The smuggler saw the two policemen dive into
the water and start to swim towards him. He stood
up in the boat and dived out of it, away from the
two men who were quickly coming close to him.
The smuggler was also a strong swimmer. He
headed out to sea towards the ship which could
just be seen in the distance.
One of the policemen swam after him. The other
climbed into the boat and after a few minutes started
the engine. He then followed the swimmers in the
boat. When he came to the second policeman he
stopped the boat to let him climb in. Then they
headed for the smuggler, who was still in the water.
They soon caught up with the smuggler, who
then gave in. "Al1 right," he said, "I give up." He
then climbed into the boat.
Simon and John had watched the end of the
chase from the rock ledge outside the cave.
As they saw the smuggler get into the boat
Simon said, "Well, that is the end of the mystery
at the holiday camp."
"What a story to tell Peter and Janer" said John.
New words used in this book :rt
Page Page changed alarm
chase yourselves
+ being built 24 visited unusual
builder's foreman reason workmen
staff becar.ne
difficult pool yet announced Gala
events Junior
hundreds ages 26 Competition swam
nearby pleasure twenty swimmers
relay teams
imagine excavator 28 parents
party share
pitched felt since
examine shone
prepared stars
ahead stretched pair binoculars
lay cliff
dangerous 30 mysterious signal
began slight eyes
10 drawn smugglers sight believe
sharp meant
possible allowed somehow
uniform enquiries
repairs cave 32 manager evening
duty darkness
returned result speaking
contents jewellery
12 finished carried 34 notebook doubt
customs collect
listen middle yards click shut
shouting free
besides attempted failed
14 natural brick third 36
added fourth
longest higher
cut 38
16 neither nor gap
leads shall crawl 40
feet daylight
18 wide pile recently 42
2A second flat ledge 44
tide strange
22 silent amongst
inland figure shirt 46
Total number of new wordst 126
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COI-I r[ ) l.l l!:,1|rY r lr 1i,,, I t I il,
by W. Murroy
With 90 million copies sold worldwide,
Key Words with Peter ond Jone
is the springboord to reoding for life.
This essentiol vocobulory is corefully introduced,
proctised ond developed throughout the scheme.
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