Daniel Worat
I’m Daniel Worat
I’m our Peronal
“all e have i
I gro up in the cleaning uine ince I’m 18 ear old. With m on
compan e delivered man ell-knon companie ith our ervice in
high-cla houehold cleaning and ervice for companie. After m move to
eautiful erlin I fell in the film and televiion uine ith m cleaning
experience. I got the chance to complete m kill in taking care more a jut
aout the houehold of the main actor from famou erie and film. M
life in the media cene a filled ith exciting challenge, expanding m
horizon and at leat the fact that I’m orn to e a Peronal Aitant. During
m tep a flight attendant, department head in the mot famou hotel in
German - the Hotel Adlon Kempinki erlin, Area Manager in an national
operating compan in hotelervice and a Head of Office Management in an
agenc founded and leaded one of the mot impreive journalit in
German; I completed m talent.
It doen’t matter ho ou are and here are ou from.
It doen’t matter ho challenging our expectation eem.
It doen’t matter in hich uine our are acting.
It doen’t matter here do ou live.
…ut ou hould contact me to feel ho ea thing can e ith me a our
Peronal Aitant.
M ervice are varied. A varied a our life. The're peronal, the're
profeional, the're focued, olution-oriented and direct. It i important to
me that ith m ervice ou can impl focu on the thing that are
important to ou. You decide hich one are - I'll take care of the ret. A
peronal aitant i not the ame a a ecretar. I am our right hand, our
hado, our fireall. Whether it' aout managing our calendar, planning
trip, getting our accounting in hape or taking care of our real etate and
our taff. If ou are planning an event and need upport here a ell, I can
ala help ou ith m hotel experience and take over the organization.
You can tell me our concern in confidence and e ill find the right
olution together. M ork can e ooked on an hourl ai, project ai
or flat rate. I ill make ou an individual offer that uit our need.
Chooing a peronal aitant hould e ell thought out. Thi jo i often
compared to that of a ecretar, ut thi i not the cae. A peronal aitant
ork either for deciion-maker, managing director, VIP, famil office,
organization and companie. ut alo for individualit, actor, inger and
other pulic figure. A peronal aitant report directl to thee people and
ha no intermediate level. Thi enure direct and unfiltered communication.
In oth direction. A good peronal aitant i veratile and ha the
necear experience from relevant profeion to e ale to act prudentl.
Thi offer the advantage that procee of dail life and the aociated
need can e undertood and implemented. With me a our peronal
aitant, ou are ure to have thee kill. A peronal aitant alo help to
reduce tre. Tak that put ou under tre ill e done me in the future
o that ou can concentrate more on hat offer ou qualit of life.
For me it doen't matter hich cit, countr or continent ou are in.
Digitization mean that man tak can e completed from anhere in the
orld. Alo from m ide. Hoever, if ou ould like to have me ith ou
from time to time or contantl, a olution can alo e found here.
Communication i ke.
Office Manager
• organizing our office ithout phicall preence
• creating ork-flo
• taff recruiting
Houe Manager
• reponile peron for houehold taff
• coordination external ervice
Peronal Aitant
• lifetle management
• travel management
• event management
• home management
• tour management
+49 172 414 00 73
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Liten to m client…
R A D FO R D W I N T R - H OW R U N N R , N W YO R K
“Daniel a a diligent and reliale ource of help for variou
need during the production of erlin tation, eaon To.”
“He i a true gentlemen and a great collaorator and I
ould certainl ork ith him again".
“Daniel i a competent deciion-maker, elf-driven and ver
“Daniel i a competent deciion-maker, elf-driven and ver
efficient orking on hi on. ut he i alo a good team
plaer. He can connect to people from all a of life and
could make a perfect co-orker. He openl hared hi
houekeeping expertie ith u in order to improve our
procee and he i ala happ take on advice and find
compromie here needed.”
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