Palestinian question, 22, 50, 99, 104, Rahman, Mohammed Abdul, 121–26,
179, 226–28 136, 139, 144
pan-Arabism, 12, 93, 213 Ramadan, 19, 87–88, 89, 203
Parajuli, Bishow, 114 rape, 7, 125, 126, 127, 129, 133, 137,
Patriot Act, U.S., 224
patriotism of Egyptians, 7–8, 111 139, 199
police brutality and torture, 118–30, religion, fraudulent, 35–36
rent control, 28–29
138–45, 170 revisionist history, 30
police incompetence, 142–44 Revolutionary Command Council, 30
police training, 140–41 Rida, Rashid, 72
Policies Secretariat, 204, 207–208 Roosevelt, Kermit (Kim), 227
political parties, banning of, 14 Rose Al-Youssef (weekly), 224
politics, corrupt, 2, 35, 49 Rubin, Barry, 63–64, 163, 231
population growth, 37–38, 140 Ruskin, John, 27
poverty, 5, 20, 31, 34–35, 145, 148, 179
poverty trap, 46, 180, 183 Saad, Ahmed Saber, 129
Powell, Colin, 130 Al-Sadat, Anwar, Al–21, 81, 205
press, freedom of the, 13, 59, 146
press, nationalization of, 13 assassination of, 51, 55, 219
press, patriotic, 111–12 food riots under, 221
pride, Egyptian national, 8, 11, 20, 36, Muslim Brotherhood and, 55–56,
195, 201 93, 95
privatization, 2, 45–47, 55, 166, “open door policy” of, 28, 41,45, 55,
204–205, 211–12, 216, 218, 222 209
pyramids, 148–50 Wahhabism and, 15
Al-Sadat, Menoufiya Talaat, 143
Qatar, 106 Sadek, Nasrat, 146
Al-Qayim, Hussein, 115 Salama, Salama Ahmed, 158–61
“qualifying industrial zones,” Israeli, 226 satellite cities, 41–42, 97
Qur’an, 18, 39, 52, 56, 57, 59, 63, 64, 72, Al-Saud family, 92–93
Saudi Arabia, 12, 65, 107, 110, 137, 227
75, 86, 97, 171 Asharq Al-Awsat owned by, 183, 192
Qutb, Sayyid, 14, 51, 72 Egyptian emigration to, 84, 91–92,
Rabaa, Ahmed Abdallah, 127–28 95
Rafaat, Samir A., 27–30, 32–33, 39, 45 media funded by, 18–19, 183, 192
Rafaat, Wahid, 30 naming of, 93
Wahhabism in, 14, 88, 91–93
Sawiris, Salib Mata, 99 Taba Hilton, terrorist attack on, 102,
Seel, Cache, 231 127
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
Taba Treaty of 1906, 103–104, 106
of, 70, 133, 173 Tafilat (Bedouin tribe), 106
Seven Wonders of the World, 147–49 Tarabin (Bedouin tribe), 101, 105, 113
Shakrallah, Hani, 224 tawhid (unity of Allah), 81
Al-Shanawani, Abbas, 156 terrorism, 14, 19, 102–104, 107, 113,
sharia, 63, 64, 76–77, 224
Sharm Al-Sheikh, terrorist attacks on, 127–28, 133, 150, 200. See also
September 11, 2001, terrorist
102, 127 attacks of Al-Tilimsani, Omar,
Shenouda, Pope, 97–99 51, 70 torture:
Shia, 84, 88–89 of Abu Omar, 134–35, 137–38
“shock doctrine,” 217 of Bedouin, 102, 112
shura (consultative assembly) system, culture of, 144–45, 170, 215
devices, 136–37
64 legal system and, 130–32, 135–36
Sinai, 83, 103–106, 108–109, 111, of Mamdouh Habib, 132–34
media and, 124
113–15, 180 of Mohammed Abdul Rahman,
Singerman, Diane, 90 121–26, 136, 139, 144
Six-Day War, 170, 180 of Muslim Brotherhood, 51, 56, 65
socialism, 27–29, 59, 76, 209 by Nasser, 14, 51
Somalia, 161 in prisons, 56, 60, 127–30
Soviet Union, 61, 212–15 reports on, 127
Sparrow, The (film), 170 sexual humiliation as, 137–38
state failure, 161–62 See also Beni Mazar massacre;
State Security Investigations (SSI), extraordinary rendition;
Mansour, Ahmed Abdul Rahmin
128–29, 134 tourism industry, Egyptian, 8, 40, 105,
Sudan, 12, 106 117
Suez Canal, 11, 21, 26, 50, 53, 74, Bedouin and, 107–109
corruption in, 149–50, 155–56
103–104, 215 economy and, 148
Suez War (1956), 19 employment in, 43
Sufis and Sufism, 15, 83–93, 192, 226 Giza pyramids, 148–50
Sunni Islam, 84–85, 88–90, 94, 226 Luxor, 174–81
Supreme State Security Prosecution,
131, 153–54
Al-Sweisy, Tarek, 152–54
Syria, 12, 104, 202, 205
sex and, 191–200 Voice of the Arabs (radio station), 11
terrorism and, 51, 102, 135, 200
See also ecotourism Wafd Nationalist Party, 30, 71
tourism police, 155–56, 197, 198 Wahhabism, 14–15, 39, 84, 90–93, 95,
unemployment, 5, 35, 38, 108, 164, 166, 192
180, 209, 220 war of 1967, 11–13, 21, 51, 67
“war on terror,” 130, 135, 167, 224–25
United Nations, 106, 224 “war rich,” 2
United Nations World Food Program, Weaver, Mary Anne, 70
Weber, Bernard, 147
106, 114 Wolfowitz, Paul, 165
United States: World Bank, 164–67
World Food Program (U.N.), 106, 114
CIA, 12, 71, 132, 134, 138, 227 World Health Organization (WHO),
coup of 1952 and, 12
Egypt’s dependence on, 22 33, 34
inconsistency of policy by, 223 World Trade Organization, 45
invasion of Iraq by, 20, 22, 59, 90,
xenophobia, 19, 28
130, 202
Islamism and, 223, 225 Yacoubian Building, The (film), 1–2, 3,
Mubarak and, 22, 68–70, 79, 102, 6, 9, 10, 16
164, 221, 223–24 Yacoubian Building, The (novel), 2, 3,
Muslim Brotherhood and, 59–60 5–6, 10, 16
Nasser and, 21, 227
Patriot Act of, 224 Yom Kippur War, 104
unity, myth of, 81–83, 222
Upper Egypt, 83, 87, 94–95, 176, 182, Zaghloul, Saad, 18
Zaghloul, Tariq, 127
190–92 Zayid, Nasir Hamid Abu, 63–64, 72
zikr (remembrance), 86, 88
veil, 4–5, 7, 62, 72, 78
Victorious Sect, 135