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Published by nooreliza6, 2021-08-22 09:25:05



Key Words wilir l)a)J(,,:[ i trrri.]irr)o r-rj(jlj

ll t, , tlt( ):,1 ltl, ll(.)t-t1iy rtl(,r)l \A/(-)tri:, in ille i':r'rgir:;l-t

l, tl ri li ti tr ll ri( )()t riilir;t)lly tOl;r-:O[r;i]r,.:r.i Onr-i WOf ICJ
't rl'v'vl tli I Key WOfdS o:l tt
li S(llOnr(iiilir(_io.;t-;t.,f-ircc;lior-tni tfl'rrt,r,
,' ttrrt ti I lr , ri )r )( J l,r .t()(,rclti,lUl1y

12 Key Words tTroi.i,,) ll,) One qUorter
r.rl llrr,:,c,) v'/() iGO(l 0[t(i ttlrik,:

'l00 Key Words tn.)1.,.(::) r. tir holf oi lltose

\\/( I l( tr .tr J r I t rr ..] tr,zrill-:

/^rl ,, ri rl 300 Key Words,r. ;r.oL rnl iol three quorters
oI ll tol,( ) Vr/(,: rt,] ctnd v,lrrle:

llr,r 1, rt llrir tr.l 1( ) tr)(,,,,1t iil-,r: lirc,,:t;e; ot^l siglnl,
I jtr,t
jct;1ot'tc.l rnr-tst
, 'i rilr r will t rr ) r )[rir ]o j)r..lrlily r rf tr r,1t,lic_;,, s;e|'.ltencL-.s

Irtr. t( ;l I tt1ltr ) .

l,l rr lL r i rli ll r, , i ,, ,r ,i, :; w lit y', rr tt (:l'rilri i)rr )w your Chtlrj's
, i11i ,r ilii ,1 l ll llrr ) r,l rr lIrl i,I oitol tv/ori.J, wl ]ot(.) o[c |f-r,:
l, rll il11, ,t:t'rr' Wl r( )t( )iltl lir, ,l, riltltl, wlllI1rctrll, if-titl r.l|(,)r.) cjrtv;n?

| 1 , i )r 1( 1( 1r , rrrr i( 1t , ;l rtli I l,, ,t r( )( )( ,1rtir;O lltr,: lt:lk-.,r:;
llr, t1 ttr'tIr:rtf rlr ir ;l twi-rrtl,

lit,,frt, ;lrilll ,il tllti,,l,,rr ,l..rllltt ti. tt tr J, trllrrflt()l(.(..)fl.leWCtrClS
i ,( l.,li ,l l., , l1 ir Jr rl;], tli ] l'r ,i1 1l ir , ll rr t r tir;lllolj on JLte [)L)!JO

r l, Yr ,t lt i I ri, 1 :;r 1'7'; llri )Wlti lt; li I ltt tir J lf r,t,;t)t'ttKX)ltof l
i ,i ,lr,,n/l.I r lVr ,,rr ll; L ll rr i w, tl llti tV r ]t:ilr,:li[tO,



jKey Words wiil"t Pe;ler cl-r( lr. jlr,, l'rrLs lhre;c:

[)oroi]er'l series, (-:i-tr-;i't ci-.,r r loinirtr-; fvyt,:lvt: I rr )ol(St Aii thr,:e:
s:iriā‚¬js ore writit':n t.trjincT,li-re son't{l (iott)lr;lly cr,rntrr.lile,.j

voe.tDr;1r:;ry, [?ec;r-Jr:rs] \^/ili get the rrost or.rl i.,l Key Words v"ziti-r
Perler oncj ..]r-rne wl'ren tlrey loilow ii-re [rrrolis rr-r lhe poilerrl
io, I O, lr-t, ?r;,21t, ?(. r-it-],._.J i,r- , _rl r,

g roiJ ur,,i ily l n iu-rcJ uc:e;r r; ncJ [c\p,oo l s nevru wol-cs,

prr rrrielc;s f ilr lilt-tr prc)clic-L. of l'l' resc; so n'to worcJs, br t l
it-t c-; r.iil[t-r',:rrl ct-,nlttrt c;ncj wilrlrJifferent ilirrsj'r.-lfiot-rri,

$erles c

t-iSCS for-nilior worcls to leooh phonics oii-.l rnethiocJicc;l wr,ry,
er.robling chriicjron to reccj i norec;s i ng iy-,J iffici ; lI v",orcis
It olso provides o lir''rk io wriiin(:),

it' l
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Published by Lcdybird Bccks Ltd
A Penguin Compcny

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tADYBIRD ctntj tho cjevice cf c lcCyb rd cre trcder-ncrks cf Lcdybircj Bocks Ltd
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stcred in cr relricvcl system, or trcnsnnilled in ony fcrm cr by ony r-neons,
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rsBN 978-r -40930-1 t4-r

Prinied in Chlnc

ffilu,f"u r}*r#r, i:rilt*i{l,,iy, ;,rii.4; I

written by W [Vurroy

illustroted by M Aitchiso





Off they go. Peter wolks with
Doddy, ond Jone wcl lks with
Mummy. They go by the houses
ond the shops. They see some cors

ond 0 bus. On they go to the hill.

"l like to go where there ore trees

ond flowefs," sctys Jone. "Where do
you Wont to go, PeteY?"

"l wont to go where I con see

robbits ond horses. I like to go by

the fo rm," soys Peter.

Doddy sctys, "Yes, we con go by
the fo rm."

"Look," soys Jone. " I con reod
where it soys TO TH E H lLL."

"Yes," soys Pgt er, " ond I con reod

new words by where

Ym %.^
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Now they wolk by the woter. Pot
wonts to go into the woter. Peter

will not let him. " l wont to look for

fiSh," he soys.

"l con see two down th ere," soys
Jone, " Look, Peter con you see o *
big one ond o little on e?"

"\qlhere?" sctys Peter. Then he
soys, "Yes, I con see them. I con see

them nou,/,"

Mummy ond Doddy go on. They

ore by the trees. "l con see the hill

now," soys Mummy.

Doddy looks for the children.

"Come ofl," he soys. "We will go on
to the form. We con get some milk

t h ere.''

"Yes ",sclys Mummy, "\ /e will oll

huve some milk."

new word's now them

.'''., ,



Mummy, Doddy ond the children
wolk up to the form. They go by the

pigs. There ore two big pigs ond
two little ones.

Jone likes the little pigs. She

gives them some of her coke. Peter

hos some opples ond he glves some
of them to one of the big pigs. "This
big pig likes oppleS," he soys. " He
wonts oll of them nou,/."

"\Vhere ore Mummy ond Doddy?"

soys Jone.

"They ctre by the co\A,/s," sctys

Peter. "They wont to get some milk
for us. Come on, Jone, ond hove

some milk no\ru."

The two children wolk to Mummy
ond Doddy. They wont some milk.



They oll go in. "Here you ore,"

soys the mCIn. "Here is some milk for
yqo L)."

Jone ond Peter ond Mummy
hove some of the milk, ond Doddy
soys, " Now I wont some, pleose."

The mon works on the form ond
he "l ikes to tolk to them obout it. He
tolks obout the cows, CInd he tolks
obout the pigs. He likes his work.

Then Doddy tolks to the mon
obout the wolk. He soys where they
wont to go. "Yes," soys the mon, "l
Iike to wolk up the hill. I like to be up
there. You ccln see the see."

He gives Pot some milk.

new words tolk obout

They ccln see the top no\n/. They
con see the top of the hill.

J'We will stop of the top to eot,"

soys Doddy.

"Yes," sclys PeteY, "let us wolk to

the top ond then eot. We oll wont to
eot. "

"Look," soys Jone, con see


"Yes," soys Mummy, "do not go

there." Then she soys, " Con you see
the troin?"

"Yes," sclys Jone, " l con see it
down there. lt looks Iike o toy troin."

"Look of the little houses," soys

Peter. "lt is f u n to see them like this.

Now I con see the form."
The children tolk obout the form.

new words top eot

Here they ore in the sun of the top

of the hill, Mummy, Doddy ond the
chi Idren oll llke the sun. They stop
now to look down the hill.

They con see the form ond o mon
with some cows. The cows ore
goin_g to the woter by the trees. A
Iittle red cor is going to the form. The
troin is going to the stotion.

"Look," soys Jone. " l con sge the

seo. ! con see the sun on the seo."

"Yes," scrys Peta(, "l con see it. I

con see the seo. There is o boot on

The children Iike to tolk obout the


new words su n going


There ore trees of the top of the

hill. Doddy soys, " Now we will eot

by-this tree." Jone ond Peter help
Mummy, ond then they oll sit down
to eot.

Doddy wonts to sit by the tree.
Mummy ond the children Iike to be
in the sun. Pot sits with them. They

oll sit where they con look down the


Doddy tolks obout the ofternoon.

He soys , "Wq ore going to ploy in

the sun this ofternoon, ond then we

ore going to wolk down the hill for
teo. "

"Good," soys Peter. "lt will be fun
to ploy with Doddy thls ofternoon."

new words

srt ofternoon


..6..lti$i'Yr Y- ;d'?

It is the ofternoon. Doddy,
Mummy, Jone ond Peter sit in the
sun of the top of the hill. Pot wonts
to eot. The children tolk obout the
gomes they like.

Then Peter soys to Doddy, "Are

you going to ploy with us this

ofterhoon? You soid so."

"Yes," scrys Jone, "you sold so."

"Yes," soys Doddy, "l soid it, so I

will ploy. Whot do you wont to


"Let us ploy with the boll," soys

Peter. "lt will be good fun."

Doddy ond Jone hove the boll"

Peter wonts to get it, ond Doddy

ond Jone hove to stop hirn

new words soid so

*il # . -!*-

new words


Down go the robbits, so thot the

dog connot get them. Pot wonts to

gg down ofter them . " Look, he is

going down ofter the robbits now,"
soys Jone. " Pull him out, Peter. Pull

him out, pleose."

" soys lVl ummy, "pul Il him

out now, Pet elr,"

Peter pulls ond pulls of Pot. "Here

he comes," soys Jone. " Good for

you, Pet er." 'i

Now Fot is out. He runs owcly.
"Let him gb,",, soys Doddy. "He will
come ofter us. We hove to go @n


The ofternoon sun is going do\ /n.
lVl ummy soys she wonts some teo.

They wolk ,.on down th,e hill. Pot

comes ofter thern.

new words pull out




The children tolk obout the dog

ond the robbits. "lt wos good of you
to pull Pot out," soys Jone to Peter.

"You must hove some teo ofter thot."

"Yes, we ore going to hove teo

now," scrys Jone , " Doddy soid so."

Hgre they ore of o teo shop. "lt

scrys AFTERNOON TEAS," sctys

Peter. "l ccln reod it. Let us go in ond

sit down out of the sun. I wont
to eot," he soys.

"Yes," sclys Mummy, "\ /e con eot
here, but whot obout the dog?"

"He con come in," soys Doddy,
"but he must be o good dog."

"Yes" soys Jone to Pot. "You

must be cl good dog."

new words must but

ln they go . "You must be o good

dog," soys Jone to Pot. "You must
s|t here by my choir ond not run


Doddy pulls out o choir for

Mummy. Peter sits on o little choir,

ond Doddy hos cr big choir. "\Vhot
ore -\ /e going to eot?" osks Doddy.

"l must hove some teo, but I do

not wont to eot," scrys Mummy.

"Con we hove some coke ond

some milk, pleose?" osk Peter ond


The girl comes up to them, ctnd

Doddy osks her for teo ond milk ond
cokes. After this they oll tolk obout

the ofternoon. "lt wos ct good gome

of the top of the hill," sctys Peter.

new words choir osks

ilil JF,,*


After they hove hod teo Jone ond
Peter see cl boy ond o girl come into
the teo shop. " Look," soys Jolte.

"They go to our school. We must

tolk to them."
"Ccln we tolk to them now,

pleos e?" Peter osks Doddy.
"Yes," he soys, " but let Pot sit

here by my choir."

Jone ond Peter go to tolk to the

boy ond girl. They pull out choirs
ond sit down. "We hove hod our
teo," soys Peter.

They tolk obout the ofternoon
wolk to the top of the hill. Then they
tolk obout school. Pot runs to Jone.
"No, Pot," she soys. "You ore not
going to run obout in here. Doddy

soid so."

new words hod our


Doddy gets up from his ch0ir.
"We hove hod our teo ond now we

n1 ust go," he soys. "We will wotk to
the stotion ond go home by troin."

The children like this.

They go out frorn the shop ond
wolk down the street. ln the street

the -Children look in the sweet shops

ond the toy shops, but they do not

stop. Pot pulls Jone ofter hlm.

Peter osks Doddy where the

stotion is. "lt is in thls street:' soys
Doddy.'.On you go, ond do

not let the dog run owcty from you.

The children wont to get to the
stotion. They like to go by troin.

new words f rom street

The children soon come to the

stotion. They go in from the street.
As they go in, cl big troin pulls out

from the stotion. They look cls it is

going by.

"lt is cl goods troin," soys Peter,

" ond there clre pigs ond cows on it."

Pot wonts to run ofter it, but Jone
will not let him . "Keep by me," she
soys to her dog. "You must not run
ofter the tro in. "

As Mummy ond Doddy come

Jone osks, "Where is our troin?"

"lt will be here soofr," sctys

Doddy. "The mon soid so."

Then the troin comes in. "Come

o[," scrys Mummy. "Let us get in.

We will soon be home."

new words soon Cls

As soon CIs they sit down in the

troin the children look out of the
window. From the window tney

con see more ond more streets ond
hou$es going by.

'Now we con see the hill where
we hod our wolk," soys Jone.
"Look out of the window, Mummy,
you con see more no\n/. You con see
the top of the hill. I con see where
we hod our gome."

" Con you see the form , Jon e?"

ctsks Peter.

"Yes," she soys , "there ore some

cows by the form house, qnd some

more cows by the pigs."

"Now I con see where you hod to

pull Pot owoy from the robbits,"

she soys. -

new words window more

ff I;F 'F-


t^*ffifi,, ffi*'



Who is the other mon in the troin?

He is from the form, CInd he tolks to
D'oddy obout it.


Who is the grrl with Jone? The

mon from the form is her Doddy.

Who is the other bo y? He is from

Peter's school. He eots on clpple, He

hos some more opples on'd Eiv^es

one to Jone, one to Peter, ond ome 1


Jone ond Peter tolk to the boy

ond girl obout the wolk they hove

.hod. The girl osks Jone to come Io#I
',, " \J'

As Doddy looks out of the :":

window he soys, "We will soon

come to our stotion."



As the troin stops , Peter looks out
of the window. "Which stotion is

thi s?" he osks.

"Yes, which is osks Jone.

"lt is our stotioff," soys Doddy.

"We get out here. Get the bogs.

Which ore our bogs?"

Mummy gets her bog. Doddy hos

the other. Then they oll get out.
Jone tolks to the other girl, who *
helps her with Pot. "Thonk you,"

she soys.

They go from the stotion to the

street cls soon os they con. "Pot

wonts to wcrll(," scrys Jone.,

"Yes," scrys Mummy, "but we

must get o bus." .

" Let us sit on top of the bus,"

scrys Peter.

new wor:ds which bog

They wolk down the street.
"!Vhich is our bus?" ctsks Peter.
l-'\A/hich is it?" he osks clgoin.

"Not this one, the other on e,"

soys Mummy. She osks Peter to
toke the dog into the bus.

But Pot will not get on. He

wcrnts to run owcty.

"You must get o[," sctys Peter.

"Here comes Doddy," soys Jone

from the window. " He will help."

Doddy helps Mummy on to the

bus. Then Peter tokes the bog from
Doddy, os Doddy puts Pot on to the

bus. More boys who go to Peter's
schoot get on. They tolk to Peter

obout the gome they hove hod.

new words crgoin tokes

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Peter ond his sister get off the bus
to wolk home. Soon they go by the
sihool. "\A/hot do you like to do ot
scho ol?" Jone crsks her brother.

"l like to reod ond drow," sctys


"So do 1," soys his sister. "Or
I like to moke things," she soys.

"Look, Doddy is golng to tolk to
thot policemofl," Peter soys.

"Yes," soys Jone, "we know him,
ond we know his little boy who
comes to our school,"

Mummy tolks to the men in the
shop. She wonts some things for
the house. Peter tokes the bogs
ggoin to help Mummy. He ond his
sister wont to go home now.

new words sister know



t2 bt''f
ffi F. I

"Look," soys Peter to his sister.

"\Vhot is this?"

-'Reod oll obout it!" soys the

mon. "Reod oll obout it!'t

Peter knows how to reod. He
reods, "BlG FIRE THIS


"We sow the firemen go:' soys

Jone to her brother. "We sow them

from the bus. The men know how to

put o fire out. They will hove put it
out by no\A,/."

Peter soys to his sister, "l con
reod some more. Look, it soys


reods it ogoin to his Doddy, ond

Jone reods to her Mummy.

Doddy soys, "lt is good thot our

children know how to reod,"

new words how

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