enfrente de, detrás de, al lado de, encima de, debajo de
Describe their Está . . . calle, esquina, manzana, piscina, parque, centro comercial,
community ¿Dónde queda….. vecindario, barrio, comunidad, escuelas, supermercado
Es. . .
Describe what you Tiene . . . primero, segundo, tercero, entonces, luego, después, antes, antes
do in the community de, después de, finalmente, por fin, normalmente, generalmente,
Voy a….. para….. a veces, de vez en cuando, siempre, nunca, mucho, poco
Veo una película en…..
descansar, dormir, limpiar, lavar, estudiar, hacer ejercicio, hacer
Describe what they ¿Qué haces en ….. la tarea, trabajar, preparar la comida, jugar, hablar, caminar,
do at home textear, mirar la tele, charlar, platicar, sacar la basura, cortar el
Frequency…..verb césped, ordenar la habitación, tender la cama, acomodar, hacer la
-Siempre……. colada, cuidar a hermanos, mascotas, etc., ayudarles a los
-ex (estudio en mi dormitorio) padres, los abuelos, etc., sacudir los muebles
Compare and En….. mientras que….. hermanastros, compadre, madrastra, comadre, padrastro,
contrast family Vivo con….. madrina, primos, esposos, padrino, tíos, hijos, vecinos, sobrinos,
structures in the nietos, suegros, yerno, cuñados, nuera
target culture
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment How does this activity support the Mode of Communication
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning unit goals or performance tasks?
to the end of the unit).
Read classified ads for homes/apartments that are for rent or Describe their home and Interpretive
for sale in Spanish-speaking countries. community.
Create a floorplan of their home that includes furniture and Describe their home and Presentational
built-ins that are labeled. Present floorplan explaining where community with details. Interpretive
rooms and elements within them are located in relation to Interpersonal
each other. Identify chores that children ages 3
Read an article about chores for all ages and up are able to accomplish
(_Interpretive Performance Assessment
quehaceres.docx/_Interpretive Performance Assessment Describe what they do at home.
quehaceres article.docx)
Students can discuss what they do at home in order to
identify similarities and differences.
Resources Language Lab Activities
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
Olathe Common Unit Plans – Spanish
Language and Spanish 2 Approximate Length
Level / Grade Novice High – Intermediate of Unit
Performance Low Approximate Number of Minutes
Range Weekly
De Viaje
AP Theme Contemporary Life - Travel and Leisure
Essential Question Why do people travel?
Unit Goals
Learners will be able to:
What should ● Describe how people prepare for a trip.
learners know and ● Explain what people consider when choosing a travel destination.
be able to do by the ● Describe a past vacation/trip.
end of the unit? ● Compare and contrast possible excursion activities in target culture locations and their own
• These tasks allow Summative Performance Assessment Tasks
learners to Interpretive Mode
demonstrate how
well they have met Presentational Mode Interpersonal Mode
the goals of the Polished:
On Demand:
• The tasks follow
the format of the
IPA, but are
throughout the
● The template
Interpretive tasks.
• The Interpretive
tasks inform the
content of the
and Interpersonal
• The tasks
incorporate 21st
Century Learning.
Cultures Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives
(Sample Evidence) Product:
Indicate the Practice:
relationship Perspective:
between the Product:
product, practice, Practice:
and perspective Perspective:
Connections Making Connections to Other Disciplines Acquiring Information and Diverse
(Sample Evidence) Viewpoints
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
Comparisons Language Comparisons Cultural Comparisons
(Sample Evidence)
Communities School and Global Communities Lifelong Learning
(Sample Evidence)
Connections to Toolbox
Other Standards
Can Do Statements (Learning Targets)
Interpretive Formative and Summative Assessments assess these items
I can identify activities and excursions offered to travelers in the target culture when reading text or
listening/watching audio/visual passages.
I can understand where somebody went and what they did on a trip/vacation
Presentational I can explain why I chose a travel destination.
I can describe vacation/excursion activities that interest me.
I can describe how I prepare for travel.
I can compare and contrast possible excursion activities.
I can describe a trip/vacation that I took.
I can answer questions about where I travel, what I do while on vacation, and why I chose the
I can ask questions about where others travel, what they do while on vacation, and why they chose
the destination.
I can answer questions about a past vacation/trip that I took.
I can ask questions about a friend’s past vacation/trip.
Supporting Functions Supporting Structures / Priority Vocabulary
Planning a trip Patterns
Planning a trip
Antes de viajar… buscar información,viajar, el lugar, el destino. la ciudad, el campo,
Despues de… el país, empacar, comprar, el boleto, la maleta, el aeropuerto, el
Primero carro, llegar
Describe vacation durante Packing:
activities primero el traje de baño, los pantalones cortos, las sandalias, la camiseta,
después los zapatos de tenis, el bronceador, las botas, el abrigo, los jeans, la
luego chaqueta, el suéter, etc.
más tarde
Describe a past el (verano) pasado On vacation
vacation/trip el (mes) pasado el hotel, la habitación, la llave, la playa, el volcán, la catarata, las
el año pasado montañas, el lago, la piscina, el transporte público, la estación de
tren, autobús, metro
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
Tell what you el fin de semana pasado Activities on a trip
buy/bought yo fui a… esquiar, visitar museos, pescar, acampar, escalar, ir de excursión,
yo traje … explorar, ir de compras, ver atracciones, nadar, broncearse,
Ask questions about yo empaqué… descansar, tomar fotos, tomar el sol, relajarse, divertirse
shopping items yo vi…
Souvenir shopping
¿Qué compraste? el recuerdo, la camiseta, el llavero, la bolsa, las sandalias, la toalla,
la gorra, las joyas, los aretes, la pulsera, el collar, de metal, de
Compré plata, de oro, el mercado, barato, caro, las artesanías, el precio
¿Cuánto cuesta(n)? pagar con la tarjeta de crédito/(el dinero en) efectivo
¿Es de…?
¿De que es?
¿Podria ver…?
Me gustaría ver…
Ask questions about a ¿....tú? ¿....viste / acampaste / viajaste / visitaste / etc.
trip ¿Qué hiciste…?
¿Cuándo... tu…?
¿Adónde fuiste?
¿Qué compraste?
¿Qué viste?
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment How does this activity support the unit Mode of
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning goals or performance tasks? Communication
to the end of the unit).
Resources Language Lab Activities
Travel tips viajar en avion.mp4
(video explaining how to prepare for airplane travel
and what to do in the airport)
Como hacer bien la maleta.docx
(reading from a blog about packing tips)
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
Olathe Common Unit Plans – Spanish
Language and Spanish 2 Approximate Length
Level / Grade Novice High – Intermediate of Unit
Performance Low Approximate Number of Minutes
Range Weekly
La Niñez
AP Theme Personal and Public Identities
Essential Question How do you change as you age?
Unit Goals
Learners will be able to:
What should ● Describe habitual experiences throughout childhood.
learners know and ● Describe their personality throughout childhood.
be able to do by the ● Ask and answer questions about childhood experiences including preferences about
end of the unit?
● Compare their childhood to the life of a youth in the target culture.
• These tasks allow Summative Performance Assessment Tasks
learners to Interpretive Mode
demonstrate how
well they have met Presentational Mode Interpersonal Mode
the goals of the Polished:
Show and Tell
unit. _Show and tell rubric.pdf
• The tasks follow
On Demand:
the format of the
IPA, but are
throughout the
● The template
Interpretive tasks.
• The Interpretive
tasks inform the
content of the
and Interpersonal
• The tasks
incorporate 21st
Century Learning.
Cultures Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
(Sample Evidence) Product: Acquiring Information and Diverse
Practice: Viewpoints
Indicate the Perspective:
between the Product:
product, practice, Practice:
and perspective Perspective:
Connections Making Connections to Other Disciplines
(Sample Evidence)
Comparisons Language Comparisons Cultural Comparisons
(Sample Evidence)
Communities School and Global Communities Lifelong Learning
(Sample Evidence)
Connections to Toolbox
Other Standards
Can Do Statements (Learning Targets)
Interpretive Formative and Summative Assessments assess these items
Presentational I can understand the main idea of authentic printed materials about childhood activities.
Interpersonal I can understand the main idea of a description of someone’s childhood.
I can understand simple questions or statements about someone’s childhood.
I can describe my childhood by expressing my preferences and what I was like.
I can compare and contrast my childhood with the childhood of someone from the target culture.
I can ask and answer questions about preferences as a child.
I can and answer questions about what I was like as a child.
Supporting Supporting Structures / Priority Vocabulary
Functions Patterns
Describe what I was Description
like as a child Era extrovertido / introvertido, talentoso, sociable
(physical appearance tenía travieso, antipatico, amable, agradable
and personality) timido, honesto, obediente/desobediente
Express preferences (no) me gustaba(n)... divertido,aventurero, consentido,impaciente, amigable, callado,
from my childhood Me interesaba(n)... animado, torpe, imaginativo, ansioso, pesado, ruidoso, flaco, flojo
Me importaba(n)...
Asking about another Me encantaba(n)... Reacciones personales
person’s childhood. Prefería enojarse con, preocuparse por, reunirse, divertirse, portarse
¿Qué (no) te gustaba(n)...? bien/mal, columpiarse
Expressing frequency ¿Cómo eras?
of actions/events. ¿Tenías? Actividades
¿Preferías? llorar, pelearse, esconderse, trepar a los árboles, construir, jugar a
¿Qué veías? casita, disfrutar, compartir, leer/escuchar cuentos, ver los dibujos
¿Qué comías? animados/caricaturas
Siempre, todos los días,
muchas veces, de vez en Los Juegos y juguetes
cuando, cada…(mes, dia, el juego, el juguete, los bloques, animal de peluche, el camión, el
semana), nunca, a veces triciclo, la pelota, el peluche, la muñeca/el muñeco, el trampolín, el
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
Compare and contrast pero, también, tampoco, columpio
childhoods mientras que, menos que,
más que Lugares Favoritos
(no) me/le gustaba(n)... la casa de, el jardín de infancia, el patio de recreo, afuera, la iglesia,
(no) me/le interesaba(n)
(no) me/le encantaba(n) La gente en mi vida
(no) me/le molestaba(n) primo, vecino, medio hermano, hermanastro
Tenía Comida
Era las verduras (las zanahorias, los guisantes, las habichuelas, el maíz,
el elote (Mex.), el brócoli)
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment How does this activity support the unit Mode of
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning goals or performance tasks? Communication
to the end of the unit).
Students can ask and answer questions about
childhood preferences Interpersonal
partner info gap about childhood activities
Students can ask and answer questions about what a Asking about another person’s childhood.
partner was or wasn’t like as a child and about what
he/she used to do/not do as a child. (_informal Interpersonal
childhood questions.docx)
Students can ask and answer questions relating to I can describe my childhood by expressing Interpersonal/
childhood and compare to present, my preferences and what I was like. Presentational
Students can use new knowledge to introduce
partner to the class and share about what he/she was Expressing frequency of actions/events.
like as a child as compared with present.
(_entrevista.docx) Compare and contrast childhoods
Resources Language Lab Activities
Recuerdo mi Niñez - canción
Mi Niñez En Colombia
Recuerdos de la Niñez
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
World Language Standards
Level 3 – Intermediate Low
Communication Standard Benchmark
Culture Interpersonal Communication: Learners can participate in conversations on a number of familiar topics
Connection Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written using simple sentences, sometimes in two time frames. They can handle
Comparisons conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions. short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering
Communities simple questions with appropriate follow-up questions.
Interpretive Communication-Listening: Learners can understand main ideas in short, simple messages and
Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or presentations on topics familiar to them. They can understand the main
viewed on a variety of topics. idea on simple conversations they overhear.
Interpretive Communication-Reading: Learners can understand the main idea of short and simple authentic
Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or print texts when the topic is familiar to them.
viewed on a variety of topics.
Presentational Communication-Speaking: Learners can present information on most familiar topics using a series of
Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, simple sentences, sometimes in two time frames.
persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and
adapting to various audiences. Learners can write briefly about most familiar topics and present
Presentational Communication-Writing: information using a series of simple sentences, sometimes in two time
Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, frames.
persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and
adapting to various audiences of readers or viewers. Descriptor
Standard Learners can observe, analyze, and participate in a variety of culturally
appropriate practices.
Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives:
Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the Learners can observe and interact with products of the culture and
relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures analyze their importance.
Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners can connect with other disciplines and acquire information and
Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic
relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures and career-related situations.
Making Connections: Learners can use authentic materials to access new information and gain
Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other diverse perspectives.
disciplines while using the language to develop critical thinking and to
solve problems creatively. Learners can develop insight into the nature of language through the
comparison of the target language and their own.
Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives:
Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that Learners can demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture
are available through the language and its cultures. through the comparison of the target culture and their own.
Language Comparisons: Learners can communicate and interact with cultural competence in order
Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the to participate in multilingual communities—both their own and around the
nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and world.
their own.
Cultural Comparisons:
Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the
concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their
School and Global Communities:
Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to
interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world.
Lifelong Learning: Learners can show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using the
Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for target language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.
Olathe Public Schools, Olathe, Kansas BOE Approved (04/2018)
This material was developed for the exclusive use of USD #233 staff
Spanish III – Units At a Glance
Spanish 3 – Common Units
Unit # 1 2 3
Theme/Topic El Ocio La Gastronomía
AP Theme La vida contemporánea La Vida Contemporánea La Comunidad y La Vivienda
Essential Question What influences what I eat?
Unit Goals How do leisure activities differ among cultures? Las Familias y Las Comunidades
How are homes and neighborhoods
What should learners Learners will be able to: different based on their location?
know and be able to ● Compare and contrast leisure activities in the
do by the end of the Learners will be able to: Learners will be able to:
unit? target culture and their own.
● Ask and answer questions about past leisure ● Discuss what influences the diet of a ● Discuss what homes are like in
culture. different Spanish speaking
activities and excursions. countries.
● Write personal information about their ● Compare and contrast common foods
and dishes of a variety of countries in ● Compare and contrast homes in
activities preferences and past activities the Spanish-speaking world. their own community with homes
they’ve done. in the Spanish-speaking world.
● Describe the fundamental differences
of foods in the Spanish-speaking ● Compare and contrast their own
world. community with communities in
the Spanish-speaking world.
● Compare and contrast food practices
and routines of the target culture and ● Explain the purpose of housing
their own family and community. and community structures.
Spanish III – Units At a Glance
Unit # 4 5
Theme/Topic El Medio Ambiente Las Redes Sociales
AP Theme Desafios Mundiales La Tecnología y La Ciencia
How does the environment influence our daily
Essential lives? How does technology influence daily life?
Learners will be able to:
Unit Goals
What should ● identify and discuss environmental Learners will be able to:
learners know
and be able to problems in their own community and ● ask and answer questions about personal
do by the end technology use.
of the unit? abroad
● understand the basic purpose of ● describe preferences, feelings and opinions
on technology use.
authentic materials about the
● write basic instructions regarding social
environment media.
● understand basic messages about the
● compare and contrast their technology use
environment with a target culture.
● express, ask about, and react to
environmental issues or disasters
● make predictions and discuss causes
and effects related to the environment
III – Unidad 1 El Ocio
Olathe Common Unit Plans – Spanish
Language and Spanish 3 Approximate Length 4-5 Weeks
Level / Grade of Unit
Performance Intermediate Low – Approximate Number of Minutes
Range Intermediate Mid Weekly
Theme/Topic El Ocio (tiempo libre)
AP Theme Contemporary Life – Travel and Leisure
Essential How do leisure activities differ among cultures?
Unit Goals
What should Learners will be able to:
learners know and
be able to do by ● Compare and contrast leisure activities in the Target Culture and their own.
the end of the unit? ● Ask and answer questions about past leisure activities and excursions.
● Write personal information about their activity preferences and past activities they’ve
• These tasks allow Summative Performance Assessment Tasks
learners to Interpretive Mode
demonstrate how
well they have Presentational Mode Interpersonal Mode
met the goals of Polished:
the unit.
On Demand:
• The tasks follow
the format of the
IPA, but are
throughout the
● The template
• The Interpretive
tasks inform the
content of the
• The tasks
incorporate 21st
Cultures Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 1 El Ocio
(Sample Evidence) Product:
Indicate the Perspective:
between the Product:
product, practice, Practice:
and perspective Perspective:
Connections Making Connections to Other Disciplines Acquiring Information and Diverse
(Sample Evidence) Viewpoints
Comparisons Language Comparisons Cultural Comparisons
(Sample Evidence)
Communities School and Global Communities Lifelong Learning
(Sample Evidence)
Connections to
Other Standards
Can Do Statements (Learning Targets)
Formative and Summative Assessments assess these items
I can identify activities and excursions done in the past.
Interpretive I can understand where somebody went and what they did on a trip/vacation.
I can identify leisure activities in the target culture when reading text or listening/watching
audio/visual passages.
I can explain what I did and what others did during a vacation or trip.
Presentational I can explain what I have and have not done previously for recreation.
Interpersonal I can describe a trip or vacation that I took in great detail
I can answer questions about a past vacation/trip that I took and vacations or trips others have
I can answer questions about what I did during a vacation, where I went and with whom.
I can ask others what they did on a vacation/trip, where they went and with whom.
Supporting Supporting Structures / Priority Vocabulary
Functions Patterns
Describe a past Fui a lugares
vacation trip Fuimos a
el lago / la selva / la naturaleza / el río / al aire libre / la playa / el
Hicimos… puerto / el mar
Trajimos… cosas
Usamos…. al aire libre / la camioneta / la botella / el equipo /
la estufa (de gas) / la guía / el kayac / la canoa / la olla / el saco de
dormir / la tienda de campaña / una caminata
/ la arena / la brisa / el caracol /
la orilla / el puerto / la sombrilla
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 1 El Ocio
Talk about what you Primero….. ver el amanecer / ver la puesta del sol / conducir/manejar / juntarse /
did summer break, También….. hacer un crucero / ahorrar / conseguir / divertirse / encender una
activities with your fogata/ hacer una excursión / llenar una botella (de agua) / meterse
friends, or things en / montar / navegar / observar / remar / seguir / (ir) a trabajar /
done the past. practicar / jugar / relajarse
Talk about what you He …./ No he… animales y plantas
have and have not ¿Has…..? la araña / el árbol / la flor / la mariposa / el pájaro / el pez /
done before. el tiburón / la serpiente/ el águila / el cuervo / el halcón /
el búho
Talk about where you Iría a…
would go. ¿Adónde irías?
Talk nature Cuando estaba….vi…
Cuando …..toqué..
Refer to family Fuimos con el (la) bebé / el (la) bisabuelo(a) / el (la) bisnieto(a)
members Me reuní con… el (la) cuñado(a) / el (la) esposo(a) / la madrina /
el matrimonio / el (la) nieto(a) / el (la) novio(a)
/ el padrino / el pariente / el (la) sobrino(a)
Compare and contrast Estuve con...
leisure activities En ….(país)....se….pero
en mi familia y/o
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment How does this activity support the unit goals Mode of
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning or performance tasks? Communication
to the end of the unit).
Students listen to a native speaker describe their Compare and contrast leisure activities
leisure activities and vacations. Interpretive
Students discuss with other students their leisure Describe a past vacation trip Interpersonal &
activities and past vacations. Talk about what you did summer break, Presentational
activities with your friends, or things done
Students can identify the family relationships the past. Listen to others as they explain the Presentational
In pairs students take turns describing the family same thing and also share out what that
vocabulary in Spanish without using the word specific person did Interpretive
(Taboo style) “Es la madre de mi madre” while Student can discuss the environment (in
their partner guesses the word they are describing. terms of nature) they observed while on a
vacation or trip
Refer to family members vocabulary or
recall previous family members vocabulary
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 1 El Ocio
Resources Technology Integration
Talk-Talk-Switch Activity → Activity where
student ask essential questions to other students
about their vacation and write down the essential
details of what that person did. After they ask
seven students they must write about those
specific responses and now narrate what those
specific people did individually. (Students must
pay attention to the changing of verbs from “yo”
conjugation to now changing it to “él” or “ella”
conjugation in their sharing of what a classmate
did). (_filename.docx) (Placed in “Unit 3
resources → Activities”)
Descanso Dominical
The next Messi
como pasan los españoles el verano-infographic
Latino Cultures and Cultural Values
The importance of the SIESTA
34/ Dogs.
He must be Spanish
Latin American Perspectives
as.php?id_article=4264 how Mexicans Vacation -
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 3 La Comunidad y La Vivienda
Olathe District Common Unit Plans – Spanish
Language and Spanish 3 Approximate Length
Level / Grade of Unit
Performance Intermediate Low – Approximate Number of Minutes
Range Intermediate Mid Weekly
Theme/Topic La Comunidad y La Vivienda
AP Theme Las Familias y Las Comunidades
Essential How are homes and neighborhoods different based on their location?
Unit Goals
Learners will be able to:
What should ● Discuss what homes are like in different Spanish speaking countries.
learners know and ● Compare and contrast homes in their own community with homes in the Spanish-speaking
be able to do by
the end of the unit? world.
● Compare and contrast their own community with communities in the Spanish-speaking
● Explain the purpose of housing and community structures.
• These tasks allow Summative Performance Assessment Tasks
learners to Interpretive Mode
demonstrate how
well they have Presentational Mode Interpersonal Mode
met the goals of Polished:
the unit.
On Demand:
• The tasks follow
the format of the
IPA, but are
throughout the
● The template
• The Interpretive
tasks inform the
content of the
• The tasks
incorporate 21st
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 3 La Comunidad y La Vivienda
Cultures Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives
(Sample Evidence)
Indicate the Practice:
relationship Perspective:
between the
product, practice, Product: Acquiring Information and Diverse
and perspective Practice: Viewpoints
(Sample Evidence) Making Connections to Other Disciplines
Comparisons Language Comparisons Cultural Comparisons
(Sample Evidence)
Communities School and Global Communities Lifelong Learning
(Sample Evidence)
Connections to
Other Standards
Interpretive Toolbox
Interpersonal Can Do Statements (Learning Targets)
Formative and Summative Assessments assess these items
I can identify elements of a home and/or community.
I can describe my home and community.
I can compare my home to a home from the target culture.
I can compare my community to a community of the target culture.
I can explain the purpose of housing and community structures.
I can ask and answer questions about homes and communities.
Supporting Supporting Structures / Priority Vocabulary
Functions Patterns el hogar, la vivienda, el piso, el balcón, la terraza, la lavadora,
tender la ropa, el horno de microondas, la entrada, el portón, el
Describe homes in (Nunca) He vivido, mueble, la calefacción, el aire acondicionado, los azulejos
their own community ¿Dónde has vivido?
and abroad ¿Cómo es/era tu hogar? el banco, la carnicería, la pastelería, la peluquería. el salón de
Tiene/Tenía... belleza, la frutería, el correo, el kiosco, la florería, gasolinera,
Compare and contrast pero, sin embargo estacionamiento, la acera, la autopista, la parada de autobús, la
homes in their own mientras que, no obstante, estación de metro, el cajero automático, la panadería
community with al contrario
homes in the Spanish
speaking world. se abre
Compare and contrast se cierra
their own community
with communities in
the Spanish speaking
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 3 La Comunidad y La Vivienda
I can explain the por.... el transporte público, el clima, los lugares públicos, la ubicación,
purpose of housing ya que cerca de, lejos de
and community como
structures. Está ubicado/a From Level 2, Unit 3
Está localizado/a Home Description
sala, dormitorio, cocina, comedor, garaje, baño, escaleras, sótano,
pisos, cuarto, habitación, la tina/la bañera, la ducha, el lavabo, el
fregadero, los gabinetes, la estufa, el refrigerador, el suelo, la
alfombra, la cama, la cómoda, el armario, el sofá, el sillón, la silla,
la mesa, grande, pequeño, enfrente de, detrás de, al lado de, encima
de, debajo de, casa, apartamento, escalera, el jardín, el hogar, el
Places in the City
calle, esquina, manzana, piscina, parque, centro comercial,
vecindario, barrio, comunidad, escuelas, supermercado, la plaza
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment How does this activity support the unit Mode of
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning goals or performance tasks? Communication
to the end of the unit).
Write: Describe your own home and compare it to Describe homes in their own community Presentational
at least one home in a Spanish speaking country and abroad
Explain key differences between homes in your Describe homes in their own community Presentational /
community and those in Spanish-speaking and abroad Interpersonal
countries. Provide evidence to support your
Resources Technology Integration
jennifer-republica-barrio.html - An individual
describing her house/neighborhood.
adelina-spain-preferencias.html - An
individual talks about her preferences in
puchasing/renting a home.
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 3 La Comunidad y La Vivienda
discribesusapartamento.html - An individual
describes her apartment
David_Venezuela_housing.html - An
individual talks his preferences in living.
Describe tu barrio o ciudad- Republica Domin.
Comunidad y familia en las cosas escolares
shop online for furniture
Present perfect listening - que has comprado?
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 3 La Comunidad y La Vivienda
Olathe District Common Unit Plans – Spanish
Language and Spanish 3 Approximate Length
Level / Grade of Unit
Performance Intermediate Low – Approximate Number of Minutes
Range Intermediate Mid Weekly
Theme/Topic La Comunidad y La Vivienda
AP Theme Las Familias y Las Comunidades
Essential How are homes and neighborhoods different based on their location?
Unit Goals
Learners will be able to:
What should ● Discuss what homes are like in different Spanish speaking countries.
learners know and ● Compare and contrast homes in their own community with homes in the Spanish-speaking
be able to do by
the end of the unit? world.
● Compare and contrast their own community with communities in the Spanish-speaking
● Explain the purpose of housing and community structures.
• These tasks allow Summative Performance Assessment Tasks
learners to Interpretive Mode
demonstrate how
well they have Presentational Mode Interpersonal Mode
met the goals of Polished:
the unit.
On Demand:
• The tasks follow
the format of the
IPA, but are
throughout the
● The template
• The Interpretive
tasks inform the
content of the
• The tasks
incorporate 21st
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 3 La Comunidad y La Vivienda
Cultures Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives
(Sample Evidence)
Indicate the Practice:
relationship Perspective:
between the
product, practice, Product: Acquiring Information and Diverse
and perspective Practice: Viewpoints
(Sample Evidence) Making Connections to Other Disciplines
Comparisons Language Comparisons Cultural Comparisons
(Sample Evidence)
Communities School and Global Communities Lifelong Learning
(Sample Evidence)
Connections to
Other Standards
Interpretive Toolbox
Interpersonal Can Do Statements (Learning Targets)
Formative and Summative Assessments assess these items
I can identify elements of a home and/or community.
I can describe my home and community.
I can compare my home to a home from the target culture.
I can compare my community to a community of the target culture.
I can explain the purpose of housing and community structures.
I can ask and answer questions about homes and communities.
Supporting Supporting Structures / Priority Vocabulary
Functions Patterns el hogar, la vivienda, el piso, el balcón, la terraza, la lavadora,
tender la ropa, el horno de microondas, la entrada, el portón, el
Describe homes in (Nunca) He vivido, mueble, la calefacción, el aire acondicionado, los azulejos
their own community ¿Dónde has vivido?
and abroad ¿Cómo es/era tu hogar? el banco, la carnicería, la pastelería, la peluquería. el salón de
Tiene/Tenía... belleza, la frutería, el correo, el kiosco, la florería, gasolinera,
Compare and contrast pero, sin embargo estacionamiento, la acera, la autopista, la parada de autobús, la
homes in their own mientras que, no obstante, estación de metro, el cajero automático, la panadería
community with al contrario
homes in the Spanish
speaking world. se abre
Compare and contrast se cierra
their own community
with communities in
the Spanish speaking
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 3 La Comunidad y La Vivienda
I can explain the por.... el transporte público, el clima, los lugares públicos, la ubicación,
purpose of housing ya que cerca de, lejos de
and community como
structures. Está ubicado/a From Level 2, Unit 3
Está localizado/a Home Description
sala, dormitorio, cocina, comedor, garaje, baño, escaleras, sótano,
pisos, cuarto, habitación, la tina/la bañera, la ducha, el lavabo, el
fregadero, los gabinetes, la estufa, el refrigerador, el suelo, la
alfombra, la cama, la cómoda, el armario, el sofá, el sillón, la silla,
la mesa, grande, pequeño, enfrente de, detrás de, al lado de, encima
de, debajo de, casa, apartamento, escalera, el jardín, el hogar, el
Places in the City
calle, esquina, manzana, piscina, parque, centro comercial,
vecindario, barrio, comunidad, escuelas, supermercado, la plaza
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment How does this activity support the unit Mode of
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning goals or performance tasks? Communication
to the end of the unit).
Write: Describe your own home and compare it to Describe homes in their own community Presentational
at least one home in a Spanish speaking country and abroad
Explain key differences between homes in your Describe homes in their own community Presentational /
community and those in Spanish-speaking and abroad Interpersonal
countries. Provide evidence to support your
Resources Technology Integration
jennifer-republica-barrio.html - An individual
describing her house/neighborhood.
adelina-spain-preferencias.html - An
individual talks about her preferences in
puchasing/renting a home.
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 3 La Comunidad y La Vivienda
discribesusapartamento.html - An individual
describes her apartment
David_Venezuela_housing.html - An
individual talks his preferences in living.
Describe tu barrio o ciudad- Republica Domin.
Comunidad y familia en las cosas escolares
shop online for furniture
Present perfect listening - que has comprado?
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 4 El Medio Ambiente
Olathe Common Unit Plans – Spanish
Language and Spanish 3 Approximate Length
Level / Grade Intermediate Low – of Unit
Performance Intermediate Mid Approximate Number of Minutes
Range Weekly
El Medio Ambiente
AP Theme Global Challenges
Essential How do our actions affect the environment?
Unit Goals
Learners will be able to:
What should ● compare and contrast environmental issues in their community and in Spanish-speaking
learners know and
be able to do by countries.
the end of the unit? ● identify solutions to environmental issues.
● discuss environmental issues and natural disasters.
● make predictions about causes and effects related to the environment.
• These tasks allow Summative Performance Assessment Tasks
learners to Interpretive Mode
demonstrate how
well they have Presentational Mode Interpersonal Mode
met the goals of Polished:
the unit.
On Demand:
• The tasks follow
the format of the
IPA, but are
throughout the
● The template
• The Interpretive
tasks inform the
content of the
• The tasks
incorporate 21st
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 4 El Medio Ambiente
Cultures Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives
(Sample Evidence)
Indicate the Practice:
relationship Perspective:
between the
product, practice, Product: Acquiring Information and Diverse
and perspective Practice: Viewpoints
(Sample Evidence) Making Connections to Other Disciplines
Comparisons Language Comparisons Cultural Comparisons
(Sample Evidence)
Communities School and Global Communities Lifelong Learning
(Sample Evidence)
Connections to
Other Standards
Interpretive Can Do Statements (Learning Targets)
Presentational Formative and Summative Assessments assess these items
I can identify environmental issues and/or natural disasters when reading text or listening/watching
Interpersonal an audio/video.
I can describe causes and effects of past environmental issues and natural disasters.
I can compare environmental issues in my community with those from the target culture.
I can provide suggestions and recommendations for protecting the environment
I can ask and answer questions about environmental issues and natural disasters.
I can ask and answer questions about personal responsibilities regarding the environment.
I can discuss the actions others and I take to preserve the environment.
I can comment on recommendations and suggestions regarding the environment.
Supporting Supporting Structures / Priority Vocabulary
Functions Patterns
la contaminación, la biodiversidad, la deforestación, la erosión, el
Describe es… derrumbe, las especies en peligro de extinción, el reciclaje, el árbol
environmental issues
and natural disasters. fue… el aire puro, el humo, el basurero, el cartón, el vidrio
el clima
había… el huracán, los incendios forestales, la inundación, el temblor, el
hubo… volcán, entrar en erupción
el medio ambiente / el mundo / no renovable / el petróleo / el
planeta / el recurso natural / la responsabilidad / la sequía / el smog
/ el suelo
Ask and answer Actualmente, …… apoyar / dañar / destruir / investigar / proteger / respirar
questions about how ¿Cómo ….. reutilizar / valorar / apreciar / la investigación / reducir
to take care of the ¿Cómo podemos ….? reemplazar / amenazar / informar(se) / responsable / conservar
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 4 El Medio Ambiente
(No) debemos ……..
Provides suggestions Es (adjective) que… adjectives
and recommendations …... que….. bueno, malo, necesario, importante, posible, recomendable
for protecting the
environment recommendation action and hopes
recomiendo (que) / aconsejo (que) / quiero (que) / espero (que) /
Make predictions and será… ojalá (que)
discuss causes and habrá…
effects related to the recommended action
environment Un día…. mejorar, desarrollar, informar(se)
En el futuro…. apoyar / dañar / destruir / investigar / proteger / respirar
reutilizar / valorar / apreciar / la investigación / reducir
reemplazar / amenazar / informar(se)
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment How does this activity support the unit Mode of
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning goals or performance tasks? Communication
to the end of the unit).
Resources Technology Integration
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 5 Las Redes Sociales
Olathe Common Unit Plans – Spanish
Language and Spanish 3 Approximate Length
Level / Grade Intermediate Low – of Unit
Performance Intermediate Mid Approximate Number of Minutes
Range Weekly
Las redes sociales
AP Theme La Tecnología y La Ciencia
Essential Question How does technology affect our daily lives?
Unit Goals
Learners will be able to:
What should ● ask and answer questions about personal technology use.
learners know and ● describe preferences, feelings and opinions about technology use.
be able to do by the
end of the unit? ● describe appropriate social media use and etiquette.
● compare and contrast their use of technology with that of the target culture.
Summative Performance Assessment Tasks
• These tasks allow Interpretive Mode
learners to
demonstrate how Students read an article
well they have about how technology has
met the goals of changed throughout the
the unit. years.
• The tasks follow Presentational Mode Interpersonal Mode
the format of the
IPA, but are Polished: Students ask and answer questions about their
integrated Students compare and contrast the use of daily technology use.
throughout the technology today vs. 10 years + ago.
On Demand:
● The template
• The Interpretive
tasks inform the
content of the
and Interpersonal
• The tasks
incorporate 21st
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 5 Las Redes Sociales
Cultures Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives
(Sample Evidence)
Indicate the Practice:
relationship Perspective:
between the
product, practice, Product: Acquiring Information and Diverse
and perspective Practice: Viewpoints
(Sample Evidence) Making Connections to Other Disciplines
Comparisons Language Comparisons Cultural Comparisons
(Sample Evidence)
Communities School and Global Communities Lifelong Learning
(Sample Evidence)
Connections to
Other Standards
Interpretive Can Do Statements (Learning Targets)
Formative and Summative Assessments assess these items
I can understand the basic purpose of authentic materials about social media.
Presentational I can make basic recommendations regarding social media use and etiquette.
Interpersonal I can describe my technology use and that of others.
I can describe changes in technology and social media use.
I can ask and answer questions regarding social media use.
I can discuss preferences and opinions about social media.
Supporting Supporting Structures / Priority Vocabulary
Functions Patterns
Describe technology redes sociales: actualizar su ( mi, tu, etc.) estado, chatear, entrar,
use yo…..mas que, menos publicar, salir de, twittear (tuitear), el estado, poner ‘me gusta’, el
que, muro, el nombre de usario, el perfil, la publicación/las
Ask and answer publicaciones, bloguear, bajar, subir, textear, la aplicación, la Red,
questions to personal (no) prefiero, el foro/el blog, las visitas, mandar/enviar, seguir, los seguidores, un
technology use por filtro
¿Te gusta?
¿cual prefieres?
¿Has… hoy/esta semana?
Provide suggestions (No) es importante que… comentar, la contraseña, reenviar, responder, responder a todos,
for technology (No) es bueno que… borrar, guardar, cambiar, cargar, grabar
use/etiquette Es malo que…
un celular (móvil), una tableta, una computadora portátil
Describe changes in Es mejor que...
technology use Usaba….
Empecé a usar…..cuando
Recibí… cuando…..
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017
III – Unidad 5 Las Redes Sociales
...pero ahora...
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
This is a representative sample of activities/assessments across the 3 modes of communication.
Learning Activity/Formative Assessment How does this activity support the unit Mode of
(Sample activities are listed from the beginning goals or performance tasks? Communication
to the end of the unit).
Students give advice for proper social media Presentational
Students ask and answer questions about personal Interpersonal
technology use. (I got a cell phone when I Interpretive
was….etc.) (I prefer to use snapchat instead of
Students read about social media etiquette
Students read different articles about social media Interpretive/Interper
use and trends in Spanish-speaking countries then sonal
speak about what the trends are in the country they
read about and and fill in chart based on what
partner shares about their article.
Resources Technology Integration
janina-honduras-social.html - Should kids use
social media?
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning by Clementi & Terrill © 2017