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Published by alvinapengiran, 2022-09-12 22:11:04

2022-08-18 Cycling Weekly

2022-08-18 Cycling Weekly


I’m no technophobe – there’s 42 36
nothing I like more than trying
new kit – but I have managed to Recovery short cuts – do they work? GPS watches on test
survive this long without changing
a tubeless tyre. Photos Getty Images, Garmin International 20
Time for the next Grand Tour
I’ve ridden tubeless tyres on gravel
bikes (they’re great), but avoided them on NEVER MISS
road bikes (not so great). AN ISSUE!

However, a recent puncture on a gravel SUBSCRIBE AND GET CW
bike meant I couldn’t avoid it any longer. DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR
A hole on the sidewall meant the sealant
didn’t work. I needed new tyres, sealant, C YC L I N G W E E K LYS U B S . C O . U K / B RY T O N
a sealant injector (?!) and a crash course
in changing them.

I dug around in my box of bits and
found the perfect pair for the current dry
conditions, took off the old ones, cleaned
out the sealant, and went to put the new
ones on.

They were 650bs. Not 700s. Damn it.
A quick search online and I found a)
there wasn’t a huge choice, surprisingly,
and b) I couldn’t find any that specified
use with hookless rims. Then I started
googling. Would a standard HP tyre fit a
hookless rim and give the seal required?
Would that work on any wheel? There
were no conclusive answers.
There is an argument that I should
know all this. But in my defence I can’t
know all technical specifications for
every part of every bike from tyres to
gears, disc brakes and power meters.
There’s no stopping technical
development, but it’s a minefield out
there and we’re all navigating our way
through it.


[email protected]


10 Ryedale GP preview
34 Bäckstedt’s bling bike
58 Dr Hutch gets hot under the collar


You never forget your first time Emotions were high as Jake
Stewart took his first pro win on stage one of the Tour de l’Ain. The
Brit was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease earlier in the year and caught
Covid-19 at the Tour de Suisse. He said: “I was putting pressure on
myself to win. It’s a big weight off the shoulders. It means a lot.”

Photo Getty Images

Egan Bernal
returns to racing

Colombian makes post-crash debut
at the Tour of Denmark

E ight months after the training
crash which left him close to
being paralysed, Egan Bernal
returned to racing this week at
the Tour of Denmark on Tuesday.

There had been speculation that the

2020 Tour de France and 2021 Giro

d’Italia winner would line up at the Vuelta

a España, which begins on Friday, for

Ineos Grenadiers, but it was judged to be

too early to rush the Colombian back into

Grand Tour action. Instead, he started

the relatively low-key Scandinavian race

instead, which concludes on Saturday

after five stages.

The Colombian underwent seven from my family, my girlfriend, the team,

surgeries after the life-threatening Ineos as well as my fans. I can’t thank

crash, which saw him fracture his everyone who has been there for me

kneecap, femur, vertebrae and some of enough. That support has been invaluable

his ribs, as well as suffering a punctured in motivating me every day to work hard

lung and chest trauma. The 25-year-old to be able to race again. To you all, a

collided with the back of a bus while heartfelt thank you.”

training on his home roads in Colombia One can’t know how much Bernal

on his time trial bike; he later said that he has gone through to get to this point, or

was going at about “This has been if he will ever be
62 kph when it the moment the same Grand
happened. For him Tour-winning
to be back cycling rider again – this

at all is semi- I’ve been week’s race is just
miraculous, and another step on

for him to be back waiting for” the road back, as
racing so soon Ineos deputy team

is incredible. principal Rod

“After what happened to me in January Ellingworth was keen to stress.

this has been the moment I’ve been “When you think back to where Egan

waiting for – to race with my team-mates was only eight months ago, it’s incredible

again,” Bernal said. “I can’t emphasise the progress he has made,” he said. “He’s

enough how hard the last eight months shown the world the true strength of his

have been for me, both physically and character, and demonstrated remarkable

mentally. That day, and the journey that I grit in returning to race-readiness. We’re

have been on since, will be a part of still on a journey with Egan, but lining up

me forever.” at the Tour of Denmark is a significant

“As will the support that I have received and hard-earned milestone.”

6 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly

Bernal in action at last year’s OBITUARY
Vuelta a España

Mike Burrows Words Adam Becket Pics Kimroy


Mike Burrows, the man behind the
Lotus 108 and the original Giant
TCR, passed away on Monday. The
bicycle designer from Norwich was
at the forefront of aerodynamic
progress in the 1980s which led to
the carbon monocoque 108, which
was ridden to victory by Chris
Boardman at the 1992 Olympics in
Barcelona in the individual pursuit.
The aerodynamic testing for this
groundbreaking bike fed into
British Cycling’s lottery-funded
equipment development in later
years, a legacy which continues.

“Very sad to hear Mike Burrows,
the designer of the Lotus bike,
passed away today,” Boardman
posted on social media. “He was the
godfather of modern bicycle design
and my life would not have been
the same without his influence.”

Burrows was also influential on
the shape of road bikes, designing
the Total Compact Road (TCR)
for Giant in the 1990s, which had
a lasting impact on road bike
design that continues to this day,
especially with sloping top tubes.

Alongside this, he spent a lot
of time and energy working on
recumbent bikes, designing many
over the years, including the
Windcheeter and the Ratcatcher.
Utility bikes, folding bikes, and
cargo bikes also sprung from
his fertile mind; it was a rich and
varied career that Burrows led.
In a 2013 interview with Cyclist
he said: “Adopt, adapt, improve –
that’s what I do,” – a fitting epitaph
for the man himself.

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 7

Hayter and Gloag
head GB attack at
Tour de l’Avenir

The U23 Giro winner
explains GB have plenty
of fire power

W inner of the Baby Miguel Indurain and Egan Bernal are all on Hayter has form against the Words Tom Thewlis Photo Getty Images
Giro Leo Hayter will the roll of honour. clock and in the mountains
form a two-pronged
attack on the GC at the Hayter oozes confidence. The 20-year- Hayter added: “At the Giro I had
prestigious Tour de l’Avenir alongside old Londoner recently signed as a stagiaire absolutely no pressure on me and wasn’t
new Jumbo-Visma signing Tom Gloag. with Ineos Grenadiers and will turn even meant to be at the race. When I can
professional next season. He admitted that race with freedom and without
The pair will spearhead one of the the guarantee of a first pro contract means overthinking things I can usually do
strongest British teams at the U23 race in the pressure is now off. something quite special.”
years. Earlier this year, Hayter won the
U23 Giro d’Italia convincingly, winning GREAT BRITAIN’S When asked if he feels he might now be a
two stages in the mountains on the way to marked man because of that success he
overall victory. TOUR DE L’AVENIR said: “To be honest, no. Yes, I won the U23
Giro but there are a plethora of pro riders
When asked about Hayter’s chances SQUAD who will be there. Other guys who have
Great Britain coach, Matt Brammeier, told won big races are there so it’s going to be
Cycling Weekly: “Once you get into those Leo Hayter - Hagens Berman Axeon pretty open.”
high mountains you need the legs to win Thomas Gloag - Trinity Racing
and it’s going to be who’s got it and who Samuel Watson - Groupama- Groupama-FDJ rider Sam Watson is
hasn’t. We’ve got the added advantage of FDJ Continental another rider who made the final cut,
Tom Gloag being in the squad who’s a Bob Donaldson- GB adding to arguably the strongest Great
favourite himself. Senior Academy Britain line-up for the Tour de l’Avenir.
Brammeier believes that the team is right to
“We’ve got a two-pronged attack for the Josh Giddings- GB Senior Academy go into the race full of self-belief.
GC, then we’ve got the option of Sam Jack Brough- GB Senior Academy
[Watson] for stages. It’s a very competitive On the team’s opportunity to land an
team all around.” overall victory, Brammeier concluded:
“We’re in with a chance, that’s all I can say.
The strength in depth was also I’ve got no worries or concerns going into
acknowledged by Hayter. “It’s always best it, we’ve got a very good team and we’re full
to have options,” he said. “You never know of motivation and ambition really.”
what’s going to happen in a stage race,
especially under-23 races. There’s the six
plus stages before we hit the mountains.
Either way, whether it’s me helping him
[Gloag] or him helping me, it’s always best
to have more riders in the mountains.”

Gloag was third overall at last year’s race
before concussion sustained in a crash
forced him to withdraw. Brammeier added:
“We’ve got a point to prove and unfinished
business out there.”

A list of prestigious names have won the
U23 French stage race. Greg LeMond,

8 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


Wiv-Sungod’s Robert Scott (r)
is the red-hot favourite for Ryedale


The arena for the
Ryedale Grasscrete 21 August 2022 | Yorkshire, UK
Grand Prix is
the grounds of “The team that have to lose: “The team that have something to
Ampleforth Abbey, something to prove are prove and continue to defend are Wiv-
founded in the early Wiv-Sungod” – that’s Sungod. They’ve had a fantastic season,”
19th century as the verdict of rival team he said.
a Benedictine manager Tom Timothy ahead of this
monastery. The weekend’s Ryedale Grand Prix. “Especially when a few of our guys got
route consists ill in the middle of the season, they were
of two separate The 17th men’s and 12th women’s able to show their strength. It’s credit to
laps which take the race through editions that take place on Sunday form the domestic scene that we’ve had a bit of
the Howardian Hills, the shorter at the penultimate round of the National a battle with them.”
16.9km and the longer at 25.8km. Road Series for both pelotons.
For teams that are not Wiv-Sungod
The women’s race does two laps of For the men, the fifth round of the in the men’s peloton, minds are already
the longer circuit and then three of series will be a chance to see if Wiv- focusing ahead to future goals rather
the shorter circuit, for 101km overall. Sungod are still the dominant team, than concentrating on Ryedale. With last
The men race three laps of the longer taking all but two opportunities to win year’s winner Alex Peters not present, the
and five of the short circuit, meaning in competition this year with the Scotts – road is open to a fresh winner.
162km overall. Robert and Jacob – particularly good.
“It’s not particularly one of our major
2021 PODIUMS Robert Scott is currently leading the targets,” Timothy explained to Cycling
Men overall classification. Weekly. “We see it as just helping us
1. Alex Peters (SwiftCarbon build towards the larger targets of the
Pro Cycling) For Timothy, the general manager of year. That’s the Tour of Britain.
2. Toby Barnes (Crimson Orientation Ribble Weldtite, it is Wiv-Sungod’s race
Marketing RT)
3. Oliver Rees (Trinity Racing)

1. Illi Gardner (CAMS-Basso)
2. Becky Storrie (Brother UK-
Orientation Marketing)
3. Corinne Side (Pro-Noctis-Rotor -
Redchilli Bikes presented by
Heidi Kjeldsen)


2020: N/A
2019: James Shaw (SwiftCarbon Pro
Cycling), Claire Steels (Brother UK
Fusion RT)
2018: Graham Briggs (JLT Condor),
Anna Henderson (Cycle Team

10 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


ROBERT SCOTT Norway and signing a stagiaire deal Words Adam Becket Photos
WIV-SUNGOD with Jumbo-Visma is Thomas Gloag,
The man currently topping the National who will be looking to show his climbing
Road Series standings must go into promise and form on the roads of
Ryedale as the outstanding favourite, North Yorkshire.
along with a couple of his team-mates
possibly. The 24-year-old has had a year CW rating ++++
to remember, winning at Lancaster and
on the Isle of Man, as well as in France SAMMIE STUART
at Paris-Troyes and overall at the Tour CAMS-BASSO
de la Mirabelle.
Racing bikes is not Stuart’s full-time
CW rating +++++ job – that’s being a firefighter. However,
thanks to a string of eye-catching
MATTHEW BOSTOCK results this year, the 31-year-old stepped
WIV-SUNGOD up from Brother UK-LDN to CAMS-
Basso mid-season, and currently tops
The Manxman probably pips his team- the rankings on the domestic scene.
mate Jacob Scott to the position of She’ll be looking to win once again
second-favourite thanks to his overall on Sunday.
win on the Isle of Man in July. He
crashed heavily on the track at the CW rating +++++
Commonwealth Games, but was able to
recover in time to take part in the road LUCY LEE
race, so should be alright for Sunday. TEAM LDN-BROTHER UK
This is almost a home race for Lee, who
CW rating ++++ is from Leeds. The 24-year-old has had
an impressive year, and trails Stuart in
THOMAS GLOAG the National Road Series standings by
TRINITY RACING just 17 points. An impressive showing on
Fresh from racing the Arctic Race of the Isle of Man confirmed her potential.

CW rating +++++

The boys in blue are the
team to beat this year

“It’s a hard course, and as a team, we’re Words Vern Pitt Photos SWpix
not one that’s particularly built around
a climber model. We want the guys to do
well, and give it their all, but there’s no
sort of pressure from our side.

“The guys did some good rides at the
Commonwealths and Kreiz Breizh,
but we just see this as a wider platform
building to the Tour of Britain.”

In the women’s road series, meanwhile,
CAMS-Basso are in charge of the team
rankings in a similar manner to Wiv-
Sungod. But Sammie Stuart has a narrow
lead of Lucy Lee (Team LDN-Brother
UK) and Alice McWilliam (Bianchi Hunt
Morvelo) in the individual classification.

The women will expect a much more
open race, with Stuart and Lee looking
to continue the form they showed at the
Manx Telecom Stage Race last month.

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 11

Tractor trouble
cuts both ways


Road respect is better
but online is another story

It would seem that online bullying towards The most recent post I saw was from a after a day of ploughing the field which Photo Alamy
cyclists is on the rise. You only have to farmer showing a photo of a huge tractor leave us, at best covered in it, or at worst
jump on Facebook to see some community with a cyclist in front. He was ranting that careering into the verge.
group or forum posing a leading question runners, pedestrians and horses pull over
on the lines of ‘should cyclists have a to let him past but cyclists don’t. Pull over I do think that the recent law about
number plate?’ That inevitably leads to a and let me past or, ‘you’ll end up being passing cyclists has improved how we
tirade of comments accusing, blaming and pressure washed off a tractor wheel’. are viewed on the road. However, only
finger pointing at cyclists being the root recently a close family friend ended up in
cause of every problem on the road. Seriously, if that’s not a threat then hospital with a pelvic fracture, six broken
I don’t know what is. It only takes one ribs and a broken collarbone because a car
‘They should pay road tax’ is always person to utter the word cyclist before you failed to see him when riding to work.
up there. Most informed road users know have a comments section full of hatred.
that no one pays actual road tax and Accidents do happen but to my mind,
haven’t done since 1937. Council tax is Farmers conveniently forget the it’s all about sharing the road and patience
used to maintain the roads and I would say inconvenience they cause us. The cuttings towards other road users. Putting a stop to
most cyclists pay council tax or live with they trim off the hedges, left on the road, online hatred towards cyclists is a start.
someone who does. full of thorns, perfect for puncturing. The
muck they leave spread along the road Abby Mae Parkinson rides for Lotto-Soudal

12 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly



All the news you might have missed from the last seven days

Tiesj Benoot breaks neck
Tiesj Benoot broke his neck in a crash reported to involve a car in
the Italian Alps last week, which may have brought his season to a
premature end. The Jumbo-Visma rider was reported by various Belgian
media outlets to have been in a crash near Livigno while training alone
and sustained various fractures. The incident was later confirmed by the
team and Benoot himself, who said that he is “stable”.

Benoot’s season 1 …tree planted for every kilometre
in doubt after crash Euskaltel-Euskadi rider Luis Ángel
Maté rides in the break at the
upcoming Vuelta a España. The
rider is local to an area hit by
serious wildfires and has donated
100 trees to a reforesting project
already. His team and race
officials have backed his
efforts with 500
trees combined.

W Vine slams Royal Borough Rootkin-Gray signs Moolman-Pasio Words Vern Pitt Photos Getty Images
of Kensington and Chelsea for Saint Piran postpones retirement
Jeremy Vine has slammed South African climber
the Royal Borough of Saint Piran sign BC riders Ashleigh Moolman-
Kensington and Chelsea British Cycling senior academy riders Harry Birchill and Jack Rootkin- Pasio has postponed her
Council (RKBC), accusing it Gray have both joined Cornish team Saint Piran. Steve Lampier, Saint retirement to race on
of being “anti cyclist”. Piran sports director, said Birchill’s recent road performances had with a different team.
He criticised the borough’s been built purely from his mountain bike training. “With a dedicated She will move from the
lack of segregated cycling race programme we can develop him further,” he said. WorldTour SD Worx
infrastructure in a video team down to the
on social media. Viewers He added 19-year-old Rootkin-Gray was “always present at the Continental-level AG
see Vine, his wife and sharp end” of races on the Continent. Insurance-NXTG for
other cyclists struggling to the 2023 season. The
turn onto a bridge in West 36-year-old said that her
London as they are cut up current level was “higher
by traffic turning the same than ever – I am by no
way. Car horns can clearly be means announcing my
heard blaring at the cyclists retirement already. I did
in the background. that once before.”

Vine video

14 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly

Pidcock stick
to the road?

Dangerous cycling legislation I’m looking forward to seeing Tom
could be introduced soon Pidcock compete in the mountain
biking at the World Championships
Government criticised over ‘death later this month. However, after his
by dangerous cycling’ law plan recent stage win at the Tour de France I
can’t help but thinking that he’s
I think it perfectly reasonable to growing resentment and anger with wasting his time.
consider that without proper care and cyclists by drivers.
attention, observation, and adherence Adam Luckwell What does he really get out of riding
to the law, road users endanger the lives the knobbly stuff? When he does he’s
of others. In the event they do cause Society would get a much greater clearly the class of the field – assuming
fatalities then calling it and punishing it return in less death and less injury Mathieu van der Poel isn’t there to
for what it is, is entirely reasonable. by introducing GPS car limiters. This challenge him. I’m sure he enjoys
I never intend to cause harm to others sort of lobbying just indicates the mixing disciplines but I feel that if he
but it could happen as with any other dysfunctional relationship authorities focused more on the road he’d have an
road incident. Steve Allinson have with the car. even better palmarès by now.
Andrew Potts
Yes, I think all road users should be held If nothing else the law of averages
to the same standards and punishments. Will there be “death by dangerous means that because he’s racing fewer
However, the number of people killed running” or “death by dangerous horse road days there’s less opportunity for
or injured by cyclists is very, very small riding”? Maybe it would be better to just him to win on the road.
compared with the number of cyclists have “death by dangerous road use” so
killed by cars and lorries. Grant Shapps we can stop arguing? Regardless, he’s destined for great
is just grandstanding because of the Adam Matthew things. I’d just like to see him give the
road more attention.

Jeff Evans, email

Photo Alamy

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Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 17


Spain’s three-week cycling fiesta is about to get rolling

If ycling’s Grand Tours were avoid a fight, and eventually watch the an impression (Ethan Hayter, Jake
nights out, the Giro d’Italia sun rise from a train station – because Stewart) and well-prepared big guns
would be a nice simple meal and you missed the last train. (Richard Carapaz) all colliding.
drinks in a trendy bar; the Tour
de France would be a civilised dinner All of which is to say that Spain’s What’s more, this year’s route eschews
at a posh restaurant with your in-laws; Grand Tour is the messiest and convention by placing many of the
and the Vuelta a España would be one most unpredictable of the three hardest stages in the middle of the race
of those nights where you bump into 10 and we wouldn’t want it any other and letting fatigue and circumstance
different friends that you hadn’t seen in way. The 2022 edition looks to be play the lead role in the final week’s
ages, drink too much at a tapas bar, get no different, with riders returning racing. Let’s just see what happens.
kicked out of two nightclubs, narrowly from injury (Primož Roglič), young
whippersnappers eager to make Best get your glad rags on because
September is set to be one hell of a ride.
1 19 August Utrecht to Utrecht 23.3km Team TT
2 20 August ‘s-Hertogenbosch to Utrecht 175.1km
3 21 August 193.5km Flat
22 August Breda to Breda - Flat
REST 23 August - 152.5km
4 24 August 187.2km -
5 25 August Vitoria-Gasteiz to Laguardia 181.2km Hilly
6 26 August Irun to Bilbao 190km Hilly
7 27 August 153.4km Mountains
8 28 August Bilbao to Pico Jano 171.4km Hilly
9 29 August Camargo to Cistierna - Mountains
30 August Pola de Laviana to Colláu Fancuaya 30.9km Mountains
REST 31 August Villaviciosa to Les Praeres 191.2km
10 1 September 192.7km -
11 2 September - 168.4km Individual TT
12 3 September Elche to Alicante 160.3km
13 4 September ElPozo Alimentación to Cabo de Gata 149.6km Flat
14 5 September Salobreña to Peñas Blancas - Mountains
15 6 September Ronda to Montilla 189.4km
7 September Montoro to Sierra de La Pandera 162.3km Flat
REST 8 September Martos to Sierra Nevada 192km Mountains
16 9 September 138.3km Mountains
17 10 September - 181km
18 11 September Sanlúcar de Barrameda to Tomares 96.7km -
19 Aracena to Monasterio de Tentudía Flat
20 Hilly
21 Trujillo to Alto de Piornal Mountains
Talavera de la Reina to Talavera de la Reina Hilly
Moralzarzal to Puerto de Navacerrada Flat
Las Rozas to Madrid

20 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly



Two Covid-riddled years later Rohan Dennis broke the record for technical route today will make for a
similarly quick course. GC teams that
than planned, the Vuelta the fastest ever Tour de France time trial have packed their rosters with climbers
could be at a significant disadvantage,
comes to Utrecht, which becomes the when Utrecht hosted the 2015 Grand
and could find this
first ever city to host foreign stages of Départ, and the pan-flat, not especially stage costly – at
almost twice the
all three Grand length of the last
team time trials to
Tours. And for fans feature at the Vuelta,
under-powered GC
of synchronised teams will likely lose
over a minute.
teamwork, it’s going

to be a beautiful

one, as it’s a team

time trial stage,

the first to feature

in any Grand Tour

since 2019.

Look out from the top of That doesn’t mean it’s going to be road furniture can make racing on it a
nightmare for the riders – as was the
the medieval Dom Tower a straightforward stage though. The case when the Giro d’Italia visited in
2010, when multiple riders went down in
that dominates the Utrecht skyline, and Netherlands might be a haven for
crashes, including the
you’ll see neither hills, nor (save for the cycling commuters, but the amount of ultimate winner of the
stage, Tyler Farrar.
Rabobank Tower, With crosswinds also
a possibility, some
HQ of the bank that top GC favourites
may already see
used to sponsor the their hopes come to
a premature end on
team that’s now this nervous stage.

Jumbo-Visma) tall

buildings on the

horizon. The terrain

here is as flat as it

gets, and perfect

for the sprinters.

The last stage before a rest parade – look out for for Alessandro De could still be a new overall leader at
the end of the day. The team time trial
day and a transfer over to Marchi or Steven Kruijswijk in the break. means a number of riders will be equal
on time, so the red jersey could change
Spain is another flat one for the sprinters, Although (barring crashes) there’s
hands within the
this time starting and finishing in Breda, nothing here to affect the GC, there same team on count
back. Alternatively,
where André Greipel a sprinter might be
able to accumulate
won a sprint at the enough bonus
seconds from
2015 Eneco Tour. yesterday and move
into the overall lead.
Photos Getty Images A fortified city

with a significant

history as a military

stronghold, Breda

also used to host

an annual redhead

22 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


4T U E S D AY 2 3 A U G U S T
Orange will still be the flavour), but also for racing, with the final It probably will not be enough to draw
out the GC contenders at this early point
predominant colour on two thirds of the stage on rolling roads.
in the race, but a variety of
the roadside as the race intriguing scenarios could
play out in the race for the
reaches mainland Spain stage win.

but this time it will be Is this one for a strong
break to make it to the
Basque colours rather finish? Could the category-
three Puerto de Herrera
than Dutch. climb 16km from the line
provide a launch pad for a
The terrain here in race-winning move?

the Basque Country is Or will a reduced bunch
contest a sprint on the
not only good for wine uphill finish in Laguardia?

growing (the relatively

high altitude, chalky clay

and limestone soil help

keep temperatures cool

and give the local Rioja

Alavesa its celebrated

The striking metallic the final 100km, the decisive one likely crested the second time just 14km from
the finish on the other side.
contours of the landmark to be the double ascent of the 4.7km,
The same finale was used for stage
Guggenheim Museum that awaits the 7.7% averaging Alto del Vivero, which is 12 of the 2016 Vuelta, which
ended in a reduced bunch
riders at today’s sprint won by Belgian Jens
Keukeleire, but not before
finishing destination of multiple attacks on the Alto del
Vivero. This time there’s more
Bilbao bears a passing climbing which will favour
attacks from early pretenders
resemblance to the to the overall leaderboard.

stage profile, which

is shaped by the hilly

terrain of the Basque

Country. There are five

climbs packed into

Given how the organisers lacking the form or fitness likely to be Pico Jano is a new climb for the Vuelta,
and it looks like a tough one. Unlike
of the Vuelta love nothing dropped on the finish up Pico Jano.
the kind often used at the
more than a summit Vuelta, it’s long (13km) and
steady rather than short
finish, it must have and steep, but its average
gradient of over 6%, with
taken some restraint double digits near the top,
should be enough to cause
to wait until the sixth damage. Coming after
the category-one Collada
stage to include the de Brenes, it will be an
absorbing and revealing
first one in this year’s opening uphill finish.

edition. This stage Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 23

guarantees the GC

contenders will come

to the fore, and a

hierarchy will start

to form, with those


This stage has one of the Mampodre Mountain Regional Park to reluctance for anyone to either attack on
it, or make the effort to bring back the
more unusual parcours of the finish in Cistierna, there might be a
day’s break.
the race. There’s only Alternatively, fast-

one climb, the category- finishing all-rounders
might be tempted to have
one Puerto San Glorio, their teams set a fast
tempo on it to drop the
but it’s a really hard one; sprinters, and maintain a
fast pace after to ensure
the longest of the Vuelta they don’t re-join, even if
it risks attracting the ire
so far, at over 20km. of many, who’ll be longing
for an easy day ahead of a
How the stage unfolds brutal weekend.

will depend upon

how riders choose to

approach this climb.

Given that it’s followed

by a 64km plateau

through the Riaño and

We are in Asturias for part after 45km of relatively easy undulating Colláu Fancuaya. It’s another unknown

one of a mountainous valley roads, this stage is all about the entity as a mountain making its Vuelta

weekend double-header, debut, and anyone serious

consisting of the two about winning the Vuelta

hardest stages of the will probably want to recon

race so far. The road tilts it beforehand. The 10.5km

upwards right from the effort averages just under

flag for the category-two 8%, but the leaders here

Alto de la Colladona, must leave something in

and there are three more the tank for the final 2.5km,

similarly tough climbs to where the steepest double-

conquer before the final digit ramps await. The

rise to Colláu Fancuaya. time gaps between the GC

As the hardest of the favourites at the finish will

five ascents, and coming be substantial today.

Another day, another than a mountain, lasting just 4km but The steepness of these slopes,

summit finish for the pure averaging a lethal gradient of over 12%. especially near the top, will create gaps,

climbers to gain time prior but it’s not long enough

to the long time trial that for them to be big, as was

awaits the other side of the case when the climb

tomorrow’s rest day. Like first featured in 2018 when

yesterday, the first four riders arrived in ones and

climbs of the day are mere twos but 13 finished within

appetisers for the final a minute of the winner. That

effort of Les Praeres, but was Simon Yates, who re-

this category one, narrow took the red jersey which

farm track that concludes he successfully defended

the stage is more of a wall during the final week.

24 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


10 T U E S DAY 3 0 A U G U S T
A rest day time trial stage that he will expect to lay appearances between 2019-2021, and

transfer takes the foundations to do so. if anything, this flat route will favour

the Vuelta across the length of the The Slovenian has won the time trials even more the powerful riders over the

country to Elche, home of sportswear in each of his three red jersey-winning lightweight climbers.

company Kelme, which It’s almost entirely

sponsored the old flat, not technical, and

team that Roberto potentially poses the

Heras won the first of threat of strong winds

his four Vuelta titles during the second half

with in 2000. That’s the from the Levante coast.

record Primož Roglič GC contenders weak

is aiming to equal this against the clock are at

year, and it’s on this risk of losing minutes.

11W E D N E S D AY 31 A U G U S T
At last, the sprinters weather. Now the race is in the south favourite Alejandro Valverde can expect

have another day of Spain, the riders may be exposed to a rousing send-off in what is the last

where a bunch finish is likely. Aside from the searing temperatures that can occur race of his long career), the riders head

a few uncategorised undulations on here during the summer. Upon setting off towards Cabo de Gata, notorious as the

the road midway into the stage, there’s from the Region of Murcia (where local driest area in the country.

nothing in the A sea breeze

terrain to trouble from the Almerían

them, and the coastline during

breakaway should the stage’s second

be relatively easy half could on one

to control. hand help cool

The one them down, or, if

factor that could strong, potentially

complicate add more peril if

matters is the echelons form.

12 T H U R S D AY 1 S E P T E M B E R
Rather than stage finished here in 2013, when 15 their first ever Grand Tour stage victory),

put the finish riders finished within 30 seconds of stage among them Nicolas Roche, who took

somewhere along the Costa del Sol winner Leopold König (who delivered the red jersey that day. This time,

which the riders could amble towards, the team now known as Bora-Hansgrohe though, the organisers have found an

the Vuelta organiser has extra 4km to extend the

instead cruelly opted to climb to 20km. Any GC

end up on the category contenders who lost a

one Peñas Blancas. chunk of time in the time

With an average trial will need to take every

gradient of 6%, it’s not the available opportunity to

steepest of mountains. gain time, so attacks from

Consequently, the gaps the bottom, where the

weren’t especially big gradients are steepest, are

the last time a Vuelta very likely.

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 25


13 F R I DAY 2 S E P T E M B E R
The dramatic and the director of the epic film Citizen The route today isn’t quite worthy of
their output, but there could be intrigue
gorge at the centre Kane, Orson Welles, whose ashes are in the battle between the break and

of Ronda, in addition to its beautiful buried here. the peloton. The terrain is
undulating, and breakaways
architecture and bullfighting are harder to control this deep
into a Grand Tour. If this is to
tradition, has made the town a be a bunch sprint, there will
need to be teams motivated
significant inspiration for two enough to control the race,
and believe that their sprinter
of the 20th century’s greatest can triumph on the uphill drag
to the finish line.
American storytellers: Ernest

Hemmingway whose classic

book For Whom the Bell

Tolls references a harrowing

massacre that occurred here

during the Spanish Civil War;

14 S AT U R D AY 3 S E P T E M B E R
For the second narrow country roads, rough surfaces that occasionally ramp up into the

successive and leg-sapping fluctuating gradients double digits.

weekend the Vuelta has a double The lesson from recent

bill of mountain stages, and this appearances is to pace

time the climbs are even harder. yourself – both Esteban Chaves

The finish of today’s first leg, and Alberto Contador tried

La Pandera, has featured five attacks early in 2017, only to

times in the last 20 editions, with be eventually reeled in and

Alejandro Valverde and, most dropped by Chris Froome in the

recently, Rafał Majka among the red jersey before the top, while

illustrious list of former winners. Valverde defended his overall

The riders will already have lead in 2009 by being careful

spent most of the previous 25km not to go deep into the red when

climbing before its official start, he was distanced by rivals on

upon which they’ll face 12km of the slower slopes.

15 S U N DAY 4 S E P T E M B E R
The highest with slopes of almost 10%

summit sustained for over 7km. Upon

finish in Grand Tour history is in reaching that summit, there’s a

store today, in what could be the whole additional 12km to climb (at

decisive climb of this year’s Vuelta. a testing 7%) before they at last

The mighty Sierra Nevada is an get to the top of Sierra Nevada.

enormous 2,500m above sea level, The high attitude alone

and, having featured in the Vuelta is enough to tip riders into

at least once every decade since exhaustion, and in addition to

the 1970s, is one of the race’s most being the second mountain of the

iconic, and feared, landmarks. day, following the category-one

This time, it’s climbed via the Alto Alto del Purche, and as the third

de Hazallanas, which is itself an summit finish in four days, today

absolute monster of an ascent, could wreak havoc on the race.

26 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


16T U E S D AY 6 S E P T E M B E R
One month after as the weary peloton is eased back into will have put some outside the time limit,

hosting its annual racing after the second rest day. while others would have abandoned

horse race, in which thoroughbreds But how many sprinters will be left in beforehand, deciding that this stage and

have competed at sunset on the beach the race? The mountains of the weekend one final sprint in Madrid was not worth

of the Guadalquivir sticking around for. With

River for over 150 years, that in mind, the Vuelta’s

Sanlúcar de Barrameda best rouleurs will surely

hosts racing of the two- seek to get into the day’s

wheeled variety. And break, and have a great

much like the horses chance of succeeding

galloping against each if there aren’t enough

other, the stage will be sprinters’ teams to chase

decided by a sprint, them down.

17 W E D N E S D AY 7 S E P T E M B E R
Usually the final relatively benign stage like today’s could The final climb to Monasterio de

week of a Grand yet produce a late twist in the race for Tentudía (making its Vuelta debut)

Tour is where all of the most important the red jersey. averages about 5% for 10km, but is a little

GC stages await, but at this steeper if you discount a short

Vuelta, many of the hardest downhill section in the middle.

mountain stages will already It wouldn’t usually be the kind

be behind the riders by now. of climb to cause ruptures

Nevertheless, fatigue will between the top favourites,

still be a factor this deep into but funny things can happen

a Grand Tour, and some of here in the heat of the remote

the highest-ranked riders Badajoz region, while the

could be nearing breaking undulating terrain beforehand

point, so what looks like a could invite a surprise ambush.

18 T H U R S D AY 8 S E P T E M B E R
The region of Piornal climb that is climbed twice at the The riders will learn soon enough what

Cáceres where climax will be something of an unknown the climb is all about. Although it only

the peloton has transferred north to quantity to the Vuelta peloton. averages 5.6% the final time up, at 13km

for today’s stage is it’s gruelling enough

a remote, sparsely to be a category-one

populated part of Spain climb, and is sure to

that, unless they’re be selective given that

committed turophiles they’ll have already

flocking to Trujillo for climbed it once before

the annual cheese fair via a different side, and

in May, most tourists considering how long the

wouldn’t have much stage is as a whole. With

reason to visit. Similarly, only one more proper

the Vuelta also often mountain stage to come,

overlooks this area, there’s sure to be an

and so the Alto de exciting GC battle.

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 27


19 F R I DAY 9 S E P T E M B E R
Two days before kilometres of flat roads in-between The climb (which is tackled twice) isn’t

the finish in during the circuit of Talavera de la Reina. actually that hard, averaging about 6%

Madrid, the organisers have for the official 9km duration,

thrown in a stage that seems and less during the long

designed to potentially gradual rise to its base,

cause chaos. Everything while the long 37km descent

about this parcours invites from the top of the second

early attacks – at just 133km ascent to the finish may

long, it’s the shortest road put off would-be attackers,

stage of the Vuelta, reducing particularly as it is less steep

the risk of burning out from towards the bottom.

long-range moves – and But for any GC riders

most of that short duration feeling bold and with team-

is spent either climbing or mates to assist them, the

descending the Puerto de terrain is there to detonate

Piélago, with barely any the race.

20 S AT U R D AY 1 0 S E P T E M B E R
While some As an example of what might go penultimate day of the 2015 Vuelta,

of the down, you need only look back to the which featured the same final two climbs

stages during this final week as today. Tom Dumoulin

may not shake up the race began the stage in red,

overall, this final brute, held only to be dropped on the

amid the Sierras of Madrid, is penultimate climb of Puerto

a bona fide mountain stage de la Morcuera by Fabio Aru

that guarantees action and and his Astana team-mates,

drama from the start. and then further distanced

It has five mountains in on the final climb of Puerto

total, three of them ranked de Cotos to plummet down

category one, and all of them to sixth on GC, while Aru

peaking at over 1,500m above claimed overall victory. It

sea level. could be a thrilling finale.

21 S U N D AY 1 1 S E P T E M B E RHaving
German Pascal Ackermann was bunch sprint here in 2020 ahead of Sam
Bennett, who narrowly failed to become
experimented crowned winner in a photo finish from a
the fourth successive Quick-
with a finish elsewhere last year, Step sprinter to win in Madrid.

the Vuelta reverts to tradition One jersey that could still
be in play is the green points
with a circuit stage procession jersey. The mountainous
nature of the Vuelta prevented
around the streets of Madrid. pure sprinters from winning
it for seven successive
The GC contest will therefore years until Fabio Jakobsen
triumphed last year. A sprinter
already have been done and hoping to repeat his feat may
need maximum points today.
dusted, meaning the attention

will instead be on the sprinters,

while the overall contenders can

relax and enjoy the end-of-term

vibes that always characterise

this type of stage.

28 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly




29 | Ineos Grenadiers | Ecu

Vuelta starts: 4
Best GC result: 2nd (2020)
Best stage result: Twice 2nd (2020)

When Richard Carapaz won the 2019 High flyer: the Ecuadorian
Giro d’Italia, none of Primož Roglič, thrives at altitude
Tadej Pogačar, Jai Hindley or Jonas
Vingegaard had yet claimed a Grand With his approachable personality and As someone who rose to the top of
Tour title. There was a power vacuum winning smile, Carapaz is a likeable guy, the sport from humble origins in a rural
in cycling, as Chris Froome’s status but this affable presence belies a man part of a nation with neither cycling
as the peloton’s patron was beginning with a steelier core. Take the stage in the pedigree nor an obvious pathway to
to dwindle, and it appeared the very Pyrenees at last year’s Tour de France, professional racing (and, incidentally,
talented 26-year-old was all set to fill it. where, while riding up the Col de Portet so far above sea level that he’ll have
with Pogačar and Vingegaard, he was no problem breathing the thin air
However, in the years since all four happy to shamelessly feign fatigue and awaiting the riders at high altitude at
of those aforementioned riders have not help with the pace-setting, before this Vuelta), Carapaz is a man whose
surpassed the Ecuadorian in the stage cheekily attacking them both near shrewdness and ambition should not
race hierarchy, each denying him from the top. be underestimated.
adding more Grand Tour titles. He
couldn’t take enough time out of Roglič
in the mountains during the 2020
Vuelta and finished second to him; both
Pogačar and Vingegaard pushed him
into third at the Tour de France last
year; and Hindley dropped him
on the penultimate day of this year’s
Giro d’Italia to take the pink jersey
from him.

Beating this new wave of talent is
something that his Ineos Grenadiers
team have in general struggled with
in recent years, and they’re again
relying on the Olympic champion
to lead the line at the Vuelta. The
hope is that, having skipped the Tour
altogether, he’ll have the advantage of
being fresher than some of the other
contenders, and the absence of Pogačar
and doubts surrounding Roglič means
he’s emerging as the frontrunner to at
last claim an overdue second Grand
Tour title.

30 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


32 | Jumbo-Visma | Slo 26 | Ag2r Citroën | Aus OVERALL OUTSIDERS

Vuelta starts: 3 Vuelta starts: 1 The GC
Best GC result: 1st (2019, 2020, 2021) Best GC result: 25th (2019) Wildcards
Best stage result: 6th place
Best stage result: 9 stage wins ENRIC MAS
(2019, 2020, 2021) finish (2019) 27 | Movistar | Esp
Mas was out of sorts at the Tour
Twelve months on from winning Last month, Ben O’Connor seemed de France, languishing down in
the Vuelta by his most comprehensive poised to do something big at the Tour 11th before a Covid-19 infection
margin yet, Primož Roglič now has de France. Going into the race in red hot forced him to abandon. At his
his sights on equalling Robert Heras’s form having podiumed at the Dauphiné, best he’s capable of matching
record of four Vuelta titles. And it’d take he had his sights set on improving upon virtually anyone in the climbs, as
a brave punter to bet against him – such his breakthrough fourth-place finish shown last year by his runner-
is the Jumbo-Visma rider’s dominance at last year’s Tour and cracking the up finish behind Roglič, and as
at this race that, having only made his podium. However, a torn glute sustained Spain’s best hope for a first home
debut here in 2019, he’s never started a following a crash on the second stage overall victory since Alberto
Vuelta that he has not gone on to win. derailed his plans, and he left the race at Contador in 2014, the pressure is
the end of the first week. on to get back into top shape for
The question is, will Roglič actually
be fit enough to make the start? The Australian has bounced back the Vuelta.
He spent the weeks after the Tour from many injury setbacks in the past,
recuperating from injuries sustained and turned his attention towards the JACK HAIG
in a freak incident involving a stray Vuelta immediately after pulling out of 28 | Bahrain Victorious | Aus
hay barrel during the cobbled stage the Tour. Unusually tall for a GC rider,
to Arenberg during the first week of O’Connor can nevertheless climb with That’s right, yet another
the Tour de France, and though the the best of them, and loves to ride on Australian is lining up at this
Slovenian is notoriously resilient (and the front foot. A Tour de France podium Vuelta with high GC ambitions.
recovered from a similar crash at last might have eluded him this year, but Last year, Haig bounced back
year’s race prior to winning the Vuelta), if he can rediscover his form, then a from crashing out of the Tour
there’s no guarantee he’ll be ready in podium here in Spain could prove a de France during the opening
time and in top form on this occasion. worthy consolation prize. week by placing third at the
Vuelta, and having been struck
by exactly the same fate at
this year’s Tour, he’s hoping to
achieve a similarly high result

in Spain.

25 | Bora-Hansgrohe | Col
Whereas there are doubts about
the form of Jai Hindley, his Bora-
Hansgrohe team-mate Sergio
Higuita has been targeting
the Vuelta all year, and should
therefore arrive in top shape.
The featherweight Colombian
climber has promised much since
winning a mountains stage on
his debut here in 2019, and has
this year really started to fulfil
his talent, winning the Volta a
Catalunya and finishing second
at the Tour de Suisse. The next
step would be a top-10 Grand

Tour GC finish.

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 31


POINTS FAVOURITES 26 | Bora-Hansgrohe | Aus 22 | QuickStep-AlphaVinyl | Bel

The Vuelta starts: 1 Vuelta starts: 0
sprinters’ Best GC result: 32nd (2018)
Best stage result: 9th place Best GC result: n/a
finish (2018) Best stage result: n/a
There aren’t many sprint
opportunities once the race There’s nothing especially All eyes will be on Remco Evenepoel
reaches mainland Spain this spectacular about Jai Hindley, as he begins the second Grand Tour
year, and perhaps as a result either off or on the bike. In of his career, but how much should
person he’s mild mannered and we really expect from him? Ambitious
many of the world’s top undemonstrative, and in terms predictions that he might win the 2021
sprinters haven’t committed of riding he usually climbs Giro on Grand Tour debut proved to
steadily rather than explosively, be overblown, as he struggled and
to ride. has a competent time trial, and eventually abandoned the race, and
One man who could benefit generally avoids having bad days. that pattern of struggling on the
from their absence is Pascal really important GC stages has
Ackermann (UAE Emirates). It’s nevertheless proven to be persisted in his World Tour stage race
a mightily effective skillset, and appearances this season, with bad
The German’s career has was enough to see him win the days leaving him outside the top 10 of
tailed off since he won two Giro d’Italia earlier this season. both Tirreno Adriatico and the Tour
stages at his Vuelta debut de Suisse.
in 2020, but could return The big question now is
to winning ways in a less whether he has the capacity to Given how long he’s been hyped
reach another peak of form so for, it’s easy to forget that Evenepoel
experienced field. soon after. He’s never before is still only 22, and very much
The stage is set for emerging ridden two Grand Tours in a maturing as a rider. Simply completing
season, let alone ridden for GC in a sustained GC challenge day-in-day-
young talents to enjoy a two, and he’s spent June and July out for, say, a top 10 finish would mark
breakthrough Grand Tour, recuperating and training. Still, a significant progress in his career –
too. Belgian Jordi Meeus he looks like the best candidate although you can never rule anything
(Bora-Hansgrohe) showed for success from a very strong out when it comes to a special talent
great promise in the bunch Bora-Hansgrohe team. like his.

sprints of last year’s
race, registering three

top-seven finishes.
And 22-year-old Brit Jake
Stewart (Groupama-FDJ) is
set to make his Grand Tour
bow having impressed at
both the Classics and in the
bunch sprints over the past
couple of years, and will
be his team’s designated
sprinter if Arnaud Démare
does not return to the race
where he struggled on debut

last year.
As for the more established
names, both Mark Cavendish

(Quick Step-Alpha Vinyl)
and Tim Melier (Alpecin-
Deceuninck) will surely be
itching to race having missed
the Tour de France, but are
uncertain to be selected,
especially considering their
imminent departure from

their respective teams.

32 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly



Others to watch

Most likely to sacrifice himself for his team:
Having helped guide Jonas Vingegaard to the yellow jersey in the mountains,
after doing the same for Primož Roglič during his run of Vuelta titles, Sepp Kuss is
unquestionably the best climbing super-domestique in the world.

JOAO ALMEIDA Most likely to compete in all terrain:
24 | UAE Team Emirates | Por Having won time trials, sprints, punchy stages and overall stage race titles over
the past two years, no type of stage is off limits for Hayter to target. As a Grand
Vuelta starts: 0 Tour debutant, this will be a steep learning curve for the 23-year-old, but he has

Best GC result: n/a the raw talent to make an immediate impression.

Best stage result: n/a Most likely to put on a show:
With Tadej Pogačar opting not Injuries and illness have forced Alaphilippe to spend much of his season as world
to ride the Vuelta after such an champion on the sidelines. Ever the showman, he’s sure to be hungry for stage
exhausting Tour de France, João
Almeida will instead have the wins and attack at every opportunity.
chance to lead what looks like
a strong UAE Emirates line-up. Most likely to be cheered everywhere he goes:
Ever since wearing the pink jersey ALEJANDRO VALVERDE | MOVISTAR | ESP
for over two weeks and going on Despite his controversial past as a convicted doper, Valverde remains much-loved
to finish fourth at the Giro d’Italia by the Spanish fans, who are sure to give him a rapturous send off as he at last
in 2020 on his Grand Tour debut, calls time on his career. He’s more than capable of adding one last stage win,
the Portuguese has looked like
a star in the making, and with especially on punchy uphill finishes.
the backing of first rate climbing
domestiques like Rafał Majka Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 33
and Brandon McNulty to assist
him, he’s got a genuine shot at
overall victory.

He might already have had a
Grand Tour podium finish to his
name had Covid-19 not forced him
out of the Giro in the final week
while fourth overall – a ride which
epitomised the stubborn refusal
to give up that makes him such an
awkward rival.

Bäckstedt favours the
Zoe affordable Bontrager Aeolus
Bäckstedt’s Comp saddle, proof that
Colnago your perch doesn’t have to
V3Rs cost the earth. Note the full
pressure-relieving cut-out
Welsh wunderkind’s
Tour of Flanders The blend of component brands

winning race bike continues with the pedals:
Bäckstedt uses Speedplays,
Any racer matching the exploits but an older, pre-Wahoo pair
of Eddy Merckx is breathing
rarefied air indeed. Bäckstedt CeramicSpeed helps
achieved her Cannibal-esque comprise a butter-
feat in May, winning the Junior Tour of smooth drivetrain
Flanders while wearing the rainbow stripes
as junior world champion, mirroring SEATPOST CLAMP
Merckx’s De Ronde win in 1975 after he Colnago has saved weight here by creating a
won the Worlds in Montreal, Canada, the new integrated locking system for the seatpost
previous year. Like Eddy, she did so riding that’s smaller than the one featured on the V2R
one of Italy’s most venerable marques.

The 17-year-old’s Colnago V3Rs is
resplendent in a shimmering icy paintjob,
with rainbow bands adorning the forks and
seat tube, as well as her name on the top
tube. Merckx, however, was – allegedly –
riding a De Rosa when he doubled up.

Bäckstedt’s Colnago features an
11-speed Shimano Dura-Ace Di2
groupset, with a 52/36t chainset used
for her Flandrian triumph. The rear mech
utilises CeramicSpeed’s OSPW to help
save her a few watts.

The Vision TC 55 Disc wheels are shod
in Vittoria Corsa Graphene 2.0 tyres in
the 25mm width. The V3Rs has clearance
for up to 28mm rubber.

Bäckstedt won the Tour of Flanders
racing for Belgian team Acrog-Tormans;
however, from 1 August she’s riding for the
Women’s WorldTour team EF Education-
TIBCO-SVB as a stagiaire. But whatever
she achieves in the pink of EF, her win
aboard the V3Rs, decked out in rainbows,
will live long in the memory. “Winning in
it [the jersey], riding in a Belgian team, in
Belgium makes it so much more special,”
she said after the race.

34 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly

In seeking to shed a few grams from previous iterations, the V3Rs is made
using a new type of carbon-fibre, which enabled Colnago to reach a SAVEMYBAR
claimed weight of 790g for a 50s size while improving overall rigidity PLUGS

Two-piece bar and stem You’d need to have been eagle-eyed
anchor Bäckstedt’s Garmin mount to have spotted the SaveMyBar bar
plugs fitted to the Jumbo-Visma team
Words Luke Friend Photos Andy Jones
bikes at
this year’s
Tour de
After all
a plug,
end or
bung isn’t
exactly a
bit of kit
you’re likely to drool over. But there
they were, at the behest of the Dutch
team, no less. An innocuous bit of
plastic designed to make the life of the
team mechanics a little bit easier.
The aim of this bar plug is to prevent
abrasion damage to the ends of carbon
handlebars. It does so by fitting over
the end of the bars, rather than into the
end like a regular
plug, essentially
a layer of
plastic that
will take
the hit
before the
bars do.
It’s created with
minor crashes in mind,
meaning that busy team
mechanics can get away with just
replacing the damaged bar tape, rather
than having to fit a new pair of bars.
Given the faff of today’s internally
routed cockpits, and the number of
crashes in any given stage or race, it
has the potential to save a fair amount
of time.
The SaveMyBar plugs, which
weigh just 8g, retail for €9.95 and
are available in black and yellow, the
latter adorning Jonas Vingegaard’s
celebratory Cervélo (see above) that
he rode triumphantly into Paris.

Q €9.95

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 35


GPS multisport watches

Five super-versatile sports watches get a thorough shakedown

T he latest GPS smartwatches to recover and when you’re ready to twice as much as its latest 1040 Solar
can do everything the top train again. bike computer. Wahoo’s Elemnt Rival
bike computers can do and costs the same as the Elemnt Roam, its
quite a bit more. They will Depending on the model there’s top computer.
pair with peripheral sensors such as mapping and navigation too.
power meters and almost all, from entry However, for cyclo-cross or mountain
level upwards, have built-in wrist-based Another advantage of a watch is that biking, where a computer is liable to
optical heart-rate monitors it can track pretty much any sport you bounce out of its mount, or hill-climbing,
do, whether that’s running, swimming, where every gram counts, watches are
But their main advantage over bike hiking, rowing, skiing or golf. fast becoming the preferred device.
computers is that because they’re on
your wrist 24/7 they can be smarter, The only downsides are that, due to We’ve tested five GPS smartwatches
tracking your body when you’re off their position, smartwatches aren’t as starting from £170, which we think
the bike as well as on it, giving you a easy to read while you’re cycling; and is probably the minimum you need to
better picture of your fitness. You get an the screen is quite a lot smaller than spend to get the functionality most of
overall status that Garmin calls Body that of a bike computer. us would expect, up to the £770 Garmin
Battery, which tells you when you need Fēnix Solar Sapphire, which does
Smaller in size they may be, but everything short of pedalling.
the outlay can be a lot bigger: the top
Garmin watch costs well over £1,000,

Garmin Fēnix 7S Sapphire Solar £779.99

Available in the standard, S (small) and X Bluetooth and ANT+ connections mean The Fēnix 7 lasts up to a claimed five
(fully loaded) models, the Fēnix 7 retails power meters can be paired, too. weeks in smartwatch mode and five days
from £599.99 (Fēnix 7, no Sapphire, no in GPS mode. We never got anywhere near
Solar). A Sapphire Solar 7X with Titanium For the Fēnix 7, Garmin has added in five weeks – using GPS will put pay to that
strap will set you back £1,049.99. The touchscreen capabilities, but you can use – but, using the GPS tracking most days,
Sapphire treatment is anti-scratch and the five buttons to do the same things. we always got more than a week.
offers greater durability.
The Fēnix watches utilise solar power The improved battery life is genuinely
The Fēnix 7 can track road cycling, from the watch face to improve battery incredible and the heart-rate accuracy
off-road riding, running, swimming, plus life, and the number one difference really surprised us, too.
strength sessions, pilates, yoga... if you between the outgoing model, and this
take part in a sport not listed in Garmin’s new one, is a 200% boost in the solar The new multi-band GPS tracking is
inventory, we applaud you. harvesting capacity. seriously impressive, though we’ve rarely
run between high rise buildings during
Navigation is provided as well as points our testing – which is where most people
of interest and suggested courses. encounter issues.

Health and lifestyle features include Garmin has loaded the watch with a
steps, sleep, pulse oxidation, stress, myriad of navigational and fitness tracking
and for women, menstrual cycle or metrics; it’s worth checking you’ll actually
pregnancy tracking. use them before shelling out the £599.99+
RRP. The single change we’d like to see
And Garmin’s coaching features provide would be a smaller, lighter package that’s
you with training status, your VO2 max, more comfortable to sleep in – to get the
suggested recovery and a lot more. most out of the body battery, sleep and
heart rate data.
The watch has its own built-in ‘gen
4’ heart-rate monitor. Tested against a
chest strap alongside a Garmin Edge R AT I N G
830 computer, we found only 1bpm
discrepancy in the max heart rate, with +++++
the average identical – which is impressive
for a wrist-mounted option.

36 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly

Wahoo Elemnt Rival £299.99

The Wahoo Elemnt Rival is designed Spotify or Garmin Pay-style contactless You can customise pretty much
to work seamlessly with Wahoo’s bike payment. There isn’t even navigation. everything with the app, from watch face
computers in a triathlon. Its USP is a display (there are four options) to button
feature called Touchless Transition, You can, however, get planned workouts, function and sports profiles.
whereby data automatically transfers which includes integration with Training
between watch and computer. That Peaks, Smart Notifications from WhatsApp, Overall, pairing and syncing have been
feature may not interest non-triathletes, Signal and Telegram (alongside calls, texts flawless. Once you’ve finished an activity
but Wahoo-using cyclists will be attracted and emails) and iOS Music Control. it’s automatically uploaded to the Elemnt
by the fact that the Rival shares the exact app and Strava or other third-party app,
same user-friendly, intuitive functionality Wahoo calls the Elemnt Rival a “radically and the kudos starts rolling in.
as Wahoo’s cycling computers and uses simplified multisport watch that delivers a
the same app. seamless advantage.” As for battery life, with 24/7 heart rate
enabled and exercising most days, we
There’s even the same PerfectView easily got a week-plus out of it. Wahoo
Zoom, which allows you to increase or claims 14 days in smartwatch mode, that’s
decrease the data fields you can see once probably without the HRM on.
you’ve chosen them and ranked them in
advance via the app. A plasticky-feeling charging pad
charges the Rival quickly and efficiently.
Not only that, but compared to other
smartwatches it is lightweight and Wahoo users will love it, but if you want
comfortable, the GPS is very accurate, the health and lifestyle features as well
battery life is great and the optical heart- as the sports functionality, you’ll need to
rate monitor is up there with Garmin’s. look elsewhere.
While there’s step counting and calorie
burn, there’s no sleep tracking, floors R AT I N G
climbed, adaptive training guidance,

Coros Pace 2 £179.99

This GPS smartwatch from Coros claims to However, the Coros app, compared to Most irritatingly, there is no browser
be the lightest on the market. While there’s the other major platforms such as Garmin version, which means you end up trying to
only grams in it, a watch’s size and weight Connect, Wahoo, Polar Flow etc, is the least fix problems from a mobile phone.
can affect the way the wrist-based heart developed. The UI was a bit teletext-like
rate monitor functions – if a heavy watch and pairing our Strava profile was a bit of a The GPS was sometimes a bit slow to
slides around on the wrist, the reading faff, taking a couple of attempts as the app connect to satellites and in a city through
will be less accurate – as well as how crashed while trying to connect (though we narrow streets lined with high buildings, it
comfortable it is if you want to use it for had no issue with TrainingPeaks). measured 10.3K on a 10K journey.
sleep tracking.
There’s no mapping or navigation, but
Coros claims that this watch weighs in Coros has a huge number of options when
at 29g when paired with the nylon band, it comes to sport modes. It also gives a
(our model, with the heavier rubber band, value for running power.
weighed in at 37g). It feels light on the
wrist, comes with a huge range of sports As for battery life, Coros claims 30
and apps pre-loaded and scores well for hours of full GPS battery life or 20 days
overall functionality. in smartwatch mode. After a three-day
camping trip, a couple of swims and runs
Although aimed at runners, we found its and a ride, battery life was still above 50%.
multisport capabilities to be bike-friendly.
The Coros is a good entry-level watch,
Using the Coros was a positive with plenty of cycling and cross-training
experience – it’s fast, has a surprisingly options and a very low weight.
pleasant dial system for scrolling through
menus, and uploads activities to the
Coros companion app seamlessly, with R AT I N G
no syncing effort needed.

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 37


Polar Vantage V2 £429

With comprehensive tracking for runners Polar’s Cardio Load Status is the to Strava, Training Peaks and Komoot
and cyclists, recovery and nutrition equivalent of Garmin’s Training Status without issue. It did occasionally take a
monitoring, and a broad range of widgets feature while Nightly Recharge is similar few goes to sync after initial failure. We
to rival most smart watches, there is a to Garmin’s Body Battery and gives you a did miss the automatic syncing of Garmin
whole lot going on underneath the hood of plethora of metrics about your last sleep. and Wahoo.
the Polar Vantage V2
The sleep tracking was a bit hit and miss; The optical wrist-based heart rate
That said, mapping and music are at times it seemed to mistake reading in monitor didn’t perform as well as those
conspicuous by their absence. bed for sleeping. of rivals, taking some time to register a
change in heart rate at the start of an
Its 47mm-diameter face features a Syncing has to be done manually. This interval, meaning time spent in a higher
laminated Gorilla glass lens with an anti- was not arduous or lengthy and we linked zone was not being recorded. Speed was
fingerprint coating and, at 52g, the weight more reliable, though under cover of trees,
is average but lower than Garmin’s Fēnix 7. GPS reception could be patchy.

In addition to the V2’s touchscreen, there The Polar Vantage V2 fell short in a few
are five buttons, each triggering a short areas, notably with a lag in the optical HR
vibration when pressed, which is helpful sensor, niggles with syncing and a lack of
when training. The touchscreen isn’t the onboard maps. Given the fact that there
most refined; there’s a very slight lag. are fully featured alternatives that don’t
cost a huge amount more, the price is
A variety of (digital and analogue) watch pitched just a little too high in our opinion.
faces can be customised to supply data
including daily activity, cardio load status,
continuous HR tracking, latest training R AT I N G
sessions, last night’s sleep, FitSpark
training guide, weather, weekly summary,
music controls and sunrise/sunset. Tapping
on these screens gives you greater detail.

Garmin Venu 2 Plus £399.99

Garmin’s main aim with the Venu 2 Plus BEST ON The Venu 2 Plus supports ANT+ and
was to compete with smartwatches. TEST Bluetooth smart sensors, as you’d expect.
The additions of on-board music, voice
assistant and the ability to make and Garmin claims the battery can last nine Post-ride analysis is comprehensive
receive calls have certainly done this. days in smartwatch mode, up to 24 hours and the watch will also tell you when your
in GPS mode and up to eight hours in GPS heart rate has recovered and notify you of
By adding a microphone and speaker to mode when also playing music. any personal records.
the Venu 2, Garmin has created something
to compete with Apple. And the sound The screen is wholly customisable and it’s Sharing with other platforms, including
isn’t that bad given this is Garmin’s first simple to record activities. Up to three data Strava, TrainingPeaks, Komoot (for routes)
ever watch to let you talk into your wrist. screens show your choice of metrics, with and Apple Health, is enabled.
anything from one to four fields on each.
It doesn’t just enable you to make and As for lifestyle features, the Venu
receive calls though, it also enables Voice includes sleep, steps, stairs, hydration,
Assistant, plays music via the speaker and calories, body battery and menstrual
permits Assistance/Incident Detection cycle. Smartwatch sleep data has to be
calls to an emergency contact. taken with a pinch of salt, but as with the
Polar, it generally tallies.
The Venu 2 Plus isn’t as chunky and
imposing as the Fēnix 7 – despite weighing The Venu 2 Plus shines for sporting
more or less the same – and we found it uses and the enabling of advanced smart
really comfortable to wear 24/7. functions via the microphone and speaker
has been well executed.
With only three buttons, we also found
it easier to get to grips with than the Fēnix
7. The touchscreen feels as good as any R AT I N G
premium phone screen, even wearing
(touchscreen-compatible) gloves.

38 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


It’s time for the winner...

W e included two At the other end of the spectrum, pared-back compared with others.
Garmin watches the Coros Pace 2 impressed us with The new Garmin Venu 2 Plus is
here because not only its low price but also its
Garmin is arguably low weight. It still packs in a lot of our winner because it has a high level
the market leader and therefore a functionality and is a good alternative of functionality but is more user-
benchmark for the category, offering a to an entry-level watch from a bigger friendly than the Fēnix 7. It’s also
watch at almost every price point. brand. The app didn’t supply the cheaper, despite a new ability to make
same level of performance, but in the and receive calls from the wrist. It
But can you take things a bit too far has all the sports, fitness and health
with functionality? The Garmin Fēnix
7 is hugely powerful and can literally “The Venu 2 Plus has all the
do anything, but if you’re easily
overwhelmed you could find yourself sports, fitness and health
drowning in data and wondering why
you spent so much money on sports monitoring you’ll ever need”
profiles or body monitoring that you
don’t use. future it will probably catch up. monitoring you’ll ever need but is
The Wahoo Elemnt Rival and also a practical, good-looking ‘watch’
However, we couldn’t fault the rather than a pure sports device. As
execution. If you want the best, Polar Vantage V2 are popular and long as you can do without turn-
can afford it and have the knowledge/ established models. We thought the by-turn navigation, it has the rest
desire to make use of all the features, Polar could be a little slicker and covered very nicely.
this is the one. that the Wahoo was maybe a bit too

Garmin Fēnix Wahoo Coros Pace 2 Polar Garmin
7S Solar Sapphire Elemnt Rival £179.99 Vantage V2 Venu 2 Plus
£779.99 £299.99 £429 £399.99

Weight 58g Weight 53g Weight 29g Weight 52g Weight 51g
Display size 1.2in Display size 1.2in Display size 1.2in Display size 1.2in Display size 1.3in
Touchscreen Yes Touchscreen No Touchscreen No Touchscreen Yes Touchscreen Yes
Battery (smartwatch Battery (smartwatch Battery (smartwatch Battery Battery (smartwatch
mode) 220 days mode) 14 days mode) 20 days (smartwatch mode) mode) up to 9 days
Mapping Yes Mapping No Mapping No Up to 7 days Mapping No
Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity Mapping No Connectivity
Health monitoring Yes Health monitoring No Health monitoring Yes Health monitoring Yes Health monitoring Yes


Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 39


Gear of the week
Roll through late summer with the
latest kit to land on the CW Tech desk

Rapha Classic £190

Anything that Rapha produces is waterproof, but they do a pretty good My other gripe is with the laces. They
weren’t very practical on harder rides,
usually shorthand for desirable, Weight job at repelling water. All good then, as it felt impossible to tighten them up
premium quality at a high price, until we come to the crux of the sufficiently without restricting comfort on
and its Classic shoes fit snugly 314 issues with the shoes. the top of the foot.
into that bracket. I have, apparently, a wide
per shoe These are not bad cycling shoes, and
there is a reason why they score good
Fitting snugly into said shoes, right foot, and my little toe, and marks elsewhere, but I’m not convinced
by their practicality for racing and high-
meanwhile, were my feet. A little the one adjacent to it, was constantly intensity training. My advice would be to
try a pair on before purchasing them, and if
too snugly, in fact. pressed up against the very edge of the you’re sure that your feet won’t be squished
together, these are solid shoes for most
Having tested the shoes for close to shoe, resulting in a numbing pain. Upon types of riding that won’t let you down.
Chris Marshall-Bell
2,000km, mostly on hilly and mountainous removing the shoe, there were never any

terrain, I was caught between two bruises or blisters, and the pain subsided, R AT I N G

contrasting emotions. but I could only wear the shoe if I had it +++++

On one hand, they’re among the best very loose, not ideal when doing efforts.

cycling shoes I’ve ridden in. Simple and The same pinch happened on my left foot,

stylish, they’re also durable and respond too, albeit with less severity.

to most climatic conditions. They were The issue really impacted the comfort

breathable in sweltering summer heat over of a ride, and although the source of the

35 degrees, with the dozens of air vents pain could be attributed to technique

an essential component in this regard. as opposed to the shoe, I’ve never

During a torrential deluge, water took its experienced this before in any other

time to penetrate. These shoes are not cycling shoes.

40 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly

Pirelli P Zero Race 4S £62.99

The new Pirelli P Zero Race 4S had any punctures either. I noticed a well as more treaded, sturdy and heavier
ones, the Pirelli P Zero Race 4S really do
700c tyres are designed for Weight small hole in the tread, however, cover all bases extremely well. If you’re
all-year-round riding, aiming until I realised that it was a after a fast, all-season tyre, they
to balance great handling with 262g wear gauge! are well worth considering.
Paul Grele
high puncture resistance. Coming I ran the tyres at the

in two widths – 26c and 28c – the recommended 81psi. The information R AT I N G

latter weighed just a couple of on the box states that a 28c tyre on a 15c

grams more than the claimed weight of rim for my weight range was 90psi then

260g. They are also a tube-only tyre, so no -9psi as I had it on a 20c rim. It certainly

messy tubeless sealant here. felt about right to me.

They feature a 120 tpi casing, which I have been using Continental Grand

is relatively high for a nylon casing, with Prix 4 Season tyres for many years now

a TechBELT anti-puncture Aramid strip and it’s been my benchmark for a fast,

underneath the SmartEVO compound comfortable, puncture-resistant,

rubber that makes up the tyre tread. quality tyre for all-year-round use.

I’ve been riding with these tyres since However, the Pirelli P Zero may

the colder weather of April until the have stolen its crown. As I

heatwave in July and they have coped reviewed my test notes I

really well with a temperature range from kept finding the same

2-3 degrees up to 30 degrees. phrase reoccurring:

They roll nicely and grip fantastically ‘fast, grippy and

well. The ride is supple, comfortable and comfortable’.

fast, even softening the jolty vibrations While there

that can occur with rougher road surfaces. are lighter

Over the test period there have been no and racier

tears or splits to the tyre and I haven’t tyres as

Silca Seat Roll Asymmetrico £52

Silca uses a single Boa strap for attaching limited in space. But it packs up nice are part of the problem. If it was in the
its Asymmetrico roll-up pack to your bike.
A minimalist design using a fastening and small and tucks neatly away. Weight middle it might stay in place, while
device we’re more used to using on Filling and fitting the pack any padding would have likely
our shoes, at a first glance the solution 85g resulted in better grip through its
looks excellent. However, in practice I was easy. But there was a
discovered a fatal flaw.
major downside to its attachment compression when tightening the
Unlike most other saddle bags which
come with an opening at the front the Silca method. Once riding it didn’t take Boa dial.
Seat Roll rolls out flat, akin to a tool roll,
and is secured with a Velcro long for the vibrations from the road to Without padding, and with mainly
strap. Once wrapped up
you can attach it to the result in the pack moving up and out from hard items inside, there was no give in
underside of the saddle
rails. This is done by under the Boa strap, leaving it dangling the bag for it to compress into the spaces
feeding the Boa cables
over the saddle rails, off the saddle rails. It seems that the around the saddle rails. If there is just a
hooking them around
the catch on the asymmetrical positioning of the strap slim bit of material between a multitool
bottom of the pack
and tightening the dial. and the lack of padding and a saddle rail there is no compression

While the seat roll to give extra grip.
is easy to fill, it’s a little
The result was many an infuriating

moment stood at the side of the

road reattaching it.

Simon Richardson



Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 41

Training gains take effect as we recover –
a process that countless products claim
to enhance. But which ones really work?
Chris Sidwells analyses the evidence

42 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly



Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 43

ou don’t gain fitness Compression wear Ice baths quash inflammation but also
instantly as you train The theory: Compression garments blunt adaptation to exercise
but afterwards while gently compress muscle tissue, which
you’re recovering. It is said to improve blood flow and aid legs inside while compressed air exerts
doesn’t matter how recovery by helping to clear out metabolic pressure to and fro along the muscles.
hard you train, if waste products left over from exercise. Physio Dr Graham Theobald tested the
you’re not recovering The evidence: Although some studies Therabody RecoveryAir Pro for Cycling
from your efforts indicate improved performance after Weekly and concluded: “All our athletes
you won’t be improving as much or as wearing compression kit (measured and clinicians reported feeling more
quickly as you could be. The basics of by increased time to exhaustion in a rested afterwards… However, without
recovery are good-quality nutrition ramp test) and improved blood lactate strict protocols, blind testing with
and plenty of sleep – if you’re eating clearance, there is very little peer- placebo treatment, our impressions were
well and sleeping well, you’re 90% reviewed scientific evidence proving always going to be anecdotal. That said,
of the way there. Even so, the sports beyond doubt that compression garments and purely from a personal perspective,
sector is jam-packed with products aid recovery. I did see an interesting significant change
purporting to boost recovery. They in my ability to perform in repeated
range from protein powers costing Most of the studies conducted so far workouts after using this product.”
£1 a packet to massage machines have found either no effect or a slight Cost: £20-100 per garment; £1,000-plus
costing thousands. recovery boost from compression for compression-massage device.
These products can be broadly clothing. The one exception was a study Verdict: Compression clothing has
divided into four categories: that found a significant link between potential value for cyclists.
compression; cold therapy; compression wear and reduced muscle Recovery rating: 5/10
neuromuscular aids; and nutrition. soreness after plyometric box jumping
We’ve looked into the scientific (note, that’s an activity with little in
basis on which each type of product common with cycling).
is based, and our aim here is to assess
whether they really provide recovery- A far more sophisticated (and
boosting effects. expensive) type of compression comes
in the form of ‘compression legs’: a
massage machine that the user slots their

The evidence for compression wear is thin Electrical muscle stimulation
but some riders find them beneficial The theory: These devices, such as the
PowerDot, stimulate muscles with pulses
44 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


of electricity, causing muscle fibres works on all muscle fibres by causing Ice and ice baths
The theory: Ice is often
to contact and relax. It is claimed that mini contractions and relaxations, and recommended as an immediate
treatment for soft-tissue injuries,
the contractions pump blood from the when it does that to the smooth muscle on the grounds it reduces
inflammation and speeds up
muscles, which carries out waste and surrounding veins, it helps to boost recovery. Ice baths are thought to
promote recovery by stimulating
brings in fresh oxygenated blood into blood flow, which can benefit recovery.” blood flow, getting more
oxygenated blood into recovering
the muscle to facilitate recovery. The Cost: From £50 tissues, which may improve waste
removal and reduce inflammation.
technology has been used for years Recovery rating: 4/10 Supporting evidence: The injury-
healing benefits of ice have been
in rehabilitation, and is used by some debunked. When injured, the body
sets off a process that removes
WorldTour cycling teams. damaged tissue. A number of
studies have found that ice blocks
The evidence: Much more work is Foam rollers the signals required to set off this
process. The jury is out on the role
required, but one study published in The theory: Rolling pressure of ice baths in promoting recovery,
although there are other health
the Journal of Exercise Physiology along muscles using a foam and fitness benefits from cold
water immersion. One study on ice
found that weight-lifters who roller helps to repair micro- baths conducted at the University
of Queensland in Australia found
included muscle tears in muscle fibres, breaks a negative impact on muscle
adaptation. Twenty-one subjects
stimulation as down scar tissue and went through strength training
workouts twice per week. Some
part of their removes fluid of the subjects sat in an ice bath
for 10 minutes post-workout, while
recovery saw associated with the others ‘warmed down’ on a
stationary bike. The warm-down
greater strength hard exercise. group showed greater strength gain
than the ice bath group.
gains and less Many people regard Verdict: The evidence has turned
against ice as a recovery aid, and it
fatigue than those rollers as a cheaper can limit exercise adaptation, but
using ice baths (or vests) certainly
who didn’t. alternative to manual is an effective way to cool down
quickly after a hot stage of a Grand
Expert view: Phil Burt deep-tissue massage. Tour – hence their widespread use
at this year’s Tour de France.
says: “Electrical Electrical stimulation units boost blood The evidence: Reading Cost: From £30 for a portable unit
to over £800 for a fixed ice bath.
stimulation flow by causing muscular contractions through the (many) Recovery rating: 2/10

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 45

Massage guns Massage guns use high-frequency
The theory: Percussive massage vibrations to ease muscular discomfort
guns are a relatively recent
development in the fitness industry. studies into the effectiveness of foam Expert view: Phil Burt, who was British
They mimic deep-tissue massage rollers as a recovery aid reveals some Cycling’s head physiotherapist for 12
by pummelling one small area of contradictory conclusions, but there is years, says: “I know the science behind
muscle at a time. The contact point a clear consensus that foam roller work foam rollers is a bit mixed, and various
can either be moved around the does reduce the feeling of delayed onset studies contradict each other, but in my
whole length and breadth of the muscle Soreness (DOMS). A 2015 study experience they do work. For example,
muscle or focused on specific areas in the Journal of Medicine and Science if you have iliotibial band pain and
of tightness. in Sport and Exercise concluded: “A you foam roller it, it will go away. They
The evidence: Scientific studies 20-minute bout of foam roller work definitely ease soreness. One tip, foam
into the effectiveness of massage immediately after heavy exercise, and roller work hurts, but there are vibrating
guns on performance, flexibility repeated every 24 hours thereafter, foam rollers on the market now and they
and range of movement have found may reduce the likelihood of muscle hurt a lot less.”
effects comparable to those of tenderness.” Most of the studies are
deep-tissue massage. The greatest based on forms of weight lifting, On Burt’s latter point, physio Graham
benefit seems to be in reducing rather than endurance exercise. Theobald agrees: “Vibrating rollers have
muscle soreness. A 2021 study on football players, led been shown to be superior to normal
Expert view: Dr Graham Theobald by Alejandra Alonso-Calvete, found ones, with an enhanced effect on blood
has tested a variety of massage improvements in blood flow after flow and tendon length/strength.”
guns for CW, and concludes: foam rolling, concluding that use of a Verdict: A worthwhile recovery tool,
“I’ve used massage guns both foam roller “could promote important particularly after strength
professionally and personally. There advantages for post-exercise recovery”. and conditioning work.
is growing evidence that they can Cost: From £20
increase blood flow to muscles and
stimulate/warm tissue to improve
tendon length and performance.
This effect may be a short-term
gain in the early stages of muscle
activity, but the longer-term effects
are now being studied.”
Verdict: May be worthwhile to
treat soreness after strength-and-
conditioning sessions.
Cost: £30-£550
Recovery rating: 8/10

46 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly


Recovery rating: 7/10 Stretching can broaden your range
Yoga of motion, preventing pain

The theory: There are many health and with a qualified teacher vary in price, but is scarce.
fitness claims made by the proponents many teachers offer free ‘starter’ videos Expert view: “Stretching can increase
of yoga, including physical and mental and paid-for Zoom classes. Once the the range of pain-free movement, so
recovery benefits. The main physical moves are learned, you can practise at in that sense it aids recovery,” says
claim is that the twisting poses wring out no cost. Phil Burt, “but it isn’t as beneficial or
venous blood from internal organs and Recovery rating: 6/10 obligatory as some people assume.”
allow oxygenated blood to flow in when Cost: Free
the twist is released. On the mental side, Stretching Recovery rating: 4/10
yoga is said to increase relaxation by The theory: Stretching can be classed as
inducing a more balanced mental state, a neuromuscular treatment. The theory Protein shakes
as well as improving sleep quality. There goes, it aids recovery by helping to reduce The theory: Protein is needed to
are various types of yoga, from the slow post-exercise soreness. The feel-good repair muscle fibres after training,
and gentle Hatha form to the vigorous factor after stretching can have a positive and the sooner you can ingest some
movements of Ashtanga. mental effect too. after exercise, the better. Shakes are a
The evidence: A 2011 meta-analysis The evidence: Although training folklore portable, palatable and convenient way
that looked at many scientific studies holds with stretching helping recovery, of ingesting 20g of protein immediately
into the effects of yoga concluded, in there’s little solid science backing up after exercise. Protein shakes use easily
respect of recovery, that: “The regular these beliefs. A systematic review of digestible forms of protein such as whey.
practice of yoga resulted in a significant research concluded that, “Stretching The evidence: Surprisingly, given how
decrease in the time taken to fall asleep, before or after exercising does not confer widely used protein shakes are in world-
an increase in the total number of hours protection from muscle soreness.” class sport, the evidence supporting their
slept, and in the feeling of being rested in Research into stretching has noted post-exercise recovery benefits is not
the morning.” some short-term gains – and many riders clear-cut. What is clear is that consuming
Expert’s view: Phil Burt again: “The simply like the feeling of a good stretch – 1.6-2.2g of protein per kilo of bodyweight
big thing about yoga is it teaches you to but solid evidence for recovery benefits per day is optimum for recovery from
breathe properly, and in general people
don’t do that. Lots of benefits come from
learning to breathe properly, including
quicker recovery.”
Verdict: Practising non-vigorous yoga
may increase sleep duration and quality,
a goal worth pursuing as sleep is a
fundamental pillar of recovery.
Cost: One-to-one or group sessions

Yoga can improve flexibility, enhance sleep
and train correct breathing patterns

Cycling Weekly | 18 August, 2022 | 47


Recovery aids that work on a
metabolic level are the most
effective and provide the greatest
value. Deep-tissue massage,
including massage guns, have been
shown to promote recovery not just
by helping to remove toxins and
reducing adhesions in muscle fibres,
but also by promoting relaxation
and therefore sleep.

Retired WorldTour soigneur Dirk

Nachtergaele is convinced that

deep-tissue massage has physical

and psychological benefits: “When I

massage, I feel adhesions in muscle

Consuming protein after exercise helps fibres go away, and I feel the rider
repair and rebuild damaged muscles
relaxing. I’ve even had riders fall

asleep on the message table. But I

can also feel a rider’s condition – I can

exercise. After exercise, your body is Fish oils and Vitamin D feel muscles

capable of metabolising up to 40g of The theory: Fish oils have been shown full of blood. I Massage has strong anecdotal
can tell them evidence in its favour
protein in a single sitting, so the 20-25g to help reduce inflammation, so may they are in

per serving typical for protein shakes is help you recover from training. They

well within the limit. Then again, do you also play a part in maintaining gut health good condition,

really need processed sports products? and contain Vitamin D, which is involved which is good

“No, there are plenty of natural sources in hormone regulation and immune for morale.”

of complete proteins, which are just function, and is essential for healthy Massage

as effective,” says nutritionist Nigel bones and teeth. from a qualified

Mitchell. “Having said that, most protein The evidence: In some studies, a practitioner

powders contain all the amino acids reduction in post-exercise muscle is relatively

needed in protein synthesis – and a soreness has been observed in subjects expensive at

shake is often more convenient than, taking fish oils. As for Vitamin D, a £30-£60 per

say, a tuna sandwich!” 2021 meta-analysis concluded: session but

Expert view: Nigel Mitchell again: “Although Vitamin D seems to foam rollers

“Proteins are the building blocks your be effective against the muscular offer many of

body uses to repair after training, and inflammatory processes, the role in the same benefits at greatly reduced

the quicker repair takes place, the post-exercise recovery by modulating the cost. Massage guns are also well

sooner an athlete can train hard again. release of muscle breakdown biomarkers worth considering and could save you

This results in a bigger overall training remains to money in the long term.

load, and greater fitness gains. In stage be demonstrated.” It’s worth subjecting any potential

races, speedy recovery is one of the Cost: £10-20 per one-month’s supply purchases and treatments to a quick

keys to success. It’s difficult, and (of each). cost-benefit analysis. For example,

sometimes inconvenient, to meet Recovery score: 7/10 an expensive muscle-stimulation

all protein needs when training device supported by little evidence

hard from whole foods, so is probably not worth ‘taking a punt

protein shakes fill the gap.” on’, whereas a cheap foam roller may

Cost: From £1 for a single well be worth it even if the benefit is

ready-to-drink shake small and short-lived. Don’t expect

to £40 for a 4kg miracles, but do take into account

pack of powder. your budgetary constraints against

Recovery rating: Fish oil contains anti-inflammatory the likely benefits as judged by the

9/10 Omega-3 fatty acids latest science.

48 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly

Three’s peak

Three women, three peaks, one target: to hike up and down
each mountain, cycling from one to the next, in record time.

CW finds out how they got on

50 | 18 August, 2022 | Cycling Weekly

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