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Published by sticibogdan6, 2019-10-03 10:56:48

Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica

Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica

Keywords: dnd,d&d,5e,Ravnica,GGR

l square = 5 feet


Morgue Level ( Upper Level

MAP A.>: ARRESTER STATION Arrester Headquarters

who then becomes something of a nemesis for them. As OTHER ADVENTURE HOOKS
they gain experience. this imperator continues to be a
thorn in their side and advances through the ranks of The Azorius Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for
the senate as well, becoming a minister and eventually additional adventures involving the Azorius Senate.
the arbiter who dictates law enforcement policy for the
entire guild. Along the way, this villain uses every avail- AZO RI U S A DVENTURE HOOKS
able means to hinder the characters, probably veering
into covert illegal activities (evil means for a good end). d6 Adventure Hook
The climax of the campaign might involve a violent con- Aprecognitive mage (see chapter 6 for the stat
frontation with this arbiter and a group of arresters, or block) has identified the characters as future crimi-
a tense verbal argument adjudicated by SupremeJudge nals, and now there's a warrant out for their arrest.
Isperia herself.
2 A precognitive mage (see chapter 6 for the stat
AZORIUS CHARACTER GOALS block) has foreseen the characters' future strug-
gles and tries to protect them, thereby interfering
Characters who are members of the Azorius Senate in their next adventure.
might be sent on missions of law enforcement by their
superiors or contacts in the guild, and trusted charac- 3 Felidars (see chapter 6 for the stat block) have
ters might be tasked with apprehending criminals with- bonded with the wrong person and now track an
out killing them. The examples on the Azorius Assign- innocent citizen.
ments table might be side quests specific to an Azorius
character, undertaken while a party of adventurers is 4 Hussars- Azorius soldiers (see chapter 6 for the
engaged in a larger mission. stat block) mounted on griffons-declare martial
law in a neighborhood and enforce their harsh au-
AZOR I US ASSIGNMENTS thority on the citizenry.

d6 Adventure Goal 5 An archon ofthe Triumvirate (see chapter 6 for the
stat block) interprets innocent actions as illegal
Find and arrest a wanted fugitive. ones because its connection to the law has been
2 Arrest someone identified as a potential criminal corrupted.

by precognitive mages. 6 A missing homunculus is the sole witness to the
3 Clear the name of an innocent person. murder ofa judge.

4 Solve a murder by questioning suspects.
5 Retrieve a stolen item.

6 Quell a riot.

Cllt\P ff R t CRP. \TlNC ADVENTURES 131

B OROS LEGION An extensive array of wall niches in the lower tier (at
street level) provides storage space for archived records
Adventures involving the Boros Legion might have a and the like, and a basement beneath that includes food
military bent, focusing on small-scale conflict between storage and a well for fresh water, enabling the garrison
groups of Boros soldiers and bands of rioters or raiders. to withstand a long siege.
The legion is generally a prominent force for law and
good in Ravnica, which makes it an appropriate home The upper tier includes more large halls, the com-
guild for noble-minded player characters. Its holy bent mander's quarters and office. and several niches-ac-
also makes villains drawn from its ranks particularly cessible only by flying from outside the garrison- that
dangerous and perhaps tragic. serve as living quarters and watch-posts for the angels
stationed here. Parapets on the rooftop provide cover
L EGION GARRISON for humanoid archers as well, and the broad open space
that they surround offers room for training and spar-
The Boros Legion maintains garrisons throughout ring. Grass-covered ridges separate different training
Ravnica, ensuring that every neighborhood has a strong areas and add a contrasting touch of nature's beauty to
military presence. They range from towering fortresses the otherwise stony building.
to small bunkers like the one shown in map 4.2.
Examples of Boros villains appear in the Boros
Designed with defense foremost, a Boros garrison is Villains table.
well suited for adventures that challenge the characters
to fi nd a way in or fight their way out. The Legion Garri- BOROS VILLAINS
son Adventures table offers a number of possibil ities.
d8 Villain
Seeking to avenge a partner's murder, a Wojek
d12 Adventure Goal League officer turns to vigilantism.
2 A Boros commander starts preemptively closing
Lay siege to the garrison. lzzet foundries, Simic research chambers, and
2 Break a siege at the garrison. other locations considered prone to disaster.
3 Sabotage the building's defenses so someone else 3 Angered at the death of a loved one in a cer-
tain neighborhood, a Wojek agent is inciting its
can break into the garrison. residents to revolt, knowing that the Boros will
4 Find a hidden explosive charge in the garrison respond with force.

before it detonates. 4 Believing that they are harboring terrorists, a Boros
brigadier is slaughtering helpless people in tran-
s Steal a magic weapon held inside the garrison. sient communities in the undercity.

6 Discover evidence that incriminates an officer in s A squad ofcorrupt Boros soldiers (see chapter 6
the garrison.
for the stat block} is extorting money from local
7 Identify a spy among the garrison's soldiers before merchants.
the spy can escape.
6 A Boros commander under the thumb of another
8 Help a spy get safely out of the garrison without guild is turning a blind eye to the violence perpe-
being discovered. trated by that guild.

9 Capture a garrison officer for interrogation. 7 An overzealous angel has risen up against innocent
10 Shore up the garrison's defenses before an assault. people, including the soldiers in her own garrison,
11 Clear out the monsters infesting a garrison that believing that they harbor evil in their hearts.

was abandoned years ago. 8 A crazed angel demands to be worshiped as a god.

12 Steal plans for future Boros military action. BO ROS AS CA MPA IGN V ILLA I NS

LEGION GARRISON MAP Not too long ago, the leaders of the Boros Legion valued
zeal more highly than justice, believing that their mil-
Access to the garrison is limited to a pair of 20-foot-wide itary might made their cause right and just. Although
walkways elevated above street level and protected by the current guildmaster. Aurelia, has reversed her
archers behind arrow slits. Two antechambers give the stance on the issue. some voices within the legion still
Boros soldiers and angels ample opportunity to screen espouse these views. Boros villains are typically intoler-
anyone who seeks to gain entrance. Beyond them is a ant, self-righteous warmongers who abuse their power
large hall where troops can be mustered. To one side of
the mustering hall is a barracks area, with a kitchen, a
mess, food storage, and guest quarters on the other side.

132 Cll\11 1llt l (I(( Al IN< AUVENfUIUS

Parapets / Rooftop

MAP 4.2 LEGION GARRISON 1 square = 5 feet


in pursuit of their own private visions ofjustice. And OTHER ADVENTURE HOOKS
because the lower echelons of the guild are taught to
follow orders without question, even the villains among The Boros Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for ad-
the Boros can command companies of soldiers to help ditional adventures themed around the Boros Legion.
them carry out their schemes.
Boros villains are inclined to engage in activity that
involves pursuing one's passion, acquiring power, or d6 Adventure Hook
exacting retribution. The Boros make good campaign A Boros officer is awaiting trial for unsanctioned
antagonists if the adventurers represent the forces of and excessive use of force, and the officer's squad
chaos that the legion opposes- Rakdos revelers, Gruul is planning a jailbreak.
raiders, Golgari corrupters, or Dimir spies.
2 The Boros are secretly working with the Shat·
You could structure a campaign around the legion's tergang Brothers, a group of black market arms
slow progress in taking over the authority of the Azo- dealers, to develop a devastating wea pon.
rius Senate and imposing a sort of martial law on the
city. A campaign of this sort is particularly effective if 3 A Boros offensive is displacing and even killing
the characters initially work alongside the Boros, es- innocent bystanders caught in its path.
pecially if one or more characters belong to the legion.
They might help Boros soldiers drive off Gruul raiders 4 Flame-kin soldiers created as part of an
or uproot Dimir spies- clearly fighting against evil on abandoned weapons project are suddenly
the side of the good and just. As time goes on, though, reactivated and run amok. These soldiers use the
their Boros allies might start taking their war against azer stat block in the Monster Manual.
evil too far. Innocent citizens get caught in the cross-
fire, most punishment is cruel and excessive, and any s A Boros parade meant as a show of strength pro-
resistance is met with overwhelming force , to "set an
example" fo r anyone else who might consider opposing vokes widespread protests, some ofwhich erupt
the legion. A Boros ally (or even a close friend) of the into violence.
characters might become fully caught up in this fervor. 6 A flying Boros fortress is about to crash, threaten-
Perhaps the characters can talk some sense into their ing to devastate the neighborhood below.
old friend, but the resolution of the campaign might
force them to take more extreme measures to curb the
legion's excesses.


The Boros Legion sends individuals or small parties
on small-scale military missions, usually to help quell
riots or protect bystanders from dangerous situations.
Trusted characters might also be involved in internal
investigations of suspected wrongdoing, especially if
they're associated with the Wojek League. The Boros
Assignments table provides examples of missions or
side quests that Boros characters might undertake.


d6 Assignment

Help quell a Rakdos riot or hold back Gruul raiders,
or otherwise maintain the peace while protecting
innocent bystanders.

2 Capture or kill a Gruul chieftain who has taken
responsibility for a series of brutal raids.

3 Help evacuate citizens from the area ofa natural or
magical disaster.

4 Escort an important person safely from one place

to another.

s Investigate a Boros commander suspected of cul-

tivating personal loyalty in underlings, rather than

loyalty to the legion.

6 Uncover a spy in the legion.



Masters of misdirection, infiltration. and espionage, Oi- You can make a Dimir safe house hard to find and hard to
mir spies and assassins pursue their objectives behind get into by using some of these options:
layers of deception. Oimir agents make ideal villains for
adventures involving intrigue and mystery in the shad- • The safe house is underground and accessible only
ows of dark alleys and the tunnels of the undercity. through a maze of tunnels and crevices.

SAFE HOUSE • The area surrounding the house is protected by a guards
and wards spell. Navigating the ancient underground
House Dimir maintains safe houses throughout corridors or the modern alleyways above ground
Ravnica, many of them tucked away in the undercity, becomes more complicated when intersections are
for guild members who need to elude the ready reach of clouded by fog, doors are hidden and magically locked,
the law. These sites are protected by magical wards that and magical compulsions drive visitors away.
confuse and misdirect all who approach- in parcicular,
spells that make intruders forget where they are or what • A glyph ofwarding might castfear, phantasmalforce, or
they're doing there. crown ofmadness on a character who triggers it-or sim-
ply explode in a blast of cold energy.
A safe house can also be used to hold prisoners for Dimir agents might use alarm spells to ensure that they
interrogation, with its protections equally effective in know when intruders are approaching the safe house.
preventing escape and in deterring intruders. Often, a
s ingle site serves both purposes. SAFE HOUSE MAP

Map 4.3 presents the floor plan of a typical Dimir This safe house is a domed building encased in a stone
safe house. exoskeleton characteristic of Dimir construction. The
ground level is a comfortable living space that features
SAFE HOUSE ADVENTURES accommodations for at least five people. It has five bed-
rooms, abundant storage space, a central lounge, a rec-
The first task in almost any mission involving a Dimir reation space, a dining room, a kitchen, and a pantry.
safe house is to find the place. Most people who have
been to a safe house or its environs have no memory of A secret door in the back of a shared closet leads to a
the event, thanks to Dimir mind magic. spiral staircase that descends to the basement, which
contains three small holding cells. Awatch post at the
The Safe House Adventures table offers some reasons end of the hall allows a guard to keep an eye on the cells
why characters might need to visit such a location. In and anyone coming down the stairs. An interrogation
addition, you could use any other guild's sample location room can be outfitted with equipment designed to ex-
as the site for a location-based adventure. with a simple tract information. One-way mirrors offer a view on the
mission: uncover a Dimir spy in that location. interrogation proceedings from an observation room.


d12 Adventure Goal The Dimir can be masterfully sly villains. Example vil-
lains appear in the Dimir Villains table.
l Find a fugitive hiding in the safe house.
2 Liberate someone being held in the safe house.
d8 Villain
3 Retrieve a stolen item.
4 Get information from a prisoner in the safe house l Aspy seeks to plunder another guild's secrets.
2 A mind mage (see chapter 6 for the stat block) is
without revealing that information to the Dimir.
hunting down everyone who witnessed a great hu-
5 Acquire information from a Dimir agent to unmask miliation to expunge their memories ofthe event.
a spy embedded in another guild. 3 A mind mage (see chapter 6 for the stat block}
has implanted false memories of a crime in many
6 Escape from captivity in the safe house. minds in order to incriminate someone.
7 Plant a magical surveillance device inside the safe 4 A group of Dimir agents is plundering the minds of
people who have knowledge ofa vault that holds
house. great wealth or magical power.
5 After a Dimir spy is unmasked, a mind mage (see
8 Damage or destroy the safe house so the Dimir chapter 6 for the stat block) erases the memory of
can't use it anymore. the spy's identity from the minds ofthose involved.
6 A shapeshifter has replaced a high-ranking mem-
9 Prevent the creation of a horror (see chapter 6) in ber ofanother guild in order to provoke conflicts.
the safe house. (You can replace the horror with a 7 A mind drinker vampire (see chapter 6 for the stat
different creature from the Monster Manual.) block} is plundering the minds of its victims.
8 Roll on another guild's villain table, but the villain
10 Find and kill a mind drinker vampire (see chapter 6 is a disguised Dimir agent or someone being
for the stat block) or other monster that is picking manipulated by the Dimir.
offthe safe house's inhabitants.

11 Disable the safe house's wards and plant a beacon
inside it so that members ofanother guild can find
and raid the place.

12 After stumbling into the safe house accidentally,
get out with memories intact.

CllAl'Tf R 4 C REATI ~GAD\ E!'.1' l RF 111)

l square = 5 feet


Dimir villains favor schemes involving captivity and The Dimir Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for ad-
coercion, defamation, impersonation and disguise, mur- ditional adventures themed around House Dimir.
der, politics, t heft, and torture. Perhaps the most insidi-
ous technique employed by the Oimir is the erasing and D I MIR ADV ENTURE HOOKS
modifying of memories.
d6 Adventure Hook
Because their tendrils reach into every other guild, The characters find a bundle of thought strands,
Dimir villa ins could turn out to be the link between and Dimir agents are in a rush to find them before
plots that initially seem to be unconnected. Even when they fade away.
individual missions might be straightforward dungeon
c rawls or battles in the streets, the campaign revolves 2 A rogue agent hunted by Dimir assassins offers
around the mystery of determining the true villain. crippling information about House Dimir in
exchange for protection.
At low and middle levels, the characters might find
themselves engaged in important but apparently unre- 3 A Dimir horror (described in chapter 6) is ran-
lated tasks. They might kill or drive off a monster that domly killing people in the dark alleys ofa particu-
is lairing in an abandoned arrester station (unwittingly lar neighborhood.
clearing the way for a Dimir agent to be placed in the
station). They might help the Boros capture a danger- 4 Word is out that someone claims to have a list of
ous Rakdos ringleader (who is actually a Dimir agent Dimir agents embedded in other guilds, igniting a
working to destabilize Azorius influence). They might furious contest to obtain the list.
unmask a Dimir spy within one of their own guilds (who
is an internal rival of the Dimir villain). s While prying too deeply into ancient lore, a Dimir

As the characters advance in level, they might come agent (now deceased) released a nameless evil into
to realize that a powerful and ambitious Azorius figure the city.
is going too far in spying on the populace, despite that 6 Roll on another guild's adventure hooks table, but
g uild's great success in using precognitive mages to the Dimir are secretly behind the situation.
arrest evildoers-especially Oimir spies. Ultimately, the
Azorius villain is revealed to be a high-ranking Dimir
agent, a confidant of Lazav or even Lazav himself, who
is trying to take over the Azorius Senate and turn it into
a s urveillance and espionage o rganization unde r the vil-
lai n's control.


Characters who are members of House Dimir are spies
and saboteurs. It's possible to let these characters ex-
perience all the most enjoyable tropes of the spy genre
while s kirting the more sinister aspects of House Dimir.

The missions on the Dimir Assignments table can
wo rk for a team ofDimir agents or as secret missions
for a Dimir character to pursue unde r the cover of the
larger adventure plot.


d6 Assignment

Impersonate an individual to gather information
from that individual's contacts and associates.
2 Make sure that a particular person (not a main
antagonist) at an adventure site doesn't survive the
encounter with the characters.

3 Make sure that a particular person (not the main
villain) survives the adventure.

4 Get information from the main villain by magically

extracting the villain's dying thoughts.

s Plant evidence to steer the other adventurers away

from the true villain.

6 Get information to a Oimir agent who is embedded
in the adventure location.

< llAPTI H 4 RE \fll\:G AO\ li.N I l HI s 1'17

GOLGARI SWARM The bottom level might be a basement excavated in
the floor of a chasm, or it could hang above still more
A dominant force in the undercity, the Golgari Swarm open space like a giant stalactite. It includes living quar-
is ideally suited for dungeon-based adventures. The ters for the owners, servants, and guests.
Golgari represent corruption and decay, counting many
villains among their ranks even though most members GOLGARI VILLAINS
are mainly concerned with the balance of the natural
cycle of li fe and death. Examples of Golgari villains appear in the Golgari
Villains table.
The Golgari are a strange underground aristocracy
in a city that mostly lacks a noble class; they are like d8 Villain
throwbacks to an ancient time when one's birth deter- Armed with a powerful magic item found among
mined one's station. The mansion depicted in map 4.4 the dead in the undercity, a Golgari shaman (see
is a stately relic of such a time- a grand hall that hap- chapter 6 for the stat block) enacts a plan ofre-
pens to be buried hundreds of feet beneath the streets venge against another guild.
of Ravnica.
2 A kraut death priest (see chapter 6 for the stat
UNDERCITY MANSION ADVENTURES block) is seeking a way to revive the ancient gods
The Undercity Mansion Adventures table provides some of Ravn ica and destroy the world.
possible challenges based in and around the Golgari
undercity mansion. 3 A Devkarin lich (see chapter 6 for the stat block) is
capturing living subjects and infecting them with
UNDERCITY MANSION ADVENTURES an insidious, mind-controlling fungus.

dl 0 Adventure Goal 4 A trophy-hunting undercity medusa (see chapter 6
Find the source of a noxious fog rising from the un- for the stat block) is on a killing spree, petrifying
dercity and poisoning a surface neighborhood. victims in interesting poses.

2 Rescue several citizens being held hostage by 5 A Golgari shaman (see chapter 6 for the stat block)
Ochran agents. is spreading a fungal infection that transforms its
dead victims into zombies.
3 Find the daytime lair of an elusive monster that
hunts on the surface at night. 6 An elf child lures citizens into the sewers, where a
monstrous "pet" is waiting to kill and eat them.
4 Rescue a guild member petrified by an undercity
medusa (see chapter 6 for the stat block) that uses 7 Pursuing a personal vendetta, an Ochran assassin
the mansion as its lair. is targeting members of a certain guild and trying
to ensure that their bodies are never found.
s Take shelter in the mansion to escape a horrible
8 Akraut death priest (see chapter 6 for the stat
monster prowling the undercity. block), angry at the way the Golgari have treated
6 Win a bet by surviving a night inside. the kraul in the past, is killing the elves and medu-
7 Escape from captivity here. sas ofthe guild, hoping to eventually take Jarad's
8 Find a fugitive hiding here. place as guildmaster.
9 Find and claim a treasure hidden in the mansion.
10 Attend a masked ball held in the mansion in order GOLGA RI AS CAMPAIGN VILLAINS
Given their affinity for death, necromancy, and decay,
to get information from another guest. the Golgari make excellent villains. Because they con-
sider life and death as equal parts of the natural cycle,
UNDERCITY MANSION MAP they have no qualms about subjecting entire neighbor-
This structure is built in a large depression, perhaps hoods to poisonous gas or strangling vines to achieve
part ofDeadbridge Chasm. A bridge crosses just above their various goals. When a Golgari assassin goes on
it, and a wide, curving stair leads down from the bridge a killing spree, when a patch of their vegetative growth
to the grand ballroom on the top level of the mansion. begins "reclaiming" an area that isn't yet abandoned, or
The rest of the structure is built down from there, with when their fungus-bearing zombies emerge from the un-
the main, elegant halls and parlors on the second level. dercity to haunt the city streets, heroes are duty bound
Notably, a wide hallway on this level connects with a to act against the threat.
passage leading to other areas of the undercity. A couple
of areas on this floor have crumbled with the weight of The Golgari possess a combination of ambition and
the ages, but the place retains its stately grandeur. ruthlessness that makes them extremely dangerous
adversaries. The tension among the various factions of
the swarm (the elves, the medusas, the krauJ, and the
rising erstwhile) adds an element of instability to the

1";!8 CJl\l'lf.Rf lkl'\TIS<,\l>VENTUIHS

1 square = 5 feet


mix. But perhaps the Golgari Swarm's most dangerous G O LGARI ASSI G NMENTS
quality is the widespread confidence among its mem-
bers that it will survive any catastrophe that might befall d6 Assignment
the surface world. This certainty means Golgari villains 1 Find a valuable item believed lost in the undercity.
will stop at nothing in an attempt to provoke such an 2 Retrieve a corpse in the undercity.
event- triggeri ng a virulent plague, causing explosive 3 Collect a sample of a fungus in the undercity.
plant growth, or inciting the other guilds into open war, 4 Steal something that is important to another guild.
for example. Over the course of a campaign, a group 5 Ki ll an outspoken enemy of the Golgari.
of adventurers might foil Golgari pla ns to accomplish 6 Position a fungus so that its spores will spread into
a ll these things, or the characters might be constantly
struggling against one ongoing disaster. a populated area and drive the inhabitants out.

For example, the characters might spend the early OTHER ADVENTURE HOOKS
part of the campaign resolving disputes between guilds,
unaware that the Golgari are actually the instigators of The Golgari Adventure Hooks table offers ideas for addi-
those conflicts. Perhaps incidental to these missions, tional adventures themed around the Golgari Swarm.
they also face a spore druid who is in the early stages
of testing a terrible plague. Then, as the campaign G OLCA RI ADV ENTURE HOOKS
reaches higher levels, the plague breaks out again, this
time spreading rapidly. The crisis heightens tensions d6 Adventure Hook
among the other guilds, especially when food sources Citizens who die in a particular neighborhood
are th reatened. At the climax of the campaign, the sprout fungal growths and rise as zombies, the n
heroes must defuse conflict among the guilds while shamble toward the undercity.
finding a way to get at the druid at the cause of it all,
who is locked in an undercity mansion waiting out the 2 Shriekers sprout throughout a neighborhood.
catastrophe. 3 Swarms ofinsects under the control of a Golgari

GOLGARI CHARACTER GOALS shaman (see chapter 6 for the stat block) terrorize
a neighborhood.
Characters who a re members of the Golgari Swarm 4 Poor people who subsist on Golgari food contract
might be sent on missions into the undercity, particu- a dangerous, contagious magical infection.
la rly jobs that involve retrieval or salvage. T he secretive S Several krau l have moved into an old tenement and
agents of the Ochran are more likely to pursue goals are making their neighbors nervous.
that call for theft or even assassination, while shamans 6 A beloved statue, long assumed to be the image of
could participate in the swarm's work of "reclamation" some forgotten community hero, suddenly returns
in surface neighborhoods. The Golgari Assignments to life after being petrified for a hundred years.
table reflects this range of possibilities. An assignment
can also serve as a side quest for Golgari adventurers
to undertake while pursuing a larger goal with a mixed-
guild party.



An adventure involving the Gruul Clans typically re- The Gruul are straightforward villains, employing di-
volves around combat. The Gruul provide characters rect action and violence to tear down civilized society.
with opportunities to fight huge monsters and vicious They aren't schemers, and they have little patience for
berserkers. The Gruul bring chaos and destruction with political maneuvering. Their cunning is that of a hunter
them wherever they go, so they can easily disrupt and stalking its prey, and the threat they pose is rampant, ag-
complicate adventures involving any other guild. Any gressive destruction. Examples of Gruul villains appear
time an adventure needs an injection of brutal viole nce, in the Gruul Villains table.
the Gruul are a good tool for the purpose.
d8 Villain
The Gruul have no interest in the buildings, streets, and Adruid ofthe Old Ways (see chapter 6 for the stat
markets of Ravnica, except as targets for their raids. block), spurred by visions of the end ofcivilization,
The encampment shown in map 4.5 represents a tem- plans humanoid sacrifices in the name of llharg the
porary shelter in the ruins. the sort of place the Gruul Raze-Boar.
might call home for a time.
2 Adruid is directing herds of beasts to run amok
RUBBLEBELT ENCAMPMENT ADVENT URES through tenement neighborhoods.

Many Gruul adventures begin with a raid into a settled 3 Adruid summons huge vines and roots to tear
part of the city. Adve nture rs might be able to follow the buildings down.
raiders back ~o their camp- for the sake of revenge, in
an effort to retrieve something, or perhaps in chains. 4 A clan chieftain leads a raid to settle a personal
vendetta against another guild.
5 In a display of strength, a clan chieftain seeks to
dlO Adventure Goal destroy a significant landmark.

Determine why the Gruul have camped so close to 6 Looking for a totem of spiritual significance, a
a settled neighborhood. clanless giant wrecks anything in its path.

2 Free a captive taken in a recent raid. 7 Hoping to form a new clan, a clever centaur tries to
3 Win freedom by defeating a Gruul champion in a break violent criminals out of jail.

duel. 8 Adruid leads a band that has begun starting fires
4 Retrieve something looted in a recent raid. around the district.
5 Strike a deal with the Gruul leader to cooperate

against a common foe.
6 Attempt to overthrow the clan chieftain in a

combat challenge.
7 Strike a blow to the Gruul to ensure that they don't

launch a raid.
8 Free a corralled herd ofviolent beasts so they

stampede through the Gruul camp before the
Gruul can steer them toward settled areas.
9 Interrupt a ritual intended to summon or create a
huge elemental.
10 Disrupt a gathering of clans that could lead to an
alliance between them.


Built in a plaza su rrounded by crumbling ruins, this
camp offers some defe nsive advantages to its Gruul resi-
dents. An old tower is the one intact structure the Gruul
use, because it offers a good vantage point over the sur-
rounding area. A sluiceway provides potable water, and
a handful of scraggly trees are a reminder of nature's
potential to grow and flourish even among the ruins.

Otherwise, the camp is little more than a handful of
tents around a bonfire. A trash pit serves as a means of
waste disposal, a few makeshift cages can hold prison-
ers, and a partially enclosed a rea to one side has been
converted into a pen for the beasts used by the Gruul.

C'llAP'llR4 RE\Tll\C.\DVE"<IUIHS 141

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