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The Post Amerikan was an underground, alternative newspaper published in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois from 1972 to 2004.

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Published by thekeep, 2020-05-06 05:17:39

Volume 11, Number 9 (February 1983)

The Post Amerikan was an underground, alternative newspaper published in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois from 1972 to 2004.

Keywords: Post Amerikan

... 'Ill





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:. Pos t Amerikan vo l . 11, no. 9 February 1983 page 9

Revisited Anti-poverty agency

• * * * * * * * * * * * ..- * *·* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * moves back from s ub urb s

Brokaw employees ordered Apparently stung by critici s m in the
Post-Amerikan las t summer , the McLean
County Economic Opportunity Corpora­
tion ( MCEOC ) has moved i t s offices
back to a location near i t s clients1
the wes t s i de of Bloomington .
The agency had move d to the far wes t
side o f Normal i n June , half a mi le
from the neares t bus stop , and a good
2! to J hour round-trip bus ride for
many wes t -side Bloomington clients .
After le ss than six months i n i ts
west -Normal location, the agency moved
in December to 1100 W. Marke t in
Bloomington .

attInohdmratiennhaeitai:smrtarzepaimatnporglrkolsyyihneraeeovsvue, reaiBnrlsoisenkuwgaewpdamHraemokcoisnprlajeg.antrdaluo-lmctut to use Late fo r the high
or get fire d . new
When I llinois legislators finally
Brokaw has gone through a lot utro.i gnge t parking lot pas s e d, and Governor Thompson signed, a
that parking lot . After press bill banning the sale of drug
re luctant homeowners to sell, after paraphernalia , the measure received a
extracting ( on the second try) a hotly ton of publicity . All the media
dis pu ted zoning change rfrdoems t trhoey.inNogrmanal Parking in specifically­ reported that stores selling drug­
City Counci l , and afte provided employe e lots is a related equipment would have to shut
entire block of well -kept , tre e -shade d condition of employment at down by January 1.
residences , hospi tal admini strators Brokaw Hospital. No employe e, Now , it turns out , somebody was a bi t
can look out their office windows onto a while working i n the hospital , too high whi le filling out the
huge s e a of fre shly poured cement. shall park along public s tre e ts paperwork .
in the vicini ty of Brokaw while Because of a technicality that the
A lthough hospi tal officials ci ted de s ignated employee spaces media and lawmakers overlooked , the
their supposedly cri tical parking remain unuse d . Specific law aQtually take s effect July 1 --not
shortage as j ustification for leve refe rence is made to maps and January 1 .
the ad jacent neighborhood , much of the schematics di s tributed by Bloomington Senator John Mai tland , who
new parking lot was standing Support Services detailing sponsored the ne w law , told the
embaras singly empty--unt il the where employees are to park . Pantagraph that he was "admi ttedly
hospi tal de ci ded to force i t s somewhat embarras sed" by. the
employees t o park there . Because thi s is a condition oversight .
of employment , failure to
Here i s the entire text of Brokaw ' s comply will be grounds for If you have been raped,
Jan . 1 2 di rective to its employees: discipline as de fine d in the sexually attacked, or
Brokaw Hospi tal Personnel assaulted, call us for
Policy and Proce dure Manual.
January 1 2 , 1 983
I hope those who are s lightly
TO: ALL BROKAW HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES inconvenience d by this can unders tand
our reasons . We have spent many
FROM: JEFFREY B . SCHAUB, EXECUTIVE dollars over ten years acquiring the
V I CE PRESIDENT Franklin Avenue property and building
parking , and untold manhours have been
RE: PARKING spent in mee tings and negotiations to
solve what use d to be our number one
A t Brokaw we value our employe e s ' problem .
fre e dom and abi l i ty to ge t the job
done in creat ive ways - -as such we I ronically , this very solution has
don't i s sue s trong directive s without spawne d another problem , conflicts
good reason. We fe e l it nece ssary to with ne ighbors and our town . The s e
make the following direct ive because problems could very well s tand in the
Brokaw's communi ty relations are at way of Brokaw ' s future . I t's in e very
s take and be cause the Town of Normal employe e's bes t intere s t to see that
has aske d us , both officially and thes e re lations remain good . Thanks
i nformally, to correct the s ituation. for your cooperat ion in thi s matter
As a result , we are i ssuing the and for your continued excellent work
following dire ctive: overall .

( Signe d) Jeff Schaub

legal, medical and

&ug psychological assistance,
.sell referrals and alternatives


and ask for the


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SI ii R . 4 11 H I . t I 6 jj ... . . -•• em Pe o p l-e ' s m u sicABBS- d1211-iRW!l Ill
page 17 lives
" Talk louder , I can't hear you" Dept.
Live mu sic in B·N W e a r e a Midwes tern network o f people
The Jerks who are interes ted in mus i c , s urvival
· They ' re a swe l l bunch o f kids . and change ; in mus ic that in some way
.Danceability ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ relate s to the l ive s and s tr uggles o f
·TastaonhniodednidJfI. aeynrsoUckauniysnt', rgaietlt, hFkletoehioeneskpykoio' ncynsghoeuoarrrnf, ogreCetyehgneteohtoobredueairttlmtunSfetoasrmari. c­�e o ur communities . Some o f us are pro­
Who are The Jerks? Contrary to popu­ gress ive s inger s , songwriter s , per form-
lar belief , they are not the people --LVD e r s . S ome o f. us are prod uction workers ;
who use up all your mayonnai se and put some a re l e s s d i re c t ly involved in
the empty j ar back in your refr iger­ music-related activities and work . But
ator . They are a four-man band from we all share a love for mus ic and a
LaSalle-Peru who can be found playing commitment towards b u ild ing hea lthy
around town , delivering the old rock c u l tures and a he a lthy society . We
s tandard s , as wel l as a selection o f have two pro j ects :
newer s tu f f and . a handful o f or igina l s .
The Direc tory- - a tool to encourage
They do what they do with punch , commun ication among peop le ' s mus � ians .
agi lity , and great vocals .
The Direc tory is a l i s t of o ur member s ,
The result is an exc i ting mixture
that goes from rocking " Back in the with their addresse s , phone #s , and a
USSR" to a speed- freak R+B " Dirty 3 0-word s e l f-descrip t ion o f the ir
Water , " around and back · to an E lvis reso urces , sk i l l s , interests and need s .
Coste l lo or XTC number , and j us t so
you don ' t think they don ' t know how The G a t h e r i ng s - - tw ice- a-year weekend
to play anything but covers , to their
own buoyant originals l ike " Dancing get- togethers for peop le ' s mu sic ians
in the Doorway" or " Dance 2 2 . " from a c ro s s t he Midwe s t to m e e t and

A brie f convers ation w i th The Jerks hear from e a c h o t h e r i n work s hop s , song
revealed that they . really are : Alan
Thacker , vocals , guitar , synthesi zer ; swap s , and mus i c a l j ams .
D ick Verucchi , drums ; the dapper Alan
Shupp , guitar , vocals ; and Dave To j o in MPMN, send yo u r a d d re s s , d i rec t
Morgan , bas s .
d i rec tory l i s t ing as d e s c r ibed above ,
Casua l ly and c l everly they quipped :
" We ' re in the middle of making s ome and $ 5 ( ye a r ly memb e r s h ip ) to PO Box
changes • • • we ' re looking for a new 8 2 3 5 , Mp l s . , MN 5 5408 .
name , k ind of going for a new approach ,
l ike " F re sh New Pope" . • • an ' up The next MPMN G a t he r ing- - S p r ing 8 3 - ­
w i th people ' feel ing , you know , we ' l l wi ll be h e l d i n C hic ago , I L , May 6 - 8 ,
.. p l ay Choc taw reservations and nur­
s ing homes • • • getting inspiration a s p q r t o f The Peop l e , Ye s ! ann u a l May
from not so much the gospe l of Chri s t
but the RHYTHM of Chri s t , you might Day people ' s c u l tural fes tiva l . The
s ay • . • You know , most people think
it was h i s teaching , but really i� was Peop l e , Ye s ! is a C h i c ago-based organ­
h i s record col lection and his danc ing
that really put him over the edge wi th i ?a t ion to p romo te " t he c r e a t ive a r t s
the Romans . "
wh i c h a r t ic u l a te and s uppo r � the

s tr uggle for demo c r a c y , p e a c e , equ a l,ity
and progres s . " The contac t person for
the S p r ing G a t h e r i ng/Peop l e Yes ! weekend

. i"s C u r t Koe h l e r , 2 5 3 8 W . 6 4 t h S t . ,
C h ic ago , I L 606 2 9 , ( 3 1 2 ) 7 78-8801 . e

I F',tjNC.IE/;> MY>£L F A CH'1N6E.[) PERSON AS
'S PR.cc1 ovs , PuN kY 8 V1 1 N ltS f£ N1
rv�N I N 6 kAT n1ERE "S A
/NTo /It.UM Plll>1>1N& I
To TH€ VA. 61/c HOPE THlf T Now, .I C L�VN4 1G<£ µ,cTHOf? IN MY
O Vl.p
PR06R E.5� w1 rH SHEW M-4 f?NE'5>! .I f/AD
TO Lril H ER TH/Ntc­
I/NO 1Ht1T S0/14 � YL vtA, Too T s. A Nt> F/?lfNK1/E... S' H E M A DE' M f WDl?Sf
oNC. G 11-fAN f>E Fo R € o R.
E /)lf y .I. CO V LD
A6AtN SA Y / THATS HE R.. . Tl./Ar'S . . .
LEFT M c A LotJE.'!

OH, 5HAM£1 OH PE5PA/�/!
L E T /-l f R f\f TvRN To FUJV /< 0 DM 1 PL E .llr 5 E .1�
1.. 'l J TA KE IH E Rf5 PON) IB I L ITY FoR A L L
TH I S , .L P�O M ISE. 11 .I XNOW $ H f wA S
C.YNI CAL A ND 5 vB v1:R.s 1 vE1 {3 v r BE TT ER. A
SPl/Nk. Y PvNK T'-1 A N
_}', "A VISC OVS VE6ETA8L€.1

LE.T HE1' &>A NC t:
O/\/Cc A G A I N TO
THE S TA I NS {� �'
l e


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