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Published by anuj, 2019-09-19 01:59:07




Site No. 1, Urban Estate, Sector 45, Gurugram , Th ere were 334 students in the Class of 2019.
Haryana,India Th e names of School Toppers are:
PHONE: +91-124-4125800/01
Email Id: [email protected] JOSHUA JEEVANAND DAVIS 98%
Affiliated with CBSE. ABHYA ANAND SCIENCE 98%
Awarded the British Council International School Award COMMERCE 97.6%
A Microsoft Showcase School
Featured in Forbes India (Great Place to Learn) Above 95% average score 15.56%
Above 90% average score 52 51.79%

Total students K-12: 6197 School Average Score: 88.2%
Total School Distinctions: 1514
Per Student Average Distinctions: 4.53

Average class size: Teaching faculty: 451 SUBJECT WISE NUMBER OF DISTINCTIONS
Grades 6-12: 35 Student-faculty ratio: 13:1
Grades 1-5: 35-40 (A Distinction is a score above 75% in a subject)

Delhi Public School Sector 45, Gurgaon is a private co-educational SUBJECT NUMBER OF DISTINCTIONS
school, with a vision to create an environment for imparting a holistic English Core
education and to inculcate a sense of discipline and values amongst History 325/334
students. The school caters to the educational and co-curricular needs of Political Science 43/62
6000+ students. The school has blossomed as one of the premier Geography 80/88
educational institutions and is ranked among the top 10 schools of Delhi Economics
NCR. Psychology 22/25
The school believes in inculcating a philosophy of service before self, so that Sociology 133/156
students learn how to be an integral part of the community and enrich it in Mathematics
our own special way. The school also nurtures upright global citizens with a Physics 64/67
strong moral fiber ready to be the torch bearers of the new millennium. Chemistry 18/18
Biology 175/248
SCHOOL LEADERSHIP TEAM Physical Education 120/150
Painting 128/150
Ms. Aditi Misra | Director Principal | Fashion Studies 18/19
[email protected] | Business Studies 243/328
Ms. Santvna Thadani | Vice Principal Accountancy 22/22
[email protected] | Informatics Practices 28/25
Ms. Sapna Dhawan | Dean(Student Welfare) Legal Studies 91/96
[email protected] | Computer Science 76/96
Ms. Arpna Gupta | Head Mistress (Senior Wing) German 32/32
[email protected] | 25/27
Mr. Nishchint Chawla | College Counsellor 47/52
[email protected] |
Ms. Neha Gupta | Student Counsellor 5/5
[email protected] | [email protected] |


Atharv Singh Patlan 189
Grades 4 to 9: Evaluation is based on a systematic pattern of Akshat Sharma 560
Assessments,conducted on a weekly basis and two term examinations. Grades Joshua 719
10 to 12 have three rounds of weekly assessments and term examinations. Tanmay Agrawal 2404
Vidushi Verma 3498
Lakshya Gupta 4284
Ayur Gupta 6099
Akarsh Garg 6122
Anushka Srivastava 12991
Mayank Grover 13528
Arjun Prasad 13600
Ishan Kumar 18862

Grades 10 and 12 also have two Pre Board Examinations to help prepare for PROGRAMMES AND CLUBS
the CBSE board examination held in the month of March. Grading is done on
a scale of 10. The following is the grade conversion: CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES(FOR SENIOR STUDENTS): The school
Grade: | A1 |A2| B1| B2| C1| C2| D| E1| E2| goes beyond academics and extra curricular pursuits. The school provides international
Grade Point: | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7| 6 | 5 | 4| - | - | educational and cultural opportunities through Exchange Programmes. Each year
students from the senior school participate in the exchange programmes with Germany,
SUBJECTS OFFERED IN CLASSES XI & XII France, and Polland. (Online exchange programme with France and Spain)
SCIENCE CLUBS: 'Allotropes' - the Chemistry club,'Red Shift'- the Physics club
English Core History Physics and'Pulse'- the Life Science club.The members of these clubs are science enthusiasts
Geography Economics Accountancy engaged in a wide range of activities, from carrying out various experiments to
Sociology Mathematics Psychology mentoring middle school students and organising study sessions for Shiksha Kendra
Chemistry Physical Education Painting students. The aim of these clubs is to provide a platform for students to explore and
Biology Business Studies Legal Studies discover new frontiers in the field of science. These clubs strive to hone their skills by
Fashion Studies Political Science Computer Science engaging in research and promoting the practical knowledge of natural phenomena in a
Informatics Practices German simple fun filled way.

The members of this programme work in the field of heritage conservation.

TED X: TEDx is a club for technology, entertainment and design coverage. The club INTERACT CLUB: Interact is a community outreach programme for youth between the
provides a platform to the young adults for the confluence of their creative imagination ages of 14 and 18. It is sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and
and intellectual ideas. It gives an opportunity to the youth speakers to express their ideas guidances. For various initiatives interact's activities youth network is dedicated to
in a simplified and authentic story telling manner, thereby carrying forward the club's community and international service.
mission of ideas worth spreading. MODEL UNITED NATIONS: MUN provides the students with an interactive learning
INSIGHT: It is the psychology club of DPS Gurgaon. the club aims at helping young experience. It not only makes them aware of the global issues but also encourages them to
adolescents seek solutions to their concerns proactively through a better understanding develop various skills such as research, writing, public speaking, problem solving,
of themselves as also improving their outlook and understanding towards the consensus building, conflict resolution, compromise and cooperation.
importance of mental health. This is achieved through awareness based activities and SPACE CLUB: The School has ASTRONOMY as a regular co-scholastic activity for
sessions conducted throughout the academic year. students in association with S.P.A.C.E ( Science Popularisation Association of
KAIZEN: The commerce club represents a group of young enthusiastic students who Communicators and Educators) at three levels : Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced.
are passionate about commerce and the dynamism that revolves around it. The club The club covers various activities like: Sky Observations, Visit to Planetariums/
organizes and coordinates various co-curricular activities including observations,Interactive Multimedia Sessions, Career Counselling on Astronomy and
‘Ecomm Parv’ the annual commerce and economics fest in school. This helps the Space Sciences.
students to hone their managerial and leadership skills by exposing them to the world of SQUAD (SOCIETY OF QUIZ AND DEBATE): An intiative of a group of young aspiring
business and commerce. orators and knowledge seekers. Comprising of a core committee of students from class XI
DUKE OF EDINBURGH PROGRAMME-INTERNATIONAL AWARD FOR and a regular committee from classes IX and X, it is a platform that helps nurture the
YOUNG PEOPLE:The programme consists of three levels- Bronze, Silver and Gold. For competitive spirit among students along with satisfying their quest for knowledge.
each level the participants have to complete the requirements of four sessions i.e. VIEW FINDERS: This is a photography club which promotes and inculcates love for
Community service, Adventure, Creative Skill and Physical Recreation. The award visual arts in digital sphere be it photography, video editing, script writing,
programme is open for children between the age group of 14-18 years. cinematography to pre and post production.
Pi SQUAD: The mathematics clubaims at providing students with the opportunity to
THE GLOBAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME (VIII TO XI):This programme in explore varied dimentionsof Mathematics. The member of the club are Math enthusiasts
collaboration with Khemka Foundation aims at identifying and nurturing young leaders who are engaged in activities such as quizzes,presentations, puzzels, games, research
from all spheres of life. The focus is on integrating the programme into the curriculum work, and organizing math fest.
of the school. The programme concentrates on developing individuals who are positive, AS YOU LIKE IT...WE LOVE IT: The English club, aims to inculcate love for the
responsible, committed, passionate and sensitive team players with a global outlook. language among students. The activities of the club are pupil-centered, with the objective
of making language learning both purposeful and enjoyable.
HEALTH COUNCIL: Health Council is the initiative taken by the school to improve YUVRANG: It provides a linguistic platform to students to exhibit their literary and
the health index of the school. The Council has six committees of students, each looking creative skills in Hindi Language with confidence and elan. Through this platform
after a certain domain related to health. The team of health council members works students are introduced to various aspects of language thereby inculcatinh values related
towards creating awareness about nutrition, exercise, first aid, hygiene and community to life skills and love for language.
health. Health council ensures that our students pass out of the school as healthy young
adults, who are equipped physically, mentally, emotionally and socially to face the DHAROHAR: The Social Science Club 'Dharohar' aims to enhance the knowledge and
challenges posed by life. understanding of the various disciplines of Social Science via various activities and
TEAM SHIKSHA KENDRA: It is an endeavour which aims to incorporate co- interactions, thereby, gaining an insight into the issues of historical and contemporary
scholastic activities in the curriculum. Shiksha Kendra is a school for remedial teaching interest.
run by Delhi Public School, Gurgaon for students from the underprivileged section of ANTIBULLYING SQUAD: Promotes the school vision of zero tolerance for bullying.
society.The Shiksha Kendra team teaches various skills like art, music, dance, public CYBER CONGRESS: Provides cyber security for students.
speaking and dramatics to the students of Shiksha Kendra and works toward honing UNESCO ENGAGEMENTS: Promote internationalism.
their skills and upholding the school motto of ‘Service Before Self’.
SUMMER PROGRAMMES: The students opt for summer programmes at Arts
NODE(NETWORK OF DIGITAL ENTHUSIAST): It is an IT club. The members of Universty Bournemouth-UK, Brown Summer Program Rhode Island-USA,
this club are actively involved in activities such as graphic designing, software IOACOCCA Global Entrepreneurship Intensive Design Scholarship(IGEI) Lehign
development, robotics, video editing, quizzing and group discussions. University Pennsylvania-USA.


A complete list of college acceptances from the Class of 2019. Srishti School of Art Design and Technology

US UK EUROPE National Institute of Fashion
University of California, Berkeley University of Manchester Geneva Business School
Carnegie Mellon University University of Leeds Erasmus University, Netherlands Technology(NIFT)
Georgia Tech Durham University O.P. Jindal Law School
New York University King's College London Han University of Applied Sciences, St. Xaviers College (Mumbai, Kolkata)
Northwestern University Newcastle University Netherlands
University of California, Los Angeles University College, London University College Cork, Ireland Manipal University
University of Pennsylvania University of Arts, London Christ University
University of Toledo University of Bath University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria Indraprastha University
Purdue University University of Bristol University of Szeged, Hungary
Parsons School of Design University of Edinburgh Hochschule Rhein Waal University, Germany Azim Premji University
UMass, Amherst University of Glasgow University of Hamburg, Germany Pearl Academy
University of South California University of Nottingham SRM University
Drexel University University of Southampton AUSTRALIA Bharati Vidyapeeth
College of William and Mary University of Surrey Australian National University SSN College of Engineering
Arizona State University University of Warwick Deakin University The Northcap University
Case Western Reserve University University of West London Royal Melbourne Institute of Thapar Institute Of Engineering and
Michigan State University CANADA Technology(RMIT) Technology
Northeastern University University of Toronto University of Melbourne NIIT University
Ohio State University University of British Columbia University of New South Shiv Nadar University
Rutgers University University of Waterloo Wales(UNSW) Symbiosis University
University of California, Santa Barbara Mcmaster University University of Sydney Symbiosis International University
University of California, San Diego Monash University
University of California, Davis Queen's University INDIA Symbiosis Institute of Design
University of California, Irwine University of Alberta Delhi University KR Mangalam University
University of Illinois University of Calgary Indian Institute of Technology, Whistling Woods International, Mumbai
University of Minnesota University of Nothern British Mumbai,Delhi,Kharagpur Narsee Monjee Institute of Management
University of Washington,Seattle Columbia Birla Institute of Technology and Studies
University of Wisconsin, Madison Western University Science Mumbai University
ASIA York University Ashoka University MIT Institute of Design
The University of Hong Kong University of Guelph National Law Universities Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
New York University, Abu Dhabi Vellore Institute of Technology SP Jain Institute of Global Management
The Institute of Hotel Management

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