It is the year of 2037…….
About the Dish
Russian Шарлотка is a Spinu family dish.
However, it is also made in many Russian
speaking countries such as the country my
parents are from, Moldova. It is very much
like apple pie and is sometimes called that.
Another, common name for it is apple cake.
Although, I didn't add orange zest to the pie
in this slideshow, I did include it in the pie
you will taste at the end. The reason I
didn´t was that I wanted it to be more like
apple pie for the occasion. Orange zest is an
original part if the recipe but most times we
leave it out when baking. I did want you to
get the full potential of the dish so we left it
in for the tasting part.
I have been asked by Name Undisclosed
to make a dessert for her baby shower. Of
course since Name Undisclosed has been
my friend for a very long time, I agreed
quite hastily. This put me it the very
unfortunate situation of not knowing
what to bake. At Name Undisclosed’s
baby shower there will be 25 people. So I
decided to make 5 Russian Шарлоткаs,
unfortunately I burned them, all of them.
I was going to go to the store to buy
ingredients but there were very strong
winds, I only had enough ingredients to
make 4 ½ so that is what I did.
Original Recipe Preheat your oven to 375°F. Take three apples
and cut them into small pieces, add them to a
Russian Шарлотка bowl. Take ½ a cup of sugar and add it to the
apples. Cut the remaining 3 apples and pour
-6 apples them into the bowl. .Add the last ½ cup of sugar
-3 eggs and let sit for 15 minutes. Stir in the eggs.
-2 cups flour Before you can add the butter you must melt it,
-1 cup sugar either on the stove or in a microwave. Pour in
-½ cup butter the melted butter. While you stir, slowly add the
-1 teaspoon baking powder cup of flour. Add the baking powder.Grease a
medium sized pan. Preferably glass. Pour in the
Serves 6 -7 batter. Insert into the oven and let bake for
25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out
clean. Let cool for 5-10 minutes.
Well, I knew that 5 pies would be a tad more
suitable but what can I say I can't exactly
control nature. So instead of multiplying the
recipe by 5 I multiplied it by 4 ½ which serves
27 people. (And I only had 1 fraction in my
recipe, hehehe) Obviously since some people eat
more than average especially at a party like
this baby shower I had to have some extra pie.
It's always better to be safe than sorry! I
couldn't make just 4 pies it would seem like I
was a minimalist and it wouldn't be enough as
it only serves 24 people. We would run out of
pie. What a tragedy! After all this boring
thinking I finally made my 4 ½ pies and served
everyone at the baby shower with delicious
slightly sugary sweetness.
Altered Recipe Preheat your oven to 375°F. Take 14 apples
and cut them into small pieces, add them to a
Russian Шарлотка bowl. Take 2 ¼ cups of sugar and add it to
the apples. Cut the remaining 13 apples and
-27 apples pour them into the bowl. .Add the last 2 ½
-13 ½ eggs cups of sugar and let sit for 15 minutes. Stir in
-9 cups flour the eggs. Before you can add the butter you
-4 ½ cups sugar must melt it, either on the stove or in a
- 2 ¼ cups butter microwave. Pour in the melted butter. While
-4 ½ teaspoons baking soda you stir, slowly add the 9 cups of flour. Add
Serves 27 the baking powder.Grease 4 medium sized
pans. Preferably glass. Divide the batter
between them. Grease a small sized pan. Pour
in the remaining batter. Insert into the oven
and let bake for 25-30 minutes or until a
toothpick comes out clean. Let cool for 5-10
Broccoli?? What about the
NEVER! pie? I do not
want healthy