that framework for risk identification,
appropriate systems of control and assessment and management.
risk monitoring are in place; and

Page 60 [email protected]

The ARM Committee operates in line with formal terms of reference approved by the Council and
during the financial year has executed its duties with a focus on governance, control and risk
management arrangements.
The membership of the Committee as at 31 December 2019 is as follows:
1. Erelu Angela Adebayo (Real Estate Consultant) - Chairperson
2. Mrs. Catherine Echeozo (Chartered Accountant, Banker)
3. Mr. Yomi Adeyemi (Chartered Accountant, Certified Financial Analyst)
4. Mr. Chidi Agbapu (Economist, Stockbroker)
5. Mr. Patrick Ajayi (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker)

ii. Demutualization Advisory Committee
The Demutualization Advisory Committee (DAC) in compliance with The Securities and Exchange
Commission's Rules on Demutualisation is constituted by the National Council solely for the
purpose of coordinating The Exchange’s demutualization and advising the National Council on this

The membership of the Committee for the year under review is as follows:
1. Mr. Abubakar B. Mahmoud, SAN, OON, (Legal Practitioner) - Chairperson
2. Mr. Olufemi Akinsanya (Investment Banker/Financial Adviser) - Vice-Chairperson,

Independent Member
3. Mr. Oscar N. Onyema OON, (CEO, NSE)
4. Erelu Angela Adebayo (Real Estate Consultant)
5. Dr. Umaru Kwairanga (Dealing Member, Financial Market Analyst)
6. Mr. Oladipo Aina (Economist, Stockbroker)
7. Ms. Benneditker Molokwu (Legal Practitioner), Independent Member
8. Mr. Kayode Sofola, SAN (Legal Practitioner), Independent Member
9. Alhaji Rasheed Yussuff (Dealing Member, Banker)
10. Mr. Seyi Osunkeye (Chartered Accountant, Dealing Member)

iii. Governance & Remuneration Committee
The Committee is charged with ensuring that The Exchange complies with good corporate
governance policies and practices. The Committee also provides oversight functions over The
Exchange’s human resource function.

The membership of the Committee as at 31 December 2019 is as follows:
1. Mrs. Catherine Echeozo (Chartered Accountant, Banker)- Chairperson
2 Mr Abubakar B. Mahmoud, SAN, OON, (Legal Practitioner)
3. Erelu Angela Adebayo (Real Estate Consultant)
4. Mr. Oluwole Adeosun (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker and Banker)
5. Mr. Yomi Adeyemi (Chartered Accountant, Certified Financial Analyst)
6. Mr. Chidi Agbapu (Economist, Stockbroker)

Page 61 [email protected]

iv. Technical and Business Committee
The Committee is charged with reviewing The Exchange’s technical and business operations and
development including information security and business continuity measures. The Committee
also assists the Council in exercising oversight on The Exchange's innovation agenda and its
Branch Councils.

The membership of the Committee as at 31 December 2019 is as follows:
1. Mrs. Fatimah Bintah Bello–Ismail (Legal Practitioner) - Chairperson
2. Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON (CEO, NSE)
3. Mr. Kamarudeen Oladosu (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker)
4. Mr. Seyi Osunkeye (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker)
5. Mr. Patrick Ajayi (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker)

v. Regulation Committee
The Committee is charged with the continuous review of The Exchange’s rules and regulations and
provision of oversight regarding legal and regulatory issues affecting The Exchange. It also
oversees the control of granting a quotation on The Exchange in respect of any securities and
securities derivatives. It also exercises the disciplinary powers of the Council as set forth in the
Rules and Regulations Governing Dealing Members.
The membership of the Committee as at 31 December 2019 is as follows:
1. Mr Abubakar B. Mahmoud, SAN, OON, (Legal Practitioner) – Chairperson
2. Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON (CEO, NSE)
3. Mrs. Fatimah Bintah Bello-Ismail (Legal Practitioner)
4. Mr. Oluwole Adeosun (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker and Banker)
5. Mr. Kamarudeen Oladosu (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker)
6. Mr. Seyi Osunkeye (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker)

vi. Ad-Hoc Documentation Review Committee

The Ad-hoc Documentation Review Committee was constituted by the National Council at its
meeting of 31 January 2019 and was charged with the task of reviewing all documents to be
submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for its “No-Objection” to the proposed
demutualization of The Exchange. The Committee was responsible to oversee, review and advise
the National Council with respect to the documentary requirements for the grant of the No-
Objection by the SEC as stated in Rule 2 of the SEC Rules on Demutualisation of Securities
Exchanges in Nigeria.

The membership of the Committee for the year under review is as follows:
1. Mrs. Catherine Echeozo (Chartered Accountant, Banker)- Chairperson
2. Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON (CEO)
3. Mr. Oluwole Adeosun (Chartered Accountant, Stockbroker and Banker)
4. Mr. Yomi Adeyemi (Chartered Accountant, Certified Financial Analyst)

Page 62 [email protected]

S/N Committees Composition Nu
1. Audit and Risk The Committee members for the review At
Management period were: Co
Erelu Angela Adebayo (Chairperson) 4m
Mrs. Catherine Echeozo 10
Mr. Yomi Adeyemi
Mr. Chidi Agbapu
Mr. Patrick Ajayi

Page 63

umber of Meetings Summary of Activities in 2019
eld in 2019 and
ttendance Discussed and approved The Exchange's External
ompliance % Auditor, (KPMG Professional Services Limited)’s audit
strategy and plan for the year 2019.
meetings Approved the Internal Audit Operational Plan/
00% attendance Timetable for 2019 and the Enterprise Risk
Management Plan for 2019.
Reviewed the Internal Audit Quarterly reports and
findings and ensured compliance with the timetables.
Tracked the implementation of the 2019 audit
recommendations contained in KPMG’s Management
Approved the Enterprise Risk Management,
Compliance, Internal Control and cybersecurity
frameworks of The Exchange.
Reviewed the Enterprise Risk Management Quarterly
Reports, Compliance Status Quarterly Reports,
Internal Control Quarterly Report, Information Security
& Business Continuity Report, Investment Risk Report,
Legal Risk Report and other reports.
Discussed and reviewed the external assessment of
the effectiveness of the internal audit function of
The Exchange.
Considered and approved the Internal Audit
2020 -2022 strategy.
Reviewed its terms of reference to ensure that it is
operating optimally

[email protected]

S/N Committees Composition Nu

2. Demutualisation The Committee Members for the review 1 m

Advisory period were: 10

Committee Mr. Abubakar B. Mahmoud SAN,

OON (Chairperson)

Mr. Olufemi Akinsanya (Independent


Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON

Erelu Angela Adebayo

Finmal Finance Services Limited

(Represented by Dr. Umaru Kwairanga)

Signet Investment and Securities Ltd

(Represented by Mr. Oladipo Aina)

Pilot Securities Limited (Represented

by Mr. Seyi Osunkeye)

Ms. Benneditker Molokwu

(Independent Member)

Mr. Kayode Sofola, SAN (Independent


Alhaji Rasheed Yussuff

However, Pilot Securities Limited

(Represented by Mr. Seyi Osunkeye)

resigned in September 2019.

3. Governance and The Committee members for the review 6 m

Remuneration period were: 10


Mrs. Catherine Echeozo (Chairperson)

Page 64

umber of Meetings Summary of Activities in 2019
eld in 2019 and
ttendance Oversight of the demutualization communication plan;
ompliance % Reviewed the draft Memorandum and Articles of
Association of NGX Group Plc (Non- Operating
meeting Hold-Co), NGX Limited (Operating Exchange) and
00% attendance NGX Regulation Limited (Regulatory Entity);
Reviewed the terms of reference of the Claims
Review Panel;
Reviewed the Valuation Report and Scheme of
Arrangement; and
Reviewed the amended Rulebook of The Exchange
(Proposed Rulebook of NGX Limited).

meetings Maintained direct oversight of the selection process
00% attendance for the nominees to the boards of the demutualized
Exchange and its subsidiaries (the entities) and
Members of the Claims Review Panel (the Panel)

[email protected]

S/N Committees Composition Nu
Mr. Abubakar B. Mahmoud, SAN, OON At
Erelu Angela Adebayo Co
Mr. Oluwole Adeosun
Mr. Yomi Adeyemi
Mr. Chidi Agbapu

4. Technical and The Committee members for the review 4m
Business period were: 10
Mrs. Fatimah Bintah Bello–Ismail
Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON
Mr. Kamarudeen Oladosu
Mr. Seyi Osunkeye
Mr. Patrick Ajayi

Page 65

umber of Meetings Summary of Activities in 2019
eld in 2019 and
ttendance and made its recommendations to the National
ompliance % Council. As part of this oversight responsibility, it also
recommended the maximum number of directors for
meetings each of the above entities, having regard to a number
00% attendance of factors especially cost implications.
Maintained oversight of the selection process for the
appointment of the Registrar of the Exchange and
subsequently recommended to Council, the
appointment of Datamax Registrars as the
Exchange’s Registrar, further to the imminent
demutualization of the Exchange.
Reviewed and recommended various amendments
to key Human Resources Polices such as the
Employee Handbook, Performance Management
System Policy, Performance Incentive Scheme Policy,
Recruitment Policy, Status Car Policy, Leave of
Absence Policy etc.

Ensured that a robust governance process was in
place for the implementation and management of
key technology initiatives as well as maximizing the
benefits of advancing technologies.
Oversight of the activities of the Listing Business
Division, Trading Business Division, Technology
Services Department, Branch Network and the
Enterprise Innovation Hub.

[email protected]

S/N Committees Composition Nu

Page 66

umber of Meetings Summary of Activities in 2019
eld in 2019 and
ttendance Monitored the Management Information Technology
ompliance % Steering Committee (“IT Steering Committee”) to
ensure the resolution of all technical issues and
facilitate strategic alignment with technology
advances that are critical to the competitiveness of
The Exchange.
Monitored and received updates on all prioritized
projects of the Exchange for 2019 such as the roll-out
of the insurance product and the securing of tax
pioneer status for NG clearing (an associate of
The Exchange).
Oversaw the successful completion of phase one of
the X-PO platform, an electronic platform for the
automation of Initial Public Offerings (IPO), ahead of
its launch in 2020.
Monitored the implementation of the change to
The Exchange’s pricing methodology.
Oversight of The Exchange Traded Derivatives Market
and Central Counterparty Clearing House Projects
and in particular the achievement of significant
milestones such as securing the Securities and
Exchange Commission’s approval on the draft
Derivatives Rulebook.
Monitored and received updates on advocacy efforts
relating to the proposal to expand the mandatory
funding of the Investments and Securities Tribunal
(IST) to all capital market operators.

[email protected]

S/N Committees Composition Nu

5. Regulation The Committee Members for the review 3m
Committee period were: 10

Mr. Abubakar B. Mahmoud, SAN, OON
Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON
Mrs. Fatimah Bintah Bello–Ismail
Mr. Oluwole Adeosun
Mr. Kamarudeen Oladosu
Mr. Seyi Osunkeye

Page 67

umber of Meetings Summary of Activities in 2019
eld in 2019 and
ttendance Oversight of The Exchange’s infrastructure capacity
ompliance % and threshold monitoring.
Reviewed its Terms of Reference to ensure that its
provisions are sufficiently comprehensive to enable
the Committee effectively discharge its obligations.

meetings Rule-Making and Adjudication Matters:
00% attendance
Recommended several rules for the approval of the
National Council. These include:
Proposed amendments to the rules for listing of
Green Bonds on The Nigerian Stock Exchange
Proposed sanctions for violation of Rule 1:11: Dealing
Member to sponsor applications for Quotations
Draft Rules on Custodial Accounts on Minors
Amendments to the Market Making Rules
Amendments to Issuer Rules on Information
Amendments to Issuer Rules Governing the Use of
the Issuers’ Portal
The Rules for listing of Unit Trusts
The Rules on Placing Caution on Accounts

Approved the exposure of several Rules for
Stakeholders’ comments. These include:

Proposed Amendments to Rules: Chapter 19 – Rules
Relating to Board Meetings and General Meetings of

[email protected]

S/N Committees Composition Nu

Page 68

umber of Meetings Summary of Activities in 2019
eld in 2019 and
ttendance Rules on Third Party Transactions
ompliance % Rules on unauthorized Use of Client Funds/
Segregation of Client Funds
Rules on Record of Transactions and Right of Inspection
Rules on Cooperation in Connection with Inspections
or Investigations

Quotations Matters:
- Considered Free Float Compliance Reports, and

applications for restructuring classifications.
- Considered several requests for Extension of Time

to Resolve Free Float Deficiencies.
- Considered MTN Nigeria Communications Plc.’s

Application for Listing by Introduction of
20,354,513,050 Ordinary Shares of N0.02 each at
N90.00 Per Share.
- Considered the regulatory delisting of two
companies as a result of actions taken by their
primary regulators.

Disciplinary Committee
- Dealt with matters arising from complaints of

unauthorized sales, misappropriation of proceeds
of shares and breaches of The Exchange’s Rules
and Regulation.

[email protected]

S/N Committees Composition Nu
6. Ad-hoc At the beginning of the year, the At
Documentation members were:

Committee Mrs. Catherine Echeozo

Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON

Mr. Oluwole Adeosun

Mr. Yomi Adeyemi

Page 69

umber of Meetings Summary of Activities in 2019
eld in 2019 and
ttendance Reviewed and recommended the draft Demutualisation
ompliance % Plan of The Exchange, subject to amendments, to the
National Council for its approval and subsequent
3 meetings submission to the Securities and Exchange Commission
100% attendance Conducted a review of the Memorandum and Articles
of Association of Nigerian Exchange Group Plc,
Nigerian Exchange Limited ad NGX Regulation Limited
and recommended them to the National Council for its
approval and subsequent submission to the SEC as
part of the documentary requirements for receipt of its
“No- Objection”.
Considered the 2019-2023 Strategic Road-Map of
The Exchange and recommended it, subject to
amendments, to the National Council.
Advised the National Council on the benefits to be
allotted to certain categories of members of
The Exchange upon its demutualisation.
Reviewed and recommended the Scheme Document
(which outlined the Scheme of Arrangement through
which The Exchange sought to achieve its
demutualisation) to the National Council for its approval
and subsequent submission to the SEC for its approval.
Advised the National Council on the names to be
assigned to the post-demutualised entities of
The Exchange, which formed part of the information to

[email protected]

S/N Committees Composition Nu

Page 70

umber of Meetings Summary of Activities in 2019
eld in 2019 and
ttendance be submitted to the SEC for its “No-Objection" to
ompliance % The Exchange’s demutualisation.
Reviewed and recommended to the National Council,
the RuleBook drawn up for Nigerian Exchange Limited
(post demutualisation of The Exchange) for its approval
and subsequent submission to the SEC for its approval.

[email protected]

Pursuant to delegated authority from the National Council, the Audit and Risk Management & Governance
and Remuneration Committees held a joint session on 18 February 2020 to review The
Exchange's draft Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2019 and Management
Letter thereon. They presented the draft Audited Financial Statements to the National Council for
approval, and it was approved.

The Chairpersons of the Committees will be present at the Annual General Meeting to respond to
questions regarding matters within their Committees. The profiles of the Chairpersons are available on
pages 79 and 80 of the Annual Report.

h. Record of Council and Committee meetings held in 2019

The table below shows the frequency of meetings of the Council, Council Committees and members’
attendance at these meetings during the year under review.

Number of meetings
1 Otunba Abimbola Ogunbanjo 10 3 4 1 6 4 3 1
2 Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON
3 Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, CON 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 Mr. Abubakar B. Mahmoud, SAN, OON
5 Mrs Catherine Nwakaego Echeozo 10 3 N/A 1 N/A 4 3 N/A
6 Erelu Angela Adebayo
7 Mrs Fatimah Bintah Bello-Ismail 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
8 Mr. Oluwole Adeosun
9 N/A N/A 1 6 N/A 3 1
9 Mr. Kamarudeen Oladosu
10 Mr. Yomi Adeyemi 10 3 4 N/A 6 N/A N/A 1

11 Mr. Seyi Osunkeye 9 N/A 4 1 6 N/A N/A 1
12 Mr. Chidi Agbapu
13 Mr. Patrick Ajayi 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 3 N/A

10 3 N/A N/A 6 N/A 3 1

10 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 3 N/A

10 3 4 N/A 6 N/A N/A 1

10 N/A N/A 1 N/A 4 3 N/A

10 N/A 4 N/A 6 N/A N/A 1
10 N/A 4 N/A N/A 4 N/A 1

Key GARC- Governance and Remuneration Committee
NCM- National Council Meetings TBC - Technical and Business Committee
ARM- Audit & Risk Management Committee N/A- Not Applicable
DAC- Demutualization Advisory Committee
ADRC- Adhoc Documentation Review Committee
Reg - Regulation Committee

I. Relationship with Stakeholders Compliance Officers' forum, and quarterly
The Exchange maintains an effective meetings with Authorised Dealing Clerk
communication with its members, which that trade on the floor of The Exchange.
enables them understand its business,
financial condition and operating The Exchange also meets quarterly with
performance and trends. Apart from the representative of Association of
annual report and accounts, proxy Securities Dealing Houses of Nigeria.
statements, the Exchange maintains a
rich website that provides information on The Exchange from time to time,
a wide range of issues for all stakeholders. holds briefing sessions with market
operators (stockbrokers, dealers,
The Exchange holds regular briefing institutional investors, issuing houses,
sessions with its Dealing Members stock analysts, mainly through investors
through quarterly CEO meetings, and conference) to update them on the state
officers of its Dealing Members through of its business.

Page 71 [email protected]

j. Appointment of Council Members k. Induction and Training of Council
The Exchange developed a Members
comprehensive, clearly defined and Newly appointed Council members are
transparent procedure for appointment to onboarded in order to ensure that they can
the Council.This procedure is promptly and efficiently discharge their
documented in the Exchange’s Policy on duties. The onboarding process is to build
Nomination/Appointment of a solid foundation for informed oversight
Individuals/Institutions to the National of The Exchange. The onboarding process
Council and Branch Councils.The Policy: is set forth as follows:
• Provision of the National Council
(I) Provides a comprehensive, clearly Onboarding Packet;
defined and transparent procedure • A Formal induction session for Council
for the nomination and/ or and for each Committee;
appointment of Individuals / • Familiarization meeting with The
Institutions to the Council and the Exchange’s Management team; and
Branch Councils; • Completion of the Self-Assessment
Form to determine training needs.
(ii) Ensures that The Exchange together
with the Branch Exchanges are Council members are provided with the
managed and overseen by necessary support and resources during
competent, capable and trustworthy their tenure as Council Members and are
individuals resulting in an effective trained annually based on identified
Council and Branch Councils; and training needs to ensure effective
oversight in a dynamic and changing
(iii) E n s u r e s t h a t t h e C o u n c i l i s environment.
structured in such a way that it has
an understanding of The Exchange’s One of the major training avenue is the
current and emerging issues, as well organization of technical tours to other
as the requisite competence and global exchanges to enable Council
ability to oversee Management, as it Members increase their knowledge base,
addresses these emerging issues. learn best practices and processes in
these jurisdictions as well as establish
The Governance and Remuneration mutually beneficial relationships. In 2019,
Committee (GARC) is responsible for the National Council undertook a tour to
assessing and nominating potential the B3B. In view of The Exchange’s
candidates (who shall first become imminent transition to a for profit
members of The Exchange) to the business via demutualization, the 2019
Council and its Committees, and to Technical Tour afforded the National
Branch Councils and recommending Council the opportunity to leverage on the
these candidates to the Council for B3’s unique market positioning for best-
consideration to fill a casual vacancy in-class operational excellence, as well as
and or for election at The Exchange’s leverage on learnings from the Brazilian
Annual General Meeting (AGM) and financial ecosystem
at the Branch Council AGM convened
annually by the Branch Council. Once l. Conflict of Interest Policy
approved by the Council, the The National Council maintains a Conflict
candidates for appointment into the of Interest Policy and all Council members
National Council are presented to the are required to execute same stating that
SEC for its approval prior to their they would adhere to its provisions. The
presentation for election at The Conflict of Interest Policy ensures
Exchange’s Annual General transparency and objectivity, protects the
Meeting. There were no interests of The Exchange’s Members,
appointments of Council Members in listed companies, capital market
[email protected]
Page 72

operators and the general investing public and regulations of The Exchange, the
in the course of the activities of the securities law and fraud related to activity
National Council or any of its Committees. within the market run by The Exchange. It
The policy ensures that conflicts of is an important aspect of The Exchange’s
interest, whether real or perceived, that investor protection strategy designed to
may arise within the Council are identified, encourage those with information about
disclosed and managed appropriately. misconduct to come forward to report it
and to provide all stakeholders with the
m. Whistle Blowing Policy means of expressing their concerns in a
The Exchange has designed an effective responsible and effective manner.
whistle blowing program tagged “X-
Whistle”. This is to provide a dynamic and X-Whistle is a very powerful means of
robust capital market regulatory regime. defending and upholding the integrity of
X-Whistle is a program that empowers a the capital market. The Exchange
whistleblower (an employee, an investor, a encourages stakeholders to blow the
compliance officer, an Issuer, a whistle to rid the market of infractions and
stockbroker or any member of the public) misconduct.
to report possible violations of the rules

n. Remuneration Policy

Elements of The Exchange’s Remuneration Policy

Key Principles Underlying Remuneration

Council should not be at a level that can compromise their independence;
Members should match the levels paid to directors in comparable companies, whilst also
taking into consideration Council members’ required competencies, effort and
the scope of the work and duties, and time commitments;
the remuneration paid will not include any performance related elements; and
there will be no pension for Council Members.

Senior attract, motivate and retain required key talents.
Management competitive when benchmarked against comparable companies; and
In order to attract, motivate and retain the required talents, The Exchange’s
philosophy is to target its remuneration structure between the 25th and 50th
percentile of comparable companies. The ability to meet this objective is
dependent on the sustainability of proposed remuneration levels, the business
and the economic realities of the country.

o. Evaluation of the National Council The Exchange engaged
The National Council established a PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited to
system to undertake a formal and evaluate the performance of its Council,
rigorous annual evaluation of its Committees and individual council
performance, that of its committees, the members for the year ended 31 December
Council President and individual Council 2019. The assessment covers the
Members. The National Council Council’s structure and composition,
recognizes that Board evaluation is a responsibilities, processes and
critical structural tool for assessing Board relationships for the year. This report is on
effectiveness and efficiency. The process page 56.
and modalities are clearly defined in the
Evaluation Policy.

Page 73 [email protected]

p. Council Secretary inter se and between Council and
The Council Secretary possesses the Management;
relevant skill, qualification and (iii) Inducts new Council members to
competence necessary to discharge the assist them transit quickly and
duties of her office effectively. Mrs. effectively into their new roles as
Mojisola Adeola was appointed in October Council Members, particularly, to
2015 through a rigorous selection accelerate new members’ integration
process. She is a lawyer and a Chartered and enable them to make quality
Secretary, and she amongst other things: contributions to Council discourse
(I) Provides the National Council and its and decision making;
members with detailed guidance on (iv) Renders ongoing suppor t and
their statutory and fiduciary duties, assistance to the National Council;
governance issues, and how their (v) Organizes relevant professional
responsibilities should be properly training as required by the National
discharged in The Exchange’s Council.
(ii) Manages Council communication
and communication among Council

Page 74 [email protected]

The National

The National Council

Page 76

[email protected]

Profile of
Members of the
National Council

Profile of Members of the National Council

Otunba Abimbola Ogunbanjo Otunba Abimbola Ogunbanjo was Institute of Petroleum (UK) and a
elected President of the National registered capital market consultant
Council of The Nigerian Stock with the Securities and Exchange
Exchange (“The Exchange”) on Commission, Nigeria.
September 25, 2017.
Otunba Ogunbanjo acquired his first
He currently serves as the Managing degree in Business Administration with
Partner of the renowned leading Honours from the prestigious
corporate law firm of Chris Ogunbanjo American College of Switzerland,
& Co (Solicitors). Otunba Ogunbanjo Switzerland. He proceeded to the
serves on the boards of several University of Buckingham,
multinational corporations and non- Buckingham where he obtained his law
profit organizations including Beta degree. He attended the New York
Glass PLC and the Advisory Board of Institute of Finance where he obtained
the University of Buckingham Centre his Capital Markets Certificate.
for Extractive Studies. He is a past
Board member of GTL Registrars and
ConocoPhillips amongst others.

Otunba Ogunbanjo is a member of the
International Bar Association, Nigerian
Bar Association, Institute of Directors,

Mr. Onyema has been CEO and chairman of WACMIC, where he
member of the National Council of The supported efforts to integrate
Exchange since April 2011. In this role, securities markets in the West African
he is responsible for superintending sub-region.
the general working of The Exchange.
Prior to relocating to Nigeria, he served
Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON, FIoD Mr. Onyema is the Chairman of Central as Senior Vice President and Chief
Chief Executive Officer Securities Clearing System Plc; the Administrative Officer at American
clearing, settlement and depository for Stock Exchange (Amex). He also ran
the Nigerian capital market, and the the NYSE Amex equity business after
pioneer chairman of NG Clearing the merger of NYSE Euronext and
Limited, which is championing the Amex in 2008.
development of the Central Clearing
Counterparty in Nigeria. He also serves He holds the Nigerian National honor of
as the Chairman of the subsidiaries of Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON);
The Exchange, and the Association of is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors
Securities Exchanges in Nigeria. He (IOD); and member of London Stock
sits on the London Stock Exchange Exchange (LSEG) Africa Advisory
Group Africa Advisory Group. Group. Forbes listed him as one of the
ten most powerful men in Africa in
He has served as a Council member of 2015.
Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers
(CIS); Global Agenda Council member Mr. Onyema completed the Harvard
of World Economic Forum (WEF); Business School Advanced
board member of FMDQ OTC PLC and Management Program (AMP) in 2015.
National Pension Commission of He got his MBA from Baruch College,
Nigeria (PENCOM). He was the New York in 1998; and BSc from
immediate past President of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, in
African Securities Exchanges 1991.
Association ASEA and former

Page 78 [email protected]

Profile of Members of the National Council

Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, CON Mr. Aig-Imoukhuede is the founder and He is Co-Chairman of the UK-Nigeria
Ex-Officio Chairman of Coronation Capital Nigeria Capital Market Task Force, and sits on
Limited. He is also founder of the Africa the board of TCX Investment
Initiative for Governance (“AIG”). His Management Company Netherlands.
career in banking and finance spans He is also Chairman Board of Trustees
three decades and has earned him of the Financial Market Dealers
national as well as international Association, and Chairman of Wapic
recognition including; Commander of Insurance Plc. He is a member of the
the Order of the Niger “CON”, conferred American Academy of Arts and
by the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for Sciences and the International
his contributions to the development of Advisory Board of Oxford University's
banking and finance; Ernst & Young Blavatnik School of Governance.
Entrepreneur of the Year (West Africa);
and African Banker Magazine's “African He holds law degrees from the
Banker of the Year”. University of Benin and the Nigerian
Law School, and a Trium MBA, awarded
Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede led the 2002 jointly by the London School of
acquisition of Access Bank, then a Economics, New York University, and
fringe regional player. As Group HEC Paris.
Managing Director and Chief Executive
Officer, he was head of the team Having retired as President of the
responsible for placing the Bank on an Exchange in 2017, he remains on the
unprecedented growth trajectory, National Council as an Ex-Officio.
transforming the bank into top-5
leadership position in Nigeria. Aigboje
retired as CEO of Access Bank in
December 2013

Mr. Abubakar B. Mahmoud, Mr. Mahmoud is the Managing Partner Mr. Mahmoud is a member of the
SAN, OON, FCIArb (UK) and one of the founding partners of the International Chamber of Commerce
First Vice President law firm of DIKKO & MAHMOUD. He (ICC), London Court of International
was one time Kano State Attorney Arbitration (LCIA) and was accepted
Page 79 General & Commissioner for Justice into the Energy Arbitrators List (EAL) in
and was in the public service (from 2013.
1979 to 1993) as prosecutor and legal
adviser. He held various positions Mr. Mahmoud trained at Ahmadu Bello
including Director Litigation, Public University graduating in 1979. He holds
Prosecution, Solicitor-General at the a Master's degree in Law from the
Ministry of Justice, Kano. He serves on same University. He was at various
the Boards of Africa Initiative for times at different global institutes,
Governance, Stanbic IBTC Pensions including the International
Managers, and MTN Nigeria Plc. Development Law Institute (IDLI) now
IDLO in Rome, Italy, where he obtained
Mr. Mahmoud was elevated to the rank a certificate in Law and Development in
of Senior Advocate of Nigeria in 2001 1987, and Harvard University where he
and is a Life Bencher of the Body of obtained a certificate in Techniques of
Benchers, the highest regulatory body Privatization from the Harvard Institute
for the legal profession in Nigeria. He of International Development (2000).
holds the national honour of the Officer He was also at the Northwestern
of the Order of the Niger (OON). He was University School of Law, where he
elected the 33rd president of the attended the Summer Institute in
Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Corporate Law and Business in 2001.
Nigeria's umbrella association of
professional lawyers on 1 August 2016. [email protected]

Profile of Members of the National Council

Mrs. Cathy Echeozo is the director of She obtained a Bachelor of Science,
Cathingens Organisation, a Social Accountancy from the University of
Investment and Innovation Non- Nigeria in 1984, and a Masters in
Governmental Organization. She has Business Administration (MBA) from
over 33 years' experience in the the University of Maryland University
Banking industry and retired as the College in 2003. She is a fellow of the
Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Institute of Chartered Accountants of
GTBank in March 2017. Nigeria, and a Certified Information
Systems Auditor from the Information
She serves on the Board of Stanbic Systems Audit and Control
IBTC Pensions Managers. She Association.
previously served on the Boards of
Mrs. Catherine Nwakaego Echeozo GTBank, and Nigerian Interbank
Settlement System Plc.

Erelu Angela Adebayo is the Founder of She was also the first Female Chairman
Erelu Adebayo Foundation, and Erelu on the Board of WEMABOD. She serves
Adebayo Children’s Home. She holds on the Boards of Aliko Dangote
the traditional titles Aare Erelu of Ado Foundation, United Bank for Africa,
Ekiti, and Erelu of Iyin Ekiti. Afriland Properties Plc., Meyer Paints
Plc., and Women at Risk Foundation.
She received the Lagos State Award
Eko 2012, ThisDay Award for Service to She obtained a BSC Hon (Social
Nigerian Children 2012, and Ekiti State Science) from the University of Ibadan,
Award for Development of Ekiti State, an MBA from the University of Lagos,
the Society and Humanity. and MPHiL (Cantab) from Cambridge
She was previously the first lady of Ekiti
Erelu Angela Adebayo State and Chairman, Ekiti State Action
Committee on Aids, Service to LASG.

Mrs. Fatimah Bintah Bello- Ismail is the She currently serves on the Boards of
Managing Partner Universal Katsina State Investment and
Chambers, a firm of Barristers, Properties Development Company and
Solicitors and Notary Public. She National Insurance Company of
worked at Kehinde Sofola & Co, and Nigeria.
Continental Merchant Bank Plc.
She obtained her LLB from Ahmadu
She served as a panelist on WIMBIZ's Bello University Zaria (LLB) and was
10th Anniversary Lecturer Series called to the Nigerian Bar in 1984.
“Women on Board” in March 2012. She
Mrs Fatimah Bintah Bello–Ismail was invited by the Republic of Turkey to
(Representing Katsina State participate in the W20 (Women 20)
Investment & Property Summit- a sub group and initiative of
Development Co. Limited) the Term Presidency of Turkey G20 in
Ordinary Member (Institutional) October 2015. She is the Secretary of
the International Cancer Centre Abuja.

Page 80 [email protected]

Profile of Members of the National Council

Mr. Oluwole Adeosun Mr. Oluwole Ololade Adeosun is the He was re-elected as a Council
(Representing Chartwell Managing Director/Chief Executive Member of the Chartered Institute of
Securities Limited) Officer of Chartwell Securities Limited. Stockbrokers in April 2017. He serves
Dealing Member Chartwell Securities Limited is on the Boards of Chartwell Securities
registered by the Securities and Limited, Chartwell Bureau De Change
Exchange Commission as a Ltd, Chartwell BDC (UK) Limited,
Broker/Dealer firm and an Issuing Chartwell Partners (Chartered
House. He was the Chief Executive Accountants, Chartwell HUB (UK)
Officer of Intercontinental Securities Limited. He is a past Director of
Limited from 2000 – 2007. Intercontinental Securities Limited and
Abuja Securities Exchange.
He served as a pioneer member of the
Governing Council of the Government He obtained a B.Sc (Hons) Business
promoted Abuja Securities Exchange Administration from the University of
(Now National Commodity Exchange) Ilorin in 1986. He qualified as a
from 2005 – 2007. He is an active Chartered Accountant in May 1991,
participant in the affairs of the and proceeded to the University of
Association of Stockbroking Houses of Lagos for the Executive MBA (Finance)
Nigeria and serve on its Legal and program which he completed in 1993.
Market Development & Technical He was at the prestigious New York
Committees. As a capital market Institute of Finance in 1999 for the
professional, he was involved in the flagship US Capital Markets program.
packaging and execution of major He enrolled for the elite Lagos Business
capital raising issues, mergers and School Chief Executives Program
acquisition mandates and debt which he completed in May 2006. He is
conversion transactions in the Nigerian a fellow of the Institute of Chartered
capital market before and after the Accountants of Nigeria, Chartered
universal banking era. In January 1997, Institute of Bankers of Nigeria,
he initiated representation to the Chartered Institute of Taxation of
Securities & Exchange Commission Nigeria, Chartered Institute of
that led to the Nigerian Capital market Stockbrokers, and the Institute of
precedent for the absorption of Directors. He is a member of the
oversubscription monies which Society for Corporate Governance.
hitherto was returned to investors.

Mr. Kamarudeen Oladosu Mr. Kamarudeen Kareem Oladosu, a Boards of Focal Point Travels Limited,
(Representing Equity Capital chartered accountant and stockbroker, MTI Plc (Nigeria and Ghana), Three
Solutions Ltd.) is the Managing Director of Equity Points Industries Limited, UBN
Dealing Member Capital Solutions Ltd. Equity Capital Property Plc. and EDC Registrars.
Solutions Limited (ECSL) provides
capital market services such as Mr. Oladosu holds an HND in
Securities Dealing, Issuing House Accountancy from the Polytechnic
functions, investment & financial Ibadan, a Master of Business
advisory services and other anciliary Administration (MBA) from Bayero
services. He was former Head of University Kano in 1999 and he
Securities Dealing Services of the attended the Prestigious Lagos
defunct Intercontinental Bank Plc. Business School's Senior Manager
Programme in 2005. He also attended
Mr. Oladosu was a former member of the Wharton School (University of
the Finance Committee of the Pennsylvania) Advanced Management
Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers Program in July 2010 and Harvard
from 2009-2014, a former Board Business School's Executive Education
member of the Corporate Finance in July 2011. He is a fellow of the
Management Faculty of the Institute of Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Chartered Accountants of Nigeria Nigeria, and an Associate of the
(ICAN) from 2008 – 2015, and a Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers,
member of the Finance & General Chartered Institute Of Taxation of
Purpose Committee of ICAN from Nigeria, and Certified Pension Institute
2013–2014. He currently serves on the of Nigeria.

Page 81 [email protected]

Profile of Members of the National Council

Mr. Yomi Adeyemi Mr. Yomi Adeyemi is the Managing fellow of both the Chartered Institute of
(Representing Fortress Capital Director and Chief Executive Officer of Stockbrokers and Institute of
Limited) Fortress Capital Limited. Fortress Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. He is
Dealing Member Capital Limited (formerly Heritage also a CFA Charterholder.
Investment and Securities Limited) is
duly registered by Securities & He currently serves on the Boards of
Exchange Commission as an Issuing BDT Properties & Development
House, Broker/ Dealer and was Company Limited, Toksmail BDC
admitted as a dealing member of The Limited, Connect Marketing Services
Exchange in 1997. Fortress Capital Ltd, and , Livestock Feeds Plc.
Limited offers securities trading, asset
management and investment advisory He obtained a B.Sc in
services. Mathematics/Statistics from the
University of Lagos, and is a Graduate
Mr. Adeyemi was the former group of Owner Management Program (OMP
head of Financial Advisory at Core 19), Lagos Business School.
Trust & Investment Limited. He is a

Mr. Seyi Osunkeye is the Managing He obtained his B.SC Hons
Director of Pilot Securities Limited. (Accounting) from the University of
Pilot Securities Limited is a Dealing Lagos, Nigeria in 1990. He also
Member of The Exchange and is obtained an MBA in Financial
licenced by the Securities & Exchange Management from the University of
Commission as a Broker /Dealer. He Hull, England, UK. He is a fellow of the
was a former Treasurer of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Association of Stockbroking Houses of Nigeria, and Chartered Institute of
Nigeria. Stockbrokers. He is a member of the
Institute of Directors and Society for
He currently serves on the Boards of Corporate Governance.
Alpgam Energy Plc, Greenfield
Mr. Seyi Osunkeye Integrated Energy Services Limited
(Representing Pilot Securities Letshego Microfinance Limited, and
Limited) Star Gaming Limited.
Dealing Member

Page 82 [email protected]

Profile of Members of the National Council

Mr. Chidi Agbapu is the Managing He obtained a BSc in Economics from
Director of Planet Capital Ltd. Planet the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and a
Capital Limited is a boutique firm Masters in Banking & Finance from the
licensed by The Exchange and Security University of Lagos. He completed the
and Exchange Commission to operate Advance Management Programme at
as an Issuing House, Stockbrokers and the Lagos Business School.
Financial Advisors. He was former
Managing Director of Emerging Capital

Chidi Agbapu He is the Chairman of the Shareholders
(Representing Planet Capital Audit Committee of Fidelity Bank Plc.
Ltd.) He serves on the Board of General
Dealing Member Cotton Mill Onitsha, MTI Plc., and MTI
Ltd (Ghana). He is a past director of
Central Securities Clearing System
(CSCS), Bendel Feeds & Flour Mill Plc.

Mr. Patrick Ajayi Mr. Patrick Adebayo Ajayi is the He is a Member of the Statutory Audit
(Representing WCM Capital Managing Director/CEO of WCM Committee, Central Securities Clearing
Ltd.) Capital Ltd (Previously known as Systems Plc.
Dealing Member Woodland Capital Markets Plc). He
qualified as a Stock Broker in 2004 and Mr. Ajayi holds a Bachelor of Science
worked with Surport Services Limited- Degree in Physics from the Obafemi
[a stockbroking Firm] prior to joining Awolowo University (Ile-Ife). He is an
Woodland Capital Markets Plc. in 2013. Associate member of the following
He helped to turn around the fortunes Professional Bodies Institute of
of Woodland Capital Markets Plc. when Chartered Accountants of Nigeria,
he joined in 2013 as part of the new Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers,
Management Team. and the Commodities Brokers
Association of Nigeria.
He serves on the Boards of Ned Phillips
Capital Limited, WCM3 Investments
Ltd. and Letshego Microfinance Bank.

Page 83 [email protected]

Report of the
National Council

Report of the Council

For the year ended 31 December 2019

The Council presents their report on the affairs companies namely; NGX Real Estate
of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (“The Limited (formerly Naira Properties
Exchange”) and its subsidiaries (together “the Limited) , Coral Properties Limited, NSE
Group"), together with the financial statements Consult Limited and NSE Nominees
and independent auditors' report for the year Limited. The Exchange also has interests
ended 31 December, 2019. in NG Clearing Limited and Central
Securities Clearing System Plc (CSCS) as
a. Legal form associate companies.
The Exchange was incorporated in Nigeria
as a private company limited by shares on c. Operating results
15 September 1960 as Lagos Stock Gross earnings of the Group recorded an
Exchange and its name changed to the increase of 6% (2018: decrease of 6%) and
Nigerian Stock Exchange on 15 December surplus before tax recorded a decrease of
1977. The Exchange was re- incorporated 18% (2018: decrease of 23%). Gross
as a Company Limited by Guarantee on 18 earnings for the Group comprises
December 1990. revenue, other income and share of profit
of equity accounted investees. For The
b. Principal activities and business review Exchange, gross earnings increased by
The principal activities of The Exchange 6% (2018: declined by 2%) and the surplus
are to provide facilities to the public for the before tax decreased by 31% (2018:
purchase and sale of securities, platform decreased by 17%). Highlights of the
for the listing of securities and sale of Group and The Exchange's
securities to the public, market data and operating results for the year under review
market indices for sale to the public. The are as follows:
Exchange has four (4) subsidiary

In thousands of naira Group Group Exchange Exchange
Revenue and other income 2019 2018 2019 2018
Share of profit of equity accounted investee 7,783,358 7,671,488
Surplus before tax 1,531,589 1,302,603 8,592,037 8,275,622
Income tax expense 2,301,798 2,805,027 - -
Surplus after taxation (30,925) (101,583)
Surplus 2,270,873 2,703,444 1,523,852 2,196,884
Appropriations: 2,270,873 2,703,444 - -
Other comprehensive income
Transfer to accumulated funds 250,277 103,152 1,523,852 2,196,884
2,521,150 2,806,596 1,523,852 2,196,884

9,710 -
1,533,562 2,196,884

d. Council members’ interests in contracts in a contract with Coral Properties during
Mr. Mahmoud has notified The the year.
Exchange, for the purpose of section 277
of the Companies and Allied Matters Act e. Property and Equipment
CAP C20 LFN 2004 (CAMA), of his interest Information relating to changes in

Page 85 [email protected]

property and equipment is given in Note maintained;
16 of the financial statements. In the ii. Internal control procedures are
opinion of the Council members, the
market value of the Group’s properties is instituted which, as far as is reasonably
not significantly different from the value possible, safeguard the assets, prevent
shown in the annual report. and detect fraud and other
f. Council members responsibilities iii. Applicable accounting standards are
The Council members are responsible for followed;
the preparation of financial statements iv. Judgments and estimates made are
which give a true and fair view of the state reasonable and prudent;
of affairs and comply with Companies and v. Suitable accounting policies are
Allied Matters Act (CAMA). They are adopted and consistently applied; and
obliged to ensure that: vi. The going concern basis is used, unless
I. P ro p e r a c c o u n t i n g re c o rd s a re it is inappropriate to presume that The
Exchange will continue in business.

g. Human Resources
i. Report on Diversity in Employment The Exchange operates a non discriminatory policy (Work
Force Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy) in the consideration of applications for
employment. The Exchange’s policy is that the most qualified and experienced persons are
recruited for appropriate job levels, irrespective of an applicant’s state of origin, ethnicity, religion,
gender or physical condition.

We believe diversity and inclusiveness are powerful drivers of competitive advantage in
developing and understanding our customers’ needs and creatively addressing them.

(a) Composition of Employees by Gender (b) Top Management Composition
(AGM to DGM) by Gender

59% 100% 78%


41% 40% 22%

Male Female 0%
Male Female
( c) Top Management Composition
(General Manager to CEO) by Gender (d) Council Composition by Gender

90% 80% 23%





30% 20% 77%
20% Male Female


0% Male Female

Page 86 [email protected]

ii. Employment of Disabled Persons iv. Employee Training and Development
The Exchange continues to maintain a The Exchange places premium on staff
policy of giving fair consideration to the capacity development. In accordance
application for employment made by with its policy, The Exchange provides
disabled persons with due regard to continuous learning programmes to
their abilities and aptitude. The ensure that employees across all
Exchange’s policy prohibits accountability levels remain
discrimination against disabled competent and competitive
persons in the recruitment, training and throughout their career with the
career development of its employees. Exchange.
In the event of members of staff
becoming disabled, efforts will be Several programmes targeted at staff
made to ensure that their employment development have been developed /
continues and appropriate training deployed such as: The Leadership
arranged to ensure that they fit into the Enhancement And Development
Exchange's working environment. (LEAD) Programme, designed to
groom and expand the capacity of staff
iii. Health, Safety and Welfare at Work to take on higher responsibilities.
The Exchange enforces strict health Bespoke courses organised for
and safety rules and practices at the employees based on job requirement.
work environment, which are reviewed Local and international courses
and tested regularly. The Exchange available to staff within the training
enrolls staff with top-class health budget. All these are complemented by
maintenance organisations that continuous on-the-job training,
provide medical care for staff and through mentorship and coaching.
their immediate families at the
Exchange’s expense. To ensure effective communication on
learning deployments, formal and
The Exchange has an HIV policy and informal channels are employed while
promotes a non-discriminatory work communicating with employees with
environment for people living with HIV an appropriate two-way feedback
and other illness. Preventive health mechanism.
talks are organized for employees on
managing prevalent medical h. Operational Risk
conditions and annual medical checks Operational risk is the risk that the Group
are implemented through The would suffer a loss as a result of
Exchange's contracted health inadequate or failed processes, people
maintenance organisations. and systems (including information
technology and infrastructure) or from
Fire prevention and fire-fighting external events. By definition, operational
equipment are installed in strategic risk excludes business risks (strategic and
locations within The Exchange’s management) and financial risks (market,
premises. In line with its family-friendly credit, and liquidity) but include all
focus and fitness, The Exchange also potential events that may impact one or
operates a crèche facility and Gym at more operational objectives of the Group.
its Head Office.
Operational risk can arise due to human
The Exchange operates both a Group oversight, fraudulent acts, and
Personal Accident Insurance and the inappropriate behaviour of employees or
Employees' Compensation Scheme for system failure. These events could result
the benefit of its employees. It also in financial losses, including litigations
contributes to a contributory pension and regulatory fines, as well as
plan in line with the Pension Reform reputational damage to the Group and can
Act 2014. manifest in any of the following forms:

Page 87 [email protected]

business process execution failures, implemented global standard operational
damage to tangible and intangible assets, risk management methodologies
threat to workplace health and safety, intended to enhance our risk mitigating
fraud and theft, compliance failures, controls and proactive management of
technology failures and damages. inherent operational risks.

The Group recognizes that operational I. Events after reporting date
risks are inherent within its current There were no events after reporting date
operations, and may emerge from requiring adjustment of, or disclosure in,
implementing new business decisions or these consolidated and separate financial
from other internal and external changes. statements.
Our approach to managing operational
risk is through a comprehensive, j. Auditor
systematic, disciplined and proactive Messrs. KPMG Professional Services
process implemented to identify, assess, having satisfied the relevant corporate
mitigate, monitor and report operational governance rules on their tenure in office,
risk related to the achievement of our have indicated their willingness to
strategic objectives and is embodied continue in office as auditors to the
within the Council approved Enterprise Exchange in accordance with section
Risk Management Framework. 357(2) of the Companies and Allied
Matters Act (CAMA) of Nigeria. Therefore,
The Exchange has conducted an the auditor will be re-appointed at the next
enterprise-wide assessment on all its Annual General Meeting of the Exchange
activities, processes, its procedures and without any resolution being passed.

By Order of the Council

Mrs. Mojisola Adeola
Lagos, Nigeria
18 February 2020

Page 88 [email protected]

Council Members'

Statement of Council members'
responsibilities in relation to the Financial

For the year ended 31 December 2019

The Council members accept responsibility for Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and for
the preparation of the annual consolidated and such internal control as the Council members
separate financial statements that give a true determine is necessary to enable the
and fair view in accordance with the preparation of financial statements that are free
International Financial Reporting Standards from material misstatement whether due to
and in the manner required by the Companies fraud or error.
and Allied Matters Act Cap C.20, Laws of the
Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and the Financial The Council members have made an
Reporting Council of Nigeria Act, 2011. assessment of the Group and Exchange’s
ability to continue as a going concern and have
The Council members further accept no reason to believe the Group and the
responsibility for maintaining adequate Exchange will not remain a going concern in the
accounting records as required by the year ahead.
Companies and Allied Matters Act Cap C.20,


Otunba Abimbola Ogunbanjo Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON
FRC/2013/NBA/00000004358 FRC/2013/IODN/00000001802
President Chief Executive Officer
18 February 2020 18 February 2020

Page 90 [email protected]

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