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Published by mbeggs, 2019-05-14 20:58:50

Spring 2019 Mag FINAL

Spring 2019 Mag FINAL

FEATURING: astocktofnreeearsltyudceolnltepguebalcicaadteiomny


aproposit ion: gsaoncampus




Dear Readers,

With every end, comes a new beginning. As most know, last year,
Ms. Beggs stepped up to help us continue Yearbook as a class on its own.
Since yearbook has been our primary focus, it?s been difficult to create a
separate publication like we have done in previous years. After taking a
school year to get ourselves sorted out, a few yearbook students took the
initiative to share with you all, what is important to us.

In my many years of journalism, the most important thing I have
learned is that everyone has a voice. Whether you are outgoing or shy, an
underclassman or an upperclassman, a staff member or a student, your
voice matters. We, as a community, are often confronted with trials which
may silence our voices. With that said, this new publication is dedicated to
ensuring everyone?s voice gets heard. Your words are your legacy. It is
important that your voices stay active, inside and outside of our campus. If
any student or staff member feels that there is an issue that should be
pressed, it is with great honor to help you make that possible. Everyone is
free to write and submit their own letter to the editor in order to get their
story told.

The focus of this first publication is to spark awareness to sensitive,
or perhaps controversial issues prevalent in our modern community. We
write these stories in hopes to gain public understanding, as well as
spread knowledge amongst you all. On another note, this publication also
incorporates news/feature related stories, with the new addition of an
advice column. We are excited to for you to start reading!

Ed it o r

All students and staff are encouraged to respond to articles by emailing their Letters to the Editor to [email protected]
in a timely manner. Editors may respond to letters in the upcoming publications on our website, in the next printed publication

of the magazine, or on our podcast. Please note if you would like to be a guest on our podcast. Email if you have any
suggestions on issues you'd like to read about.




















Edit or In Ch ief :
Nina Arroyo

Con t r ibu t or s:
Lorena Vargas Fierros

Niah Tobar
Aide Ruiz
Mariel Ruiz Malagon
Atlas Dearborn
Alexandra Pesoshina McGory
Esmeralda Chavelas
Madeline Furtado
Ph ot ogr aph er s:
Kenneth Caslib
David de Jesus
Gu est Con t r ibu t or s:
Giselle Barajas

Lupine and
Po p p i es

artwork by Atlas






Not Safe,Not Sound

Stockton, California is not exactly the assault to occur is greater than many my life because of passengers on the

safest of places to live. SECA, just happens realize. Countless schools have chosen to bus," says Jahan Jones (12) who travels

to be at the epicenter of it all, enlighten students on the basics of alone quite often in his commute to and

surrounded by hospitals and "With a simple everything from driving to writing from school.

mental institutions. The school's look, you're argumentative essays, but no one It is hard enough to trust the people we
administration has gone above complet ely is teaching us how to protect love sometimes, let alone those we don't .
and beyond to ensure city and undressed from o u r selves.

district law enforcement patrol head to toe." According to the Sutter Health Palo Despite who you are, what you do or
our streets, steel gates create a Alto Medical Foundation, where you are from, anyone

barrier from potential threats, and neon "Sexual assault is any unwanted "He (a homeless man) can be the target of sexual
vests and sign-out sheets help keep track sexual contact or attention." literally put his arms assault. The University of
of our whereabouts in an effort to keep us Though this is commonly a up and came at my North Carolina at Charlotte
safe. These tactics have served greatly in bigger fear for the women on head so he just ended discovered that about 85%
the attempt to keep students and staff our campus than it is for the of sexual assault victims
members safe. However, we must men, it affects us all. One in up pushing me knew their offenders. It is
harshly. My boyfriend
pushed him away and

eventually go home, and these four f em ale we rushed inside." hard to swallow, and nearly
protections don't necessarily impossible to even fathom
follow us there. One danger "When I was 13 a guys
that breathes down the necks started smirking at me in u n d er gr ad u at es the thought That someone
of Stockton residents and the store. While I was in
students almost daily - that we will fall victim to some form
do not necessarily address - is line, I felt something you felt you could trust would take
push against my butt and
a hand grab me. I saw the of sexual assault according advantage of that leverage to violate your

same guys smirk at me to the United States being. Talking about these incidents can

Department of Justice, and be very difficult; we may fear we will not

once more. I couldn't say one in six men have been be taken seriously, or our lack of evidence
anything ... there was no will make our case easily dismissable.
sexual assault. Whether it be sexually abused in their
walking to and from school,
one around ." childhood, as reported by
going to parties, waiting at the the organization 1in6. These Maybe we feel as though our confession

bus stop, leaving campus for are frightening statistics. will taint our attacker ?s record beyond
a Delta course or lunch, or even using a repair, so we hold back, but we do not

public restroom, the potential for sexual "Even though I am male ... I am scared for need to silence ourselves to protect these



Art byAtl asDearborn

predators. SECA is certainly safer than a prove better than having nothing at all in us, but says her biggest worry is the

college campus in terms of its stricter your moments of need. Always let a well-being of her younger siblings.

regulations and absence of housing, but trusted friend or family member know of It is deeply distressing that so many
people wake up each day and prepare
we must awaken to the reality that many your whereabouts, keep your phone themselves for the possible threat of an
assault. Many of us question the length of
of us will soon be moving into a dorm. charged, carry a portable charger, and our dresses and shorts, the amount of
makeup we wear, the route we take home
What precautions should you take? maybe even initiate a ?find my phone?app on our bikes, how close we can sit to the
driver on the city transit, or how quickly
Cautionon "Once in elementary incase of an emergency in we can make it to our cars before it gets
which you are unable to use it. too dark out, because these are the things
Col l egeCampusschool, a boy followed Always be aware of your exits in that predators will use to justify their
me home and a building, keep a list of act io n s.
numbers to call in the case of
No young adults wants to proceeded to come into an emergency, and make your
be preached at about the my house. I didn't know line visible immediately to
dangers of drugs and he had been following anyone who begins to cross it.

me and my mom

alcohol, so that is not what wasn't home."

you?ll find here. All that can Bigger than What one wears, how old they appeared,
truly be said in regards to Oursel ves
partaking in the act of self-intoxication: be Text from a boy: "Well I like what they did or did
smart. Think about the people that love flowers, too. I want your[s]. not say and where
you every time you go out to chug bottles Basically, I like you a lot and I they happened to be,
and pass blunts. Do actual research on
the harm you are inflicting upon yourself. Look out for yourself, your want to be the first person you will never be the
Most importantly, be aware of how your do it with. "
senses dim while you are under the loved ones, and your equivalent of ?they
influence, as they can make you more
vulnerable to manipulation because you community. We wouldn?t Next day: "That was the drugs were asking for it.? As
may become unaware of or unable to need eyes on the backs of talkin'. Trust me, I texted more scary and lonely as
physically defend our heads if we could rely on these situations may
people than just you."
yourself against it. Carrying anything
from a whistle, to pepper spray and even others to watch our backs for seem, it is important
taking a self-defense class or two, will us. that you find someone to share them with
?My siblings; I worry about them more so you can seek the proper help to

than about myself,? Selina Mata (11) said. commence the healing process.
She is personally weary of potential Remember, you are never alone.

threats and creepy individuals like most of 3


Op- edpieceby Atl asDearborn

people who share experiences,? Maisie SECA has been a great place for

Should SECAdevelop a GSA ¨ Kai¨ Shearer (9) said when asked if one students who have hidden themselves to
(Gay-Straight Alliance) for its
would be beneficial. show who they are deep inside. It is a new
LGBT students?
GSAs are sometimes "Specific issues having place, a place that has shown
A Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is an one of the most important to do with the LGBT to be supportive to any and
aspects of school which students and the general all expressions of their
important school club/community queer students look student body are best st u d en t s.
forward to. Most queer addressed by ASB
organization that many lesbian, gay, students are faced with Leadership, so that LGBT ?SECA truly has allowed me to
bullying or discrimination, students can be heard by a be more open about who I
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) sometimes even a mixture broader audience and am. If I had ran for freshman
of both. This type of club is have their concerns class president at Edison
students value close to their hearts. It?s a a safe place for these addressed more directly" High, for example, I wouldn?t
students to be themselves, be more myself than here at
safe space for students to be themselves SECA for the amount of

in a supportive environment and meet

new people. It is a place where queer

people? those who are not heterosexual lounge around with flags, and laugh as discrimination there (at Edison). This

and/or identify with a much as they want until they school lets me show my true colors,?

gender other than the have to go back to class. Freshman Class President, David

one assigned at SECA, however, isn?t like Sengthay (9) said when questioned about

birth? and their straight common schools. his journey of expression.

(h et er o sexu al) allies GSAs although in the past are
sometimes not the only thing queer
come together. The ?I don?t believe that there are students enjoy most of all. Being with
people who support and encourage them
question is, is a GSA issues at SECA that would for being themselves? whether that be
clothing, preferred pronoun and name
needed here at Stockton require a specific student change, or the acknowledgment of the
doubt? SECA provides most, if not all, of
Early College Academy group for fostering that for its students.

(SECA) for the benefit of r elat io n sh ip s between

its students? straight and LGBT

students? that?s not one of

?Definitely! I think it allows students to the difficulties that our students face,?
find similar people like themselves;
Tiffany Chaddock, a science teacher at

4 SECA, said.


?I think being out at school is a better Some however, use this time in high How do you t h in k SECA
would benefit by
way at truly expressing yourself? who school to be out about who they are and h avin g a GSA?

you are really? to others and making so they come out: a metaphor for LGBT

connections,? Shearer said. As a queer people's self-acknowledgement of their

student here at SECA, they believe sexual orientation or of their gender

expressing one?s self is important? hiding identity.

just leaves unasked questions. Questions ?My queer friends don?t affect
my coming out; it?s all on me. I
we don?t want. did it to make me happy, not
for others. It?s not some peer
These q u est io n s " I think SECA allows me to pressure I face,?Shearer said.
express my sexuality since
developed in the people are more accepting

mid-to-late 1980s, back here. At public schools,

when queer people people are more vocal Coming out is a big thing in David Sen gt h ay (9)

started popping up about their prejudices but SECA, by exposing your true "I think that by having a club and
along the ranks of here there barely is any. colors and your personal having meetups and talking about
?normal people?. These People at SECA are more thoughts and opinions. High
also showed many school is a new place for our struggles and organizing
problems -- for queer welcoming of all its many of these students to events that connect us, it can be a
st udent s."
lot more bonding within the
and straight people finally be themselves. A GSA will allow community on campus."

alike -- about the knowledge of the LGBT that for SECA?s queer students, the ones

community and even the health who are more shy about being out or are

com m u n it ies. scared of what challenges they?ll face. But

?I?ve been aware of and involved with it?s still life; challenges are just around the

the community since the 80s when I was corner, it?s just about overcoming them. A

involved with an HIV/AIDs outreach and fellowship of the rainbows will allow this

support organization (for both queer and for the timber wolf pack.

straight people),? Chaddock said after

being asked about how she found out Next year is a fresh start with new possibilities. Ru ben Gon zalez (10)
about the LGBT community. Anyone interested in helping to start a GSA is
encouraged to attend the Associated Student "A GSA would really help with
This LGBT community is meaningful to

lots of the queer students these days, Body meetings in order to give their input and get people that don't have a voice or
especially here at SECA. That?s not all involved.
that cannot be themselves

though. Just having the support can be because of people that look down

enough for the lucky few. at them." 5


CommonThread InTheLoop then at the same time they could learn a
craft to do for the rest of their life,? Beggs
It didn?t matter what labels people had Licerio is not the only one who finds shared.
adorned themselves with, how much this sort of release in knitting. Theron
experience they had, or even if they had Mancia, who is working on a scarf for his Gurpreet Kaur, one of the teachers who
the proper materials; when a group of sister, says it can be frustrating at times, enjoys knitting, loves knitting with her
SECA?s teachers banned together to but he says once he gets into a groove, 80-year-old mother. Her mother, Ajit Kaur,
establish a knitting community, they did so ?it?s so peaceful,? and he ?enters this state has committed to making one beanie a day
with the intentions of benefiting any and of focus.? for homeless families in the Stockton area.
every student interested. Ajit Kaur doesn't just knit clothes to give
It seems to be the repetitiveness, both back to her community. She also does it for
This year became the first year several Theron and Yvonne claim, that allows brain exercise.
teachers decided to teach students a craft them to bury their worries for the time
they can use for a lifetime. A craft that can being, miles deep in yarn. "She (Ajit Kaur) also knits to keep herself
also benefit the homeless community in busy. She is diabetic and wants to keep her
St o ckt o n . ?I don?t feel like, ?Oh, all my problems are hands active," said Gurpreet Kaur.
gone,?but I do find that it helps me focus
The teachers provide the necessary more,?Mancia shares. It is well known that knitting can also
materials and guidance needed every help improve dexterity for those with
Friday in Maria Beggs?room during lunch. Even more experienced knitters like arthritis (Mayo Foundation for Medical
Many of those who participate found that Harman Kaur, who has been in-the-know Education and Research, 1998-2019).
knitting would serve as much more than since fourth grade, have similar
just a hobby; it would become an escape. perspectives on the role knitting plays in KnittingNecessities
their lives.
?It keeps my mind preoccupied, it helps me Knitting has proved itself to be
concentrate on something else,? said ?If I have a presentation tomorrow or inexpensive (as long as you stick with one
Yvonne Licerio. something, I try to knit and it diverts your project at a time), relaxing, and even
focus. You focus on that instead of the rewarding in the sense that it can be
Not everyone who tried it found it thing you?re stressing about,?Kaur said. utilized as a tool to help others.
appealing at first, and either retired early or
took it as a challenge to master the art of Some people, like Beggs, get a later SECA?s knitting community has decided
kn it t in g. start in life. She began knitting a few to knit for the homeless, and the
months ago after watching a beginner 's Associated Student Body (ASB) has agreed
Licerio was among the few who came to knitting video on You Tube. She loved the on contributing to the cause by donating
love and find a comfort in the process. She meditative state knitting brings so much $300 for the materials necessary to do so.
says she finds a little time every day to she wanted to bring it to share it with SECA
work on her scarf. She?s nearly finished and st u d en t s. Knitting may have been the last thing a
redone the same scarf numerous times in teenager would think about to try and
hopes of a final product she can truly be ?It was really meditating...I feel like this relieve stress, but it may end up being the
proud of creating. year since the teachers and staff are trying best thing you try.
to focus on mental health and being well
?It doesn?t bother me to redo it; I enjoy and treating your body good, I felt like it?s Join the knitting community in room 304 every Friday to
knitting that much.? something the students could use and learn how to knit. Bring your lunch, and come bask in a
new and neurologically-stimulating environment.







Articl eandphotosByMariel Ruiz Mal agon
Feminism empowerment in today?s resources.? They have hosted events such as the art
display and forum, Mindful Masterpieces.
society has become immensely significant The committee has come across much
as it revolves around all individuals, not controversy since its inception . However, ?Mindful Masterpieces allowed students
just women; it advocates the rights of these strong devoted, young women have to be in an environment where they felt
both men and women, it is universal to all surpassed all expectations and have taken safe to discuss serious topics we?ve been
individuals in society. the responsibility to represent many too timid to address,?said Tobar.

Feminism and its meaning is constantly voices around campus. The committee?s most recent event
was a poetry slam hosted on the first day
being misinterpreted. It takes empowering ?There have been jokes about the term of Art Week.
and devoted individuals to advocate its feminism, such as ?feminazi?, that imply
meaning and surpass its that we are trying to create a group that ?The poetry slam is intended to showcase
misinterpretation. Here at Stockton Early excludes the male gender,?Tobar said. poetry as art, because it is, and do so in a
College Academy (SECA), we have several light that hopefully helps others
devoted individuals who advocate and According to Valdez, most of the appreciate it more. With poetry, you can
use metaphors and imagery to express
empower feminism. negative reactions come from something that everyday vocabulary
could never do justice for,?Tobar said.
These individuals are very passionate misunderstandings and lack of education
about feminist empowerment and being on what feminism is, which is why they The Feminist Committee has taken on
so, they took initiative to start a feminist believe having this committee is so the responsibility to better not only our
club. Tianna Esparza (11) approached im p or t an t . campus but our community as a whole.
Niah Tobar (11) and Veronika Valdez (11)
"We have also received a lot of positive Anyone interested in being involved in the
Feminist Committee should regularly attend
with the idea. Valdez and Tobar are reactions and support from people on the ASB meetings to help plan future events.

?p assio n at e about w om en's campus who are willing to help us out,
which we?re very thankful and excited for,?
empowerment.? According to Tobar, they

didn't hesitate to get involved even after Valdez said.

the ASB Director, Laura Powell suggested The committee planned to promote
they join ASB to ?to use the available feminism around campus through the

8 hosting of events.

Art WorkDispl ayed at
Mindful Masterpieces

Artist: Cailynn Gayhram Artist: Selena Mata

Q: Wh at does t h e Fem in ist Com m it t ee m ean t o you ?

?I started the committee to bring a
community together. To help others
find themselves and be comfortable

with who they are. To empower
beauty, personality, and friendship,?

Esparza said.

Artist: Justin Yap ?This committee is open to absolutely
Artist: Justin Yap everyone and anyone on campus.

Even if you are not so sure where you
stand on feminism or whether you?d

call yourself a feminist or not,
everyone is welcomed to join in on

discussion,?Valdez said.

?SECA has challenged me to be more
than a human SD card. I?ve found
my voice and strength and have

been pushed to prove to myself that
as an individual I can accomplish
more than I could have ever

imagined. But working with Veronika
and Tianna, has proved to me that
anything is possible,?Tobar said.




Most people call me David, but you can just 11
call me David. A small background check on
me would reveal that I moved to Stockton
from Manteca in 2010. I used to live in this
sprawling two-story house. I used to be a
total science geek and would always ask for
science kits for my birthday. My favorite
types of music, such as lo-fi, indie rap artists,
and indie in general, are the types you would
come across in a cafe or underground hang
out spot. I have gone through many hobbies
and many phases, but I'm finally settling
down. At least, I think I am. Anyway, I?m a
senior at SECA and I have been in
journalism/yearbook for all four years. It was
this class that made me want to buy my own
camera and try my hand at photography.
Photography is one of the more recent
hobbies that I picked up, but there?s one
thing that differentiates photography from
the rest. With enough practice, photography
can become a viable path to a career. When
it comes to leaving the classroom and
snapping pictures, I try to burn into my mind
the idea of taking pictures not to just take
the picture but to capture the action. Photos
visually convey all that happens within a
moment in time. Photos possess the ability
to be charged with emotion, even if it's for no
reason at all! That's what I enjoy the most
about photography: being able to add
emotion through lighting and shading and
setting and all the creative variables that
come into play when shooting photos.



f rom

ACol l ectionof Student Art



Ar t ist : I.Y
Tit le: Fearless
M edia: pencil and paper
Pr of ile: "Growing up as a child, I drew myself into a fantasy that I dreamed of, it allowed me to see what my mind told me to
draw. I began to draw at the age of 8 or 9, it inspired me to go towards an art major which allows myself to express my inner
feelings and thoughts. There's no story behind my drawings, it's usually whatever I feel like drawing. But to add on, this drawing
shows the scar of a wolf ?s claw, which I saw in a TV show; Teen Wolf, so as a Teen Wolf fan, i decided to draw it."


The Logic of Dishonesty

We are only children
clever and calculating
Don´t hope we won´t help
We adhere to our humanity

Trapped in our habits,
Told to be honest,
Torn and tattered

The lies constantly told

But white truth
could never really harm
but we are stained with blackness

young and unarmed

Cheating is a consequence
Caused by the Coalition
of the human condition

We protect our own
and our own is anyone

so why not cheat
When we´re helping everyone

- Sully

Ar t ist : Sully
Tit le: The Logic to Dishonesty
M edia: In English 1A I was given a journal, and I was thinking about how Mrs. Bear was disappointed since some students
kept cheating. I was trying to write it in the students perspective, to understand why they did it.
Pr of ile: "I did a couple poems when I was younger but I started to make it a habit this year. I was inspired by Lin Manuel
Miranda since he writes enjoyable Broadway songs that have a great internal rhyme and it's really catchy. A bunch of kids
got caught cheating this year, so I was thinking "Why they would do that ?" and the logic behind it. I wanted to understand
their perspective and what could have led them to cheating. It?s your decision really, I mean you wrote it for a reason, if
you want to show that reason go ahead, if it?s private then don?t. No one?s forcing you to share your work with others."


Dh ar m a
A Poem by D. Belmont

Only fools-
Reconcile with they serpents

I be scraping with myself just by going through what's current

Lobbing skulls-
There was a moth inside of that glass tho

Nothing changed, steady trippin over these bad jokes
Hate how my emotions take center stage
Playing dress up, after a while personas start misplacing blame
Either a playwright or a puppet but we all die the same
Psychopomp on my shoulder sickle signal through the hurt and pain
Sleight of hand stayin elusive since ?19
That tea kettle simmer latent bitter honey tea
Eyes flutter clutch the remnants of my ciphered sleep
Trade a deuce fore i smack into poles of falsified realities

Ar t ist : D. Belmont
Tit le: Dharma
M edia: Typed
Pr of ile: "When I was younger I excluded myself from people to the point where I was hitting rock bottom. This affected my
personality, so I later started writing poems at the age of 15 or 16. I was mainly inspired with the music I listened to. When
writing Dharma I used words that may not look familiar to other people but I like to embed them into my vocabulary."
Wor ds of in spir at ion :

?If you don't show it you will never get better, showcase so other people have other opinions in which you can better on?


Ar t ist : Kristy C. Auyeung
Tit le: No Title
M edia: Paper and Pencil
Pr of ile: I test out my techniques and skills in drawing. I feel like art is a way to embrace my creativity and pass
time. By doing art I am able to relax. I saw people doing art, which inspired me try it out myself.
Wor ds of In spir at ion : ?If you have talent, might as well show it because that?s how you embrace yourself. Also
you want to show people that they shouldn?t be afraid to show off their art.?


Ar t ist : Julios De Jesus

Tit le: Space

M edia: Pencil

Pr of ile: "I began drawing cars in the fourth grade, I had become inspired by a car designer. I learned that even
though it?s a random thing, people would like to see something unique, nothing bad, showing the world, you
never know if maybe one day it might turn into something bigger."

Wor d of in spir at ion : ?Even though its a random thing, people would like to see something unique instead of
nothing bad showing the world, never know maybe one day it might turn into something bigger."



Ar t ist : Gaby M edr an o
Tit le: Wake up, Starboy, and Error
M edia: Digital
Pr of ile: " I began art in the first grade but
didn?t take it seriously until 2015. I was
inspired by character designs in tv shows,
and I would like to draw my favorite
characters. I was also inspired by a lot of
artist on the Internet. I really liked their
style and I focused on emulating that."
Wor ds of In spir at ion : ?Don?t be afraid to
showcase your work but just be opened to
constructive criticism, because people will
have negative comments but also good
comments about one's art.?



Happiness with no ending.
Can this be true?
For when I?m with you,
I always feel blue.

Lovers bring light,
but you come with darkness,
turning my day into night.

You fill me with sorrow,
but still I come forth,
seeking for you,
today and tomorrow.

Labor of Love-

I might not be able to mend your
but I?ll ease the ache.
For if we?re ever apart, I know we?ll

You don't know how much I love you
more than the stars and moons above.
If you go, I?ll be be filled with sorrow.
This will be my labor of love.

Ar t ist : AC Star Talingdan

Tit le: Labor of love & Seeking

M edia: Typed

Pr of ile: "I write lyrics and dance. I started writing poems because I was going through a really depressive state and I
didn?t know how to convey my emotions and feelings. My writing and music would help me. I started writing and
dancing in the 3rd grade. The poems both describe a sad point in life, it was when my parents were arguing a lot. Both
poems are about sorrow, despair, and toxic relationships. I express most of my art with singing and it?s a way of
expressing myself, I connect with the lyrics in a way to where I feel the music in me."

Wor ds of in spir at ion : ?Whatever your art is, you do it to inspire others or yourself. There always has to be a meaning

20 to what you do.?You are not alone, you will always have someone feeling the same way you do.

Ar t ist : Atlas Dearborn

Tit le: untitled

M edia: Sketching (pencil, paper,
eraser), Painting (acrylic, canvas,
water color) digital art (program
on computer)

Pr of ile:

"The passion for art sprouted at age two, but the
steps to truly develop the skills began during art
lessons at age five. I?ve always been creative, drawing
the things I watched on t.v. My Grandmother was also
very creative, so I basically followed in her footsteps. I
draw whatever it is I want to, and improvements are
made a little at a time. I wasn?t very good with digital
art or painting people, but those aspects sought
improvement, too eventually."



Su b-h eadin gs

Ar t ist : Julia Htunnaung
Tit le: SECA Student
M edia: Digital Art
Pr of ile: "In December of Sophomore year I was inspired to draw friendships and feelings around my school. After
looking over at Youtube videos I was inspired to start my very own art account on Instagram to showcase my art about
my fellow classmates at SECA."


Ar t ist : Selina Mata
Tit le: Unique and Beautiful
M edia: Paper and lead pencil
Pr of ile: Selena has always had a passion for drawing but she started taking it seriously at the age of 13, because she
realized that she can do so much with her art. Her inspiration for drawing is making others happy and inspired.
Drawing was also a coping skill when she just wanted a distraction . Art is a way to make connections on a deeper level
than usual, and it can be amazing. There should be no reason for which why artist should be scared to showcase their
art. Art has no certain criteria that people have to follow, there is no order that people should follow in art to be
considered ?good?are comes in many different forms, ?every art is different in its own unique way.?


Ar t ist : Madeline Furtado

Tit le: Be Sweet, Cherry pie

M edia: Pencil and Sketchbook

Pr of ile: " I started drawing when I was little. I would draw pictures of my mom, dad, and myself together and
ever since then I've loved drawing. I feel like I can express myself through my drawings, all of them are really
special to me, even the bad ones, because it shows how much I've progressed in my drawing techniques. It also
allows me to put my imagination and thoughts on paper rather than having all of these ideas in my head and
not having anywhere to put them ."
Wor ds of in spir at ion : ?Be proud of your work, even if you think its bad. you created it yourself and that's better
than anything else.?



Ar t ist : Kenneth Caslib
Tit le: Kenneth's Photography

M edia: Canon t6 and i mainly like to use the 50mm
f / 1.8
Pr of ile: "I began photography in my 8th grade year
when I was 14, and what mainly inspired me was my
cousin. I saw how nice and clean his photos came
out, soon after, I saw the other photographers that
he hangs out with and I seen how good they were. I
love taking people's photos especially in nice
locations, because its a way for me to learn new ideas
and new ideas just hit me whenever."




byniahtobar PhotobyNinaArroyo

M ain st r eam regime aimed at the students?well-being. These comments are made with the
It is critical that we all recognize and
Since 2017, Netflix has gripped partake in one another ?s efforts for intentions of being harmless gags of
millions of hearts in the United States change in fear that they be in vain. humor, as laughter is a common response
alone with their series ?13 Reasons Why.? to them. However, Beggs believes that
A Cr y For Help beneath the jokes are legitimate cries for
The television series conveyed the help. We may bring our issues up in a
tragedy of a high school student who had Laughter is prophesied to be the best humorous manner, but might actually be
endured more hardship than she could medicine, but we seem to laugh at the hoping for someone to break the ice and
cope with, and takes her own life. This was very things that are causing our pain to offer a real solution to them.

merely an echo of those before her. begin with.

Hannah Baker, felt comparably Maria Beggs, the Yearbook "It?s like whoever wrote ?People might joke about
overwhelmed and unaided in the battles and freshmen English this note just wants things they don?t know how to
against her bullies and internal demons. Teacher shared that she has talk about, but want to,?
heard comments from attention. If they were Drake Ramstead (12) said. He
Nationwide, about 21 percent of students telling each other to serious, they would says he too makes these jokes
students ages 12-18, have experienced now and again.
bullying according to the ?go kill yourself ? have told us who they
U.S Department of Health and ?You?re on were.? These cries, therefore

and Human Services in "You can't love someone my next tape,? ought to be tended to

2015. Imagine the rise in back to life" -Mr.Porter, 13 which is in reference to 13 immediately before someone makes a

numbers as technology Reasons Why Reasons Why. decision they simply cannot undo.

becomes more prominent Since the popular At t em pt s at Aid
in our communication with television series debuted, she
one another. has referred a number of students to the Laura Powell, the Leadership class
counselors for making such comments. teacher, ASB advisor, and freshmen
Countless social dilemmas lurk about history teacher here, shed some light on
campuses across America, and ours is no "These comments were made amongst the intents of some of the events students
excep t io n . close friends, but I still have to take them tend to overlook each year. The following
seriously. Some students may laugh these are examples of the countless steps SECA
Some students claim that SECA does jokes off like they're nothing, but may has taken to mold healthier minds and
not apply a great enough emphasis on the actually feel insulted and embarrassed," bodies for its students:
mental health on its students, while said Beggs.
others say that indeed there are activities
and practices implemented in our daily


- Spirit days plans with supportive family members, need to work together as a family in
- Hot cocoa during the weeks
or seek out activities where order to achieve our goals.
leading up to finals
- Friday Night Live?s game nights you can meet new people, ?Change will not Communication is key; we
- Two years of required physical
such as a club, class or come if we wait for must voice our concerns and
ed u cat io n
- Physics Explorers Club?s support group" (2019). some other person respond appropriately to

beautification of our campus Powell also claims Joshua or some other implement change to prolong
with additions like Timber Wolf Thom, SECA's principal, has that more-than-just-a-school
Garden approved the manner in time. We are the sensation. Really listen to the
which the Title 1 funding ones we've been jokes your friends and family
In addition to all these activities for will be spent this year: waiting for. We are make, and maybe next time,
students to maintain a healthy mental health and wellness training the change that we don?t take them so lightly.
well-being, students can become is expected to be added for seek.?- Barack Remind your peers that every
involved in the numerous clubs at SECA. the staff members so they word counts.
Being involved in clubs can help keep Obama.
students active and social.
can help students in dealing with their Funny people can be flustered with
According to the University of
Michigan's Health Services, people with stress and anxiety. serious problems. Everyone needs help
strong social connections are healthier
than those who lack a support network. Opening New sometimes, so don?t be afraid to offer
and ask for it when necessary.
The Regents of the University of
Michigan encourage students to "make Door s Anyone who feels they need to talk to someone
about their mental well-being should contact
SECA is founded on the idea that their counselor. SECAstaff and family care
excellence is achieved through about everyone on campus, and would like to
coherence. The staff at SECA has
strived to send the message that we see every student reach their academic goals in
a healthy manner.

GET INVOLVED ON Need Som eon e t o t alk t o?

CAM PUS: Sch ool Cou n selor s:

- Academ ic Decat h lon (ACADEC)* Chan Sam (9 -10th grade)
- Associat ed St u den t Body (ASB) Andres Ueyda (11-12th grade)

- Ch ess Clu b Pr in cipal: Joshua Thom
- Gr adu at in g Class Clu bs
- Fr iday Nigh t Live (FNL) * students are encouraged to seek help from the principal and/or any
of the counselors depending on availability
- Key Clu b
- M at h em at ics En gin eer in g Scien ce San Joaqu in Cou n t y- Hu m an Ser vices Agen cy
(209) 468 -1000
Ach ievem en t (M ESA)
- M ock Tr ial* San Joaqu in Cou n t y- M en t al Healt h - Ch ildr en &
- M u lt icu lt u r al Clu b You t h Ser vices
- Nat ion al Hon or s Societ y (NHS) (209) 468 - 1333
- Ph ysics Explor er s Clu b
- Ru n n in g Clu b San Joaqu in Cou n t y- Cr isis In t er ven t ion
- Year book Clu b* 1212 N. California St.

* Clu bs w h ich r equ ir e en r ollm en t in class walk-in hours M-F 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
(209) 468 -8686
- In t er -m u r al Spor t s
Calif or n ia You t h Cr isis Lin e
1 (800) 843 - 5200

Wom en s Cen t er of San Joaqu in Cou n t y
Domestic Violence: (209) 465-4878
Sexual Assault: (209) 465-4997

Youth/Human Trafficking: (209) 948-1911
Su bst an ce Abu se
(209) 468-9600

* all contacts listed above are also listed on SECA's website
under "Guidance" and "Community Resources"


Photo Credits : STRVBX photography

Photo Credits: Gene Abrahms Dingle Photo Credits: Gene Abrahms Dingle
Photo Credits: Gene Abrahms Dingle
Photo Credits: Gene Abrahms Dingle
Photo Credits: Gene Abrahms Dingle
Photo Credits : STRVBX photography

Photo Credits: Gene Abrahms Dingle


stocktonnativebecomesal egend

aninspiringtal eabout ayoungmanwhodefiedstereotypesof peopl efromstockton

byNinaR. Arroyo

Stockton. Easily associated with its influences and temptations. While In September of 2018, Arroyo made his
standing as one of the most dangerous school works for some, it doesn?t work professional debut in Tijuana, Mexico.
cities in California. We are the city of for all. After graduating from Franklin He knocked out his opponent in the
crime. We are the city of violence. We Senior High School, he started working first round, and took home the first win
are the city of lost potential and the towards his AA in business, but he knew of his professional career. With the
fallen youth. It?s conspicuous that that he
Stockton isn?t the prettiest place to live, w an t ed su p p o r t
nor the safest. Crime rates are high, to make of his
leaving our streets unsound. The city more of f am ily
itself is socially corrupt, causing the h im self . and
reputation it has. Or, at least, the With that f r ien d s,
reputation people are misconstrued to in mind, he
believe. But hidden behind every he set r et u r n ed
ghetto, is beauty. Hidden behind every out to to
street corner is talent. And Hidden p u r su e Tijuana
behind every wrongdoing is potential. what he five
loved months
?We?re so unique with so much talent, m ost , later for
but the shadows of people gone to boxing. his
waste is what makes this city look In order second
dangerous and full of crime. Once you to accomplish his ultimate goal of going win. On
meet people trying to beautify and pro, he sacrificed his free time to train May 4th, Arroyo will be fighting at the
improve our reputation, that?s the for upcoming fights, instead of Stockton Arena under a Top Rank card,
beginning of Stockton?s rebuild,? Gene indulging in the lifestyle of the average which will be featured on ESPN. For
Abrahms Dingle (10) said. young adult. Along the way, he him, it?s a huge opportunity to be able
watched a lot of his close friends fall to fight at home and be a positive
Take Marco Arroyo III, for example, a 22 into the streets of Stockton, which only representation of his community. With
year old boxer born and raised on the motivated him to want to be better. his growing fame and recognition, he
East side of Stockton. Arroyo started hopes to influence young boxers and
boxing at age 14 with hopes that the Arroyo, himself, struggled with his own young kids to reach for their goals,
sport would keep him out of trouble hardships. Before going pro, he cut off because they do not have to be
and off of the streets. What started off two of his fingers during a work products of their environment. He
as just a hobby, eventually transformed incident which set him back drastically. stands as proof that where you come
the entirety of his life. For some, school After surgery and physical therapy, he from doesn?t define who you have to
and further education is the ticket to was able to return to the gym, but it be.
success, but success can be found in took awhile before he was able to do
many forms. For Arroyo, he had the things he used to. In the meantime, Stockton isn?t only its bad reputation.
different goals. School was always he persevered through his injury and It?s a city full of talent. A city full of
important, but as a dyslexic student, he worked out with the one hand he had potential. A city capable of growth.
struggled to find motivation. Boxing available to him, ultimately making him Although there are many demons who
gave him an outlet to relieve any stress, stronger. He ended his amateur career haunt our city, there is always the
and gave him something to focus on. with a record of 19-4, and set off to brighter side of everything. Where we
It?s easy to get distracted at a young accomplish his dream. come from is only what we choose to
age, especially with surrounding make of it and we, the people, are only


HumansOf SECA


Int er view s by Nina Ar royo

?I?ve always liked school but it was difficult freshman and Photo Credit: SUSD
sophomore year. I got sick over the summer and I got
Ju lisa M ar t in ez (11)
diagnosed with lung cancer. Coming into freshman year I
was really sick. My left lung wasn?t working, it collapsed
completely. They did three surgeries. After awhile they
found out that I had a rare infection that MSMD. I?m the

second the person in the US to have been diagnosed, and
the 401st person in the world. No one knew how to treat
it because it was so rare so it finally got worse and I
ended up getting stage two lung cancer. It was really hard
because it was difficult getting assignments in on time
and I?d come to school but I?d have to go home because I
didn?t feel well. I still met grades. I really didn?t complain
about much because I didn?t wanna be treated differently
because I was sick. I?m not a complainer. I?ve always been
optimistic person. I learned to appreciate life more
because they didn?t know if i?d make it or not because
nothing was working. When I found out I was good, I was
really happy, it was a huge relief.?

Ngoc Nguyen (9)

"I moved over from Chavez High School because I wanted to
take the college courses that are provided here. I really like the
idea of having a smaller campus because it is easier to get to
my classes and I don't get lost. At SECA there is a tighter
community. Chavez has a large population and they are more
sports-oriented. I like how at SECA you are automatically put
into college classes. The environment here is different because
students have a closer relationship with the teachers, which
makes it easier to ask for help. At SECA, I have developed a
better work ethic."
"I am an only child in my house and my family is one of the
few who are in the U.S. while, the rest of my family is in
Vietnam. "


Kevin M aldon ado (12)

?I study when I get bored. School is most important to me. I can?t fall
behind. I?m prepared to learn. I?m going to be in school my whole life,
so I?m ready for that. If I fall behind then I wouldn?t feel accomplished. I
want to change the world. I want to invent something with knowledge I
have and make things that people have never seen before. I want to
create a new prosthetic limb, one that actually moves. I want to create
prosthetic arms specifically. I just want to enhance the body in a way. I
want that feeling of accomplishment again. I like helping people.?

Ter a Rober t s (10)

?I like imagining things to escape. Life is boring. Normal life
is boring. It?s interesting to try to imagine other people?s

lives even if it?s only in fiction. I started doing it when I was
little, I just imagined anything that I could. My imagination is

the only thing I really have. I make up little stories,
sometimes original, sometimes fandom- based. They?re
focused on fantasy and realistic fiction. They?re like a slice of
life. I enjoy making up things, but I?m terrible at actually
putting my thoughts onto paper. When I can, it?s decent. I

am curious. I am inane. I am eccentric.?

Rish ab M alh or t a (9) ?My hard work represents who I am. I try my best in

everything I do even if it isn?t worth a lot of points. I?m in a

non-profit organization. There was a school in Vallejo and

we gave free backpacks with supplies to the kids in need.

My dad has an organization on a bigger scale, we want to

help! My family and I started our own organization on a

smaller level to help more people. I feel like I?m fortunate

enough to be able to help people in need and I am grateful

for that. My dad has had the biggest influence on my life.

When he was 16 he?d work 10 hours a day and he ran the

house because his parents were sick. My dad has always

taught us that even if you fail there?s always a chance to

become better, so never stop going for your dreams. My

parents are always preaching to do your best, so I do

because I want to make my parents proud. My family is my

number one priority because they?ll always be there for me.

You can choose your friends but you can?t choose your

f am ily.? 33


SECA: 3rd place overall; 3rd place for schools who run AcaDec class

Honors category
Michelle Lin (10)? Art 3rd place; Essay 2nd place; Music 3rd place

Scholastic category:
Nikhil Menon (12) ? Economics 2nd place

Obed Rivera (9) ? Math 3rd place
Brianna Mancia (11) ? Music 1st place

Varsity category:
Shebaz Khan (12) ? Art 3rd place; Essay, 3rd place
Aleksei Macatuno (10) ? Interview 3rd place; Science 3rd place; Social Science 1st place
Logan Samoy (12) ? Math 1st place; Economics 2nd place

Honors category:
Mamoona Faryal (10) ? Art, Language&Literature, Social Science
Prantik Bharadwaj (10) ? Economics
Victor Jaramillo - Music
Varsity category
Marco Correa (12) ? Math
Francisco Valdez (9) ? Math

Eliza Coletto (10)? Art 1st place
Dave Soliven (10) ? Math 3rd place; Science 2nd place; Language&Literature 1st place ?

Top Overall Score 3rd place
Jennifer Moreno (12) ? Social Science 1st place

Lailah Hortelano (12)

* provided by AcaDec Coach, Shannon Kelly

34 SJCOE 2018-19 Academ ic Decat h lon


Overall: 1st place in Team Division
1st place: Jef Tabora Pelera (12)
3rd place: Obed Rivera (9)
4th place: Drake Ramstead (12)
6th place: Jimmy Trang (12)
14th place: Rhonel Tamargo (12)

40th Annual CalChess Scholastic
State Championships


1st place College Poster: Esmeralda Chavelas (11)
1st place Civil Structures: Henry Pham (10) and Karlaine Francisco (10)
1st place Creativity Civil Structures: Henry Pham (10) and Karlaine Francisco (10)
2nd place Think Tank: Gerardo Chavez (10), Roxana Montoya (10), Dave Soliven (10)

1st place Prosthetic Arm 9-10th grade AND 1st place Creativity:
Aleksei Macatuno (10), Oscar Avalos (10), Dulin Ye (10)
2nd place prosthetic arm 11-12th grade:

Jovaughn Quichocho (12), Jennifer Moreno (12), Jerome Tangalin (12)
3rd place MESA Machine Creativity:

Aleksei Macatuno (10), Oscar Avalos (10), Dave Soliven (10)
National Engineering Design Challenge 3rd place: Prantik Bharadwaj (10) and Ethan Ynda (9)

2018-19 University of the Pacific 35


Su n n yvale, CA.

at t h e Googleplex Cam pu s
Apr il 13, 2019

1st place Civil Structures: 1st place Prosthetic Arm 9-10th
Rui Yu (10) and Karlaine Francisco grade:

(10) Aleksei Macatuno (10), Oscar
*Their bridge held a whopping 122 Avalos (10), Dulin Ye (10)

lbs.! *They completed their task in just
37.9 seconds!


3r d Place at SJOE M ock Tr ial In vit at ion al

St ock t on Feder al Bu ildin g, Febr u ar y 23, 2019

Photo Credits: SJOE

PhotobyDaviddeJesus by NiahTobar
Q: HowcanI managemytimebetter toprevent workfrompil ingup?

In the midst of trying to do it all, we can sometimes fail terribly at satisfying our basic needs: this is the first step to mastering time
management. After this, there are numerous resources and methods you can implement to lighten the load:

Take a Br eak t o Br eat h e an d Bloat :

Before you start your homework, take some time to eat a fulfilling meal or snack, hydrate yourself and kick your feet up. We?ve been in
school for seven hours! Don?t jump straight into homework and burn yourself out.

When I get home from school, when I don?t attend an extracurricular activity, I drop my bags and head straight to the fridge to find my
next victim - to find something to eat. I watch a few videos on Youtube, converse with my family, play with my baby brothers, and feed
my cats, which takes an hour or two. After that, I head to my room and hit the books, making sure to still take breaks when needed.

Resou r ces:

The next vital component of time management is actually knowing what it is you are managing and their deadlines.

- Planners: Use colors and interesting symbols to organize your assignments, their due dates, extracurricular activities and
personal plans to ensure none of them overlap or slip your mind until 11:45 the night before it is due.

When I sit down to begin homework, the first book I open is my planner. I fill it out throughout the school day and review everything
when I get home. I use highlighters to signify which assignments need to be done first and I use the empty sections at the bottom to list
my after school/personal activities.

- ASL Period

Often times we let our pride get in the way of our success, telling ourselves it is a sign of weakness to ask for help. The reality is that
many of us pile on the classes to impress colleges, but end up failing or barely passing them, which is not too impressive. Take an ASL
class if you know you would benefit from one. This class is meant to get ahead of the workload and get help from others who have
more understanding of concepts you may find difficult. You may also be able to help your peers when they are having trouble.

M ot ivat ion vs. Pr ocr ast in at ion ; Th e Bat t le of t h e Cen t u r y:

Sometimes, no matter how many notes I leave myself, alarms I set or breaks I take, the work just doesn?t get done. These are only tips
to make the process smoother, but the key to getting started, is simply starting. Ask yourself one question: Why am I choosing to do
that assignment later when I have time the time and resources to start it now?

Self discipline is absolutely necessary when it comes to getting yourself to do things you aren?t too fond of. No one said it was going to
be easy, especially not here at SECA, but it is certainly going to be worth it.

You ultimately decide how difficult your school life is going to be. You can not do any work -because boy, doesn?t that sound easy - but

eventually you are left overwhelmed with a stack of late assignments, low grades, angry parents, and no time to get it all done. Get up,

get started, and get where you want to be. 37

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