Don't support an independent Palestina if you don't want it to endless quickly If Palestine becomes independent, it means the end is getting closer. Is it true? The Palestinian Ministry reported that on Sunday (22/10/2023) the death toll in Gaza had reached at least 4,651 people, while 14,254 other people were injured. Meanwhile, Israel recorded at least 1,400 people killed. If Palestine becomes independent, big questions arise that could affect a Muslim's faith. Because, there is a hadith that says that if Palestine becomes independent it will mean that the end of the world is getting closer. Is that right? Quoting the official Muhammadiyah website, the assumption that an independent Palestine is a sign that the apocalypse is getting closer comes from a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud. The hadith narrates that when the caliphate arrives in Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem/Palestine), then the time will come when earthquakes, major disasters and the Day of Judgment will be approaching. This uncertainty creates doubt about the validity of the hadith. Likewise, there are variations in the naming and attribution of narrators in this hadith history, which creates doubt about its consistency and reliability.
The contents of this hadith are also considered inconsistent with the sunnah that is known and accepted by Muslims. This hadith contains predictions about major events in the future, which can be considered predictions that do not match the character of other hadiths. In Suara Muhammadiyah Magazine No. 7 of 2009 also contains an explanation of Muhammadiyah's beliefs regarding the Last Day and Imam Mahdi. In the fatwa, it is stated that if the signs are explained by the propositions of the Koran and mutawatir hadiths, then Muhammadiyah believes in them, because in accordance with the manhaj held by Muhammadiyah, regarding matters of i'tiqad (belief), the propositions must be mutawatir. Regarding the doomsday, it has been emphasized many times in the Al-Qur'an that only Allah SWT knows when the doomsday will occur. In fact, even the apostles, prophets, angels and jinn do not know when the apocalypse will occur. This is as stated in QS Al-A'raf verse 187. Based on the explanation above, the hadith which states that if Palestine becomes independent, it is a sign that the end of the world is getting closer, in itself contradicts Allah's claim in the Koran. Therefore, the victory and independence of Palestine is not a sign that the Apocalypse is approaching. The apocalypse will only happen with Allah's permission, sooner or later. There is no need for us to speculate about the time of the Apocalypse. Wallahu'alam. (Sumber: Group : 12 otkp 1 1. Cika Inriani 2. Intan zaskia P