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Published by Katherine Spinu, 2019-05-09 07:39:08

Ancient Civilization

Ancient Civilization

A Look at the
Mississippian, Maya,

Aztec and Inca

Ancient Civilizations
of the WBy: estern


Learning About Time

Watch the “Commonly Asked Questions about Dates” video on Schoology
to learn about the abbreviations/key words listed below. As you watch,
pause the video and write in your own words what each of these means.

What does B.C. stand for This term is used on the Gregorian
when looking at dates? calendar.B.C stands for Before Christ
and is used to mark dates before Jesus
What does A.D. stand for
when looking at dates? was born.

Also used on the Gregorian calendar,
A.D stands for Anno Domini which is

Latin for ¨In the Year of the Lord¨

What does B.C.E. stand B.C.E stands for Before Common Era
for when looking at and is the same time period as B.C.

What does C.E. stand for C.E stands for Common Era which is the
when looking at dates? same time period as A.D.

What do c. and ca. stand C. and ca stand for circa which mean
for when looking at approximate.

Multiple-tier Timelines

2000 BCE- 100 CE 200 CE 300 CE 400 CE 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
100 CE CE CE

Maya 2000 BC Start of First Mayan Classic Post Mayan
Aztec Oreo- Classic pyramid Golden Period Classic Down-
Period s are Age Period fall
460 BC First built End of Pre
Mayan Calendars Period Inca
Period Colonial

Aztec Arrive Capital Empire Defeat
leave in founded founded
home- Valley
land of Temple
Mexico founded

Inca Start of End of Inca
Mississippian Empire controlled down-
life fall +

Early Miss. Middle Cahokia Late
Period Miss. people Miss.
Tribes form Period leave Period
a whole Height of city Decline
basic civilization, and
agriculture majority Drought
grows of mounds
built now

The Mississippians

The Mississippians, the most mysterious of the Ancient Civilizations. Their
elaborate culture made up of artwork, sacrifices, ranks and most importantly mounds
was of recent discovery rendering the lack of asserted information. Artifacts have been
discovered mounds have been dug up and yet we still aren’t quite sure what is true.

It is known that a large part of the Mississippians’ culture revolved around
mounds in fact they were often called Mound Builders. This civilization revolved
around the building of mounds, weather to honor dead, bury dead, create villages or
bury artifacts. Each village was organized around and open plaza with a flat topped
mound on either end. The smaller mound housed the residence of the Great Sun or sun
chief while the larger one provided room for the Sun Temple which contained a
prepretual fire and faced east towards the rising sun. It’s walls had no windows and
the only opening was a door. Most houses in the Mississippians’ village were
constructed this way though weren’t located on mounds.

This brings me to the government. This culture had three important groups the
suns, the elites and the commoners. The suns were the chiefs of the community and
were looked up to for decisions. This included the Great Sun who was the highest
ranking chief. The elites were believed to have had a connection with supernatural
beings or gods that enabled them to “predict” important events to the Mississippians in
the future. They were depended upon to make sure that these events happened at the
right time. The commoners, people with low ranking did all the manual labor such as
growing food and fighting as warriors.

Agriculture was also a important part of the Mississippians lives. The
commoners grew food such as the three sister: corn, beans and squash to sustain the
people. Though they did hunt for deer in the utilitarian forests and fished for turtles in
the useful rivers, they mostly grew their food on the land that nature provided. Most
crops were cultivated in miniscule gardens. As you can tell the Mississippians were
connected with nature especially in the area that they lived in. This area was as far
north as Illinois and as far south as southern Florida, in the eastern area. They used
the animals as food, and the soil to make mounds for villages and other purposes.

The Mississippians were very artistic people having supposedly created such
mounds as the Great Serpent Mound. They expressed this artistic inclination through
the creation of pottery, beads, ornaments, pendants and gorgets. These works of art
were often used in plays and as costumes for elites.Not only did they create entities of
a more artistic nature they also made tools such as pipes, effigy celts and large blades
which were used for more practical reasons. All these things were also used in trade.
The Mississippians had large trade centers that got them many resources for their art
and other occupations.

The civilization had a very unique and important religion, revolving mainly
around the sun god, Natchez, This is where the name “Sun Chief” comes from, it is
believed that he or she was descendant from the sun god. In this religion they also
believed in mythological creatures. One of the more prominent of these was a serpent.
The Mississippians believed that it was a powerful and malevolent creature. There
worship of the serpent can be seen through the effigy mound known as The Great
Serpent Mound. This is a serpent supposedly swallowing the sun, an egg or a frog. It is
believed to have been made to honor dead buried nearby and tell the time of year.

In conclusion the Mississippians had a rich and elaborate culture. Including
mounds, unique government, agriculture , connection to nature, art, trading and a
different religion. All that has been unearthed about this civilization helps us further
our understanding of the past world and Native Americans. All that has been
discovered and put together helps us understand what it was like to live before there
was modern day technology. What it was like to live before what helps us lead a
comfortable life. All of this furthers our learning and capacity of thinking to a higher
level. It allows us to understand a different life style.

Where in the World…
Were the Mississippian Located?

What is the approximate latitude
and longitude of the location you
What might the weather be like in
this location based on the latitude
and longitude?

What is the approximate latitude and longitude of the location you colored?
The South Appalachian Mississippian is about 35° N 85°W. This is around present day Georgia.
What might the climate be like in this location based on the latitude and longitude?
Based on the grid coordinates the climate in the area seems warm as it is relatively close to the equator. It may be affected
by hurricanes since it is close to the ocean.
How would this affect the way people live in this area?

This affects the way people in the area live, they will need a water source and protection from the sun in
order to live comfortably

What’s This?

Study this picture and then answer the questions on the
next page.

What’s This?

Use the picture on the previous page to answer the following questions.
*Note these answers are all based on your observations at this point!

This is a picture of the Great Serpent What is this?
Mound. The great serpent was considered

a malovelnt creature in mythology.

The circle represents an egg. The circle What is the circle
seems to be in the process of being on the left side of
swallowed in the jaws of the serpent.
the drawing?
This mound was an effigy mound made to
respect human burial.s nearby. Why do you think it
was made? What
was it used for?

I think that the Missapians chose this Why do you think
shape becuase the The Great Serpent they chose this
represented great power and had
mythological value. How do you think
they made this?
The Mississippians made this using
natural materials such as soil. They also

used hard labor.

The Mounds

Read the Khan Academy article posted in your Schoology course: Fort
Ancient Culture: Great Serpent Mound. After you read, complete the
page below with your team.

Describe the physical attributes of What do archeologists believe might
the Serpent Mound in your own be the reason the mounds are shaped

words: like a serpent?

The Serpent Mound is a 1,300 foot long effigy Archaeologists believe it was shaped like serpent
mound in the shape of a snake or other reptilian due to the fact that a serpent has great
swallowing and egg. mythological value. They also believe that the
curves of the body aligned with summer and
winter solstice.

It is believed that the Mississippians also referred The serpent and the Mississippians have a Danielle Knight GO Interactive, 2015
to as the mound builders have created this mound. relationship The people were willing to
However, it is also believed that the Fort Ancient sacrifice their time and energy we can infer
were primarily responsible for the creation of this that they greatly worshiped the Great
Serpent. They believed that the Serpent
effigy mound. would bless their dead/ .

Who is believed to have created it? What relationship generalization
can you make between the mounds

and the people who built them?

Research the Relationships

Explore the Mississippian links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology course as well
as in the books and other resources available in class to complete this organizer.

What was the government like? Did The Mississippians lived in a chiefdom, a ranked society
powerful relationships exist between the that had two groups; the elites and the commoners. The
elites were citizens with a higher ranking. Whereas, the
people and their leaders? commoners were lower ranking. Mississippians chiefs

were called suns and were treated as gods.

How was their society set up? What were The society had three groups, the commoners, suns and
the types of jobs people had? Were the jobs the elites. The commoners, grew food, made crafts,
people did purposeful for the civilization?
fought as warriors and did all the other labor. It was
Describe their religion. Did the believed that the elites had a connection to supernatural
relationship the people had with their
gods and religious leaders follow rules? beings which enabled them to “predict” events in the
future. The sun's where looked up to and were the chiefs
What did the people invent, create, or trade
that allowed them to exchange ideas or of the people.
values with others they had relationships
with? Their religion mainly revolved around the sacred god
Natchez. The Natchez chief had a very high social
stature and was believed to be a descendant of the sun
god. There were also periodic sacrifices made for gods,
the specific ones varying. The people created large
trading centers in order to trade with other cultures or

people from other regions.

The Mississippian culture created a variety of artistic
entities such as pottery, pendants, beads, ornaments and
gorgets. Several items were used in spiritual rituals as
well as costumes for elites. On the less artistic side the
people created pipes, effigy celts and large blades which

were used for more practical reasons.

What was the agriculture like? What The agriculture was primarily cultivated in minuscule
food did they eat? How did they grow gardens. Corn, squash, beans, sunflower, sumpweed and
it? What relationships did the people goosefoot were predominantly harvested. This culture

have with their environment? daily routine included a great deal of time outdoors.

❖ American Indians weren’t actually indians, Christopher Columbus mistook them

for indians when he thought he had sailed to India
❖ Some people think they crossed the Bering Strait when there was land there
❖ There were many tribes who lived differently,
❖ Some tribes were nomadic meaning that they moved around depending on the

seasons and migrational patterns of animals
❖ Other tribes figured out farming and created permanent settlements in which

they stayed
❖ Some tribes hunted while others fished
❖ Depending on the area tribes lived differently
❖ Native Americans were mistreated by settlers
❖ Settlers passed diseases to Native Americans and killed many of them

The Maya

The Mayan civilization is a very intricate and complex society. Most of their lives revolved around
their religion which included many important gods such as the Sun God, the Maize God and the Death
God. They worshipped the Maize God because they believed that the human race was made of corn. All of
the ceremonies and human sacrifices was led by a priest which gave him a very high standing in the
hierarchy. Their hierarchy consists of a king, the leader of the people and the highest ranking Mayan of a
city state.nob The nobles were the second highest ranking they were a powerful council with a great
influence over the government,the next highest rank was that of a priest. As mentioned earlier priests
oversaw religious ceremonies such as human sacrifice. After the priest ranked the nacom who led the
military in battle against other city states. It is believed that city states often went to war with each other
as they had separate governments which led to disagreements. The commoners followed the Nacom in the
hierarchy. They did most if not all of the manual labor, had very little rights and were treated with
disrespect. The lowest rank was a slave, these people served the higher ranks Even though the slaves were
the ones sacrificed to the gods when no captured warriors were available they were often treated better than
the commoners. Though the commoners were not treated fairly they were given one of the most important
jobs, farming. This technique was used to sustain each city state with food and resources. They often used
tools made from what their environment provided to plant seeds for food such as squash corn and beans.
Their environment was obviously an important part of the Mayan civilization as it was what provided
these resources. They lived in the Yucatan Peninsula located in Central America. The specific location is
somewhere around present day Guatemala.

Their location affected how they lived in impactful way. In the area they lived it was very sunny,
hot and humid. This would require light clothing with enough coverage, shade, and water. The Mayans took
advantage of any rain they had. They invented something called a cistern to collect rainwater. They also
devised ways to irrigate their crops. In the Yucatan peninsula there were many rainforest, I can infer than
they used this to their advantage from the way they tried to get the most out of every piece of land. One of
their most famous invention cacao was most likely made from a resource like the cacao plant that may have
grown in those rainforest. The MAyans almost overworked the land, they used for farming. They used a
technique called rotation. In this technique the farmers would use ome plot of land for a few years and then
move to another field, after a few years the farmer would move back to the original filed burn the shrubs
that had grown there providing nutrients for the soil and allowing the farmer to use that land again. This
shows how they used the land to the fullest. There was only one catch with there agriculture industry. The
ground in the Yucatan peninsula was rocky they used tools such as digging stocks to take them out and to
plant seeds in the area. However, agriculture was not their only industry. They traded thing like flint, chert
and salt that turned up in their environment. In return for these goods they most likely received goods that
they needed to strengthen their military or improve their city states. Their environment also provided cotton
which they trade but I can infer that they also used it to make their clothes. This is because it is a light
material that we make clothes out of today. Obviously they wouldn't have the same technology but they
would still be able to make it into fabric. Even their inventions like the cistern and digging stock were made
from natural resources like a stick from the rainforest or rocks that could be carved into a bowl. The
Mayans came up with a lot of ways to survive in Central America. They found a way to get past the rocky
ground, heat and humidity and still invent a writing form and a number system. They found a way to use
the otherwise uncomfortable climate to their advantage by farming crops that could only grow in that
climate. They found out how to make the rainforest a place to get plenty of resources to sustain the Mayan

Where in the World…
Were the Maya Located

What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Maya Empire?
19° N latitude, 90° West
This is around present day Central America and

What might the climate be like in this location
based on the latitude and longitude?
This climate would hot, humid and sunny.
There would be a lot of rainforests.

How would this affect the way people live in
this area?
These people would need a lot of shade and
water as well as light clothing. They would
need to take advantage of rain when it came.

Map from

The Mayan Government/
Social Structure

King Each city-state was ruled by a king. The
Nobles/Batab role of king was believed to have been
Priests bestowed upon the particular Mayan
Nacom and Military citizen by the gods.

The nobles were a powerful council with
much influence on government. The batab
were hand selected from the city-state’s
council of nobles. The batab were lower
ranking lords.

The reason that the priests had such high
ranking is that religion was a large part of
the Mayan culture. The king was also
considered a priest but went to the priests
for help with religious matters.

The nacom was the leader of the military of
each city-state. Most warriors were nobles.

Commoners Commoners were low ranking citizens that
were often mistreated. Commoners had little
freedom and were restricted from things
such as looking at their own king.

Slaves Slaves were the lowest class. They were the
ones who were sacrificed to the gods, but
sometimes were treated better than the

Mayan Overview- The Mayans lived in a ranked society. It was very similar to a monarchy. Laws forbade crimes such as
murder, arson and acts against the gods. These crimes were punishable by death. The Mayan civilization lived in

Mayan Religion Mural

Our mural is a representation of the Mayan calendar. While it may not seem
like it at first, the Mayan calendar does correspond with the Mayan
religion. The Mayans actually used a variety of calendars with the main ones
being the Haab, Tzolkin, and the Long Count. All of these calendars marked
important events in the Mayans life.

Mayan Language and
Number Systems

I wrote my name, Katherine, in Mayan glyphs. I used a
special syllable chart in order to do this. I made a glyph for
each syllable, one for Kat, one for her and one for ine.

Determine the Relationships

Explore the Mayan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology course as well as in the books and
other resources available in class to complete this organizer.

What was the government like? Did Mayan women had a lot of say in the government and
powerful relationships exist between the economics. They were responsible for hearth, home and
children. However, they couldn’t marry outside their
people and their leaders? social class. Peasants weren’t aloud to look at their
own king’s face or speak to him directly. Though this
How was their society set up? What were is true I believe that they had strong relationships
the types of jobs people had? Were the jobs with their king because the king was their leader.
people did purposeful for the civilization?
The Mayan people lived in a caste system, which was
Describe their religion. Did the a system of rankings. If you were born in a caste it
relationship the people had with their was highly unlikely for you to move. Commoners, or
gods and religious leaders follow rules? people with nothing extraordinary about them often
were either merchants or craftsmen. Slaves did all of
What did the people invent, create, or trade the manual labor.
that allowed them to exchange ideas or
values with others they had relationships The Mayan people had a strong connection with the
with? gods. They were willing to sacrifice themselves and do
special rituals in order to appease them. There was a
sun god a maze god and many more.

The mayan traded salt cotton material slaves, feathers
flint, jade, obsidian, chert and colored shells. The
Mayans created a solar calendar and cacao. Cacao is a
type of hot chocolate.

What was the agriculture like? What The Mayans had rocky grounds where they lived
food did they eat? How did they grow it? making all of their soil rocky as well. The Mayans
What relationships did the people have grew lots of different types of food. They grew and ate
pumpkins, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, watermelon,
with their environment? chili peppers, tomatoes, chote, avocados, breadfruit,
papaya, cotton, tobacco, sweet potatoes vanilla, cacao,
and a wide variety of fruit. These seeds for the food
were planted in shallow holes with digging sticks.

Ancient Maya Concept

The Aztec

Where in the World…
Were the Aztec Located?

Map from What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Aztec Empire?
The Aztec empire was 19 ¼ N and 97 ½ W.
The center of the Mayan empire was located in
what would now be central and SOuthern
Mexico. It was north of Guatamalla, east of
the Pacific Ocean and west of teh Atlantic.
What might the climate be like in this location
based on the latitude and longitude? Even
though teh center of the Aztec empire was
located relativelky close to the equator they
lived at 7,000 ft elavation. That means there
was chilly weather during the winter and
sometimes even frost. They had a long rain
season lasting from May-Octyober.
How would this affect the way people live in
this area? In this area they would need cool
clothes during teh summer but alsomany layers
during the winter. They had good soil for
farming but needed irregation becuase of the
7,00 ft elavation.

The Aztec Government/
Social Structure

Huey Tlatcani The Huey Tlatcani was the emperor of not only the
Aztec empire but also the capital city, Tenochtitlan. He
Tecuhtli was selected from the Pipilitin and was believed to have
Pipilitin been given the right to rule by the gods. He decided
Pochteca when to go to war and what tributes the land he ruled
would give to him.
Slaves Tecuhtli were the rulers of the other city-states. They
lived luxuriously in palaces within their city borders.
However, they only earned this power if they paid
tribute to the emperor.

The Pipilitin were nobles, who were also granted
opulence. They played formative role in the army,
priesthood and government.

The Pochteca were the merchants of the Aztec empire.
Though they were lower ranking the Pipilitin they were
considered nobility as well. This was due to the fact
that their jobs were considered integral to the Aztec

The Macehualtin were the commoners. This included the
farmers, warriors and craftsmen. However, the warriors
and craftsmen soon developed a higher standing than
the farmers.

Slaves were the servants of the higher ranking citizens.
Nobody was born into slavery, slaves either sold
themselves to pay of depts or as punishment for
committing crimes. If the slaves could make it to the
palace they were granted freedom.

Aztec Sun Stone

This is an example of a Aztec Sun Stone Calander.We do not
know what it was used for exactly but we know that it
predicts solar eclypses. The center peice is Tonatuih he holds a
human heart in each hand and his tounge represents a blade for
sacrifice as it was a common ritual to appease the gods. It is a
perfect example op how the Aztecs aded their religion into this
complicated figure.

Determine the Relationships

Explore the Aztec links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology course as well as in the books and
other resources available in class to complete this organizer.

What was the government like? The Aztec government was a ranked society the top of
Did powerful relationships exist the society was the emperor and the bottom was the
slaves. In addition to paying tribute to the Aztec king
between the people and their through respect however these conquered cities paid in
leaders? the in the form of money. The Aztecs empire was set -up

in city states.

How was their society set up? The Aztecs lived in a complex and intricate society. The
What were the types of jobs three main “rankings” that the Aztec had were the
people had? Were the jobs people nobility, the commoners, and the slaves. All of them
did purposeful for the civilization? valued education as one of it’s most primary assets.
However, the schools were segregated and the
Describe their religion. Did the commoners and the nobility as well as the boys and girls
relationship the people had with were separated.
their gods and religious leaders
The Aztec religion was ruled by variety of gods. Human
follow rules? sacrifices played a big part in Aztec religion. In their
myths, since the gods sacrificed in order to create the
What did the people invent, create, sun, humans, earth, and the moon, human sacrifice was
or trade that allowed them to a way to repay what the gods did. They believed in 13
exchange ideas or values with heavens and 9 underworlds.
others they had relationships
with? The Aztec people wrote in glypgs They developed
advanced calendars to track every decisions they made
What was the agriculture like? throughout the year. They created aqueducts to bring
What food did they eat? How water to the cities. They traded for luxurious items with
people from far away.
did they grow it? What
relationships did the people Aztecs grew crops and flowers in chinampas. The crops
have with their environment? were used food while the flowers were part of festivals

throughout the year. They used algae from lakes to
create cheesecake, they used hooks and nets to catch

Ancient Aztec Concept

The Inca

Where in the World…
Were the Inca Located?

What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Inca Empire? 80°
W longitude and 10°S. Near present day Peru,
Argentina, Columbia and Bolivia.

What might the climate be like in this location
based on the latitude and longitude?
In this area it will be humid and very hot due
to its proximity to the equator.

How would this affect the way people live in
this area?
This would be a good climate for farming. The
people living in this area would need a lot of
shade and water. They would also need light
clothing that covered as much skin as possible.

Map from

Inca Social Structure

Noble Classes - Sapa Inca ruled all
Public Administrators - Viceroy, close relative of Sapa Inca and his

closest advisor
- Willaq Umu had second power to Sapa Inca

due to the importance of religion
- Each quarter of the empire was ruled by one

governor called the Apu
- Council of Realm advised Sapa Inca on

important matters
- Tokoyriqou were inspectors that made sure

everything's was running smoothly.
- Apunka were military generals

- Curacas were leaders of tribes that the Inca

- Tax collectors kept watch over families and
made sure that they paid their taxes

- Record keepers kept track of who paid their
taxes and were supplies were stored

Commoners - The artisans crafted things like jewelry and were
The Ayllu considered a higher class than farmers, though
they were still commoners.

- The farmers were at the bottom of the social
classes. Even though farmers invested in many
days of manual labor, they still had to give ⅔ of
all their crops away to people such as priests and
the government.

- Were a group of families that acted

- Every citizen was a part of an Ayllu.

Determine the Relationships

Explore the Incan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology course as well as in the books and
other resources available in class to complete this organizer.

What was the government like? Did he government was a monarchy. They were lead by a
powerful relationships exist between the king and a high priest. They believed they could talk to
gods. The Royal Family was given positions in the
people and their leaders? government. Kings created laws and were passed down
by the tax collectors who collected everybody's taxes.

How was their society set up? What were There were 4 main classes in the Social Structure, the
the types of jobs people had? Were the jobs Noble Classes, the Public Administrators,the
people did purposeful for the civilization? Commoners and the Alluya. The commoners were
worked very hard and they didn't have many rights.
Describe their religion. Did the They were not aloud to use roads or stay idle. They
relationship the people had with their spent very little time sleeping, eating or bathing.
gods and religious leaders follow rules?
The Incas believed the god Viracocha created the
What did the people invent, create, or earth, stars, and all living things. They believed that
trade that allowed them to exchange ideas he created the moon and the sun by plucking them
or values with others they had from an island in Titicaca. The Inca built many
relationships with? temples for the gods. THey also mummified their
dead people.

The Incas created different things but one of their
most important creations is their language. The Inca
people created their own language that most people
could not understand called the Quechua Language.
It was divided into a number of dialect.

What was the agriculture like? What Most people were farmers. They began farming things such
food did they eat? How did they grow as cotton, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, and coca leaves.
it? What relationships did the people People hunted and fished. Farmers were forced to give ⅔ of
all their crops to the governments and priests. They used a
have with their environment? specific method called thatching. They couldn’t just use their
ground so they grew greenery on their roofs.

Ancient Inca Concept

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